Combat Patch For Bosnia Sfor 5

Edward Herman USA - (0) The Srebrenica Massacre was a Gigantic Political Fraud Renowned author Dr. Edward Herman spoke with John Robles of the Voice of Russia regarding the facts surrounding the Srebrenica Massacre, the pretext for the 'humanitarian' invasion of the former Yugoslavia, and takes apart the 'official'; version that has always been promoted by the West. Herman reveals that there were in fact multiple massacres at Srebrenica, and that the killing of Bosnian-Muslim soldiers at Srebrenica (the West's pretext) was in response to the killing of over 2, 000 Serb civilians, mostly women and children, at the location. Robles: My first question is about 'The Srebrenica massacre' and the way that the establishment manipulated the media. Can you tell us, or give us some insights, on that? Herman: The Srebrenica massacre, actually I always put it in quote marks, because actually there were lots of massacres in the Srebrenica area, the one before July 1995 there were vast numbers of Serbs killed by Muslim, Bosnian Muslim, forces who went out of Srebrenica.

This part of the website provides an archive of information relating to the NATO-led Stabilisation Force (SFOR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Jan. This operation was brought to a successful end on 2 December 2005. The information on this website is not updated since this date.

One estimate is that there were more than 150 Serbs villages that were totally wiped out and one study gives actually gives the names of 2, 383 Serb civilians who were killed between 1992 and July, 1995. So then we'd call that 'the first Srebrenica massacre'. Then in July 1995. Robles: Just to be very clear, these were Serbs, that were being killed. We're talking about 2, 383 Serb civilians killed before July 1995.

And the Bosnian Serb Army took over Srebrenica in July, 1995, and there were deaths and executions after that. That's what's called in the West 'the Srebrenica massacre', but, in fact, that's really mainly a political construct. The numbers executed there were probably in the order of between 500 and 1, 000.

Combat Patch For Bosnia Sfor 5Combat Patch For Bosnia Sfor 5

In other words, less than half of the number of Serbs civilians killed before July, 1995. And the Western claim is that 8, 000 men and boys were executed in the quote Srebrenica massacre, but notice these were men, always men, all men, they were all soldiers, whereas those 2, 383 civilians killed included very large numbers of women and children. We're talking about the execution in the second massacre of essentially army people. And of course they had never proved that there were 7, 000 or 8, 000, even men and boys killed. The bodies in the graves added up to something like 2, 500. A lot of those bodies were combat deaths. One of the beauties of the Western propaganda system is that all the bodies they found after July, 1995, they count as executed, even though we know very well that a large number were killed in combat.

Reminder Herman: Also another important fact about the Srebrenica massacre is that all those killings of Serbs took place coming out of an area that was supposed to be a 'safe haven'. Srebrenica was a safe place, a safe haven. It was supposed to be demilitarized, but it never was. So the Bosnian Muslim soldiers would come out to Srebrenica and they would kill Serb civilians. This is all completely ignored in the Western media.

It's as if the Serbs came in July and started to kill arbitrarily. In fact, the U. Military in that area, a French offical name Phillip Morillon, was asked by the Yugoslav tribunal, 'Why the Serbs did it?' He said he's absolutely convinced that they did it because of what the commander of Srebrenica's Bosnian Muslims did to the Serbs before July 1995. This is the UN Army head, but you won't see that in the Western press! In other words, the first massacre is what led to the lesser second massacre of namely military aged people. The whole business of the Srebrenica massacre is a gigantic political fraud.

There was a massacre, but it was a responsive vengeance massacre, women and children were not killed. One of the features of the 'quote' Srebrenica massacre, that is the second one, is that 20, 000 Srebrenica women and children were bussed to safety by the Serb army. Women and children were not killed, only military aged people and a very large fraction of those that did die, died in combat. So my own estimate, as I said, is that maybe there were 500 to 1, 000 executions. Vengeance executions. Robles: I'm sorry. Herman: 500 to 1, 000 I would say.

Robles: 500 to 1, 000. So there was a significant massacre, but put it in its context! This was a war, this was an army that had seen their own civilians massacred on a much larger scale. That is completely suppressed in the West, as if the Serbs came in to Srebrenica and started to kill because of a blood lust! It's absolutely a fraud! So, I regard the Srebrenica massacre as a tremendous propaganda triumph.

The West wanted to go after Serbia and they avoided peace. They needed this massacre. Robles: You said, about 2, 380 civilians, women and children mainly.

Herman: Serbian women and children, yes. Robles: ' were killed initially. This was the Srebrenica' Herman: The first massacre between 1992 and July 1995. These were Serb civilians. There were also hundreds of Serb military killed in that period, I am just talking about civilians! Robles: The civilians, right! And then in retaliation approximately 2, 500 Muslim.

Bosnian Muslims soldiers were killed. That's misleading, because the thrust of the 8, 000 claim is that they were executed but those 2000-plus that were killed, a very large fraction were killed in combat. Robles: In combat. Herman: Yes, and the executions were, as I say probably in the order of 500 to 1, 000. Robles: Okay. So those were Bosnian Muslims who were found to be directly responsible for killing massive numbers of Serbian civilians. Herman: The Serbs actually had lists of Bosnian Muslim soldiers they wanted to get, but I canft honestly say they were the only ones who were executed.

But certainly, a significant number of those executed were on those lists, those vengeance lists. Herman is an American economist and media analyst with a specialty in corporate and regulatory issues as well as political economy and the media. He's a Professor Emeritus of Finance at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He's also the author of several books, namely 'Manufacturing Consent' which he wrote with Noam Chomsky and 'The Srebrenica Massacre: Evidence, Context and Politics'.

84727 -: Ognjen Knn - (0) False Propaganda And Lies To Destroy Serbs Adrian A. McQueen, a young British man, made an extremely well-documented short documentary film showing how Serbs have been unfairly targeted by world powers, media and the Vatican.

McQueen said: The Serbs have been the most demonised group of modern times and their side of the story has never been presented to the world. This ethnic group in the Balkans have been unfairly demonised and most of the world have believed the false propaganda and outright lies. The mistreatment and false representation of the Serbs, an Orthodox Christian ethnic group in the Balkans, is a prime example how the media, historians and governments can deliberately distort facts and rally together to target a group and accomplish their greedy objectives and aims.

Well, this is a fantastic documentary film that exposes well documented the long-term anti-Serb propaganda and lies about Serbia and the Serbs. 83697 -: Zeljko Tomic Sokolac - (2) The Destruction of Anti-Communism in Yugoslavia This article is supported by several documents from the British Military Archive, which were held as a secret for 50 years. The original documents you can download if you click.

Draza Mihajlovic, an officer in the Army of Royal Yugoslavia who had studied methods of irregular warfare, became t first leader of Yugoslav military resistance against the invading Germans and Italians in 1941. He was supported by the Allies, described in America and Britain as 'The Balkan Eagle', 'The Robin Hood of Serbia' and 'The White Hope of the Allies'.

In 1942 General Dwight D. Eisenhower, then Allied Commander-in-Chief in the Mediterranean, sent the Yugoslav hero a telegram of congratulation on his valiant campaign of military resistance. General Charles de Gaulle, leader of the Free French Forces, awarded the Croix de Guerre to his fellow freedom fighter against 'the common enemy'. At the time the Wrhrmacht, commanded in North Africa by Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, was less than 30 miles from Alexandria.

Mihailovic's guerrilla campaign slowed the flow of reinforcements and war material to Rommel: He was showed with thanks by Britain's military leaders, and presented with a purse of gold on behalf of King George VI. After the Teheran Conference between Roosewelt, Churchil and Stalin in November 1943 Mihailovic's star began to wane. The wider course of the war influenced the perceptions of the leaders of the two democracies, Roosevelt and Churchill.

But a critical factor, never appreciated at the time, was the role played by Communist agents in the British intelligence services. Eventually, the western allies were persuaded to back the Communist Partisans of Josip Broz Tito', and to effectively terminate their support for the much larger military formations commanded by Mihailovic. Subsequent research has cast doubt upon the 'facts' that were gathered and reported to the British and American authorities, including the supposedly objective basis that, as Churchill famously expressed it, 'Tito's partisans are killing more Germans'. Much less well known are the lengths to which the allies were prepared to go to ensure that Tito should consolidate his victory in Yugoslavia at the end of the war.

Two episodes stand out. One was the heavy bombardment of several cities where support for Mihailovic's cause was strongest.

Belgrade was truck by allied air forces for three consecutive days over Orthodox Easter ( 7th April 1945). The Montenegrian towns of Niksic, Podgorica and Danilovrad were distroyed on St. George's Day (6. Fifty American B-29;S flattened Leskovac in Serbia. The other episode, until recently rumoured but almost entirely undocumented, was the had-over to Tito of 200, 000 Croat troops, in intact military formations.

Allegedly these troops were killed or sent on 'death marches' by the Partisans. But after being handed over to Tito in the second week of May 1945 what actually happened? N fact most were enlisted as Partisans - as numerous units that served the Croat Fascist regime of Ante Pavelic previously had been - and they were then directed against Mihailovic's forces in Bosnia and Serbia. This was a task for which, because of the genocidal anti-Serb nature of Croatian Fascism, they were ideally suited. This immediately altered the balance of power in Yugoslavia. It meant that Tito's weaker forces could outfight the Royalists; and that Tito could dispense with what would otherwise have been his necessary dependence on military assistance from Stalin.

In turn, the suppression of Serbian anti=Nazi patriotism - which had been the backbone of resistance against Hitler and Mussolini - allowed the creation of a new post-war Communist myth of fraternity and brotherhood. Realising his difficult position in the aftermath of the agreements reached at Teheran, Mihailovic in August 1944 made the following prophetic statement: 'More than three years ago I took up arms to fight for democracy against Dictatorship in the form of Nazism and Fascism. In fighting for this cause there were ten occasions on which I almost lost my life. If I must die in fighting against a new form of Dictatorship, I shall die bitter because I have been deserted by those who profess to believe in democracy, but satisfied that I myself have fought bravely and honestly and have refused o compromise my cause.'

Titoism' was an ideology of such profound mendacity that when it eventually collapsed in Yugoslavia that unhappy country was subjected once again to a barbarous civil war, rooted in the ethnic nationalism that had been inflamed and suppressed during the Second World War. 26 th April 2004 Circulated for the consideration of the Chiefs of Staff J.P. (44)133(FINAL) 24th May, 1944.

WAR CABINET - JOINT PLANNING STAFF Yugoslavia - Supplies for the Serbs Report by the Joint Planning Staff In accordance with instructions, we have, in consultation with the Special Operations Executive, examined a minute from the Foreign Secretary on the subject of increasing the size of partisan groups in Serbia owing allegiance to Tito, and the Prime Minister's reply. Present Situation 2. As illustrated in the sketch map at Appendix, Tito's partisan groups cover most of the area of Yugoslavia except Serbia where the influence of Mihailovitch is still predominant. In Serbia, however, Tito has a steadily increasing following. His Serbian Command, in three main groups, number about 11,000, while his Macedonian Command with a strength of about 2,500 is located in small pockets as shown on the map. These bodies are already active and supplies of arms on a limited scale have already started.

They are well placed to interfere with German activities in the Balkans, particularly as regards communications and mineral supplies. Potential Value of Serbian Effort 3. Two strategically important railways, Belgrade-Nis-Skolje and Belgrade-Kraljevo-Skoplje, run through Serbian territory. The disruption of these railways would be of great strategic value to us under any conditions. In the event of a German withdrawal from Greece and Bulgaria, the importance of these lines of communication would be greatly increased. The best quality chrome and about three-quarters of present German supplies of the metal come from the Skoplje area and Northern Greece. Should resistance in this area be such as to deprive the Germans of these supplies, it would have the very gravest effects on their war production.

(44) 155th Meeting(0) C.O.S. (44) 412(0) mid May 1994 Location of Mihailovic and his Chetnics 1. Mihailovic is at present in Dobij in Bosnia with 80,000 to 100,000 of his men. Other Chetnics are located in eastern Bosnia, in Sangiaccato, in Slovenia, in Istra, and in the Gorizia region.

Toward to end of April, 3000 Chetnics fought above Fiume and at Kocevie. Msi Afterburn Software here. Others occupied Gorizia where they were well received by the population. According to orders issued by Mihailovic's Supreme Command, these men were oging to cross the Isonzo river and seek refuge in Italy. Tito's bands and troops, however reached the Isonzo at that time and blocked the trasit. The tow fractions started to fight each other until General Breyberg wedged his New Zealaders between them and enabled the Chetnics to take refuge across the Isonzo in territory completely under Allied jurisdiction.

At the present, about 15,000 Chetnics are located around Forli and Cesena; they are disarmed but not prisoners. Amog them is the Priest Giuic, who gought in Dalmatia above Knin.

81717 -: Zeljko Tomic Sokolac - (1) Srebrenica, nothing but the lies The following document contains a vital statistics of the Bosnian town of Srebrenica. The information was sent in 1994 by the Muslim mayor to the Muslim institutions in Sarajevo and Tuzla. The document states that during the Bosnian war in Srebrenica used to live about 37,000 people. The mayor stressed in the letter that this document should not be made available to the international organizations, which had been falsely informed that Srebrenica has up to 45,000 inhabitants. During the Bosnian war the Muslim government and the Western media claimed that at least 40,000 people lived in Srebrenica.

This document was presented at The Hague Tribunal, during the trial against Radivoje Miletic and it is a legitimate proof that officials in Srebrenica had been invented up to 8,000 residents of the city. 78769 -: Mihailo Danilovic Majur, Šabac - (0) Europe living on the ruins of the Serbian civilization 11th June 2005, Source: 'Independent' London - London Independent 'cover fits over the entirepublished article about the discovery of the oldest civilization in Europe. According to the newspaper, that civilization is 2,000 years older than Stonehenge in the UK.

It was found that under the fields andcities in Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia has a network of more than 150 huge temples, built 7,000 years ago or 300 years before similar temples in Mesopotamia, the BBC reported. The newspaper says that this discovery will fundamentally change the existing perceptions of the Stone Age in Europe, since up to now considered to be monumental architecture developed in Europe before Mesopotamia and Egypt, the newspaper said.' It is not hard to guess that the oldest civilization - Slavs or Serbs Lusatian, who are still the closest genetic relatives of the Balkan Serbs. The truth that slowly comes out, and they 'civilized Europeans' at any price they want to hide it - that the whole of Europe was created in the ruins an ancient Slavic (Serbian) civilization. Dresden in Germany, were excavated prehistoric Slavic settlement in downtown, excavated the site 7-8000 years old, who of course belonged to the Slavs (Serbs Lusatian). Dresden 8000 - an archaeological journey through time Dresden celebrates its birthday in 2006. 800 years ago, on this day, the capital of Saxony, was first mentioned in medieval documents.

However, its history began long before the first written because people were living in Dresden, in the valley of the river Elbe (Labe) thousands of years. We invite you to discover many unknown details of the past, outside of official documents and familiar images!

The exhibition contains more than 1,000 m² to 1,000 artifacts from the earliest traces of human activity in the Neanderthal period, the first Neolithic villages to baroque. Visitors can expect an exciting journey towards new discoveries.

The early settlers nearly 7,000 years ago, they left behind traces that were found with the Frauenkirche, a ridge along the western valley of the River Elbe (Labe). Here, the district Nickern, archaeologists found in 2003 large circular tomb of Neolithic settlements. At least one of the oldest pottery from Dresden in Saxony-Mockritz - dates from 5500 years BC (before more than 7,500 g.) Particular attention will cause the results of archaeological excavations in the inner city. Since Dresden after severe war damage and the radical urban planning almost completely changed his appearance, tangible evidence of the old urban areas can only be found underground. So, archaeologists have found the foundation walls in the basement of the old building in the heart of the city.

The old market, new markets, and on Wall Street and Weber Street, suddenly human buildings from past centuries were visible again. Driving Directions. Here you'll find stuff from all areas of daily life, from old centuries and 20 centuries, ceramic tile and children's toys. Focal point for archeology in recent years the district Frauenkirche. Redevelopment of the village of Neumarkt, has led to the need to have become extensive research. The remains of the former city and houses have been discovered on the Neumarkt.

We also found a cemetery in the Frauenkirche. By the 16th century, the church Sv. Gospe the walls of the city of Dresden had its own cemetery, but later it became a cemetery. This cemetery dates back to before the time of the baroque church Baersch time developed srednjegm century, and even from the time of the Slavs, about 1000 g BC, tombs were found here. Nalazi are older than the later settlement within walls. The dead were buried without attachments and simply, it was found in the Baroque period, one of the unexpected things, they were buried with dieVerstorbenen citizenship. Gold jewelry, silver crosses and nice clothes adorned the dead.

Single women - perhaps even men - wore silver-plated filigree crown, embroidered flowers on the cloth. The strong impression against the outer fortifications of the enemy, leaving a well-preserved remains of the walls, which were also exhibited at the Neumarkt. The urban expansion in the 16th century walls were removed to ground level only. The walls of the bridge market, along with former Frauentor have survived in the soil. Also, pre-historic fort - the so-called 'Barbican' - was visible again. Unfortunately, it is a city underground garage.

The focus of this exhibition are an ancient people and their lives in the city. They have left their mark in the 'underground site': town houses and Barbican, tombs, and gold jewelry, castles, stone axes, and the crown of the dead are just some of the others that appear on our show. 72768 -: Ratko Obrenovic Detroit, USA - (0) Ethnic Conflicts in Civil War in Bosnia -Political manipulation with term of Genocide (6) LIST OF THE CAMPS FOR SERBS IN SREBRENICA: (320. SREBRENICA, a prison between the buildings of the Municipality Court and the City Hall 321. SREBRENICA, prison of a police station 322. SREBRENICA, village of Potocari, private prison of Oric Naser 323. SREBRENICA, village of Sceska, Zulfo Tursunovic's private prison Some of the war crimes that are reported to the UN and listed by the case and proof number.

All Bosnian Muslim units were from Srebrenica's operational Muslim army group. DESIGNATION OF CRIME: Deliberate killing of civilians. PLACE AND TIME: The village of Zeravice and the village of Recice, the municipality of Han Pijesak, August 1993.

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: On August 2, 1993, soldiers of Muslim armed formations attacked the Serb villages of Recice and Zeravice. In Recice, there were no victims in the civilian population because the villagers had fled before the soldiers' arrival. The soldiers looted and then burnt seven houses with auxiliary buildings. The burnt houses were owned by Dusan and Milovan Golijan, Tomo and Vasa Golijan, Stevan Golijan and his brothers, Rajko Vaskovic, Svetozar Golijan and Milorad Golijan. Muslim soldiers attacked Zeravice the same day and killed: 1.

Dobrivoje Golijan, born on April 6, 1926, resident of Zeravice, 2. Rajka Todorovic, born in 1958, who had been mentally ill, 3. Aleksa Golijan, born in 1923, 4. Danica Sokanovic, born in 1926, 5. Milovan Golijan, born in 1967, 6.

Marko Mirovic, born in 1923, 7. Jovan Sokanovic, born in 1931, 8. Zora Sokanovic, born in 1936, wife of Jovan Sokanovic. During the attack, Dana Sokanovic, a primary school pupil, sustained a wound in the arm, after which she was captured and taken by Muslim soldiers to Kladanj, together with Golijan Velimir, born in 1946 and Milojka Mirovic, born in 1926. When they occupied the village, the Muslim soldiers plundered and burnt down more than 70 Serb-owned houses and their auxiliary buildings and took away some 200 heads of cattle.

INDICATIONS CONCERNING PERPETRATOR: 1. Brajko Huseinovic, of father Hamid, m.

Ajsa - maiden name Doljancic, born on October 7, 1959 in Rubnici, the municipality of Han Pijesak, tradesman by profession, employed in TP 'Napredak' before the war, permanent residence in Rubinici, the municipality of Han Pijesak, 2. Rifet Vrabac, called 'Bekan', of father Djulbeg, m. Sema - maiden name Bubic, born on December 1, 1961, in Nevacka, the municipality of Han Pijesak, timber dispatcher by profession, employed in SIP 'Planinsko', Han Pijesak, before the war, permanent residence in Nevacka, the municipality of Han Pijesak, 3.

Rizvo Vrabac, of father Sahbaz, born on November 10, 1953, in Nevacka, the municipality of Han Pijesak, driver by profession, employed in SIP 'Planinsko', Han Pijesak, permanent residence in Nevacka, 4. Becir Makanic, of father Jakub, m. Cura, born on April 15, 1957, machine technician by profession, permanent residence in Vlasenica, commander of 1st Muslim detachment of Cer, 5.

Ismet Vrabac, called 'Redzo', of father Djulbeg, m. Sema - maiden name Bubic, born on September 1, 1963 in Nevacka, the municipality of Han Pijesak, worker by profession, employed in SIP 'Planinsko', Han Pijesak, before the war, permanent residence in Nevacka, 6. Muhamed Vrabac, of father Mujo, born on February 10, 1939, in Nevacka, the municipality of Han Pijesak, employed in PTT, Han Pijesak, before the war, permanent residence in Nevacka, 7. Resid Imanovic, of father Bajra, born on July 13, 1955 in Nevacka, the municipality of Han Pijesak, locksmith by profession, employed in SIP 'Planinsko', Han Pijesak, before the war, permanent residence in Nevacka, reserve JNA officer before the war, 8. Zaim Avdagic, of father Himzo, born on May 28, 1946, in Turalici, the municipality of Vlasenica, carpenter by profession, employed in SIP 'Planinsko', Han Pijesak, before the war, permanent residence in Nevacka, the municipality of Han Pijesak, 9.

Zijad Avdagic, of father Himzo, born in 1962 in Turalici, the municipality of Vlasenica, worker by profession, employed in DP 'Stupcanica', Olovo, permanent residence in Nevacka, the municipality of Han Pijesak, 10. Galib Durakovic, of father Osman, m.

Mevla - maiden name Sanderovic, born on August 12, 1945 in Sasevci, the municipality of Olovo, coachman by profession, employed in SIP 'Planinsko', Han Pijesak, before the war, permanent residence in Nevacka, the municipality of Han Pijesak, 11. Hajrudin Glasic, of father Began, born on January 5, 1953 in Rubinici, the municipality of Han Pijesak, worker by profession, employed in SIP 'Planinsko', Han Pijesak, before the war, permanent residence in Rubinici, 12. Semso Harderbasic, of father Hamid, born on January 24, 1939 in Nevacka, worker by profession, employed in DP 'Stupcanica', Olovo, before the war, permanent residence in Nevacka, the municipality of Han Pijesak, 13.

Ramiz Camdzic, born in 1938 in Podglavica, the municipality of Kladanj, butcher by profession, permanent residence in Podglavica, the municipality of Kladanj, 14. Alija Mutapcic, born in 1957, in Vlasenica, worker by profession,permanent residence in Vlasenica, the 'Bacino Brdo' settlement. EVIDENCE: Records on investigation on the spot, with photo- documentation, medical findings, testimonies by witnesses filed with the Committee under No.

Some of the war crimes that are reported to the UN and listed by the case and proof number. All Bosnian Muslim units were from Srebrenica's operational Muslim army group. Some of the war crimes that are reported to the UN and listed by the case and proof number. All Bosnian Muslim units were from Srebrenica's operational Muslim army group. DESIGNATION OF CRIME: Deliberate killing of civilians.

PLACE AND TIME: The village of Potocani, end of May and beginning of June, 1992. BRIEF DESCRIPTION: At the end of May, 1992, most probably on 25 or 26 May, in the village of Potocani, Muslim soldiers in 'Green Beret' uniforms, under command of Semin Rustanpasic, killed the following Serbs: 1.

Draga Cavic, of father Nedeljko, born in 1933, 2. Milenko Lukic. At the beginning of June, the following persons were also killed in this village: 3. Ljubo Cavic, of father Ljubo, born in 1911, and his wife, 4. Bosa Cavic, of father Aleksa, born in 1924 - slaughtered in front of their house. A big cross was cut into Ljuba's chest. Bosa's throat was cut, both her breasts were cut off, her eyes were gouged out and her ears cut off.

Both her arms were cut to the elbows. Jelena Jovic, of father Milan, born in 1928. Her nose, ears and arms were cut off and her eyes were gouged. Mara, from Kupres by birth, was slaughtered. Radojka Prgomelja, of father Stanoje, born in 1944.

Her right leg and nose were cut off, her eyes were gouged out and she was cut all over the body. INDICATIONS CONCERNING PERPETRATOR: 1. Semin Rustanpasic, commander of the 'Green Berets' unit, 2. Senad Bajric, 3-6.

Eric, Corina, Rizvan and Durakovic, 'Green Berets' soldiers. EVIDENCE: Testimony by the witness 234/95-13. Some of the war crimes that are reported to the UN and listed by the case and proof number. All Bosnian Muslim units were from Srebrenica's operational Muslim army group. On October 5, 1992, Moslem armed formations attacked the house of Sreten Djokic in the village of Divovici near Bratunac, and two days later the bodies of the people killed in Divovici were handed over to the Serbs. The body of Sreten Djokic was given without the head and the right arm.

On the neck hung a patch of skin with hair from the top of his head. The head and the arm have not been found and the body was buried accordingly. Proof: 37/94-6. In an attack on the Serb village of Brezani, the commune of Srebrenica, on June 30, 1992, members of Moslem armed forces killed 19 serb villagers. The body of Milos Novakovic from the hamlet of Cicevac was found with the head cut off. Proof: 493/94-9, 493/94-5, 493/94-6, 493/94-7, 493/94-8 and 635/94-9. Slavko Mladjenovic, (father Ljubomir), born in 1965, was killed on August 8, 1992 during an attack on the village of Jezestice, the commune of Bratunac.

He was buried without the head which had been cut off and taken away. Proof: 68/94 and 635/94-28. Some of the war crimes that are reported to the UN and listed by the case and proof number. All Bosnian Muslim units were from Srebrenica's operational Muslim army group. In clashes between Moslem armed forces and those of the Army of the Republic of Srpska on November 5,1992 in the area of Kamenica, the commune of Zvornik, the Moslems captured and killed by beheading Vlado Grabovica, Savo Djokic, Dragomir Bozic, Slavko Tijanic, Savo Kazanovic and Radomir Pavlovic.

Dragomir Bozic was massacred his head severed from the body. The head of Slavko Tijanic was found without the eyes, ears and nose, a 6 mm diameter iron bar was found in his chest, while his neck, hands and feet were tied with wire. The head of Savo Kazanovic had also been cut off, his chest pierced with a large nail, and he himself nailed to an oak tree and crucified. A head without the body was also found which is assumed to have belonged to Milos Grabovica. The following were also killed in Kamenica on November 5,1992: Miladin Asceric, 28; Mico Tesic, 24, and Nikola Milinovic, 27.

They were also beheaded. Proof: 184/94-5, 184/95-6, 184/95-7 and 184/95-8. Some of the war crimes that are reported to the UN and listed by the case and proof number. All Bosnian Muslim units were from Srebrenica's operational Muslim army group.

In an attack carried out on June 3,1992 on the village of Brezane, the commune of Srebrenica, Moslems killed Milivoje Mitrovic and Stanoje Mitrovic. When this village was liberated in April 1993 their headless bodies were found.

Stanoje Mitrovic's throat had been slit by one 'Kemo' from Pale. Proof: 635/94-9.

The Moslems killed the Serb Sredoje Jovanovic from Krnice by beheading him when they attacked this village on July 5, 1992. Proof: 493/94-13. On September 24,1992 Moslem forces occupied the village of Podravanje in the commune of Milici, set it to fire, looted it and killed all the wounded they came across in the village.

They killed 19 persons on that occasion and massacred their bodies. Zulfo Tursumovic from Suceska had the severely wounded Tomislav Perendic put his head in his (Tursumovic's) lap and then slaughtered him and cut his head off. Svetozar Jovanovic's head was cut off and impaled on a stake and Gojko Tomic was beheaded and his head thrown some 20 metres away from the body. Proof: 184/95-34. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL PURSUANT TO SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1019 (1995) ON VIOLATIONS OF INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW IN THE AREAS OF SREBRENICA, ZEPA, BANJA LUKA AND SANSKI MOST UNITED NATIONS Security Council Distr. GENERAL S/1995/988 27 November 1995 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH 95-37227 (E) 281195/.

Missing persons 4. The Bosnian Serb offensive on Srebrenica from 6 to 11 July 1995 led to a mass displacement of the entire Bosnian Muslim community of the area. An estimated 25,000 people were forcibly evacuated on a convoy of buses and trucks organized by the Bosnian Serb authorities. A group of people, estimated at between 10,000 and 15,000, most of whom were men, left Srebrenica on foot. The exact number of persons from these two groups who arrived safely in Bosnian Government-held territory is not known. By most accounts, the local population prior to the Bosnian Serb offensive numbered 38,000 to 40,000, although UNHCR estimated the population of the enclave for food distribution purposes at 42,600. Thousands of people still remain unaccounted for.

An unknown number who made their way to safety have simply not been registered by the appropriate authorities. At least several hundred persons are believed to have been killed in armed combat. There are also accounts of men in hiding in Bosnian Serb-held territory, although no more than a few hundred men are believed to be still at large.

It is thus difficult to ascertain the exact numbers of those missing. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has received over 10,000 tracing requests from families and has determined that 2,000 of the requests are duplicative, leaving a total of 8,000 tracing requests. A further analysis by ICRC indicates that 5,000 of the tracing requests concern individuals who are said to have left the enclave before it was taken by Bosnian Serb forces.

Some 3,000 requests concern persons who were taken from their families by Bosnian Serb forces during the expulsion itself. 34.Faxsimil of document of Bosnian Muslim Army (BMA) 1.Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina ARMY OF R. BiH Defense of Republic The 285.East Bosnian Brigade Zepa Top secret No.08-20-454/95 Date:.

State security Defense of Republic military secret - Top confidential HEADQUARTER OF ARMY DIRECTION FOR TACTICAL HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Asim Dzambasovic Connection with your act, top secret No: 2/628 from Requested information we submitting to you: We are submitting you data of military equipment, which arrived; ARTICLE ZEPA SREBRENICA IN TOTOAL Bullets cal 7,62 23.500 50.000 73.500 Mines 82mm 15 35 50 Mines 60mm 25 75 100 Rockets TF-8 4 0 4 B.R. M-93 34 90 124 Lancer TF-8 1 0 1 Office materials 2 51 71 Comandant: Avdo Palic COMMENT: It is evidently that Srebrenica, which was Demilitarization Zone under the protection of UN, was supplied by weapons and military equipment. The Republic of Srpska - Civilian Affairs Committee for Srebrenica No:07-27/95 Date: July 17 1995 DECLARATION of the Representatives of the Civilian Authorities of the Enclave of Srebrenica on the realization of the agreement on the evacuation of the civilian population of the Enclave.

A meeting was held on July 12 1995 in the 'Hotel Fontana', on our request, between representatives of our civilian Authorities and representatives of the civilian Authorities and the Army of the Republic of Srpska, concerning the evacuation of our civilian population out of the enclave. Our side was represented by: Purkovic Camila, Nuhanovic Ibro and me, Nasib Mandzic.

The Serb side was represented by: Civil Affairs Commissioner for Srebrenica, Deronjic Miroslav, General Ratko Mladic, the President of the country of Bratunac Ljubisav Simic, the Chief Executive of the country of Bratunac Srbislav Davidovic, the Chief of Police Zvornik, Mr. Vasic, General Kristic, Corp Security Chief Mr. Popovic and Colonel Krstic. The negotations were attended by UNPROFOR Representative, Dutch Battalion Commander. The following was agreed: -The civilian population can remain in the enclave or evacuated, depend upon the wish of each individual; -In the event that we wish to evacuate it is possible for us to chose the direction of our movement and have decided that the entire population is to evacuate to the territory of Country of Kladanj; -It has been agreed that the evacuation is to be carried out by the Army and Police of the Republic of Srpska, supervised and escorted by UNPROFOR.

After the Agreement had been reached, I assent that the evacuation on was carried out by the Serb side correctly and the clauses of the agreement had been adhered to. During the evacuation there were no incidents on either of the sides and the Serb side has adhered to all the regulations of Geneva Conventions and the international war law, as far as concern convoy escorted by UN forces. UN representative Representative of the Civilian (signature) Authorities of the Enclave of Srebrenica Colonel Karemans Mandzic Nesib Civil Affaire Commisioner for Srebrenica Miroslav Deronjic. 72766 -: Ratko Obrenovic Detroit, USA - (0) Ethnic Conflicts in Civil War in Bosnia - Political manipulation with term of Genocide (5) DESIGNATION OF CRIME: Deliberate killing of civilians. PLACE AND TIME: The village of Jelasci, the commune of Visegrad, 1 August 1992. BRIEF DESCRIPTION: In the night of 2 August Moslem military troops attacked the village of Jelasci and shot the following civilians: 1.

Milo Savic, born in 1943, of father Gvozden, 2. Petka Savic, born in 1945 of father Dragomir, 3. Radomir Savic, born in 1949, of father Gvozden, 4. Dragan Susnjar, born in 1928, of father Jovan, 5.

Slavka Susnjar, born in 1930, 6. Trivun Jelicic, born in 1929, of father Velizar, 7. Sava Jelicic, born in 1920, 8. Mirjana Jelicic, born 1960, of father Miloje, 9. Dragana Jelicic, 8 years old, 10. Vidoje Jelicic, 11 years old.

The victims were killed in their homes or leaving their houses. Each of them had several bullet shots on their bodies.

INDICATIONS CONCERNING PERPETRATOR: 1. Ahmed Sejdic, from Visegrad, commander of a Moslem military unit. EVIDENCE: Minutes from the hearing of the witnesses filed with the Committee under numbers 440/94-36 and 440/94-40. NOTE: Supplement to application I-139.

Some of the war crimes that are reported to the UN and listed by the case and proof number. All Bosnian Muslim units were from Srebrenica's operational Muslim army group.

DESIGNATION OF CRIME: Deliberate killing of civilians. PLACE AND TIME: The village of Vlahovici, the commune of Visegrad, 9 June 1992. BRIEF DESCRIPTION: A group of Moslem soldiers killed the following civilians from the village of Vlahovici on 9 June in a field called Krcevina: 1. Dragomir Simsic, born in 1949, of father Momcilo, 2. Perka Simsic, maiden name Gogic, born in 1941, of father Vitomir, and 3. Bozo Simsic, born in 1932, of father Obren.

Dragomir and Perka Simsic were killed by Bajic and Sabanovic from fire arms, and Bozo Simsic was both shot and slaughtered by Hurem. INDICATIONS CONCERNING PERPETRATOR: 1. Hamdo Bajic, from Velika Gostilja, the commune of Visegrad, of father Asim and mother Mejrema, 2. Adil Sabanovic, from Mala Gostilja, the commune of Visegrad, born on 27 November 1972 in Visegrad, of father Rifet, 3. Ragib Hurem, called Rapce, from Mala Gostilja, the commune of Visegrad, born on 24 September 1960, of father Ragib and mother Hajra.

EVIDENCE: Minutes from the hearing of the witness and an application of the public security station in Visegrad, Ku. 6/93, filed with the Committee under number 440/94-35. NOTE: Supplement to application I-139. DESIGNATION OF CRIME: Deliberate killing of civilians. PLACE AND TIME: The village of Donja Lijeska, near Visegrad, 25 October 1992. BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The witness Pecikoza was nearby the house of Milka Zecevic when Moslem soldiers who attacked that Serbian village took the fifty year old Milka out of her house and killed her.

The witness was about fifty meters away from them. He recognized Maric, Alija Kustura and Zain Kustura. After the murder they burnt her house, as well as the houses of other Serbs from the village. INDICATIONS CONCERNING PERPETRATOR: 1. Osman Maric, from the village of Babica Potok near Visegrad, 2. Alija Kustura, from the village of Okruglo, near Visegrad, 3.

Zain Kustura, from the village of Okruglo, near Visegrad. EVIDENCE: Minutes from the hearing of the witness filed with the Committee under number 440/94-29 DESIGNATION OF CRIME: Deliberate killing of civilians.

PLACE AND TIME: The village of Mesici, the commune of Rogatica, 26 June 1992. BRIEF DESCRIPTION: On 26 June 1992, Moslem soldiers attacked the Serbian village of Mesici near Rogatica and in the settlement Hidroelektrana they killed Nedjo Gladanac from Mesici, born on 25 August 1922 in Sudici, of father Ostoja. On his body there were several bullet wounds and several knife stabs in the chest and the neck. The next day when the family was burying Gladanac Moslem soldiers came and disturbed the funeral. INDICATIONS CONCERNING PERPETRATOR: 1. Members of the Moslem Army. Minutes from the hearing of the witnesses filed with the Committee under number 440/94-21.

DESIGNATION OF CRIME: Deliberate killing of civilians. PLACE AND TIME: The villages of Klisura and Bursici, the commune of Visegrad, 8 August 1992. BRIEF DESCRIPTION: On 8 August 1992 a Moslem military unit attacked the Serbian villages of Klisura and Bursici near Visegrad, in which there were no Serb troops. In front of the house of Marko Kusmuk Moslem soldiers killed his two sons while he was tending sheep nearby: 1. Milorad Kusmuk, born in 1961 and 2. Milos Kusmuk, born in 1965, and burnt the house in which were: 3. Danica Kusmuk, Marko's wife, born in 1931, of father Dusan and 4.

Joka Vukasinovic, Marko's aunt, born in 1914 of father Milos. Danica burnt in the house, and Joka managed to escape the fire, but was shortly afterwards killed by Moslem soldiers. The following persons were also killed: 5. Drago Kusmuk, born in 1954, of father Veso and 6.

Zoran Kojic, from the neighbouring village of Adrovici, born in 1965, of father Ljubo. On the same day the following persons were killed in the village of Bursici by Moslem soldiers: 7.

Bozana Ircagic, born in 1905, and her daughter 8. Stanojka Ircagic, born in 1933, of father Vojin. After that they burnt Kusmuk's house, two stables, a pigsty, a shed, a cottage and a dairy, and left out 105 sheep and 13 cows, altogether to the value of 700,000 DM.

INDICATIONS CONCERNING PERPETRATOR: 1. Dzevad Sisic, born in 1961, in the village of Bogdasici, near Visegrad, of father Ismet, 2. Dzevad Muharemovic, from Medjedja near Visegrad, born in 1961, of father called 'Pobro'. EVIDENCE: Minutes from the hearing of the witness filed with the Committee under number 440/94-20. NOTE: Supplement to application I-116. DESIGNATION OF CRIME: Deliberate killing of civilians. PLACE AND TIME: The village of Donja Lijeska near Visegrad, late July 1992.

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: In late July 1992, a group of Moslem soldiers headed by Ramiz Nuhanovic, entered the house of Radojka Rajak, born in 1927, of father Milic Bozovic; Nuhanovic killed Radojka from firearms on the threshold of her house. Radojka had several bullet wounds on her body. After the murder, they burnt the house and all auxiliary facilities (a stable for cows, a pigsty, a barn), altogether to the value of 500,000 DM.

INDICATIONS CONCERNING PERPETRATOR: 1. Ramiz Nuhanovic, from the village of Tustamedj near Visegrad.

EVIDENCE: Minutes from the hearing of the witness filed with the Committee under number 440/94-30. NOTE: Supplement to application I-139.

Some of the war crimes that are reported to the UN and listed by the case and proof number. All Bosnian Muslim units were from Srebrenica's operational Muslim army group. DESIGNATION OF CRIME: Deliberate killing of arrested persons-POWs.

PLACE AND TIME: Srebrenica, September-October 1992. BRIEF DESCRIPTION: After the arrest, Tursumovic cut the witness's chest with a knife, which left a visible scar. After that he was taken to the Srebrenica police for hearing. There they put a pistol into his mouth and Koljevic pulled the trigger, but the bullet was not in the barrel, and only a clicking sound could be heard. Then everybody started beating him, after which they called Dragoljub Kukic for hearing; they hit him against the ground and beat him. Kukic reacted at one point by cursing their Ustashi mother, after which Ahmetovic took a log which was by the stove, and hit Kukic in the chest with it until he died.

They threw Kukic's body on a junk yard somewhere near Podravanj. The witness was later beaten with the same log, and Ahmetovic knocked his tooth out. When he was beaten on other occasions they knocked out all his teeth and broke his ribs in 14 places. They put out cigarettes on his legs, which left scars.

They urinated into his mouth. They hanged him on the ceiling by tying his legs with a rope hung on a wheel fixed to a strip. As a result of such an inhumane treatment and poor diet, the witness lost 30 kg in 21 days in the prison, and had 62 kg when he left the prison. Naser Oric also participated in the beating of prisoners. INDICATIONS CONCERNING PERPETRATOR: 1. Zulfo Tursumovic, 2.

Mirzet Koljevic, head of the police, 3. Kemal Ahmetovic, called 'Kemo', 4. 'Beli', a guard, 5.

Naser Oric, commander of the Moslem army in Srebrenica. EVIDENCE: Minutes from the hearing of the witness filed with the Committee under number 378/94-14. Some of the war crimes that are reported to the UN and listed by the case and proof number. All Bosnian Muslim units were from Srebrenica's operational Muslim army group. DESIGNATION OF CRIME: Deliberate killing of arrested persons-POWs.

PLACE AND TIME: Gornji Potocari, the commune of Bratunac, June 1992. BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Dragan Mitrovic, a retired miner, born in 1929, from the village of Donji Magasic, was heavily disabled and walked with two walking sticks. On 16 June he tended cattle nearby his house when he was approached by Babajic, Ramic and Ibrahimovic from the village of Glogovo and forcibly taken to the Moslem village of Cizmici and closed in the house of Camil Muratovic. He was beaten. On 25 June Mitrovic's sons were on the hill called 'Cuka', in the neighborhood of Cizmici, when they heard Moslems calling them, proposing to negotiate on the exchange of Mitrovic.

They wanted to see their father first, and they took him out in front of Camil Muratovic's stable. Mitrovic could hardly walk with the help of a stick; he shouted that he was alive and well. In exchange for Mitrovic they demanded 5 tons of flour or 5 boxes of ammunition, which his sons did not have. Then they shouted to them: 'Send your mother Jovanka. We have no one to fuck; we'll give you your father back'. Mitrovic's sons felt humiliated and asked in despair their friends to kill their father so that Moslems could not torture and humiliate him any more, but they refused.

Mitrovic was taken to the prison in Gornji Potocar, where Beslic, the warden, beat him daily; one day he hit his head against the wall, and when he fell kicked him to death with his boots. His body was thrown into the Potocanska reka (a river), and later taken in a truck in an unknown direction. INDICATIONS CONCERNING PERPETRATOR: 1. Hajro Beslic from Bratunac, prison warden in Gornji Potocar, 2. Ejup Golic, former shipper, from the village of Glogovo, 3.

Sabrija Babajic, of father Mehmed, from the village of Glogovo, 4. Murat Ramic, of father Osman, from the village of Glogovo, 6. Camil Muratovic, from Cizmici, 7. Refik Babajic, of father Rama, from Glogovo.

EVIDENCE: Minutes from the hearing.