Edius After Effects Filter Plug In Bridge Download Free

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Edius After Effects Filter Plug In Bridge Download Free

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Hi, was browsing the web and i found these effects: Effects that work Pete warden after effects ((as suggested. There are some free After-Effects plug-ins here: www.petewarden.com/ that work very nicely. In EDIUS we have the so called 'bridges' - AAE and VST.

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Edius After Effects Filter Plug In Bridge Download Free

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Plus i wouldn't think you would 'have' to have the zed program the plugin is from just to install it. If i remember correctly, it says somewhere explicitdly(sorry for the spelling), 'third party plugins allowed' and that sounds like third party from what i know.

When i hopefully get a new computer this christmas, i'll start looking for some plugins again unless others want to post some i can add to the list, i plan on using this anyway for school, and for other personal things. I'd hope maybe if i get to be a better programmer somewhere in the near future even try helping out, but i will stick to plugins for quite awhile.