Principles Of Marketing Kotler 15th Edition Pdf Free Download

Principles Of Marketing Kotler 15th Edition Pdf Free Download

Location: Main conference foyer, Second floor, Renaissance Arlington Captial View Hotel. Timings: 6.00 – 8.00 pm / Free to all delegates Join Vanguard Communications, the World Social Marketing Conference Committee, workshop facilitators, and delegates for free drinks and networking. Maria Rodriguez, President of Vanguard Communications, will give remarks on the evolving social marketing landscape. Welcoming remarks: Maria Rodriguez >President, Vanguard Communications About Vanguard Communications Vanguard Communications is a Hispanic woman-owned public relations and social marketing firm whose work is powered by and for people — the individuals, families and communities whose voices are the fuel for change. Since 1987, Vanguard has worked in the areas of health, wellness, energy, environment, education, international development, and diversity and inclusion to foster healthy communities and a thriving planet.

Half Day pre-workshop 15th May 2017 1 -5pm Session facilitator: Nancy R Lee Download the full and facilitator biographies here. Title: Developing a Social Marketing Plan to Succeed Intended audience: This session is targeted to those who want to learn more about the fundamental or core elements of social marketing and behaviour change strategies and how to implement them into program planning. The session will also be helpful to those currently responsible for creating intervention programs or those with a basic understanding of social marketing principles and concepts.

Session content overview: Over the past 15 years, Nancy Lee and Philip Kotler have designed and refined a 10 Step Model for developing a Strategic Social Marketing Plan, and identified a principle for success at each step. This half day workshop will present, for each step: a detailed description, an illustrative case example from around the world, and a principle for success.

Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. Marketing is used to create, keep and satisfy the customer. With the customer as the focus of its.

The workshop will be interactive, providing participants with brief hands-on opportunities to draft and share thoughts on key components of a plan. Methodology: The workshop will include a number of short presentations covering key techniques and information points. The session will also engage those attending in a number of interactive exercises and case study reviews from around the world to illustrate key learning points. The workshop will equip participants to: • Understand social marketing as a proven application of behavioural science to influencing social behaviour • Introduce social marketing into the planning, conduct and evaluation of social change programmes using a ten step planning model • Build on proven applications of social marketing in addressing a range of social issues across the globe Places at the session are limited to 50.

Half Day pre-workshop 15th May 2017 1 – 5 pm Title: How to develop effective evidence based programmes that influence positive social behaviour. Session facilitators: Jeff French & Tom Beall.

Download the full and facilitator biographies here. Intended audience: This session is especially targeted to those responsible for introducing social marketing and behaviour change strategies into policy and program planning. The session also will be helpful to those responsible for commissioning related intervention programs and evaluations. Those attending this session should have some basic understanding of social marketing principles and concepts. Session content overview: This session will focus on how Social Marketing adds value to policy selection, strategy development and the operational delivery of programmes aimed at influencing positive social behaviour.

Principles Of Marketing Kotler 15th Edition Pdf Free Download

The session will explain how management science, marketing science and behavioural science can be amalgamated using a social marketing approach to build and deliver programmes that work and are cost effective. The session will explore how a Social Marketing approach can guide the selection of the optimum mix of interventions to achieve programme goals and empower citizens. The session will also look at what funders and sponsors of programmes can do to ensure that programmes are developed and delivered in such a way as to enable meaningful evaluation and inform future investment decisions. Methodology: The workshop will include a number of short presentations covering key techniques and information points. The session will also engage those attending in a number of interactive exercises and case study reviews from around the wold to illustrate key learning points. The workshop will equip participants to: • Understand social marketing as a proven application of behavioural science to influencing social behaviour • Introduce social marketing into the planning, conduct and evaluation of social change programmes • Build on proven applications of social marketing in addressing a range of social issues across the globe Places at the session are limited to 50.

Half Day pre-workshop 15th May 2017 1 – 5 pm Title: Segmenting, Targeting and Reaching Your Audience Digitally Session facilitators: Jeffrey Jordan, Rescue & Niels Kvaavik, Sprinklr Download the full and facilitator biographies here. Intended audience: This session is designed for practitioners involved in the strategic planning and implementation of communication strategies for social marketing programs. It will be especially helpful to those looking for more effective methods to segment and target their audience on digital media. Session content overview: Major advancements in digital and social media technologies make it possible to target behavior change audience more precisely than ever. This technology can save public health organizations significant resources while increasing the effectiveness of their programs. But to take advantage of this technology, audiences must be segmented more than demographics alone and messages must be tailored to the lifestyles, interests and values of these segmented audiences. This pre-conference workshop will show you how to segment, target and reach your audience to take advantage of the latest digital technologies.

Jeff Jordan, President and Executive Creative Director at Rescue, a behavior change marketing company, will illustrate how to segment audiences using characteristics beyond demographics such as lifestyles, interests, and values. Then, he’ll demonstrate how this advanced segmentation technique can be used to tailor messages more effectively. Then, Niels Kvaavik from Sprinklr, will show you how to use the latest digital technologies to deliver these messages to your audiences. Niels will walk you through a framework of how to use what you already know about your audiences, to reach them more effectively using technology and the power of the social networks to deliver and measure the impact of your marketing your key messages. Finally, the presenters will present case studies of social marketing and behavior change campaigns that are effectively using these strategies to cause change at the local and national level. Methodology: The workshop will include presentations and case study examples to illustrate various strategies and approaches. The session will also challenge attendees with multiple group activities to apply the lessons of their behavior change challenges.

During this session, participants can expect to learn how to: • Segment populations using lifestyles, interests and values; • Tailor messages to reach segmented audiences; • Use digital tools to deliver your messages to highly targeted audiences with minimal waste; • Measure behavioral intentions online, • Evaluate the reach and impact of your digital campaigns; • Understand the key digital strategies of successful social marketing campaigns today. Half Day pre-workshop 15th May 2017 1 – 5pm Title: Taking It to the Streets: Social Marketing for Community Coalitions Download the and facilitator biographies here. Session facilitators: Jean Synodinos ( Patrick Cook ( Session content overview: While the practice of social marketing is a powerful tool that enables communities to make meaningful social change, it is not always possible for many community-based organizations (CBOs) and local government organizations to implement a full social marketing campaign to fidelity, particularly one that relies heavily on extensive formative research, rigorous commitment to the 4 Ps, and behavior change as the bottom line. However, even though these groups may not be able to mount a full campaign, they can benefit from the insights and practices of social marketing. For more than 10 years working with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the US Department of Education, and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Jean Synodinos and Patrick Cook have worked with hundreds of CBOs, local government agencies, school districts, and collaboratives, helping them to develop strategic communications and community engagement efforts that are infused with the best practices of social marketing.

Grounded in the concept of “Give a man a fish and you’ve fed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you’ve fed him for a lifetime,” this workshop is intended for leaders and program managers of local and regional governmental and nongovernmental agencies who are intrigued by the possibilities of social marketing, but unsure about how best to implement in their community or jurisdiction. Methodology: Using an easy-to-follow 8-step planning model that builds on the National Cancer Institute’s Making Health Communication Work (2004) and Kotler, Roberto, and Lee’s Social Marketing: Improving the Quality of Life (2nd Edition, 2002), this capacity-building approach has helped communities benefit from the best practices of social marketing even though they may not have the resources or support to develop and implement a full social marketing campaign. Giving them the insights and skills to “think like a social marketer,” the leaders and staff members of more than 500 CBOs and community coalitions have all benefited from Ms. Synodinos and Mr. Cook’s unique approach to making social marketing accessible and applicable to major public health issues, from youth violence and suicide prevention to active living and healthy eating promotion. In this preconference workshop, participants will learn: 1. The essentials of social marketing and how it differs from other approaches to communications and community engagement 2.

An approach to strategic communications and community engagement that incorporates the best practices and insights of social marketing 3. A process and a set of tools for helping community-based organizations, local government agencies, and community coalitions incorporate a social marketing approach to their communications and engagement efforts. Places at the session are limited to 50. Tuesday 16th May. Keynote presentations: • Rafael Obregon, Chief of the Communication for Development Section, UNICEF Rafael Obregon, Ph.D. is Chief of the Communication for Development Section, United Nations Children’s Fund, New York.

Prior to joining UNICEF he was an Associate Professor in School of Media Arts & Studies, and Director of the Communication and Development Studies Program, Center for International Studies, at Ohio University. He has an extensive teaching, research and professional experience in development and health communication, and international development. He was an associate professor at the Department of Social Communication at Colombia’s Universidad del Norte (1997-2002), where he serves as an adjunct faculty. He is a member of the review board of several journals, including the Journal of Health Communication, and serves as guest reviewer of Social Science Medicine, Health Policy Journal, and Biomedcentral. He is a member of several international associations including the International Communication Association and the Latin American Association of Communication Researchers.

He has published numerous books, peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and technical reports, including the Handbook of Development Communication and Social Change, Wiley, 2014, and The Handbook of Global Health Communication (2012). He earned a doctorate in Mass Communication, Pennsylvania State University, an M.A. In International Affairs, Ohio University; and a B.A. In Social Communication and Journalism, Universidad Autonoma, Colombia.

• Nisreen Qatamish, Director General, King Hussain Cancer Foundation Nisreen Qatamish has over 14 years of experience supporting development projects in Jordan and possess a passion for transformation, innovation and excellence. Nisreen brings a keen knowledge of the importance of understanding the local and regional context when developing interventions with a specific focus on gender, women issues, youth issues or health issues. Keynote presentation • Jeff Jordan, President and Executive Creative Director, Rescue Minimal Waste, Maximum Impact: Using Psychographic Segmentation in Social Marketing Often faced with scarce resources, Social Marketing programs must ensure that funds are focused on strategies that reach subpopulations with concentrations of individuals needing to change.

Psychographic segmentation is an advanced segmentation strategy commonly used by commercial marketers but rarely used in Social Marketing. By segmenting populations based on lifestyles, values, interests, and behaviors, Psychographic Segmentation creates segments that can have high concentrations of those needing change while providing critical insights to design more effectively tailored strategies. No matter the target age group of a program, Social Marketers can more effectively use resources to achieve maximum impact by advancing beyond demographic segmentation to Psychographic Segmentation. Jeff is President and Executive Creative Director of Rescue Social Change Group, a behaviour change marketing company. His passion for social change began in high school when he volunteered for an anti-tobacco group. Observing the lack of effective social marketing services, he started Rescue Social Change Group when he was 17 years old. While growing Rescue SCG, Jeff studied Marketing for his undergraduate degree and received a Master’s in Experimental Psychology from the University of California, San Diego.

Today, Jeff has led Rescue SCG’s growth to five offices in the US and managing over two dozen behaviour change programs across North America, tackling issues such as tobacco, obesity and violence. Keynote presentation • Jeff Jordan, President and Executive Creative Director, Rescue Minimal Waste, Maximum Impact: Using Psychographic Segmentation in Social Marketing Often faced with scarce resources, Social Marketing programs must ensure that funds are focused on strategies that reach subpopulations with concentrations of individuals needing to change. Psychographic segmentation is an advanced segmentation strategy commonly used by commercial marketers but rarely used in Social Marketing. By segmenting populations based on lifestyles, values, interests, and behaviors, Psychographic Segmentation creates segments that can have high concentrations of those needing change while providing critical insights to design more effectively tailored strategies. No matter the target age group of a program, Social Marketers can more effectively use resources to achieve maximum impact by advancing beyond demographic segmentation to Psychographic Segmentation. Jeff is President and Executive Creative Director of Rescue Social Change Group, a behaviour change marketing company.

His passion for social change began in high school when he volunteered for an anti-tobacco group. Observing the lack of effective social marketing services, he started Rescue Social Change Group when he was 17 years old. While growing Rescue SCG, Jeff studied Marketing for his undergraduate degree and received a Master’s in Experimental Psychology from the University of California, San Diego. Today, Jeff has led Rescue SCG’s growth to five offices in the US and managing over two dozen behaviour change programs across North America, tackling issues such as tobacco, obesity and violence. 10.45 – 11.45: PANEL SESSION Panel session: “The Soda Wars: Lessons learned from 30+ years of tobacco advocacy.” Chaired by: Chris Palmedo, Associate Professor of Media, Marketing and Communications, City University of New York Some of the themes this panel will cover: • Exploring the “pages taken out of the playbook of big tobacco.” This includes funding academic institutions, community investments, deceptive messaging and government relations including Stan Glanz’s recent Harvard expose.

• Identifying the viability of countermarketing and counter-advertising strategies. • Exploring strategies for messaging and framing. • Discussing specific challenges with food that may not correspond with tobacco (i.e. Everyone eats, but not everyone smokes). 10.45 – 11.45: PANEL SESSION Panel session: “The Soda Wars: Lessons learned from 30+ years of tobacco advocacy.” Chaired by: Chris Palmedo, Associate Professor of Media, Marketing and Communications, City University of New York Some of the themes this panel will cover: • Exploring the “pages taken out of the playbook of big tobacco.” This includes funding academic institutions, community investments, deceptive messaging and government relations including Stan Glanz’s recent Harvard expose.

• Identifying the viability of countermarketing and counter-advertising strategies. • Exploring strategies for messaging and framing. • Discussing specific challenges with food that may not correspond with tobacco (i.e. Everyone eats, but not everyone smokes). 10.45 – 11.00: Presentation Session title: The Influence of Resilience and Parenting Style on Children’s Dietary Behaviour Conference track: Interdisciplinary and cross sector action to influence behaviour for social good Paper type: Academic Presenter: Matthew Wood, Principal Lecturer, University of Brighton Paper no. 36 11.05 – 11.20: Presentation Session title: The Lead My Learning Campaign: promoting educational futures Conference track: Interdisciplinary and cross sector action to influence behaviour for social good Paper type: Academic Presenters: Prof Valerie Harwood & Nyssa Murray, University of Wollongong Paper no. 23 11.25 – 11.40: Presentation Session title: The importance of Aboriginal protocols in a campaign that addresses educational disadvantage Conference track: Developmental / Experiential Presenter: Prof Valerie Harwood & Nyssa Murray, University of Wollongong Paper no.

168 11.45 – 12.00: Presentation Session title: Ujjwal Partnership to Scale up Public Health Solutions through the Private Commercial Sector in India for Positive Impact Conference track: Interdisciplinary and cross sector action to influence behaviour for social good Paper type: Practice Presenter: Dr Amit Bhanot, Senior Regional Health Advisor, Palladium EMEA Co-authors: Tanya Liberhan, Manager, Health Practice, Palladium EMEA, Dr Jabulani Nyenwa, Director, Health Practice, Palladium EMEA Paper no. Panel session: ”Food for Thought – Engaging Companies as Agents of Change to Influence Behaviour for Social Good” Chaired by: Tom Beall, Social Marketing and Health Communication Consultant; Founding This session will compare and contrast different examples of how businesses are engaged in helping to address “wicked problems” that are so complex and of a magnitude that governments and the non-profit sector alone cannot adequately address them. This track will seek to identify how cross sector action, joint learning and coordination can be fostered. Panelists: • Petra Klassen Wigger, Scientific Advisor, Corporate Nutrition and Wellness Unit, Nestle, Switzerland • Julie Ipe, Senior Manager, Behavior Change Communications at the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves • Jennifer Wayman, CEO and President, Hager Sharp. 14.15 – 14.30: Presentation Session title: What’s health got to do with it? Testing marketing messages for clean cookstoves in Cambodia and Kenya Conference track: Promoting global health and wellbeing Paper type: Academic Presenter: Fiona Lambe, Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) Co-authors: Caroline Ochieng, Research Fellow, SEI & Oliver Johnson, Senior Research Fellow, SEI Paper no.

101 14.35 – 14.50: Presentation Session title: Impact of a 35-month radio campaign addressing key lifesaving family behaviours for child survival in rural Burkina Faso: Results from a cluster randomised trial Conference track: Reducing global communicable disease through behavioural influence Paper type: Academic Presenter: Cathryn Wood, Director of Strategy & Development, Development Media International Co-authors: Dr Jo Murray, Head of Research; Will Snell, Former Director of Strategy & Development, Development Media International; Roy Head, CEO, Development Media International Paper no. 21 ­­­ 14.55 – 15.10: Presentation Session title: Focus on benefits of childbirth spacing to promote contraceptive use in a pro-natalist society Conference track: Developmental / Experiential Presenter: Ian Tweedie, Team Leader, HC3 Nigeria, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs Co-authors: Anna Anna McCartney-Melstad (Chief of Party, HC3 Nigeria), Shittu Abdu-Aguye (Deputy Director – Family Planning, HC3 Nigeria), Usman Usman (Senior Technical Advisor – Social Mobilisation), Missy Eusebio (Intern, HC3) and Tina Dickenson (Program Officer II, HC3 Nigeria). Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) Project. 14.15 – 14.30: Presentation Session title: A National Policy Process on Social Marketing: The British Case Conference track: Advancing theory, research and technology in social marketing Paper type: Academic Presenter: Carlos Oliveira Santos, Assistant Professor, University of Lisbon Paper no. 152 14.35 – 14.50: Presentation Session title: SAFE Work Manitoba – Workplace Injury Prevention Program Conference track: Increasing return on social policy investment on influencing behaviour Paper type: Practice Presenter: Hilary Friesen, Client Services Manager, ChangeMakers Co-authors: Correy Myco, President & CEO, ChangeMakers; Angela Sylvester, Client Services Manager, ChangeMakers Paper no. 14.15 – 14.30: Presentation Session title: The Uses of Neuroscience Methodologies to Improve Communications Effectiveness Conference track: Advancing theory, research and technology in social marketing Paper type: Academic Presenter: Patty Goldman, VP, Strategy & Evaluation, Ad Council Co-authors: Michael Smith, PhD, MBA.

VP, Consumer Neuroscience Solutions, Nielsen. 96 14.35 – 14.50: Presentation Session title: Applying Tailored Messaging to Reach a Targeted Audience Segment Conference track: Developmental / Experiential Presenters: Brandon Tate, Account Director – Rescue The Behavior Change Agency Shay Abagat, This Free Life Campaign Assistant Manager – FDA, Center for Tobacco Products Paper no. 193 14.55 – 15.10: Presentation Session title: Using Influencers and Experiential Tactics in Health Communications Conference track: Developmental / Experiential Presenters: Dina Weldin, Account Director – Rescue The Behavior Change Agency Ashley Smith, This Free Life Campaign Manager – FDA, Center for Tobacco Products Paper no. 14.15 – 14.30: Presentation Session title: Leveraging Segmentation for the Greatest Impact: Aligning Subpopulation Motivations and Social Marketing Strategies Conference track: Developmental / Experiential Presenters: Michelle Bellon, Sr. Director of Integration Marketing Strategies – Rescue The Behavior Change Agency Jeff Jordan, President – Rescue The Behavior Change Agency Paper no. 197 14.35 – 15.15: WORKSHOP Session title: The 4 P’s of Mature Sex: Power, Persuasion, Permission and Pleasure Conference track: Developmental / Experiential Presenter: Natalie Bowring, Masters Student, Queensland University of Technology Paper no. 14.15 – 14.30: Presentation Session title: Making It Count: Getting Small-Scale Fishers in the Philippines to Voluntarily Practice Fish Catch Monitoring Conference track: Developmental / Experiential Presenter: Fel Ceasar Cadiz, Director, Program Implementation, Rare Co-authors: Frances Michelle Pascual, Behavior Change Communications Advisor, Rare; Pablo Rojas Jr., Senior Manager, Monitoring and Evaluation, Rare; Dean Apistar, Manager, Monitoring and Evaluation, Rare Paper no.

170 14.35 – 14.50: Presentation Session title: Home-Grown Influence Campaigns: Strategies for Boosting Social Marketing Efforts in Farm Populations Conference track: Advancing theory, research and technology in social marketing Paper type: Academic Presenter: Pamela J. Tinc, Senior Research Coordinator, Northeast Center for Occupational Health and Safety: Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing Co-authors: Julie A. Sorensen, Director, Northeast Center for Occupational Health and Safety: Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing Paper no. 5 14.55 – 15.10: Presentation Session title: Health and Energy Behavior Change Campaigns in the Military: Harnessing the Power of Social Norms Conference track: Interdisciplinary and cross sector action to influence behaviour for social good Paper type: Practice Presenters: Laura Michael, Lead Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton & Kristina Cook, Senior Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton Paper no.

14.15 – 14.30: Presentation Session title: Countering violent extremism in the west: Can social marketing help? Conference track: Reducing crime and poverty and promoting safety and security Paper type: Academic Presenter: Renata Anibaldi, Senior Research Assistant, Social Marketing @ Griffith, Griffith University & Prof Sharyn Rundle-Thiele, Director, Social Marketing @ Griffith, Griffith University Paper no.

41 14.35 – 14.50: Presentation Session title: Preventing Economic Abuse in Young Adults: Implications for the Development of Social Marketing Strategies Conference track: Reducing crime and poverty and promoting safety and security Paper type: Student Presenter: Professor Mike Reid, Deputy Head, School of Economics Finance & Marketing, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia Co-authors: Jozica J Kutin PhD Candidate & Professor Roslyn Russell, Principal Research Fellow, School of Economics Finance & Marketing, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia Paper no. 51 14.55 – 15.10: Presentation Session title: Social Marketing for Good Governance Conference track: Reducing crime and poverty and promoting safety and security Paper type: Developmental / Experiential Presenter: Anne Constantino, Senior Consultant & Managing Director, Precision Strategies Asia Paper no. 15.45 – 16.45: PANEL SESSION Commissioners in Conversation This panel will be made up or representatives of organisations who fund social marketing programmes and projects.

The aim of the panel is to provide insights into the needs of those organisations and agencies who commission the development, delivery and evaluate social marketing programmes and projects. The panel will focus on how mutually positive relationships can be established and maintained between those commissioning / funding programmes and those responsible for delivery. The session will be practical in nature focusing on what to do and what not to do to enhance the probability of successful applications, how to agree programme delivery targets and how to manage the ongoing relationship between funder and provider. Chair: Jacqueline Devine, World Bank Panellists: • Dr. John Lumpkin, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation • Rafael Obregon, UNICEF • Anton Schneider, USAID.

15.45 – 16.00: Presentation Session title: Shifting Family Planning Positioning from Health to Development in Jordan: Impact on Family Size Social Norm and Attitudes towards Family Planning Conference track: Promoting global health and wellbeing Paper type: Practice Presenter: Hana Banat, SBCC Senior Advisor / Jordan Communication, Advocacy and Policy project. Abt Associates Co-authors: Houda Khayame / DCOP Jordan Communication, Advocacy and Policy project. Abt Associates, Gael O’Sullivan, Principal Associate – International Health Division. Abt Associates, Carla White, M&E Senior Advisor- Jordan Communication, Advocacy and Policy project.

Abt Associates, Malak Al Oury: Director of Maternal and Child Health Directorate – Ministry of Health Jordan Paper no. 66 16.05 – 16.20: Presentation Session title: Connecting the Inner Motivation of Target Audiences to Desired Behaviors to Increase Child Survival in Mozambique Conference track: Promoting global health and wellbeing Paper type: Academic Presenter: Sean Southey, CEO PCI Media Impact Co-authors: Massimiliano Sani, UNICEF Mozambique; Luca Solimeo, UNICEF Mozambique; Yolanda Carreira, UNICEF Mozambique; Carina Schmid, Programs Manager PCI Media Impact Paper no. 90 16.25 – 16.40: Presentation Session title: Using Mobile phone Technology to Increase Access to Clinical Counseling and Testing Services through the SMS Service Locator. Conference track: Promoting global health and wellbeing Paper type: Practice Presenter: Francis Nsanga, Knowledge Manager, Uganda Health Marketing Group (UHMG) Co-authors: Denis Ahairwe, Chief of Party, UHMG; Jonathan Magoola, Head Strategic Information and Innovations, UHMG; Joyce Tamale, Managing Director, UHMG Paper no.

15.45 – 16.45: PANEL SESSION Session title: Social Marketing Planning Models A wide ranging discussion not only about various marketing planning frameworks and their relative pros and cons, but also about the value of and barriers to use of any systematic framework in real world contexts. To feature representatives presenting CDCynergy, COMBI and the recently published European Center for Disease Control (ECDC) Technical Guide to Social Marketing.

Chair: May Kennedy, Virginia Commonwealth University Panellists: • Professor Jeff French, Conference Chair, CEO Strategic Social Marketing • Lynn Sokler, Senior Communication Advisor, CDC • Dr Livingston White, The University of the West Indies. 15.45 – 16.00: Presentation Session title: Using Influencers and Interactive Digital Experiences as the Catalyst for Behavior Change Amongst LGBT Young Adults Conference track: Developmental / Experiential Presenter: Brandon Tate, Account Director – Rescue The Behavior Change Agency Shay Abagat, This Free Life Campaign Assistant Manager – FDA, Center for Tobacco Products Paper no. 194 16.05 – 16.45: WORKSHOP Session title: ‘Eating On Purpose?’ A SM Approach To Accessing The Nottingham Social Eating Movement. Conference track: Interdisciplinary and cross sector action to influence behaviour for social good Paper type: Developmental / Experiential Presenter: Marsha Smith, Visiting Fellow, The Nottingham Trent University Paper no.

15.45 – 16.00: Presentation Session title: iAnimal – Using Virtual Reality to Increase Plant-Based Eating: Can 360 virtual reality help your organization change behavior? Conference track: Advancing theory, research and technology in social marketing Paper type: Practice Presenter: Caryn Ginsberg, Strategic Visualyst, Priority Ventures Group Paper no. 97 16.05 – 16.20: Presentation Session title: Indonesia’s Clean Stove Initiative: Too Many Cooks Spoil the Social Marketing Broth Conference track: Promoting global health and wellbeing Paper type: Practice Presenter: Dr. Nicholas Goodwin, Director, Tulodo Paper no. 150 16. Borderlands 2 Skidrow Crack. 25 – 16.40: Presentation Session title: I am what I believe: The importance of socially shared beliefs for social marketing programs Conference track: Advancing theory, research and technology in social marketing Paper type: Student Presenter: Citlali Calderon, Tecnologico De Monterrey, Egade Business School Paper no. 15.45 – 16.00: Presentation Session title: Self-efficacy techniques used in Physical Activity interventions targeting adults: a systematic literature review (2007-2015) Conference track: Advancing theory, research and technology in social marketing Paper type: Student Presenter: Haruka Fujihira, PhD candidate, Social Marketing @ Griffith, Griffith University Co-authors: Dr. Joy Parkinson, Research fellow & Prof.

Sharyn Rundle-Thiele, Director of Social Marketing @ Griffith, Griffith University Paper no. 165 16.05 – 16.40: SPECIAL SESSION Session title: Using Social Marketing to Promote Ethics in Tanzania’s Public Service Presenter: Jim Mintz, Managing Partner & Senior Consultant – Centre of Excellence for Public Sector Marketing (CEPSM) In this presentation, Jim Mintz will describe how CEPSM used a social marketing approach designed for a developing country to change attitudes and behaviours on ethics in the Tanzanian public service.

16.45 – 16.50: Welcome & Introduction Session Chair: Kevin Green, Sr. Manager, Behavioral & Social Science, RARE 16.50 – 17.20: Keynote • Professor John Sterman, Director, MIT System Dynamics Group John D. Sterman is the Jay W. Forrester Professor of Management at the MIT Sloan School of Management and a Professor in the MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society. He is also the Director of the MIT System Dynamics Group and the MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative. Sterman’s research centers on improving decision-making in complex systems, including corporate strategy and operations, energy policy, public health, environmental sustainability, and climate change. It ranges from the dynamics of organizational change and the implementation of sustainable improvement programs to climate change and the implementation of policies to promote a sustainable world.

His research also includes systems thinking and organizational learning, computer simulation of corporate strategy and public policy issues, and environmental sustainability. Sterman pioneered the development of “management flight simulators” of corporate and economic systems which are now used by corporations, universities, and governments around the world.

17.20 – 17.30: Summing up & thanks • Professor Rebekah Russell-Bennett, Practitioner Co-Chair & Professor of Marketing, Queensland University of Technology • Professor Jeff French, Conference Chair & CEO Strategic Social Marketing. 19.00 – 00.00: Conference Gala Dinner, Awards & Presentations, followed by entertainment Location: Main conference foyer & Ballroom, first floor, Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel Join keynote speakers, panellists and social marketing experts from across the world at the conference gala dinner.

Porter Novelli is proud to welcome guests to the WSMC gala dinner and celebrate luminaries from the field of social marketing. 19.00 – 20.00: Pre-diner drinks from in the main conference lobby area 20.00: Doors open 20.10: Special Presentation from Melissa Kraus Taylor, Global Learning and Development Partner, Porter Novelli Melissa is the Global Learning and Development director and brings more than two decades of experience social marketing and strategic planning and research. She has counseled numerous clients in the area of social impact, including the Almond Board of California, Florida Department of Citrus, CDC, CARE and Habitat for Humanity. Consistently rated by participants as an engaging, enthusiastic and knowledgeable presenter, Melissa has traveled around the globe conducting training on a variety of topics, including branding, presentation skills, talent management, behavior change theory and numerous research methodologies. Melissa earned her MA in Health Communication from the University of Maryland, College Park.

She loves teaching and for over a decade has taught Social Marketing at Emory University’s Graduate School of Public Health, where she was awarded Adjunct Faculty Honoree for Excellence. 20.20 – 22.30: Gala dinner and inaugural ceremony of the World Social Marketing Achievement Awards 22.30 – 00.00: Live entertainment from Encore Wednesday 17th May. 08.45 – 08.50: Welcome & Introduction to the Social Marketing Association of North America Kelley Dennings, Social Marketing Association of North America, President and Action Research, Director of Social Marketing 08.50 – 09.00: Special Presentation from our Key Supporters Motivating Millions using One Ad Campaign: Using hard-hitting and award-winning ads, a collaborative team will share highlights from the Tips From Former Smokers™ campaign. We will briefly discuss the strategies and tactics used to execute a mass reach, health behavior social marketing effort that motivated millions of Americans to quit smoking. 09.00 – 10.15: Keynote presentations Session Chair: John Bromley, Director, National Social Marketing Centre • Elizabeth Fox, Director of the Office of Health, Infectious Diseases and Nutrition, USAID Is Social Marketing a sustainable development goal • Professor Jeff French, CEO Strategic Social Marketing It’s the system stupid! Adding value to social programmes as we enter the mature phase of Social Marketing.

10.15 – 11.15: PANEL SESSION Health Promotion Opportunities for Social Marketing Session Chair: Craig Lefebvre, Chief Maven at socialShift, Lead Change Designer at RTI International Health promotion and improving people’s well-being continues to be the heart of social marketing. This panel is for the social marketers around the world that consider questions such as: What are the big, wicked health and development problems in my region and how can I make a dent in them?

Isabella Danel, MD, Deputy Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Regional Office for the Americas, WHO How can I use social marketing to reduce health disparities? Sonya Grier, Professor, American University and Director of food marketing research for the African American Obesity Research Collaborative Network How can I use new technologies to improve my program’s effectiveness and efficiency, and design programs that are more equitable and sustainable? Robert Gold, Professor and Chair, Epidemiology and Biostatistics; Founding Dean of the University of Maryland School of Public Health; and Director of the Public Health Informatics Research Laboratory How do I change markets to improve health and well-being? Amanda Glassman, MSc, Chief Operating Officer and Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development and editor and coauthor of Millions Saved: New Cases of Proven Success in Global Health. 10.15 – 10.30: Presentation Session title: Using SBCC to Improve Service-Related Outcomes: A Proposed Model Conference track: Developmental / Experiential Presenter: Katherine Holmsen, Capacity Strengthening Director – HC3, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs Co-authors: Heather Hancock, Senior Program Officer, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs Paper no. 174 10.35 – 11.15: WORKSHOP Session title: Providers as People: Using Social and Behavior Change Communication to Influence Provider Behavior Conference track: Promoting health and wellbeing Paper type: Practice Presenter: TrishAnn Davis, Program Officer II, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs Co-authors: Heather Hancock, Senior Program Officer, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs Paper no.

10.15 – 10.30: Presentation Session title: Promoting the Protector Condom Brand to top the condom market in Uganda Conference track: Reducing global communicable disease through behavioural influence Paper type: Practice Presenter: Zawedde Nakato JeanneMarie, Brand Officer, Uganda Health Marketing Group(UHMG) Co-authors: Robert Kigula, Social Marketing Manager, UHMG; Dennis Ahairwe, Chief of Party, USAID/Uganda Social Marketing Activity, UHMG; Joyce Tamale, Managing Director, UHMG; Francis Nsanga, Knowledge Manager, UHMG Paper no. 11 10.35 – 10.50: Presentation Session title: ‘Time, Trust & Tango’ the Factors that are Influential in the Uptake of Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests: A Case Study of Uganda Conference track: Reducing global communicable disease through behavioural influence Paper type: Practice Presenter: David Ochieng, Head of Communications, Malaria Consortium Uganda Co-authors: Dr Julian Atim & Viola Nampeera, Malaria Consortium Uganda Paper no. 32 10.55 – 11.10: Presentation Session title: It All Adds Up: Addressing Gender Norms to Increase Physical Activity for Women Conference track: Promoting health and wellbeing Paper type: Practice Presenter: April Ennis Keippel, Mission and Community Benefit Programs Manager; St. Vincent Healthcare Paper no. 94 11.15 – 11.30: Presentation Session title: Influence of media and socialisation agents on healthy eating among Australian Gen Y Conference track: Promoting health and wellbeing Paper type: Student Presenter: to be confirmed Authors: Pardis Mohajerani, Swinburne University of Technology; Associate Professor Antonio Lobo, Swinburne University of Technology; Professor Heath McDonald, Swinburne University of Technology Paper no.121. 10.15 – 11.15: PANEL SESSION A New Paradigm: Companies as Agents of Social Change Moderator: Bill Novelli, Georgetown University Professor, Co-Chair of the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care (C-TAC), and co-founder of Porter Novelli.

Bill Novelli, Co-Chair of the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care (C-TAC), Previous CEO of AARP, and Co-Founder of Porter Novelli, began his career at Unilever and served as Director of Advertising and Creative Services for the Peace Corps. He is currently, a professor in the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University where he teaches in the MBA program. He also created and leads the Global Social Enterprise Initiative at Georgetown. 2016 saw the arrival of a populist movement around the globe, spurred in large part by global citizens’ frustrations toward their government. Leaders from a variety of global companies across different sectors will discuss how they have built and navigated their companies into leadership positions during uncertain times and how we, as leaders in government and non-profit, can teach and learn from each other. No matter where your professional role in social marketing, social change and social impact has you sitting today, these lessons affect all of our futures.

Panelists: Katherine Neebe >Director of Sustainability, Walmart Katherine is a corporate social responsibility executive with over 16 years of experience developing, executing, and leading multi-million dollar initiatives across multiple sectors within the sustainability realm. Her work has proven to deliver business value, proactively engage stakeholders, and positively impact society and the environment. Katherine joined Walmart’s sustainability team in 2013 to lead Walmart’s external stakeholder relationships, focused on cultivating high-impact partnerships that deliver strategic value to Walmart’s business while also advancing social/environmental issues. In addition, she manages and responds to pressing and emerging sustainability issues for the company. Previous to Walmart, Katherine spent six years at WWF managing one of the world’s largest corporate-NGO partnerships, a $97MM sustainability-driven initiative with The Coca-Cola Company. The focus of the partnership was to conserve iconic river basins, improve the efficiency of the company’s water use, decrease the company’s carbon dioxide emissions, and support sustainable agriculture and packaging.

In 2011, the effort expanded to include a cause-marketing platform directed towards polar bear conservation. Work is active in more than 49 countries. Katherine has worked with a range of corporate, government, and nonprofit organizations. Weaving together her intensive business experience and commitment to social and environmental responsibility, she brings a practical ability to ground sustainability into actionable terms. Katherine received her M.B.A from The Darden School at UVA in 2004 and has a B.A. In English from Colorado College. Marc Meachem >Head of External Affairs for North America, ViiV Healthcare Marc Meachem is responsible for directing all external and internal U.S.

Communications and public affairs activities. Marc has designed and launched initiatives to address the unmet needs of disproportionately affected populations, including the Positive Action Southern Initiative, Youth Scholars Program, and the ACCELERATE! He hosts and has expanded ViiV Healthcare’s Community Summit, an annual gathering that brings together more than 125 leaders, advocates, and writers from across North America to educate, engage in conversation, and foster collaboration in the hopes of changing the course of the epidemic. Marc earned an M.B.A. From the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University and a B.A. In French language and literature and B.S.

In Economics from the University of Pennsylvania. Marisa Long >Vice President of Communications and Public Relations for U.S. Green Building Council and Green Business Certification Inc. As the vice president of public relations and communications for U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and Green Business Certification Inc.

(GBCI), Marisa Long oversees global public relations efforts, including media relations, external communications, public affairs, social media, and multimedia. She leads a team that supports all of USGBC and GBCI brands and programs, most notably LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), the world’s most widely used green building rating system found in 164 countries and territories.

Marisa also supports the PR and communications efforts for Greenbuild, the world’s largest international green building conference, which is expanding to India and China in 2017. Marisa has managed several award-winning PR and public affairs campaigns, including USGBC’s annual Top 10 States for LEED, and the release of the 2015 USGBC Economic Impact Study, which estimates that LEED projects will directly contribute $30 billion to GDP by 2018. In 2010, Marisa helped launch the Center for Green Schools, which has become the public leader and convener toward the mission of green schools. Prior to joining USGBC, Marisa implemented strategic public relations and stakeholder engagement campaigns for a variety of high-profile real estate clients. Marisa was recognized as one of PR News’ Top Women in PR for 2016 and previously received an individual 2015 American Business Award – Silver for Communicator of the Year.

The Pittsburgh-area native graduated with honors from The E. Scripps School of Journalism at Ohio University, majoring in public relations with a specialization in political communication and sociology.

Rebecca Mark >Vice President, Research, Porter Novelli A congressional hill staffer turned public opinion pollster, Rebecca Mark is well versed in finding the intersections between policy and consumer appetite. As Vice President of Research for Porter Novelli, Rebecca’s primary focus is on pinpointing actionable findings that make organizations more effective. Dental Shaper Keygen Software on this page. Prior to research, Rebecca served as the Deputy Finance Director for the 2010 Michigan gubernatorial election, and as a legislative assistant in the office of Congresswomen Gwen Moore and Jan Schakowsky. Specializing in health policy, women’s issues, and seniors’ issues, Rebecca has experience crafting legislative strategies, fighting for appropriations, and staffing her boss on the Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee during health reform. Rebecca graduated from the University of Michigan with a master’s degree in urban planning and economic development, where she also attended as an underg.

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