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Discover your unique number and what it reveals about you Do you have a lucky number? Do you sometimes notice the same number appearing in specific situations? If you do and you think it is just coincidence, know that there is no such thing as a coincidence. Numerology is the universal language of numbers. Each of us is born with a particular set of numbers that are uniquely ours. These numbers reveal our character, purpose, motivation, talents and abilities in this life.

They unlock the door to our personality and help us improve the way we interact with another, our relationships, the lessons we need to learn and relearn, the opportunities we will encounter, and the challenges we may face for that day, that year and throughout our life. Through Numerology, we may find insights to help us find and fulfil our purpose in life, to help improve the quality of our existence in all aspects, and to strive to achieve balance and harmony with the world we live in. Besides knowing about the characteristics of your Personal Numerology, what about when it comes to the people around you?

Discover your unique number and what it reveals about you Do you have a lucky number? Do you sometimes notice the same number appearing in specific situa. Pokemon Black And White Season 15 Episode 26.

Which number is most compatible with yours when it comes to relationships? Relationship compatibility within Numerology mostly takes into account the general characteristics of each number.

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However, every individual will have their own unique twist on the basic characteristics. That being said, it’s always fun to read about how well (or not well) you match with your partner! Here is a tool for you to test your compatibility with your partner by entering both you and your partner’s Life Path Number. Have fun reading, and try it out with all your friends! Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 13 of the Malaysian Copyright Act 1987, allowance is made for “fair dealing” for purposes such as non-profit research, private study, criticism, review or the reporting of current events.

The Operator and author(s) of TsemRinpoche.com, a not-for-profit blog, do not claim ownership on the intellectual property rights of the contents, images and/or videos reproduced in this article. Any subsisting intellectual property rights shall belong to the legal owner of the contents, images and/or videos.

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DISCLAIMER IN RELATION TO COMMENTS OR POSTS GIVEN BY THIRD PARTIES BELOW Kindly note that the comments or posts given by third parties in the comment section below do not represent the views of the owner and/or host of this Blog, save for responses specifically given by the owner and/or host. All other comments or posts or any other opinions, discussions or views given below under the comment section do not represent our views and should not be regarded as such. We reserve the right to remove any comments/views which we may find offensive but due to the volume of such comments, the non removal and/or non detection of any such comments/views does not mean that we condone the same. We do hope that the participants of any comments, posts, opinions, discussions or views below will act responsibly and do not engage nor make any statements which are defamatory in nature or which may incite and contempt or ridicule of any party,individual or their beliefs or to contravene any laws.

Dear Lorraine, Thank you for your question, which raises a very good point. When a person changes their name, this does indeed affect our destiny. There is a reason we have a certain name, and this is how others both relate to and interact with us. Our names are a mild indicator of the ups and downs in life, and can form a general outline of what we will go through in life. Therefore when someone changes their name, this changes a person’s course in life. I hope this helps.

Please do feel free to ask more questions. Here are links to some other posts you may be interested in: Fortune Cookie: Tibetan Astrology. After checking my number, i am actually quite shock to some comments in the number. Maybe i have either under estimate or over estimate myself. By understanding these number, it pushes me to get rid of some of the habits and attitude i have.

My thought- if this life i do not try to get rid of it, the habits and attitude will continue until next life and what chances i have like this life to be in dharma and understand my weakness thus to improve myself. To understand ourself through this calculator is a guideline for us why do things happened to us. This was such a cool post to interact with! My number was 7 and after reading about my path number I actually think the information is quite accurate for me. I tend to ponder a lot and think on my own. And I do that in many social situations too that is why I may seem anti-social and quiet.

And the post said exactly that! I am actually impressed. I am not usually one to believe everything or anything I read, especially about topics like this.

But this numerology topic seems to actually be accurate and quiet realistic. I must say the content is very accurate and it helped me to understand how my mind works better. There are so much to learn, explore, understand, and I am amazed how much a number entails.

Thank you to the team who worked hard to get this written, uploaded and made it available for all of us! In order for us to excel in life, understanding who we really are is very important.

In addition, if we make the efforts to understand others this way, I dare to say we will always be in the win-win situation, good things will come to us easily. The key to success is to understand ourselves and others for sure. This is truly impressive! Kudos to the team who brought this thoroughly well researched and state of the art article to us. I had never knew that there are so many “keys” to unlock the door to understand one’s personality. Human is indeed a complex creature.

We have so many facets. To start off with, there are 16 life path categories that differentiate us. And then we have our achievement number, birthday number and karmic debt number that further tell of a part of our character.

Combined with our full name, we will have expression number, heart desire number, personality number and balance number. For me, this is like a fun new toy. I will cross reference my own personality from the different numbers, and also cross reference that of others.

Sometimes I find the readings give conflicting idea of the same person. But I would like to take it as that giving ideas of a person (myself, for example) facet that I don’t see and know of. We are complex creature, I reckon it is common to have multiple characteristic. It is better to know than not to know. Thank you very much.

What an interesting article which I am sure everyone would be interested in. Learning of the self through numerology is quite ancient and I think it helps to general characterise us into certain categories of strong and weak traits. Since we are born into certain numbers, ie. Date, month, year, these numbers focus quite prominently in our lifes. The Chinese Pat Chi (metaphysics) even take in to account the time of birth to offer a higher accuracy of our lives. The flying star method can even see into the events of our past & current lives as well as predict our future right down to the seconds.

It is an amazing study and I have heard that a Taiwanese police Inspector who studied this used it in his crime busting. It must be working as he had a very high level of cases being solved.

Thank you Rinpoche for this entertaining article and wish everyone a fun time discovering yourself. Be friendly Remember that these are real people you are chatting with. They may have different opinions to you and come from different cultures.

Treat them as you would face to face, and respect their opinions, and they will treat you the same. Be Patient Give the room a chance to answer you. Patience is a virtue. And if after awhile, people don't respond, perhaps they don't know the answer or they did not see your question. Do ask again or address someone directly. Do not be offended if people do not or are unable to respond to you.

Be Relevant This is the blog of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche. Please respect this space.

We request that all participants here are respectful of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche and his organisation, Kechara. Be polite Avoid the use of language or attitudes which may be offensive to others. If someone is disrespectful to you, ignore them instead of arguing with them. Please be advised that anyone who contravenes these guidelines may be banned from the chatroom. Banning is at the complete discretion of the administrator of this blog. Should anyone wish to make an appeal or complaint about the behaviour of someone in the chatroom, please copy paste the relevant chat in an email to us at care@kechara.com and state the date and time of the respective conversation.

Please let this be a conducive space for discussions, both light and profound. Here is the latest news and pictorial updates, as it happens, of our upcoming forest retreat project.

The Kechara Forest Retreat is a unique holistic retreat centre focused on the total wellness of body, mind and spirit. This is a place where families and individuals will find peace, nourishment and inspiration in a natural forest environment. At Kechara Forest Retreat, we are committed to give back to society through instilling the next generation with universal positive values such as kindness and compassion. For more information, please read,, or the official site:. Nice to learn about the colourful brief practiced by Tibetans that are allowed and celebrated openly in Qinghai Province, China.

It is contrary to how the CTA have portrayed China to be the totalitarian government who restriction religious freedom, especially on Tibetans. Rebkhong County is known for thank painting as well as the many Tibetan Buddhism monastery.

As part of the Buddhist practice, Rebkhong popular embraces Oracular trance traditions which, is a sacred tradition that entails stringent training and vows to facilitate the taking trance of spiritual beings. In Rebkhong, the famous festival of Lurol, welcomes the mountain spirits through their entering into the trained bodies of mediums/oracles. Through this celebration, the people get blessings from these spiritual beings to get enlightenment or to get good rebirth. Thank you, Rinpoche, for this insightful sharing. The Shaolin Monastery also known as the Shaolin Temple, in Henan Province, China. The monastery was built by the Emperor Hsiao-Wen in 477 C.E. Shaolin Temple is the main temple of the Shaolin school of Buddhism to this day been listed under the UNESCO’s World Cultural & Natural Heritage in2010.

These was considered, the birthplace of both martial arts and Zen Buddhism. It is known to the outside world as a martial arts monastery as it is associated with Chinese martial arts and the Shaolin kung fu.

As to this day the temple is a major tourist attraction, as well as a place of pilgrimage for monks and lay Buddhists. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing interesting history of this Shaolin Temple. Albert Einstein has high regard on Buddhist philosophy in high regard, stating that it represented both a social science and a natural science. Albert Einstein is possibly the greatest scientist mankind has ever produced. His general theory of relatively created a revolutionary change on how scientists have viewed the world.

One of the important ideas in Buddhism is that the world all that we can experience and know is illusion. Einstein’s knowledge of Buddhism comes mainly from Schopenhauer a well known German philosopher. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing. Bodh Gaya is a religious site and place of pilgrimage in Bihar of The place is famous as it is the place where Gautama Buddha is said to have obtained Enlightenment. Sadly this sacred place was targeted with a serious of bomb explosions by extremist terrorists. Terror struck the temple town of Bodh Gaya in Bihar, as nine serial explosions rocked the Mahabodhi Temple. The same like tragic incident happened in Afghanistan where most of the ancient gigantic and historic Buddha statues were destroyed.

Many Buddhists and people all over the world were saddened and shocked. To the present situation the people of Afghanistan are suffering the consequences of that sin. That’s the Law of karma.

What goes around come around. Karma exists. Should respect each other religion and should treasure those ancient and historic religious sites.

Thank you Rinpoche for sharing. In the culture and traditions of Tibet,Oracular trance is a folk religious activity since 1400 years ago.It has played a very important role where the locals believe the spirits descend from the mountains and enter the bodies of mediums who have inherited the role. There are a number of worldly spirits or deities in other culture and tradition that take trance to assist people.Here in Tibet, during the festival of Lurol, Tibetan culture of oracular trance has a great significance as the Tibetans seek divine help and blessing. It is celebrated in a traditional manner in all the villages in Tibet. All Tibetan dressed up colourfully and will join in to perform elaborate dances. After the festival, the medium then returns to his normal self with no memory of the trance. All cultures and traditions of all different people should be respected in order to live in peaceful and harmonious environment.

Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this insight article which many of us are not aware of this Tibetan oracular trance. My first too as I have not heard before. Buduruwagala is unique heritage site because of its seven rock carved out sculptures belonging to Mahayana Buddhist tradition. The beautiful, 1000-year-old, rock-cut Buddha figures of Buduruwagala are the region’s biggest attraction.

Amazing it seem that archaeologists have determined that these art work sculptures are of Century AD old. This is considered one of the rare examples of Buddhist art miraculous sculptures which tourist would like to see.

There is a hole shaped like the flame of an oil lamp,are always found to be wet with a substance that smells like Mustard oil. Until today,no one can explained the reason behin it. They discovered several square-cut holes in the rock which said to be a canopy may have existed in the early days. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this interesting and unique site. Interesting.reading this article reminds me of favourite subject that was history. The history of Pahang our home state, recalling back about the Pahang Sultanate and so forth. Bentong came a long way with a interesting history.

From the rule of Sultanate, to the Japanese intervention, then with the British involvement of mining in the town The Chinese population increased due to the mining activities till the World War II..The uniqueness in Bentong are the number of Chinese new villages – established during the turbulent times to combat the insurgency of Communists. Bentong is one of the Chinese new village that has helped Malaysia overcome a Communist uprising some 60 years ago. Bentong used to be a laidback town with residents having a slow pace of life amidst serene surroundings. The present town now is one of the fastest growing towns in Pahang with a rail development going on soon.

Thank you Lenard Hu for sharing this interesting article. It is always easy to blame others. Some people can spend their entire life to blame others and blaming the world. However, If we truly follow the Buddha teachings passed by the guru and apply the dharma in our daily life, we have to stop blaming other people and always think of not to give suffering to others.

We need to check our mind and motivation why we choose to do dharma works in the first place. Always think and contemplate about others and their sufferings, continue to practice and do more dharma works to benefit many others. Thank you Rinpoche for this profound teaching. The inner battle is interesting because for many people, who are NOT dealing with the battle, will have many observations, which could be a form of projection or expectation since we are not that person. When we notice someone going through an inner battle, perhaps support or encouragement is a good positive reinforcement for the person to solider on. Some people may think otherwise for they might prefer to use wrathful method.

For me, to each his own – different people has their own way of dealing with inner battle. The opinion of other people, if not conveyed skilfully, might create opposite effect. Therefore it is better to try not to worsen the matter by labelling others as arrogance or anything is that trivialising. Thank you, Rinpoche, for this profound sharing. It is interesting to have this topic discussed during the weekly blog chat sharing session, because everyone get to share their inner battle and hear feedback on what would work for them or not. It is fascinating for me to listen to Julia’s sharing of how to deal with the battle; it will all past eventually.

The support of the Dharma family is also important. Rinpoche has given the ultimate solution to dealing with the battle, which is to do more. Cynthia shared that it is also good to remember why we do Dharma work in the first place. Thank you, everyone, for the sharing. The three gifts/dana in Buddhism are equally important, beautiful and amazing,it plays a part in our daily life.

All the gifts will change a life of someone nor matter big or small with right motivation of giving. The Dhamma Dana or truth of gift excels all other gifts and is said to be the highest of all donations on the earth. With just one act of kindness giving a gift/dana we can inspire others to go out and plant seeds of happiness. Our greatest gift is the ability to share our blessings; it’s what makes life meaningful.

When put into practice it will be very meritorious for the giver and the receiver that’s truly Dharma Thank you for sharing. Concept: Tsem Rinpoche Technical: Lew Kwan Leng, Justin Ripley, Yong Swee Keong Design: Justin Ripley, Cynthia Lee Content: Tsem Rinpoche, Justin Ripley, Pastor Shin Tan, Sarah Yap Writer: Pastor Loh Seng Piow Admin: Pastor Loh Seng Piow, Beng Kooi I must thank my dharma blog team who are great assets to me, Kechara and growth of dharma in this wonderful region. I am honoured and thrilled to work with them.

Maybe I don't say it enough to them, but I am saying it now. I APPRECIATE THESE GUYS VERY MUCH! Tsem Rinpoche.

'If you say you don't have money to help a animal shelter, why then do you have money to buy meat?' ~ Tsem Rinpoche 'Eating animals is not our God-given right, but being kind to them is.' ~ Tsem Rinpoche 'What makes us good humans is not how we abuse animals, but how much we allow them to live and be happy freely.' ~ Tsem Rinpoche 'We need another and wiser and perhaps a more mythical concept of animals. We patronize them for their incompleteness, for their tragic fate of having taken form so far below ourselves. And therein we err, and greatly err. For the animal shall not be measured by man.

In a world older and more complex than ours they moved finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth.' ~ Henry Beston, The Outermost House 'Not eating animals is only unnatural when we are not used to it.' ~ Tsem Rinpoche.

'I pity men who occupy themselves exclusively with the transitory in things and lose themselves in the study of what is perishable, since we are here for this very end-that we may make the perishable imperishable, which we can do only after we have learned how to approach both.' ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 'Money amplifies negative characteristics and that can cause problems.

To walk away from that was actually very easy. I didn't even consider it.' ~ Angeline Francis Khoo 'I shall not commit the fashionable stupidity of regarding everything I cannot explain as a fraud.' ~ Carl Jung 'There is a devil there is no doubt, but is he trying to get into us or trying to get out?'

~ Tsem Rinpoche 'If you love someone, show it by being honest, respectful & honorable with them.' ~ Tsem Rinpoche 'It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.' ~ Henry David Thoreau 'If I can just be the way I am & you the way you are & we accept each other, world peace is near.'

~ Tsem Rinpoche 'I am Asian, you are some other beautiful color. Together we make diversity so beautiful.' ~ Tsem Rinpoche 'It's amazing how some people have never met me or know who I am, but based on a few things they read here & there & rumours, they have formulated a new personality for me & all the things I've never done they passionately speak about.I find it funny and entertaining now. I guess we can't spend our lives fighting rumours.we just have to work hard & then rumours get proven wrong on it's own as a by product. No point explaining repeatedly. Just do our work & show results!!' ~ Tsem Rinpoche 'There's a difference between patience and laziness.

Patience comes from respect while laziness from disrespect of others.' ~ Tsem Rinpoche 'Although outwardly we have so much, we have so many conveniences, inwardly we have become more unhappy, so, acquisition is not the secret to happiness. The more we get, the more we have, the more unhappy we become. Focus T25 Workout Calendar Download. ' ~ Tsem Rinpoche 'Before we experience any pain, we already had a fixed view of how things should be.

When the experience we encounter contradicts our views, then the pain arises. The pain arises due to our fixed views not so much the experience itself. So the secret is changing the views. Re-educating ourselves on our views.' ~ Tsem Rinpoche 'You know since very young, for better or worse, I always did the things that others told me not to do. I wasn't really good at following the rules.

Even now with how I share Dharma and my practice, I just do it the way I think it should be done but I do it sincerely. Not what others tell me what I can and can't do.' ~ Tsem Rinpoche 'Love me or hate me, both are in my favor. If you love me, I'll always be in your heart. If you hate me, I'll always be in your mind.' ~ William Shakespeare 'One isn't necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency.

We can't be kind, true, merciful, generous or honest.' ~ Maya Angelou. Recently Beng Kooi and Martin on behalf of myself and Kechara was lucky to have audience with His Holiness Gaden Trisur Rinpoche Jetsun Lungrik Namgyal of Gaden Shartse Monastery. He lives in around Paris, France.

His Holiness is 91 years old and very healthy and alert. He was the 101st throne holder for Tsongkapa and was the head of the Gelugpa school of Buddhism and was very successful during his tenure. He is a strong practitioner of both Sutra and Tantra of Je Tsongkapa's tradition and a master of all Buddhist knowledge. He holds steadfast to his protector Dorje Shugden very strongly. So we can see even the highest throneholders who are masters of Sutra and Tantra also practices Dorje Shugden knowing the benefits. Beng Kooi and Martin brought photo albums of Kechara Forest Retreat/Kechara and updates on Kechara and our works.

His Holiness was very pleased to listen and offered some gifts back. This is a beautiful picture and the great blessings bestowed on us from His Holiness Gaden Trisur Rinpoche Jetsun Lungrik Namgyal. Humbly, Tsem Rinpoche Read more on His Holiness Gaden Trisur Rinpoche. These are the heartbreaking scenes we see over and over again, that we share in the hopes of telling the stories of those who otherwise would have suffered and vanished from this earth without a trace. This is Norma Jean. Free for a little over five months, she knew more happiness than millions of her sisters ever will.

But she couldn’t escape the fate genetically programmed into her as an egg producing machine. She seemed more lethargic than usual this morning, so we brought her inside to administer fluids and antibiotics in the hopes of pulling her through until we could get her in to see our vet. She couldn’t hang on. She died this evening shortly after this video was taken, severely infected from the rotting egg yolk adhered to various organs throughout her abdominal cavity. Like virtually every single one of her sisters, caged or free range, rescued or not, she paid the ultimate price for eggs (from FB). Pastor Niral Patel answered: Dear Thorim, Thank you for your question. Depending on which sadhana of Chenrezig you practicing, the visualisation will differ.

You should check with the guru who gave you the practice, or if you do not have empowerment and are using a general sadhana, you should check with the centre that you got the sadhana from. However, if you are just reciting a general prayer to Chenrezig with his mantra, you can use the following visualisation which His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche used to do when he was younger. As you recite the prayer and mantra you visualise Chenrezig smiling lovingly at you. When you look at him, from our side, his left hand holds a mala, right hand a lotus, and two hands folded at his heart level holding a wishfulfilling jewel in between. His black hair flows down over his shoulders, and the other half is tied up on his head which is adorned with a jewelled crown. He wears the robes of an Indian prince, made of silk, which covers part of his upper body, and a silk skirt. He sits in full lotus position atop a bright pink lotus.

His body is white like snow, and shines with a brilliant light. Millions of light rays shine from his body and fill your body and the environment.

You feel peaceful and at harmony with the environment, your body, your emotions and your mind. Holding this visualisation you recite as many Om Mani Peme Hung mantras as you like. You can couple this with the meditation known as Tonglen, which means “taking and giving”. In this practice, we generate the motivation to take on the sufferings of others and given them back happiness and compassion.

This is when you visualise all the pain and suffering of sentient beings coming into your body when you breathe in. And when you breathe out compassionate and positive energy shines out of your body and reaches all sentient beings. To begin with you can do the practice and focus on someone you care about or wish to help that are going through a difficult time. Then extend to those you love.

Then you can extend it to someone you see on the street, or at work. And then finally you can do it for those you consider to be your enemy as well. In all these cases, the people are freed from all their sufferings and you visualise that they receive the compassion and positive energy.

These two are very general visualisations and techniques you can use. However, as I mentioned earlier, depending on the sadhana of Chenrezig you are practicing, you should follow the visualisation associated with that particular practice. I hope this helps. Pastor Niral Patel answered: Dear S, Thank you for your question. From a Buddhist perspective, we aim to curb our attachments to progress on the spiritual path towards enlightenment. The most common example of this would be the community or monks and nuns. That being said however, it is not necessarily a negative thing to be in a relationship, but we must strive to make it work and make it a positive one.

That is why His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche gave a very powerful teaching on relationships that you can read here:. There is also another good post with some nice quotes, for you to read to make sure you enter a future relationship with the right mind set: Whilst there are no practices in Tibetan Buddhism that can draw a romantic relationship, since this is generally marked by attached, which is the opposite of the higher Buddhist practices, there are some practices that can help. Generally, Green Tara is very good for increasing harmony within already existing relationships, you can find some prayers here: this is a prayer to the 21 forms of Tara. In regards to regaining resources, and having enough material resources to live well, you can engage in the practice of Gyenze.

You can find that practice here:. I hope this helps.

Please do feel free to ask more questions here, we are very much happy to provide a reply. Pastor Niral Patel answered: Dear Ling, Thank you for your very interesting and compassionate question. You are very right, that the harvesting of pearls does indeed mean the killing of sea creatures. In the past, pearls were used as offerings because they were extremely valuable, especially in countries or areas that were far from the sea, and therefore considered to be more precious.

Over time this type of offering became engrained in the culture of certain Buddhist societies, and therefore this custom has continued until today. However, instead of offering items that have come from suffering and death, we should offering other items if possible. For example, His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche still encourages students to offer pearls, but fake pearls, not real pearls. The point behind the offering is to offer the items of the best quality. The reason for this is two-fold: the first is that by offering items of the best quality and that are as precious as we have the means of affording, we cut our attachment to such things. This in turn cuts the attachment we have to physical wealth and resources that are actually negative indulgencies, as they reinforce our selfishness. Therefore the offering of pearls can be a lot more compassionate if offerings fake pearls instead.

As long as the person’s motivation and intent is pure, the Buddhas will accept the offering and this of course will generate the merits you need to succeed in your spiritual path towards enlightenment. I hope this helps. Thank you, •. Pastor Niral Patel answered: Dear Zhe, Thank you for your interesting question. From a Buddhist point of view, when we make offerings to a being it is for two purposes. The first is to generate merits necessary on the spiritual path to enlightenment, and the second is to remember the qualities necessary to achieve that very same goal. For example, when we pray to Chenrezig or Kuan Yin, we are not actually asking for something in return, but reminding ourselves of the qualities of enlightened compassion that they embody and we want to achieve.

Make offerings to them also plants the seeds and opens up the cause for us to achieve that as well. Obviously, because the Buddhas have compassion, they will help us in our daily life as well. For example, the enlightened Dharma protectors arose specifically to aid practitioners to create the conducive conditions to practice the Dharma such as enough resources to live from, beneficial relationships, and also the correct environment in which to practice. From a Buddhist point of view, we make offerings to the enlightened Buddhas. The Jade Emperor, Wangchen Wang, and Ji Gong are not considered enlightened beings, but extremely powerful gods/beings within samsara or cyclic existence. They have very long lives, and have a lot of power within samsara.

Therefore a Buddhist would not necessarily pray to, seek refuge in these impressive beings, or make offerings to them as enlightened beings. They may however make offerings to them in order to appease them as they are very powerful, but generally would not pray to them and make offerings to them as enlightened beings. I hope this answers your question. Pastor Niral Patel answered: Dear Gilbert, Thank you for your question. In order to practice tantra, especially higher tantric practices such as Yamanataka, it is considered necessary to study under a qualified guru whom you have received the relevant empowerment and commentary in person. Depending on the type of initiation, the ceremony can actually take up to two to three days for the higher practices, and would involve your active participation.

However, depending on the instructions from the guru, other forms of initiation can also be used, as long as they have authorised it. As you have taken Garchen Rinpoche to be your guru, you should contact him or his centres to find out more about the lineage of practice, the corresponding sadhana texts, and to clarify the vows and commitments associated with the practice. As for reciting the mantra of deity alone, this would not actually be considered a complete sadhana of that deity.

This is because for a sadhana to be complete, it is said that it should have include seven parts, known as the seven limbs, if not more. These seven are: Prostration (inclusive of taking refuge and generating bodhicitta), making offerings, confession downfalls and shortcomings, rejoicing, requesting teachings, beseeching, and finally dedication. Together with these prayers we engage in mantra recitation. Mantra recitation, even though immensely powerful, is not considered a sadhana. Sadhana necessarily include prayers such as the seven limbs mentioned above, and also include accompanying visualisations.

For higher tantric practices, these visualisations are very complex. The sadhana is engaged in daily to achieve the desired results, for example complete enlightenment. Coupled with this is the movements of the psychic winds within the body, which is brought about through the various visualisations, prayers and mantras contained within a sadhana.

This is main purpose of tantric practice. Utilising these winds we are able to achieve higher states in our meditations and ultimate achieve enlightenment. This does not mean that the mantras do not have any power. On the contrary, mantras are the Buddhas embodied in the form of sound. Therefore, they are very powerful. His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche has given an excellent teaching on mantras, which you can watch here:.

You can definitely gain attainments through the recitation of mantras, but they will be more effective if combined with other prayers and practices. I hope this answers your question about mantras and sadhanas. Pastor Niral Patel answered: Dear Dongho, Thank you for your question. I am very sorry to read that Lama Dawa Chodak has passed away.

I must admit I do not know much about this lama but from the sounds of it he was a very accomplished master. His devotion to Saraswati is very admirable, as she an extremely powerful Buddha and her practice is extremely effective.

In fact, within the Gelug tradition, Lama Tsongkhapa is well known to have relied on her practice. In regards to what we should do when our guru is alive: we should follow his/her instructions to the best of our ability and practice the teachings bestowed seriously and without fail to improve and transform ourselves. Depending on which tradition you are practicing now, there are many texts that deal with devotion to the guru. You should ask other senior students in your tradition which text that your guru has recommended to study and practice in regards to guru devotion. Once your guru has entered clear light and left their current physical body, you should continue your practice and further your transformation on the path to enlightenment. Here is a comprehensive article with commentary to the Lama Nga Chu Pa text, also known as the 50 Verses of Guru Devotion:.

This is one of the most well-known of texts in regards to guru devotion and was written by the great Indian master Ashvagosha. I hope this helps.