Patch Corsairs Gold Xps

Regarding the smoke mod, here are any number of things that could be at fault. Your card could be Radeon and theirs Nvidia, or vice-versa. You could have some setting on that they don't. Could be problematic drivers. Very unlikely to be corrupted files though, at least the original game files. The patcher has some limited verification built in, and while the game is running there are more error checks.

Corrupted mod files maybe, because the game assumes mod files 'work' explicitly. What do you guys mean by having to redo the port every patch though? Unless you mean just dropping it in the new version's mod path. Because that's all that needs doing. WoWs hasn't had many asset or system changes for a couple of patches now, all my current mods work just fine after being copied over to the new path.

Patch Corsairs Gold Xps

Actually, just a slight update since I wrote everything before this sentence prior January 31st, you might just need to wait a bit on Intel's now infamous P67 bug, since you can't buy any LGA. The 3000 GX has a black/gold color theme on it to help the aesthetic value of the speakers while they sit on and around your desk. The Patches Scrolls - 20 years of gaming, Patches, Demos & others downloads readily available and for free.

Got it to work. Didn't realize I had to map out the path for the new version folders. Every other time I've re-installed Nagasaki, I've just dropped the folder into the res_mods folder and it worked until this time. Completely killed the res_mods folder earlier, uninstalled and reinstalled Aslain, and I'm not getting a major FPS drop anymore (around 5-10 frame drop or so now).

Will keep the smoke mod for now, although I've had a history of FPS things get worse over long periods of consecutive use, so we'll see if it's still fine when I'm playing late in the evening. Also, I just won a Secondaries duel as Aoba vs a BB. @Fazel (I dunno how to feel about that. I know giving them normal Defensive AA Fire would be too strong given how long it takes for CV-to-CV airstrikes to happen, but even two minutes is only gonna defend from one strike. Why not make it one minute (enough to defend from a disjointed opening strike from two enemy CVs), but give it a second charge? As of now, it's more just a discouragement since it's weaker than Defensive AA, and only one charge means that it can just be waited out with the long distance travel and re-arm times.

And I highly doubt any experienced CV captain is gonna take Superintendent over Torp Accel with the state of the consumable as it is in that post. @Fazel (I dunno how to feel about that. I know giving them normal Defensive AA Fire would be too strong given how long it takes for CV-to-CV airstrikes to happen, but even two minutes is only gonna defend from one strike. Why not make it one minute (enough to defend from a disjointed opening strike from two enemy CVs), but give it a second charge?

As of now, it's more just a discouragement since it's weaker than Defensive AA, and only one charge means that it can just be waited out with the long distance travel and re-arm times. And I highly doubt any experienced CV captain is gonna take Superintendent over Torp Accel with the state of the consumable as it is in that post. It also does seem to favor USN Carrier for once, what with their higher AA rating, but i'll admit i have no idea how it works mechanically, hopefully it means strike shoukakus tread carefully around my beloved Lady Lex. Lord Harrab Shouldn't she be eating them as it is? I know I'm a broken record at this point but Lex's self defense AA is absurd; upwards of base (w/out Defensive Fire) Cleveland AA DPS.

I know there's tier difference and all, but every time I've ever tried to bomb a Lex with Hiryuu, most every plane dies on the approach. Unrelated: Yu'd think that with Saipan being the shiny new toy, I would have ran into more CVs today for my daily Aoba 5k. Took back Defensive Fire just because of that train of thought, only ended up using it once. @Lord Harrab (Shouldn't she be eating them as it is? I know I'm a broken record at this point but Lex's self defense AA is absurd; upwards of base (w/out Defensive Fire) Cleveland AA DPS.

I know there's tier difference and all, but every time I've ever tried to bomb a Lex with Hiryuu, most every plane dies on the approach. Unrelated: Yu'd think that with Saipan being the shiny new toy, I would have ran into more CVs today for my daily Aoba 5k. Took back Defensive Fire just because of that train of thought, only ended up using it once. A full Attack Wing can get through the AA and do significant damage, but yes the IJN carrier will be losing planes regardless, i'm actually wondering if its really that good of an idea balance wise, unless the teir 9 and 10 USN carriers have less AA then the lex, i've not really looked at them myself. - Updated - - - I still adore my much maligned Atlanta. A link where you can download a replay (of a simple match highlighting what the ship is good and bad for.

Just open it with your WoWS client. I had a long description in the upload but its format gets put into a single ball of text. What I had originally formatted for the description is here with 2 notes I caught in a subsequent viewing: A match I just had with the Atlanta, which I think showcases all the good and bad of the ship. This isn't some big, spectacular performance where I carried the team to victory. It simply showcases what the ship can and can't do, what it excels in, what you have to worry about. Note: Personal Score picture is inflated due to using Atlanta's premium camo and some signal flags.

- Superior AA capability, inflicting aircraft losses a Tier VI CV cannot afford to sustain. - Very weak gun power, stupidly long shell arc times, stupidly fast ROF, short main gun ranges. These are DD caliber guns, after all.

It was good in helping the friendly DD weaken and deter the enemy DD early in the match. NOTE: On subsequent viewing, the friendly DD's torpedo salvo killed that first DD and I kept shooting.

I was such an idiot. - Presented my Atlanta as a threat to the enemy BBs: Choose at attacking 'a mere Atlanta' or the BBs behind me. Got into gun range and started raining fast fire on them. This I believe puts the target BB in a major dilemma. Either shoot at the Atlanta who's spamming you, or shoot at the dangerous other BBs that can citadel you.

NOTE: I actually wanted to get closer but I recall in my past experience playing with Nagato, she has fierce secondaries. I've ripped apart detected DDs that tried to get too cute with Nagato, so no go on getting closer. - While a BB has the chance to annihilate any Cruiser, most especially a thinly armored Atlanta, Cruisers were IMO my greatest concern. The threat is another Cruiser's superior gun range to Atlanta's and higher ROF than a main battery of a BB. Once the enemy Cleveland came into play, that became my #1 threat and I strove to 'Kite' her, negating Cleveland's far superior gun range advantage. - Like a DD, loss of speed, control is Death for the Atlanta. Towards the end of the replay, I got and suffered those issues.

That was the point I was most worried, because had the extra Cruiser and BBs been in better gun range, I would have been dead. - Typically, I play my Atlanta to start off 'mixed in' with the crowd of my team. She's better off being lost in that mix and others choose more important targets than 'a mere Atlanta.' The Atlanta player then can act once the engagement starts.

However, in this replay, there were 2 BBs, a DD, and my ship on this side. I did not want the DD to venture out a lone, and there were too few ships on my side for me to simply sit back. I decided I had to push forward with the DD, using the island as cover. Final screen summaries here: I mostly agree. I love my Atlanta, especially when there are some CVs in the match.

I usually start by escorting them, helping them fend off the first enemy strike, then I go either for the nearest pack or the targets of opportunity. I find the Atlanta good as an anti-destroyer machine-gun killing machine, as when engaging destroyers you are usually at a short range, what matters more is the ROF (and you want the bugger dead, ASAP!). Cruisers and above must be avoided or attacked when in a pack. Carriers hate you, as you eat thier planes like Akagi on a bauxite-eating binge, and you are nimble enough to avoid torps strikes, and your AA make DB strike panic. - - - Updated - - - M.A.Mitscher Played a match yesterday with my Pensacola, against some high tier BBs. An Iowa hit a friendly New Orleans at 19Km range with his first salvo, and left him barely alive.

An enemy Pensacola sank him later. Polymorphine Sign? Credits first. Don't tell me you've got Shimakaze already lol.

Fazel Emerald Acid I'm still of the opinion that T7 CVs should get this too. CV snipe tactics rear their head in full from that tier. So far this is how I'd do it actually. I don't think one charge is necessarily bad, its the same as the one charge a supporting cruiser gives you.

If a cruiser supports you, its only for the first wave, after which you can either recall your fighters or wait for them to prep if they're dead. 2mins means the chance of wasting that one charge is lower. It's not 2mins as an attempt to hold off wave 1 indefinitely. Long enough for you to do something with your fighters, and almost long enough to move your ass or call for support if its really bad.

Lord Harrab Lexington at least has better AA than Taihou, that I recall, and is probably as good as Essex. After you account for the difference in DP guns vs MGs. Still think it's fine honestly, with one charge of a weaker defensive fire. Keyan_TTK There was a vivid moment I recall from around the days I first started. Two Brothers map. Very early in the match, teams get that immediate capture point close to their starting area. You know how some BB players just randomly fire a very long ranged shot over the mountains just for the hell of it?

Well, on BB did connect on some poor guy on my team and caused a Detonation. The victim and perp were both shocked, everyone on both teams found it hilarious. When it's time for you to go in WoWS, it's time for you to go. Someone on Reddit pointed something interesting about the Shima nerf in 0.5.5: So now Gearing has better torps and better guns?

Gearing has 16.5km torps with 1.1km detection range / 66knot speed, giving you 6.18sec to react. Shimakaze 12km torps with 1.9km detection range / 67knot speed, giving you 10.51sec to react. 20km torps with 2.5km detection range / 62knot speed, giving you 14.95sec to react. Gearing has longer smoke. Gearing has much faster gun.

Gearing has much higher win rate. (53.06% vs 50.46%) Why not delete shimakaze and give me a gearing instead? Sugoi balance, WG nii-chan!

If those Shima nerfs will be added to the game iam done with it. Seriously I dont mind balancing but this is far from it when other ships already perform better anyway. And grinding through a line just to get a ship at the end which has none strong points anymore to their counterparts feels like being fooled. I mean whats next?

Maybe the CA player will now complain how they getting crushed by ap shells, because the BB pop will increase. No different tier games anymore? Someone will always complain about something. Biggest problem imo is that even at high tier teams dont work together properly and everyone thinks all have to adjust around his style. Many guys just dont get that they have some responsibility for other class ships in their team too. With the right guys in the team I almost never get hit by torps with BB. People just cant stand to be surprise hitted, it feels wrong for them or unfair.

And while complaining is easier than thinking how to counter something it will always lead to such nerfs. And often the guys who complain, are guys which have never played their counter class. If those Shima nerfs will be added to the game iam done with it.

Seriously I dont mind balancing but this is far from it when other ships already perform better anyway. And grinding throug a line just to get a ship at the end which has none strong points anymore to their counterparts feels like being fooled. I mean whats next? Maybe the CA player will now complain how they getting crushed by ap shells, because the BB pop will increase. No different tier games anymore? Someone will always complain about something. Biggest problem imo is that even at high tier teams dont work together properly and everyone thinks all have to adjust around his style.

Many guys just dont get that they have some responsibility for other class ships in their team too. With the right guys in the team I almost never get hit by torps with BB. People just cant stand to be surprise hitted, it feels wrong for them or unfair. And while complaining is easier than thinking how to counter something it will always lead to such nerfs.

And often they guys who complain, are guys which have never their counter class. I can't say I disagree. I've repeatedly maintained that the biggest flaw of this game is detrimental player self-interest and the lack of facilitation between classes that were originally designed to work together as a unit.

We've seen changes of this type since even before CBT, and especially when WG infamously ditched their rock-paper-scissors concept and instead embraced the idea that the object of balance is to make all ships compete equally with each other regardless of class. Balancing points like this are just bandaid measures for a problem WoWs has had since the beginning.'s not competitive so there's very little motivation to address it. All the fancy tactics we discuss here and on other boards aside, by comparison to other games WoWs is a really simple brawler game. Seriously though, Shimakaze will be a joke if those changes go through. The sole advantage she will retain over all other DDs is an extra launcher on a massive CD, and she will be inferior in every other way compared to Gearing, and in a signficant majority of points compared to Khabrovsk. Not hard to see that its a daft move. Actually with Zao torps Shima has became nuclear launcher that can launch 80-ish knots 15 torpedoes from close range but this feels really bad.

Majority of redditor agrees on this but I don't like this change. It's tier 10 battle, you can get deleted easily if you got too close, and now the meta has shifted on Gunboat DD with all of those buffs to turret survivability making IJN DD felt pitiful. But really that idea is quite stupid, so they don't like Shima torp wall? Okay now go enjoy your Gearing torp wall + rain of faiyah. Gearing need some sort of nerf too or else things are still gonna be chaotic at tier 10 battles.

@Satoshi (Stop yourself right there, because that kind of thinking is just the same as what you initially argued against. 'BB captains'? This is exactly the problem, an 'us vs them' argument that spans out into a 'me vs the team' mentality in-game. I play all the classes, and I've reached the relatively higher tiers in all of them, and one big reason why is to understand how all the different classes play.

Everyone has their own problems, and pretending otherwise confounds everything all the more. @Strela (What the new Shimakaze reminded me of is a weaker KTKM.

Which isn't a good thing. Being able to create torp walls, no other option like using guns and getting dangerously exposed while doing it. @Ryuuoh DeltaPlus (Again lets be fair. Unlike the old days, large portions, majorities even, of all 4 USN lines are pretty under par.

Even taking the last major balance patch, IJN DDs benefited more than any other class. DLRevan Thats why I meant some (lets say forum captains with only one played line) not the mass of it. Luckly most players at least try out other classes.

Because playing your counter class you do learn a lot about their strength and weakness too and how to defend. Some tip which I would give every new player. The game atm has more issues too besides ship balancing. Like I dont think its much fun for non premium players at high tiers to make credits. Only if you want to go Seal clubbing. Or meeting a Fuso in T10 games just because someone wanted to play with his friend which is one tier higher. @Satoshi (What I'm saying is even including these captains, ultimately the players are not the ones at fault.

The majority of players prioritize self-interest, learn by both the good and bad examples of older players, and the carrots and sticks the game has implemented. This is a given, almost a law with a population of any decent size. So what's the game's problem really? It's the lack of controls, tools and conditions that promote good player behavior and habits. @Strela (7.6 for Gearing and Shimakaze, 10km for Khaborovsk.

Stealth torping is still possible, but much riskier, for all the usual reasons. Shimakaze's guns are barely better than KTKM's and fire slower. She's a DD, faster and is less vulnerable to getting citadel-ed, sure, but we're also comparing a T8 with a T10. Stealth firing is possible in Shimakaze, but hardly worth it, especially with radar in the game now. Both other T10 DDs have drastically better RoF, range, turret traverse speed and even better placement.

How can Shimakaze be compared to that? Either way, I feel the same.

This change feels ruinous to the ship. Even if that doesn't happen, Gearing still becomes obviously better than Shimakaze in just about any area you name for the price of a quint launcher. I dont think that the Shima was too powerful. Its more that there were too much dds at top tier.

It's not that it was especially OP, it's that it's completely overrepresented at high tier (it's the most played tier 10 by a wide margin) and promoted an extremely cancerous type of gameplay at low risk for themselves. Going to quote myself from earlier in the thread And this. (That being said, I'm not sure these nerfs are what's needed. Detection range nerfs is a good thing, the rest. Gearing are just as capable of torp walling, but gets no nerfs. On top of that, the new version of the Shima torp wall is arguably going the worse of them all.

Fifteen 76knots torps dealing 21k damage each is going to be absolutely undodgeable for BBs and a lot of (if not all) cruisers. I guess at least now Shima will have to be within radar detection range, but still. I ain't liking these changes at all. All WG had to do to calm the torp wall meta was to nerf torpedo detection range (which they did) and buff Shima's counters: Gearing and Khabarovsk. Those two things would've probably really reduced the problem to something more manageable IMO, and without changing Shima so much.

Maybe they could've undone the BB rudder nerfs, or at least lessened it a bit if what I said above wasn't enough (although that wouldn't have helped cruisers in dealing with torp walls). Aren't we all going to play together on the PTS this weekend?.

@Lord Harrab (Yeah, I've been hit by those Saipan DBs before in my Battleship. If RNG doesn't like you, you're going to feel pretty bad. Also just got Tier VIII New Orleans. Stock was pretty bad. Got the 1st hull module, things have started turning around, mostly for getting used to Tier VIII Cruiser play.

Toying around with the Radar Consumable, not sure how about effective it is so far. I've got her Surface Detection Range to 10.8. I don't have the Capt trait 'Concealment Expert' with it's -12% improvement for Cruisers. If I did, it calculates to 9.5 Surface Detection Range.

If I can sneak into someone to plant AP rounds that close, that sounds nice. I haven't tried anything like this before by having a focus on concealment outside of DD work. Still, I like NO so far. I miss having torps that my IJN Cruisers and Atlanta had, but the guns are okay and she's more survivable than Pensacola which is about as tough and safe as a Ford Pinto loaded with explosives. Emerald Acid Build a time machine, go back in time, then find a job.:kongou_happy: For most maps, weather effects will simply appear at the start of battle and serve to set the tone of the upcoming combat.

These brief squalls will have no effect on gameplay, but the North map will feature weather that affects visibility. Not sure I like this. Well, considering there is a PTS soon, I suppose we'll see what happens, but wouldn't this decrease the distance needed to detect an enemy DD?

As in, you need to go even closer than normal to find it? @Emerald Acid (The 3/0/1 Standard spec? Man, unless you got great AA covering you, that's eight, high tiered, extremely tough DBs coming for you LOL! And you are right in AS being a strange gimmick. USN CVs are very gimped in damage if they go Fighter Spec below Tier VIII. But Saipan changes that.

Like how IJN CVs even if they go Fighter Spec, still retain just enough Strike capability to have usefulness. I actually get more kills with the dive bomebrs that the torp bombers, simply because the dive bombers are more accurate and tougher to bring down. @polymorphine (Lies! I've been talking about playing together when the next PT goes up for months now! Fine, I'll NTR you with @HydraGoliath (@Emerald Acid (and @Keyan_TTK (then (and possibly @M.A.Mitscher (and @Fazel (if they feel like joining us on the PTS as well) _.

@Emerald Acid (@polymorphine (Alright, cool. We could try Team Battles if we have enough players.

@M.A.Mitscher (PTS = Public Test Server, it's where you can test the upcoming major balance patches. Here's a link on how to get it: And be mindful of this: You must register your Public Test account with the same email address as your live account to collect your rewards. No exceptions.

@Lord Harrab (3 in a division and 7 in a team battle IIRC. @Mobius (Fair warning: I'll likely end up dragging you down. If the PTS is this weekend. Well, no guarantees there.

There's actually somewhere I want to go this weekend, but we'll see how it goes. If it starts on Friday. I'll go register now even though I'm kinda in class right now and am kinda supposed to be paying attention to class instead of staring at Himeuta. Yeah, starts on Friday. I can do that after around 2pm PST. Still no guarantees over this weekend, though. @Mobius (I can't feel as much about torp walls tbh, including Shimakaze's.

I almost never see inflated numbers of DDs in a game on Asia server, at any time of the day. Which is why the butthurt about torp walls is.understandable to me, but feels like an overreaction. Ahem.I'll probably update my PTS client, but they asked me to division so we could clear missions and things. Well, I'm sure there'll be time. @Lord Harrab (The DB squadron does seem to have rear gunners. It eats IJN fighters alive when chased.

Or I assume you mean they're not supposed to have rear gunners, but they do. @Emerald Acid (By 'getting everything', I assume they just mean the ships, and then not necessarily all at once. EU and Asia already have different rewards strictly speaking. Also sounds like they're trying to find a better way to introduce more ARP content while hiding it from non-weebs. As if the Yokosuka port was not a good enough filter already. I've still got a ways to go for the Hagurou ARP mission here though. At the start of the final part, 3000 ribbons.

@Emerald Acid (Which doesn't make too much sense, since it's actually a lot of content to be meted out that can only be poorly cramped into a short time span of say, 1 month. Planning-wise it makes more sense to have done it how they've done it for the other two servers. It's not as if Asia/EU are done getting everything yet, even if we get each other's have-nots.

There will be at least the 2 remaining Myoukou sisters, plus 2 Kongou class, whichever our server doesn't have, then presumably I-401 who may or may not be playable and will come with the new mode/event. More likely they were just dithering about whether to continue the collab, and how to make it even less obtrusive. As in seriously, because I think it turned into a genuine PR problem for them. @DLRevan (Well, I made a thread back on the first of March, and had looked around other ARP threads that had moderators mention that the ARP content was slated to come back, guaranteed. They just passed the delay off as 'putting things together'. I forget which one(s) I heard/pieced it together from, but due to the hints and teases scattered amongst them, I've fully been expecting to end up being able to get Haruna, her Cpt., Hiei, her fully trained Cpt., Haguro, her Cpt., Kirishima, her bear Cpt.

And Iona Cpt. Did some looking around, and I think this sudden week of Premium came from the forum survey awhile back. Completely forgot about it until today, and apparently it did have a week of Premium as a prize. Apparently only 10 people out of all the people who took the survey won? @Emerald Acid (I'm still sticking to hydro for the most part.

I've been seeing Saipans, and it's true that the DB can wreck a CA.any CA. But chances are that almost all, if not all my teammates have defensive fire. And the catapult fighter works fine if launched at the last moment. In the end, I'm using primarily IJN CAs, so if I take defensive fire, it's just to cause scattering, not actually help me clear out squadrons before they hit. I'd rather be the one guy with hydro so we're not all cowering like chickens when we see smoke. @Lord Harrab (Jokes aside, its because we only remember the bad. Amusing Thoughts: Wargaming nerfs Advanced Firing Training trait so it no longer buffs a number of medium caliber guns typically fitted on CLs.

So, no more long ranged Clevelands, Konigsberg, etc. Next, they put in a Soviet Premium, the Mikhail Kutuzov that has 19.1km main gun range. Meanwhile, the equivalent Soviet Tier VIII Chapayev is 17.3km (long but not 'Kutuzov long'), KM Adm Hipper is 17.7km, USN New Orleans is 16.2km, IJN Mogami is 15.7km. And Kutuzov is 19.1km. - - - Updated - - - DLRevan I've been using the Radar consumable on New Orleans, something I haven't seen before.

It's pretty funny when you're ahead of the group and see a wall of smoke. Pop Radar, everyone sees the stationary DD, so he gets lit up. So I'm keeping this consumable:D. @M.A.Mitscher (Certainly if you're using a ship that can equip the radar consumable you should be using that.

It has basically ravaged USN and Soviet DDs at some tiers since it was introduced balance-wise, which is all well and good for making USN cruisers actually useful.not so good for the latter group. Chapayev might have long range but even compared to Pudding who is supposed to have less armor, if she ever comes within 12km or so of Mogami using either type of her guns she's absolutely dead. Lord Harrab I have not even started the Soviet Cruiser Line, so I can't comment on them. However, looking at the general stats, to me it reminds me exactly of how Pre-AFT Nerf Konigsberg was. You had the long reach and the speed to dictate the fight. Konigsberg back then, the only things I feared despite my paper thin hull were air strikes (German ship AA is practically nonexistent in my eyes) and the very, very few BB players that were actually accurate at long range.

That was why my survival rate was so high yet I still did enough to contribute. Kutuzov is basically to me, Pre-AFT nerf K-Berg, without having to give up 4 captain trait points for the now-nerfed Adv Firing Training. - - - Updated - - - @M.A.Mitscher (Go look at the performance of soviet cruisers on, they're top of the scoreboard at almost every tier. I just looked it up for NA server.

Of the top 10 Cruisers in performance, 6 are Soviet with the T10 at #1. One T2 German Cruiser is there (LOL), one T5 USN, and only the T10 IJN one is there.

This is a big shift, because when I left in November, IJN Cruisers were pretty much favored for most of the tiers. @M.A.Mitscher (Soviet cruisers lose out in one area to Konigsberg though.

They're very sluggish. They're fast, but not necessarily maneuverable. And tier for tier they are even more fragile than Konigsberg. Moskva, the soviet T10, is quite strong though. A little bit different from the rest of her line, she is less a cruiser and more like a battlecruiser, only developed from the armored cruiser concept up rather than as a stripped down battleship. Her guns are very accurate, have a low arc, high RoF, high velocity and ridiculous penetration ability.

Citadels vs the T10 BBs is possible at less than 8km, as Tedster pointed out some time ago. The armor is also quite good and HP about the same as Tirpitz, though her citadel is otherwise quite exposed, and large due to the ships's size. I think originally, Moskva was labeled pretty balanced initially during testing, because despite the armor and astounding HP she was still fairly fragile. But most of said testing happened when her armor was bugged at 0mm thickness.

It's hard to criticize Soviet cruiser balance though, including Moskva. They have enough weaknesses that you can't exactly claim they're OP, but they're still annoyingly strong in general, and a pain to fight.

Just take Moskva, if she sits at 12km or so, she can kill anything and opponents would be ridiculously hard pressed to counter her. If she goes closer but manages to get into a BB's blind spot, it's a field day. On the other hand if she gets focused, which is easy given how big she is, she's still not a BB who can take the full punishment. Or if the other nation's cruisers can get under that range and use both torps and guns. But these are situations that aren't going to happen most of the time, and if you take care.

If I'm not wrong, the general impression among most players is actually that Moskva and her predecessors are merely average ships. But the stats don't show that. @tyfo (4k hp on a CA is not crap.

And 3.2k hp on a T8 CA is certainly even less crap. While IJN AA is somewhat weak, potential AA bonuses for IJN cruisers shouldn't be ignored. Particularly manual fire AA skill.

Most IJN cruisers have DP guns that are roughly 2/3rds as good as their USN counterparts, which is still considerable. The skill affects only those large caliber DP guns. These will do a lot with the skill, and at fairly long range for AA fire. Frankly, I would not recommend demo expert for any cruiser above T6, any nation. All of them should take manual AA even if not considering an AA build, with survivability and AFTs as maybes.

@Keyan_TTK (I loved that video. Nagamon probably bought the farm at the end, but that Cleveland's situation is something I wish on all Clevelands, even today. Hahaha, even now? One thing I've noticed since I returned was a lot less Clevelands. There's no more 'Cleveland City' matches. Something else outside of AFT Nerf hit them?

Edit: Yesterday I also tried CV play for the first time since returning. Unfortunately I had no low tier CVs to test out in less severe conditions. So I loaded up in my Tier VIII Lexington. Let's just say it was an embarrassing performance:kaga_sad: I remember before I was able to work things out with the Standard Spec 1/1/1 but I'm so rusty that I was a hindrance to the team.

I've had my Iowa for a good while but have not put in as much time into her. My successes with her have been very few with some horrible results. Finally had one go my way.

NA server currently on 'Winner!' Event, x1.25 credits, x2 additional Commander XPs. Anyways, for the match I used the chain of islands to screen me from taking all the shots.

Damage was very minimal. Early on, I was going to surge out with a group but we ran into a far stronger opposing group that included a Montana, Amagi, Des Moines, and others. We had to pull back. The Tirpitz on our team was with us, but he was way too fast and by the time the reality set in that we were outgunned and outnumbered, he was already getting focus fired.

Two of my kills I was fortunate. The Montana (my first) and one of the Iowas (my third) did early-tier mistakes by showing off their broadsides the entire time. It's not like I had the drop on them as they were engaged with someone else. I was zoomed in on them and I see their main battery pointed at me. Yet they still showed broadsides during reloads or not even try to lessen their profile. How that lesson was never driven into a Tier IX and X BB player amazes me, I finally learned that at V after getting cit'ed so many times at III - V and noticing how others were fighting me. Edit: Also got Saipan, had one quick match with her.

First, Standard Spec is 3/0/1 with the fast flying, 8 DB squadron but the fighters are 3 planes each. I researched the alternate spec (2/2/0) at the cost of 1 research point but have not used that spec yet. My very first match with Saipan: I have experience with CV play but I'm real rusty. Was getting my butt handed to me when I dug out my Lexington. That said, some very quick impressions: - Standard Spec (3/0/1) is very easy to play because it is essentially a Fighter Spec (World or RTS). I was getting decent hits with Auto Drop from the DBs but I haven't tried DB Manual Drops.

As a regular surface ship player seeing Saipan's aircraft flying around, I knew the DBs were fast. But when I actually started using it, they are fast. Preferred targets were isolated BBs or those not escorted by AA ships. The speed of the DB unit is so good that I'm thinking about ways you can use it to strike at different parts of the map, quickly. Unless the opposing CV(s) have fighters posted at the intended target, they are not catching these things.

My fighters sustain much higher losses than my DBs. Only time my DBs had high loss was when I didn't watch them and let them get swamped by fighters. Otherwise, I felt they had free reign of the map. - The Fighters zoom about pretty fast also, faster than Ranger and Hiryu's fighters. - One on one fighter engagements, the Saipan's Corsairs will lose.

If it came down to dealing with a Fighter Spec CV, it may have troubles but again, this was only one match. Smaller fighter unit sizes and smaller aircraft capacity. Same tiered Ranger has 58 hangar capacity, Hiryu has 72. Saipan has 48. Like what I see so far. I'll stick with Standard until the cobwebs of CV play are all off, then I'll try out Strike. Also, I don't have Air Supremacy trait yet, so the +1 fighter/bomber looks interesting for the ship.

M.A.Mitscher I had this match a while ago but the Iowa can take as much damage as she can give. Similar to the North Carolina, the Iowa's citadel is relatively easy to hit when she shows a broadside.

I have had horrendous games where I would lose more than half of my health to a salvo of AP rounds. But her good gun placement and huge damage output help ease that disadvantage. Audacity Plugin Pack. She has great angling and can block most AP shells while still retaining all three guns on target. I also find that her anti-aircraft is better than her IJN counterpart and she can defend herself from aircraft carrier attacks.

All things considered, if you manage to not show a broadside and/or get teamed up on, she's a impressive battleship. @M.A.Mitscher (@Giomic (That's about right.

Iowa frankly is one of the best BBs in the game. She has almost no weaknesses, except for being vulnerable broadside to both AP and torpedoes. And getting citadeled broadside shouldn't happen, not with her speed and turret arrangement. Despite looks, she is not like North Carolina. She's far better.

The only things Iowa has to really fear is getting blindsided by torps.or getting picked out by a Yamato. Opinion question: looking at the two Saipan shop options, how worth are the extra flags and month of Prem in the $10-more-expensive bundle when compared to the simple just-the-ship option?

Ah, that depends. If money is an issue, grab Saipan for $42 and not pay the extra money for the bundle. Now, if you *are* into 30 days Premium Account, 3x50 signal flags, the bundle is worth it. A separate 30 days Premium Acct purchase is $12.59 by itself. The solo Saipan buy is $42.99 while the bundled one is $52.99, and buying separate won't get you the 150 total signal flags.

I know some guys in this thread alone care less about Premium Acct and kick ass and make Credits & XPs without it, so it doesn't matter at all for them. So hence my 'that depends' opinion. I went with the bundle. @Krad Hunter (CV upgrade modules are pretty much set in stone for them.

Air Groups modification 1 & 2 to boost planes, and DameCon System modification 1 & 2 to keep fires down as much as possible. As for ship based upgrades, one of the non-stock Air Controls first, upgraded Fighters second, Torpedo Bombers third, and then your choice of Dive Bomber or Hull upgrades after depending on your preferences. Strike Loadout would prefer Dive Bombers, while Superiority Loadout wouldn't benefit from that as much, so upgrading the hull for the extra HP and AA wouldn't be bad. Krad Hunter RJ in particular doesn't really have a middle ground in her styles; she leans towards either of the extremes.

Her AS loadout can easily keep the skies clean with three Fighter squadrons, and enough to match an Independence that is also using AS plane-for-plane in a 12v12 fight (granted, IJN Fighters are still more fragile, so it's usually better to either 2v1 enemy squads, or if worse comes to worst, lock up the enemy squadrons with the first two Fighters, and then strafe through the fight with your third. Sucks for both parties to lose large amounts of Fighters, but an Indie will lose more than RJ in those situations, assuming RNG doesn't f*ck with ya too hard and let some of their live while yours don't.

Just don't expecting to do too much damage with this loadout since it only has one of each Bomber. Conversely, Strike RJ has the potential to do massive damage since she gets two of each Bomber type, which can be a big deal at her tier. However, her AS control becomes pitiful with just a single Fighter squadron, limiting her to pretty much using it purely defensively.

This loadout is basically just an upgraded Zuihou, so while it has the damage, it has all the same drawbacks that the Zuihou vs Bogue matchup had, only slightly more forgiving since Indie players usually prefer the loadout with only one Fighter squadron as well. I'm not sure why a guy with the AS loadout Saipan kept focusing my Amagi, but it gave me a good idea of how much threat it poses to BBs. Basically, not much, if prem repair party is equipped. I took 4 waves of drops, some which had defensive fire/catapult fighter cover, some which didn't. The best drop took about 20k of my HP and started 3 fires, but the thing is it was just body damage, and therefore all repairable. The net damage i took from him by the end was probably less than 10k in total, pretty lousy return for 4 waves.

I suppose if I was already low enough that an Alpha strike could kill me, that might seem good. But any CV could do that. Dj Tech Vinyl Usb 10 Treiber Nissan. Much better off if he had focused some CAs or DDs instead.

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