Good Morning Dave Wav

Good Morning Dave Wav

Sound clips (wav, mp3, ogg, flac) from the movie 2001 - A Space Odyssey. From 2001: A Space Odyssey to. This is WavSource's page for the movie Good Morning. Movies: Good Morning, Vietnam: File Name & Size. 2001: A Space Odyssey Photos. HAL 9000: Good morning, Dave. Bowman: Open the pod bay. The great thing about having a spaceship with dozens of. File: Dialog: spaceship1.wav.

File Name KB Description of Wav Sound Allen, Tim 38 Tim Allen: 'Never give up. Never surrender.' (Galaxy Quest) Allen, Woody 88 Woody Allen: 'Oh!

That's so disgusting! That's the worst thing I ever heard in my life!' (Crimes and Misdemeanors) Find more Woody Allen sounds on the following WavSource page: Aykroyd, Dan 20 Dan Aykroyd: 'I find you unacceptable!' (Coneheads) Find more Dan Aykroyd sounds on the following WavSource pages: Bacall, Lauren 64 Lauren Bacall speaking to Humphrey Bogart: 'You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and. (To Have and Have Not) Beatty, Warren 52 Joe Mantegna: 'No woman's worth a bullet between the eyes.

Am I right or wrong?' Warren Beatty: 'Depends on whose eyes and which woman.' (Bugsy) Brynner, Yul 30 Yul Brynner as the king of Siam: 'Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.' (The King and I) Find more Yul Brynner sounds on the following WavSource page: Bullock, Sandra 45 Sandra Bullock: 'What I wouldn't give for some action.' (from Demolition Man, according to Jeff) Bullock, Sandra 174 Sandra Bullock: 'Just think about it. Our whole world is sitting there on a computer. It's in the computer – everything.

It's all right there. Everyone is stored in there. It's like this little electronic shadow on each and every one of us, just, just begging for somebody to screw with.' (The Net) Cage, Nicolas 32 Nicolas Cage: 'Without disappointment you can't appreciate victory.' (Gone in 60 Seconds) Find more Nicolas Cage sounds on the following WavSource pages: Coburn, James 26 James Coburn: 'If I may be so blunt, who gives a s***?' (Payback) Costner, Kevin 112 Kevin Costner tells Susan Sarandon: 'I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas eve, and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft. Wet kisses that last three days.'

(Bull Durham) Find more Kevin Costner sounds on the following WavSource page: Crudup, Billy 33 Billy Crudup: 'I am a golden god!!' (Almost Famous) Cruise, Tom 101 Tom Cruise: 'That's incredibly rude.

I'm here giving you an interview and answering your questions, and you do something really nasty. You're a jerk.' (Said during a 2005 incident in England after a practical joker – posing as a reporter – squirted Cruise in the face with water propelled from a fake microphone while conducting a phony interview.) Find more Tom Cruise sounds on the following WavSource pages: Cusack, John 125 John Cusack: 'When I was going up the stairs, I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today. I wish, I wish he'd go away.' (Identity) Cusack, John 181 John Cusack: 'I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed, ya know, as a career.

I don't want to do that.' (Say Anything) Dean, James 85 James Dean: 'You're tearing me apart! You, you say one thing, he says another, and everybody changes back again!'

(Rebel Without a Cause) Douglas, Michael 62 Michael Douglas: 'Greed is good. Greed is right. Greed works.' (Wall Street) Find more Michael Douglas sounds on the following WavSource page: Dunst, Kirsten Bring it on 22 Cheerleader: 'Bring it on, baby.' Kirsten Dunst: 'I'll bring it.'

(Bring It On) Find more Kirsten Dunst sounds on the following WavSource page: Falco, Edie 73 Edie Falco: 'The important thing is to keep that smile on your face. Even if you're drownin'.' (Sunshine State) Find more Edie Falco sounds on the following WavSource pages: Field, Sally 20 Sally Field: 'Am I bad? (from The Incredible Journey, according to Carol) Fields, W.C. 32 Woman: 'Do you like children?'

Fields: 'I do if they're properly cooked.' (from Tillie and Gus, according to Kaden) Freeman, Kathleen 27 Kathleen Freeman: 'That miserable little bag of puke!' (from Dragnet, according to Frank) Garbo, Greta 19 Greta Garbo: 'I want to be alone.' (Grand Hotel) Gere, Richard 29 Richard Gere: 'Don't you do it!!!' (An Officer and a Gentleman) Gibson, Mel 12 Mel Gibson as William Wallace: 'They may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!' (Braveheart) Goldberg, Whoopi 24 Whoopi Goldberg, a.k.a. Caryn Johnson: 'Oh, chill out.

(Ghost) Griffith, Melanie 72 Melanie Griffith: 'I have a head for business and a bod for sin. Is there anything wrong with that?' (Working Girl) Hanks, Tom 30 Tom Hanks: 'Houston, we have a problem.'

(Apollo 13) Find more Tom Hanks sounds on the following WavSource pages: Hardy, Oliver Fine mess 31 Oliver Hardy: 'Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into.' (Sons of the Desert) Hartley, Mariette 58 Mariette Hartley: 'The best thing is for us girls to keep our feelings to ourselves and let the men get on with their work.' (Marooned) Hoffman, Dustin 48 Dustin Hoffman: 'Hey! I'm walkin' here! I'm walkin' here!' (Midnight Cowboy) Hoffman, Dustin 41 Dustin Hoffman as Dorothy Michaels: 'Shame on you, you macho s***head!'

(Tootsie) Find more Dustin Hoffman sounds on the following WavSource pages: Hope, Bob 26 Bob Hope: 'As far as I'm concerned, this picture's over right now.' (Road to Utopia) Hunter, Holly 86 Holly Hunter: 'So, tell me you love me. Please, please, please, please. Tell me, tell me, tell me. (Always) Find more Holly Hunter sounds on the following WavSource page: Hurt, John 89 John Hurt as Joseph Carey Merrick: 'I am not an animal!

I am a human being!' (The Elephant Man) Hurt, William 155 William Hurt: 'I think that that true self – that original self, that first self – is a real, mensurate, quantifiable thing, tangible and incarnate.

And I'm going to find the f***er.' (Altered States) Find more William Hurt sounds on the following WavSource page: Kline, Kevin 24 Kevin Kline: 'What do you do for an encore? Fall asleep?'

(Fierce Creatures) Find more Kevin Kline sounds on the following WavSource page: Lugosi, Bela 63 Bela Lugosi: 'I am Dracula. I bid you welcome.'

(Dracula) Martin, Steve 65 Steve Martin: 'Wow! All I can say is wow!!' (from Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, according to John) Martin, Steve 27 Steve Martin: 'The new phonebook's here! The new phonebook's here!' (The Jerk) Find more Steve Martin sounds on the following WavSource pages: Marx, Groucho 16 Groucho Marx: 'Any mail for me while I was gone?'

(from Duck Soup, according to Cam) Marx, Groucho 21 Groucho Marx: 'I worked myself up from nothing to a state of extreme poverty. Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped Iso Android. ' (from Monkey Business, according to Dave) Matthau, Walter 267 Walter Matthau: 'I can't take it anymore, Felix. I'm crackin' up. Everything you do irritates me.

And when you're not here, the things I know you're gonna do when you come in irritate me. You leave me little notes on my pillow. I told you 158 times I cannot stand little notes on my pillow. 'We are all out of corn flakes. It took me three hours to figure out that 'F.U.' Was Felix Unger.' (The Odd Couple) Mayall, Rick 29 Rik Mayall: 'Yuck!!

What happened to you??' (from Drop Dead Fred, according to Tracey) Mills, Hayley 17 Hayley Mills: 'Leave me alone.' (Pollyanna) Morita, Pat 90 Pat Morita as Kesuke Miyagi: 'Wax on, right hand. Wax off, left hand. Wax on, wax off.' (The Karate Kid) Murphy, Brittany Never tell 22 Brittany Murphy says to Michael Douglas: 'I'll never tell.'

(Don't Say a Word) Peet, Amanda 17 Amanda Peet: 'Have you considered therapy?' (Saving Silverman) Pitt, Brad 107 Brad Pitt as Achilles: 'Is there no one else?? Is there no one else???'

(Troy) Find more Brad Pitt sounds on the following WavSource page: Ramsey, Anne 22 Anne Ramsey as Momma: 'C'mon on, move it, lard-ass!' (Throw Momma from the Train) Reagan, Ronald 31 Ronald Reagan: ' Where's the rest of me???'

(Kings Row) Reagan, Ronald Win just one 152 Ronald Reagan as famed Notre Dame halfback George Gipp, tells Pat O'Brien: 'Rock, someday when the team's up against it, the breaks are beating the boys, ask 'em to go in there with all they've got, and win just one for the Gipper.' (Knute Rockne, All-American) Find Reagan's politics sounds on the following WavSource page: Reese, Della 40 Della Reese as Vera: 'Kiss my entire ass!' (Harlem Nights) (Thanks, J.V.) Reeves, Keanu 46 Keanu Reeves: 'I want to get on-line! (Johnny Mnemonic) Seagal, Steven 34 Steven Seagal: 'Now get your ugly, white ass outta here. Don't come back.' (from The Glimmer Man, according to Tony) Spacey, Kevin 82 Kevin Spacey: 'Do me a f***ing favor.

Shut up, listen, and learn.' (Swimming with Sharks) Find more Kevin Spacey sounds on the following WavSource page: Stone, Sharon 51 Wayne Knight: 'No smoking in this building.' Sharon Stone: 'What are you gonna do? Charge me with smoking?' (Basic Instinct) Streep, Meryl 18 Meryl Streep: 'The dingo took my baby!' (A Cry in the Dark) Find more Meryl Streep sounds on the following WavSource pages: Tucker, Chris 38 Chris Tucker: 'Do you understand the words that are comin' out of my mouth?'

(Rush Hour) Turner, Kathleen 11 Kathleen Turner as the voice of Jessica Rabbit: 'I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.' (Who Framed Roger Rabbit) Turner, Kathleen 25 Kathleen Turner asks Michael Douglas: 'Was it as good for you as it was for me?' (The War of the Roses) Varney, Jim 57 Jim Varney: 'Ya better give up them cigarettes, buddy, or the groundhogs'll be bringin' ya your mail.

Know what I mean?' (movie unknown) Walken, Christopher 301 Christopher Walken: 'Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned. The second mouse. Wouldn't quit. He struggled so hard that eventually he churned that cream into butter and crawled out.

Gentlemen, as of this moment, I am that second mouse.' (Catch Me If You Can) Walken, Christopher 27 Christopher Walken: 'You would need three promotions to get to be an asshole.' (Biloxi Blues) Weller, Peter 27 Peter Weller: 'Dead or alive, you are coming with me.' (Robocop) West, Mae 46 Mae West: 'Anytime ya got nothin' to do and lotsa time to do it, come up.' (movie unknown) West, Mae 18 Mae West: 'Why don't ya come up sometime and see me?' (She Done Him Wrong) Wilder, Gene 82 Gene Wilder: 'You stupid, ignorant, son-of-a-bitch, dumb bastards!

Jesus Christ! I've met some dumb bastards in my time, but you out-do them all!' (Silver Streak) Find more Gene Wilder sounds on the following WavSource pages: Yoakam, Dwight 28 Dwight Yoakam: 'I'll shove it up your ass and snap it off.' (Panic Room) Young, Sean 21 Sean Young as Lola Cain: 'I like things that are bad for me.' (Fatal Instinct) visitors since July 1, 2001.

Get DAK's eNewsletter Tech Tips, Quizzes, Specials & It's Spam Free...Drew I won't rent, sell, or trade your name.- Restricted Upgrade SPECIAL PRICE Only Page. DAK Wave & MP3 Editor PRO NEW v7.1 & V71b (enhanced) RESTRICTED UPGRADE PRICE ONLY PAGE.

Plus Get 2 Surprise Added Extra Programs. These are 2 surprise programs that aren't in the editor and one of them is My favorite program of all. You get them both with your advanced upgrade, FREE. But First, let me show you the Editor's new look. I had no idea how ugly my old DAK Editor was. Now, you can personalize it and make it beautiful in Win 7, Vista and XP too. And wait till you see all the new tricks my new V7.1 Editor can do with your music.

You Don't Need An Old Version To Upgrade. Got a new PC? This upgrade is a full program. You don't need to have an old version on your PC.

Here's my XP example below. I'm showing you 25 color choices, but you'll choose from thousands. You control each area separately to get just what pleases you. No more ugly duckling here. Now your DAK Editor will look as good as it makes your music sound. Do It Your Way Look & Feel Easy, Instant 5-way Editor personalizing.

Quick Hit List OF What's NEW New Programs Stereo Simulator - Make old Mono Albums sound live. It's an amazing difference you easily control. Karaoke Wonders - Easy instant Karaoke right on your PC. All free songs give you lots to play with.

Wave Warper - You've got to see this. It creates unlimited sounds. It's a synthesizer, oscillator, fun and unreal. Space sounds too. Unshackled DJ - Remarkable PC Program so you can spin some tunes. Do the DJ thing on your PC.

It's amazing DJ power, Wow. DJ Crossfade Wizard PRO - Fades one track into the next for an evening of no pause entertainment.

Pitch Bender - Sound like a DJ Alter Pitch sounds instantly. Playlist Maker - Creates playlists so you can listen to your music in the order you want. This is worth doing. Sampler Master PRO - Create and trigger sounds. Upgraded Audio Player (upgraded) - New works on all systems and has more features. Batch Transformer (upgraded) Adds new features.

Tune Library (upgraded) New features and all new look Editor Additions Color Themes - Look to the left. You can see a little of this right here. Text converter - Open text files right in the editor as spoken word. New slant on text to speech.

Take it with you in MP3. Auto Recording Gain Control - Finally, you have auto-recording levels in the Editor. No human needed. Auto Trim Silence from both sides - Just one click clears all blank from both the front and end of any file/track. Favorite Additions Effects & Filters Presets Added - Just choose how much of an effect or filter you want and save it for future one click use.

You'll save hours and get real precision. New Effect Preview full or part - Preview entire tracks or part of a track before committing to an effect or filter.

System Resources & Resource Monitor Access - See how much of your RAM and CPU you are using plus full PC system info for most PCs. - -Plus You Get Lots More- - - DAK Wave & MP3 Editor PRO NEW v7.1 See The New Enhancements &Programs. Tested for Windows 7, Vista And XP. By Sol Harari Welcome to the new v7.1 DAK Wave & MP3 Editor PRO Upgrade Page.

Below we'll explore some of the powerful new features and programs that I've added. I've really been able to make it into an easy to use pro recording studio. Hate to install new programs? If your current program does most of what you want to do, why learn a new one?

Well, don’t let, “if it ain't broke' make you miss out on all the New Programs & enhancements, Because... You can keep your old editor right along side the new editor and try out the new improved editor and all the new programs and enhancements. Then and only then, after you see how much easier it is, how much faster you can do things and how much more you can do, then delete the old editor. V7 is worth having. I love my music.

I've loved it since I got my 1st Teac tape deck back in the '60s. It's really amazing to me how much more we can do with our music than we could then. When I was growing up in the 50s and 60s, I had motors that opened and closed my bedroom door and the curtains in my bedroom. I almost burned the house down one day when a wire I had soldered parted at an inopportune moment. In those days I'd take every piece of wire I had and solder them together to make a longer piece. I didn't have much money. But before I could afford stereo, I had 8 car speakers mounted in my bedroom and I had all the bass turned up on one side and all the treble turned up on the other.

(Well, I was a kid.) That was a long way from the Stereo Simulator that I'm including in my new V7 DAK Editor upgrade today. You Don't Need An Old Version To Upgrade. Got a new PC? This upgrade is a full program.

You don't need an old version on your PC to use it. But I want you to know where I'm coming from as I keep adding all the new extras to the editor. I want you to understand that for me it's fun. And, for me it's important. It's a lifelong pursuit of improving both the sound and flexibility I have and you'll have of enjoying and controlling our music. The kids today will never understand us sitting around listening to the sound of a record track using 2 or 3 different cartridges.

Or, trying 2 or 3 different amps. They grew up with MP3 and while I use it all the time, it sure doesn't sound like Wav files or my old LPs or open reel tape copies. But, it sure is easy to take with us. I'd imagine that with memory prices coming down that it won't be too long before we have a much better sounding, all be it, much bigger file format for our music. Anyway, I digress, again. So, if you've been in the audio business as an engineer, or worked in the studios, or just loved and played your music all the time, you've seen the audio field evolve like no other field except maybe photography.

So take a look down my list of new additions, and if you're like me, the sheer wonderment of what we can do now digitally will blow you away. You don't have to buy the new editor.

I know times have been tough. But just think about how much more we can do today, then we could ever do before and I know you'll join me in knowing that the audio future is going to be great. So hang on tight, scroll down the page and enjoy. Install New 7.1 & Keep Or Remove Your Old Editor. It's Up To You.

People ask me if they can keep their old editor because they know it and are comfortable with it. I say, 'Sure, you can have both'. But the new V7 works the same as your old editor so you don't have to relearn old tasks. Plus, it lets you do things faster and easier and lets you do things you could never do before. But, if you just want to be extra sure, simply install the new one and keep the old one too. Then try them side by side. You'll never go back again.

And you can always remove the old one later after you've used some of the new tools and improvements. The new one really is 100 times better for you in all ways. Everything in electronics just gets better and better. Do we live in great times, or what?

Your DAK Wave & MP3 Editor PRO v7.1 Upgrades (Choose ONLY 1) Grab Either Editor Version Here or Read The Whole Editor Story. Editors are the Same. The Advanced Version Adds all the programs Marked in Red Plus Bonus Programs & More. Special $11.95 - Upgrade Total Items In Your Cart Now: 0 Qty.

Advanced Version. Special $14.95 Upgrade Total Items In Your Cart Now: 0 Qty. Check Here to add DAK's CD Label Printing Program for just $22.95 $16.95 Check Here to add DAK's new Recording EQ 2-Plus Gold with LP Fix & more to make your music explode with dramatic newfound life for just $21.95 $14.95. It really really works. Check Here -Already Own EQ 1? Special EQ Special - If you already have DAK's Recording EQ 1 on your computer now you can upgrade to new gold EQ 2-Plus with LP Fix & more for just $8.95. Check Here if you'd like a disc with all programs ordered here on it sent to you.

Adds $6 ($3 P&H) Get up to 3 discs for the price of 1. When you order the v7.1b backup disc, we'll add discs at no charge for the EQ and Label Printer Programs if you order those programs too. That's a big savings....Drew Check Out My: v7.1B has everything included in the basic v7.1 version plus, the added programs and bonuses for maximum flexibility and ease, this is the best program to upgrade to and use... Drew Remember That You Still Get the 169 Digital Sound Effects worth $659 with the Pro Editor. Programs Marked with + In Red are ONLY in the Advanced PRO Editor.

Unlock codes - All new unlock codes will be issued within 48 hours. Don't Miss The Special Add-Ons - Save Big Add the Recording EQ 2-Plus or Label Printing programs. When you upgrade your Editor, you can add the all new Recording EQ 2-Plus Gold for just $14.95. The new LP & Tape Fix Buttons are awesome. When you upgrade your Editor, you can add the CD Label Printing program for just $16.95.

This is what I use to print the DAK Labels. Drew's Favorite New Program, Isn't Even In The Editor, But You Get This Program Included Free. Here's Drew's Time Dodger PRO. Records daily shows, records 4 different shows, turns itself on & actually opens the web page of the show you want to record. I'm really, really excited.

I think I've finally created the Holy Grail of PC Internet recording. I've had recorders that could record for a certain amount of time. Plus I've had a 1-event Internet recorder that could record, but only if the program was open and you left the page you wanted to record open as well. But if you're like me, limited recording isn't enough. What if we could record like we do with a DVR?

What if we could record multiple events? What if the recorder opened on its own and waited in the background till it was needed? What if the recorder could open most Internet pages that you want to record automatically? What if you could record what you want, when you want any time in the future with no hassle at all? And what if there's a daily radio broadcast that you want to record so you can time shift to a more convenient time? I'm thrilled to introduce my new Time Dodger PRO schedule recorder. With this recorder, you can record Internet Audio, you can record any sound that you can connect to your PC.

Think about meetings, radios or anything that you want to record automatically. You can record a web page URL or a microphone or any other input.

And you can do it all totally unattended, 100% automatically. It will open all normal web pages and even launch players like Windows Media Player if the web page calls for it. For custom players on web pages that don't use normal web protocols, don't enter the URL, you need to leave the page open and playing, but do use the timers.

Last Minute Massive Scheduling Improvement. I had just finished the Time Dodger when it occurred to me that there are some broadcasts, talk shows or events that occurred every day. If you're like me there are talk shows, cooking shows and tech shows you'd like to listen to, but they occur while you're at work, away or asleep. Now you'll get them, easy, automatically and hassle free. Either way, my new Time Dodger will use Stereo Mix, Wav Out or What U Hear, available on most PCs to make flawless digital recordings daily, or for any 4 preset times.

And it records MP3 so you can record for hundreds of hours without filling up your hard drive. TIME DODGER NOT IN EDITOR NOTE: This is a completely separate program. It's not part of the editor, but I'm going to include it with the advanced editor when you upgrade. It's awesome. Anatomy Of A Time Dodger Recorder.

It's so easy to do. Just pick a start time, an end time and you can even fill in the web page URL you want to record. Then The Time Dodger will come to life, open the web page and start recording. Everything is automatic. If it's a player or something custom, just leave the URL box empty and the Time Dodger will simply record any sound coming into your PC using Stereo Mix, Wav Out or What U Hear. Either way, Record Daily Broadcasts By Just Checking A Box. This is way cool.

So just enter the recording date and time in the 1st recorder. Then click the Daily button. (Recorder 1 features the daily option). From then on, every day at the same time the Time Dodger will record your show. Now you can simply load the record show's MP3 file in your MP3 player or iPod and take it with you. Or simply listen to it on your PC at any time. You can even burn it to a CD if you want to do that.

It's a standard MP3 file with a time/date stamp. So it's easy to find. Easy to use and you'll never miss the shows you love ever again.

Talk shows, cooking shows, Tech shows are all yours all the time. Separate Program 2. Not In The Editor, But Included Free.

Convert In And Out of your iTunes Collection. From Or To, Just About Anything. This is also a separate program that's not in the Editor. But I just finished it and before I even put it up on the site, I'm going to include it for you with the Advanced Editor upgrade, as a free bonus. It's really a super program. How do you convert songs that you have in iTunes or in MP4 format so you can use them in other places, or edit them? It's been tough.

Plus converting is always a pain. Well now you can load up a batch of Wav and MP3 files and convert them to.M4a, which is AAC or what you'd find in iTunes, or you can take a bunch of.M4a files right out of iTunes and convert them to Wav or MP3. And there's really nothing to do or learn.

Just load up the files, even if they're mixed and choose what you want them converted to. Then Click Go and you'll have the format you want, fast. This is the fastest easiest way I've ever seen to convert files.

The only thing that isn't perfect is that it won't save ID tags that may be in the files. Too bad, but not terrible because it does save the file names, which are the names of the tunes. File converting is finally easy. From & To, Even If iTunes Isn't On Your PC. I just wanted to show you that I converted the MP3 and Wav files you saw above into.m4a files on a PC that didn't have iTunes installed. So you can see the.m4a file extension but if you look at the icon on the left, it's blank because the PC Doesn't recognize.m4a AAC files.

But don't worry, the program does so all is well. To the right, I've taken the folder to a PC with iTunes and you can see their cute logo on the icons. So, I just wanted you to see how easy it is and that you don't even need to have iTunes on the PC you use. Enjoy this second extra free bonus program that's not in the editor.

It's really worth having in your musical arsenal. Mono Squasher - Stereo Simulator Makes It Live. When I was a kid my parents took me to Disneyland the first day it opened. It was awesome and made quite an impression on me.

One of the things I really remember was an Irish show and I think, I'm not really sure that Dennis Day (or someone like him) was there singing McNamara's Band. I'd never heard anything like it. I loved the music and to this day I still remember the lyrics. Anyway I've collected a bunch of the original old Irish recordings and I just love listening to them. But, I can't say I like the mono sound where I hear it all right in the middle of my head. It just doesn't sound real.

Not like I remember it so long ago at Disneyland. Over the years I've tried various stereo simulators. And some were OK and some were not. A programmer I know came up with this digital version. Is it true stereo?

Does it sound really good? So, it's really up to you.

It's super fast and easy to use. You can add more or less to make it sound good just about instantly.

And if you like your results, save them. If not, click the Redo and you can do it again. Then when you like what you hear, click the Save As button and you've got a new copy of your track that I think will sound oh so much better. Now you won't have all the sound right in the middle of your head when you wear earbuds. Now it will sound much more alive.

Is it true stereo? But if you're like me, you might just not notice that it used to be mono. Give it a try.

It's fast, easy and I think you'll really like your results. Pretty much, you can leave all the controls in their preset positions. But heck, that's no fun.

So experiment by moving each control to see what effect it has on your sound. You'll be glad you did. Delay in both channels. Stereo Simulators use a combination of different EQ for each channel to send highs one way and lows another and reverb or delay to change the effect going to each ear.

By default we don't send Delay to both channels but often people like a little overall delay Add Delay to the Left Channel. A little is good. Try increasing it but this is likely set about where you want it.

Peak EQ alters the sound so you don't have the same frequencies coming from both channels. It's a lot better than when I was a kid and I turned up the treble on one channel and the bass on the other to get 'stereo'. But essentially it's the same idea. EQ Right Channel makes the most difference between channels. Use it sparingly. Or try it and see what you get. Click Go to let the Stereo Simulator do its thing.

But don't worry. It's not having any effect on your original file. You can't hurt the original. So, Click Go with no fears and get ready for an exciting change. But did you like what you got? If not, click the folder icon and it will reload the original so you can try a changed version instantly. Frankly, you'll probably just use it at the default settings because it sounds so good.

But, if you're like me and you like to tinker, have fun and play. Wave Warper Synthesizer, Oscillator Instrument - Space Alien Too. Wait till you hear all the wonderful sounds you can create with the Wave Warper. It brings new meaning to the old analog synthesizers that have been used to make movie sound tracks, records and much more. It's a digital wonder that can make sounds from notes to drums to space craft to laser cannon and on and on and on.

You'll be in control of more sound creating power than most recording studios had just a few years ago. And, best of all it's so incredibly simple to use. Just pick a preset, any preset. Slow it down, speed it up.

Change its key. Make it longer, make it shorter. Add a repeat. Choose from waveforms from sawtooth to sine waves to bumps and more. But Don't Worry. Let your ears be your guides. There's nothing you need to learn.

Just slide the sliders, click the buttons and have a blast. Plus you can save your creations in 8 and 16 bit files that you can load in DAK's sampler, edit in DAK's Editor, or play win anything from Windows Media player to iTunes.

It's an awesome sound creation program that will give you the ability to be creative, even if you don't think you are, like never before. Make music, make effects, make the oddest best sounds you've ever heard. And you can use the included presets, alter them any which way you like and make your own too. Dig in, you're about to have a blast.

So all you do is choose a preset. Then alter its waveform by changing any of the sliders you see above. And yes, what you see above is a single preset being altered. You could make tens of thousands of variations and there's still much more you could do. When you have just what you want, click Add To Presets and you'll be one click from reproducing it any time.

Or, click the Play button and then Click the SaveWave Button to create a file that you can load in any player. Use it in DAK's Sampler, DAK's Editor or whatever software you use for movies slides and more. This gives you awesome power to create just the sounds you want, just the way you want them, instantly.

What fun this is. Karaoke Wonders, Fast, Easy And FREE. Here's another little Demo to let you see it in action. And of course there's music too. Here's a simple to use Karaoke program that you can use to have a ball.

You can grab free songs on the Internet. It's super easy to use. And you can see if you're destined to be a Karaoke Wonder or not.

I never really got much into Karaoke until my suppliers in Japan and China insisted on taking me out to Karaoke Bars for the evenings. I can't sing. But I love the music. And after a few drinks, I guess I had a good time. But now, I can sing right at my PC. Nobody needs to be around and I can have a blast trying out songs. The neat thing about this Karaoke player is that it uses.KAR files.

And while they aren't the most popular, they are like MIDI files so they are super small and easy to download from the Internet. And the best part is that they are mostly free. I show you how to get them. But now you won't need hundred dollar commitments and have to pay for every song. Now you can give Karaoke a try and see if it's for you.

This one works great. It's super easy to use and it really sounds great, as you'll see.

So, if you're like me and a bit shy about your singing, now Karaoke Wonders can open the door to a professional singing career, or not.:) It's so easy to use. Just load a.KAR file you get from the Internet.

And then sing along. The bouncing red ball hovers over the word or part of the word it wants you to sing along with the music. It's so easy to do. And, it's really a ton of fun. Automatic Recording Levels, Easy. So if you hate watching levels and setting up a test recording, now you can go to the Configuration menu and choose Automatic Gain Control. It works perfectly and sounds really good.

In the old days these didn't work well, but with digital, you really can rely on it. Most times, just leave it on its default settings and change the Radio Button under AGC from No to Yes.

That's all you need to do. Try it on a few records or Internet broadcasts.

It really does make recording easier. Remember, Digital doesn't like to be over-driven. Now it won't be. The Unshackled DJ Main Interface - Powerful But Easy. Forget turntables.

Forget mixers. Now you can be a digital DJ and mix, match and fade and call songs like never before. It's a whole new way to listen for fun, mix for groups. And oh, the dances you'll mix. Or, just have fun by yourself.

And you can record your mixes and save them to play later. Be the hit of the party, even if it's an evening home alone with your spouse. In the old days we needed 2 turntables, a mixer, a PA and a big stack of records. Now you've got 2 digital decks you control, full fade and more plus effects for the music, sound effects to energize even the most sleepy party and custom controls we never dreamed of when we were mixing in the 60s, 70s and 80s. Check this out.

OK, above is your main interface. It's everything a DJ could ever want and a whole lot more. Plus, wait till you hear and see the effects.

Wait till you see just how exciting the mixes you create can be. And wait till you host a big party or just a party for yourself. The music never stops once you launch the Ultimate Unshackled DJ on your PC. Here's an overview of the controls.

There are 2 identical Decks. To the left, is Deck 1. Below we'll explore all you can do. But check out all the controls. You can load a selected track into either deck. It's identical with Deck 1, except that it's made to run in sequence after Deck 1 and then Deck 1 will automatically begin when the track on this deck is finished or you choose to fade to Deck 1 at any time.

AT the bottom center is the Master Library Playlist. You load all the songs you're going to use into the library, then send them to the Decks. The Unshackled DJ will automatically play a song and then fade into the next. Or, you can click the Fade Now Button to fade to the next song any time you like. You can launch a Recorder so you can record your efforts.

This records the actual sound, using What U Hear, Stereo Mix or Wave Out, that is produced by the program and that you hear through your speakers. You can launch a Sound Trigger that plays sound effects.

There are 16 preloaded fun, exciting wake-em-up effects. Just click one of the buttons. You can launch a User Selected Sound Effect Player. It's the same as the trigger above, except rather than preloaded effects, you can load anything you like as an instant effect. See below for all your controls.

You have your choice of 3 different meters over the players. Choose Oscilloscope, spectrum (shown) or waveform. Finally, If you have a Mic Plugged into your PC, you can broadcast over or along with the music. It's fun, and it's super professional. One more thing. This is so cool. If you are DJing a dance, you need to be sure that the beat stays about the same between songs.

Unless, you're going to a slow dance, of course. But anyway, what you do is start the 1st song in Deck A. Then while it's playing load the next track you want by clicking on it in the track library at the bottom. Then click the Load Deck B button and it will load in Deck B. Finally adjust the beat rate by sliding the tempo slider till the beat is about the same. If you're within 3-4 beats, you are more than close enough. And as you can see, you don't need to have the track playing in Deck B to adjust the beat.

Anyway, once it's adjusted, then you can fade into the Deck B track by clicking on the Fade Now button, or just let the Unshackled DJ do it for you as you get to the end of the track in Deck A. Don't Bother With The Beat Note: Of course, you can just load a bunch of tracks in the library at the bottom and the DJ will automatically move through them fading each track from Deck A to Deck B and then back to Deck A for an evening of uninterrupted musical bliss. You only want to even think about matching the beat if you're DJing a dance. Built In Sound Trigger.

This is so cool. I actually released this as a separate program. You might even have it. But what is does is play the named sound effects whenever you click one of the buttons.

They sound great. They will drive everyone crazy or wake them up. You'll be the hit of the party. Built In User Selectable Sounds Sound Trigger.

Same as the Sound Trigger above, except you have much more control. First, load the effects you want. They can be any of the hundreds of effects you get with DAK's editor or they can be songs, a part of a song or any wav or MP3 file. Then once loaded you can control the individual volume, you can play them, stop them or loop play them. Very useful for fun, presentations, parties or use them when you make movies or any time you want an instant audio effect. So, what is it really?

It's a soft(ware) sampler. It's a drum machine.

It's a music minus. It's a music plus.

It's a Broadway cue machine. It's a hip-hop instrument and composer. It's a classical instrument and composer.

It's a meeting and presentation energizer. And it's a ton of fun. DAK's sampler payer is the best of the best and you'll find that you use it all the time. It's just like the Trigger above, but instead of preset samples you can load anything you like. Load your spouse saying no. Load the baby crying. Load anything.

And then add it to your music or anything you do. It's so easy to use. It's what you hear on TV shows like David Letterman when Paul plays a sound of glass breaking or anything else like that to go along with Dave's jokes. Now you can do it all too. You're The DJ -Broadcast To the Crowd. Pop up this Broadcast Interface and you can talk over the music. Tell jokes, announce things.

In short, be a DJ. Now you can add your voice to the mix. It's easy and you really will be the hit of the party. Playlist Maker - You really Do Want To Do This. OK, so you've got hundreds or even thousands of tracks on your PC like I do. How do you listen to them.

If you're not making Playlists, you're really missing out. You've got all the great music. But you don't have the ability to play the tracks you want in the order you want them. So, here's how. This is so very simple but many people don't bother and they miss out on some of the really neat digital enjoyment. A playlist is nothing more than a list of the songs file names.

It's nothing fancy. It takes like no space at all. And it's not hard to do. Like I said, it's just a list of songs. But it's got a lot of power. Because once you're set up with playlists, all you do is choose one and it will play the songs you've chosen in the order you've chosen them. It's just that simple.

So how hard is it to set up? Not hard at all. Just load the songs you want in the Playlist Maker.

Heck, it's a great player, so listen to them too. Use the UP/Down buttons by highlighting a song and then moving it up or down. After you've loaded the songs you want, just click the Save list button. Then all you do is click on that icon and it will play all the songs in the list in the order that you saved them. It's just a list. It doesn't affect or limit your playing of the songs.

You can have any given song(s) on 1, 10 or 100 playlists. It's just a list that PCs and most MP3 players recognize. It has no effect on the songs.

It's just a list that lists their names and where they are stored. It's not the songs themselves.

It's just a list. Make playlists. You'll be really glad you did. See More Of The New Included V7 Editor Programs Below >>>Install New 7.1 & Keep Or Remove Your Old Editor. It's Up To You. People ask me if they can keep their old editor because they know it and are comfortable with it.

I say, 'Sure, you can have both'. But the new V7 works the same as your old editor so you don't have to relearn old tasks. Plus, it lets you do things faster and easier and lets you do things you could never do before. But, you just want to be extra sure, simply install the new one and keep the old one too.

Then try them side by side. You'll never go back again. And you can always remove the old one later after you've used some of the new tools and improvements. The new one really is 100 times better for you in all ways. Everything in electronics just gets better and better. Do we live in great times, or what?

Your DAK Wave & MP3 Editor PRO v7.1 Upgrades (Choose ONLY 1) Grab Either Editor Version Here or Read The Whole Editor Story. Editors are the Same. The Advanced Version Adds all the programs Marked in Red Plus Bonus Programs & More. Special $11.95 - Upgrade Total Items In Your Cart Now: 0 Qty.

Advanced Version. Special $14.95 Upgrade Total Items In Your Cart Now: 0 Qty.

Check Here to add DAK's CD Label Printing Program for just $22.95 $16.95 Check Here to add DAK's new Recording EQ 2-Plus Gold with LP Fix & more to make your music explode with dramatic newfound life for just $21.95 $14.95. It really really works. Check Here -Already Own EQ 1? Special EQ Special - If you already have DAK's Recording EQ 1 on your computer now you can upgrade to new gold EQ 2-Plus with LP Fix & more for just $8.95.

Check Here if you'd like a disc with all programs ordered here on it sent to you. Adds $6 ($3 P&H) Get up to 3 discs for the price of 1. When you order the v7.1b backup disc, we'll add discs at no charge for the EQ and Label Printer Programs if you order those programs too. That's a big savings....Drew Check Out My: v7.1B has everything included in the basic v7.1 version plus, the added programs and bonuses for maximum flexibility and ease, this is the best program to upgrade to and use...

Drew Remember That You Still Get the 169 Digital Sound Effects worth $659 with the Pro Editor. Programs Marked with + In Red are ONLY in the Advanced PRO Editor.

Unlock codes - All new unlock codes will be issued within 48 hours. Don't Miss The Special Add-Ons - Save Big Add the Recording EQ 2-Plus or Label Printing programs. When you upgrade your Editor, you can add the all new Recording EQ 2-Plus Gold for just $14.95. The new LP & Tape Fix Buttons are awesome.

When you upgrade your Editor, you can add the CD Label Printing program for just $16.95. This is what I use to print the DAK Labels. Back To Your New Programs >>>Sampler Master PRO - Trigger & Sampler PLUS. Scare the kids. Amaze your friends. Aggravate your spouse.

I kid you not, the other day I was playing with the sampler and my wife came running in thinking the cats and dogs were at war. OK it's a ton of fun. But it's super useful too. Just click any of the 18 instant sound effect triggers to set off amazing sound effects to wake up your next presentation.

Use it at home, at work or to add to movies, narrations or anything you do. Drew's Doggie Christmas. Click To Hear It! Jingle Bells was never like this.

You've just got to hear this. I've embedded 18 instantly triggered great sound effects. From a doorbell to an alert to a sexy female laughing you're just a button click away. From a cat meowing to a dog barking, trigger any sound you like.

Try it out above. World Machine With Keygen Mac there. The actual program you'll get is faster, sounds much better (I had to reduce the sound quality for this web demo) than what you hear here, but at least you get the idea.

Just click and prepare to be amazed. And you'll amaze everyone within earshot of your computer. With the program you can stutter click to get great effects.

Stutter clicking is what the rappers use to create the New Age music. But it's super powerful and you'll get amazing effects when you try it. I'm just answering my wife's questions with the appropriate effect. She is tolerant.:) Remember Clarabelle the clown?

Or just click any of the 18 buttons to trigger the effects you want. Need a gunshot, a scream or an audience clapping, it's all here. You can play any complete effect. You can stop any effect in mid-play by clicking the central vertical Stop Button.

Or move on by triggering another effect. If you trigger another effect while one is playing, it will instantly move onto the new effect and stop playing the current effect.

So you'll get just the effects you want, when you want them. A Neat Halloween & Holiday Sound Trigger Trick. Much More Than Just A Sound Trigger.

It's a soft(ware) sampler and recorder. It's a drum machine. It's a music minus. It's a music plus. It's a Broadway cue machine. It's a hip-hop instrument and composer.

It's a classical instrument and composer. It's a meeting and presentation energizer. And it's a ton of fun. Now you can trigger sounds. You can trigger 1, 2 or up to 6 sounds exactly when you want them triggered, by clicking on screen or keying them your keyboard. And you can choose Single Play, do a Stutter Play or choose Loop Play. Regardless of which you choose, you can trigger music so you can sing along.

You can mix your tracks. You can use the sampler to compose music using 'samples' of other music or sounds And You can trigger sound effects. Use it to cue sounds for a performance. Use it to entertain and amaze your groups and your friends.

And use it with Power Point presentations and so much more. It's really like having 6 copies of Media Player or iTunes except it's much easier to use and you can trigger tracks long and short, MP3 or Wav with no latency at all. Load all different tracks so you can trigger them as you like, or load the same tracks in several of the sampler's players so you can create rounds like Row, Row, Row Your Boat with you singing 3 or more times.

General Theory Tip For Sound Files: You can use any MP3 or Wav file as a sound file with the Sampler. It can be a full song, a full effect or part of a song or part of an effect. Just load it in any of the Sampler Players and click the Play Button.

The concept to keep in mind is that when you click a Sampler Play Button you want the sound to begin immediately. If the sound doesn't start immediately then you lose the immediate sound that you want to hear when you click the button.

So it's always a good idea to edit any sound or effect you're going to load so there is no blank space at the beginning of the effect. And if for example you only want one dog bark, alarm sound or laugh that you select, save and load just the part you want. Just trim the beginning of any file, select just the part you want and you'll get the very best results for your masterpieces. Below I show you how easy it is to trim and select using DAK's Wave and MP3 editor, but if you don't have that, you can even do it using the free Windows Sound Recorder that comes with your computer. There's nothing simpler to use than our Sampler, so give it a try. What's A Pitch Bender Anyway?

The Pitch Bender is a small, but powerful tool to give you an effect like scratching records. Not the click click click of record noise, but the effect a DJ gets by moving the record physically with the needle in the groove. All you do is click on the Forward Arrows to make the pitch go up and the Reverse Arrows to make the pitch go down. It's an instant and temporary thing like you just held and released the record. It adds a lot of realism to your playing and recording too. Some people love it. Others don't.

It's up to you, but it's something you could never do before on your PC. Just launch the Pitch Bender from the Tools Menu.

Start playing a track in the editor Click the Reverse Arrows to get a slow effect. Click the Forward Arrows to get a fast effect. You'll hear the pitch go up and down for about a second. It's a very cool effect. Crossfade Wizard PR0 For Non-Stop Pause Free Musical Enjoyment.

Crossfade your way to an exciting and even romantic uninterrupted musical evening of fun, dancing and passion. Forget hiring a professional DJ to mix your tunes. Now you can automatically mix live tunes or be able to burn CDs and MP3s with each song fading into the next so you'll have no mood destroying breaks at all. The Crossfader is super easy to use. So this will be a really short tutorial. Essentially, all you need to do is load the tracks you want to use.

Choose how long you want the crossfade to be. Then Click the Auto Fade Mode Button. And you're all set. Of course if you want to fade manually, there's a button for that. If you want to change the pitch/key or tempo/beat there are sliders for that. And there's a range of 6 DJ effects you can add too.

Plus you can record your masterpieces as they play for future listening or burn them to CDs or make MP3s. It's all up to you. But, to just crossfade your tracks, It's just Load your tracks.

Choose how long the crossfade will be. And, Hit the Autofade button. And, that's it.

Forget mood destroying pauses. Forget the normal 2-second pauses between songs. In short The Crossfader automatically fades one song into the next for uninterrupted enjoyment. Forget having to stop dancing when the songs change. And forget paying big bucks to a DJ to mix your tunes. Now you're just like a PRO DJ, you have the power to mix one song into the next and the next and the next and the next, with DAK's all new DJ Crossfader Wizard PRO. And best of all, it's totally automatic.

Here's what the DJ Crossfader does. It fades one track into the next for non-stop uninterrupted musical enjoyment. There's absolutely nothing you need to learn or do. Just load the songs you want to hear.

Load them individually or load a playlist. Load MP3 or Wav Files. Then Click the Auto Fade Master Button and all the tracks that are loaded will crossfade one into the next into the next into the next forever. And, at the end of your loaded playlist, the Crossfader will start the list over again fading the last song into the first till you turn it off. Plus Make Crossfaded CDs & MP3 Files Too. Now you can crossfade with CDs Too. If you have DAK's no pause CD burner (Part of DAK's Wav & MP3 Editor PRO, you can create fully crossfaded CDs that will still respond to all programming and random track selections but play your fully crossfaded playlists wherever you are.

So, It's not just live Crossfading on your computer. You can play your CDs or crossfaded MP3s on the road, in your iPod or anywhere you have a CD player or MP3 player. Crossfading really does make your music more enjoyable. 3 Upgraded Programs You'll Want To Try. DAK's Batch Transformer Upgraded. Better, faster more, oh and it looks neat too.

Compare the new Batch Transformer to the old and you'll instantly see that it has everything the old transformer had, plus adds more features. First, it looks super cool. 2nd it adds the meter to show you what's going on. 3rd, depending on which version you have, it adds lots to the bottom left. First, you can add a file to the front of all the files you are processing.

So use it as an Intro or whatever you like. But add it to one file, 100 files as you like.

It will be a seamless addition. Next, you can do the same thing to the end of the file. Anything you load here will be seamlessly added to the end of all the files you transform. Next, you can mix a file into all the files. Finally, you can add a loop every X seconds. So if you want to send out a demo that you want people to buy, use DAK's test tone generator, or anything even your voice to have it repeated every 10 seconds or other time period. This way they can hear what you have without being able to copy it or sell it or really enjoy it until your 'digital watermark' is removed by your sending them a clean version.

Upgraded Audio Player. Here's DAK's new improved Audio Player. This player is really very easy to use. You can play a single track or load a bunch.

You can make playlists of the loaded files in the order you like, or you can load playlists. It even shows you the beat for most files. Note: Most of its automated features work off playlists, not just loaded files, so make playlists to get the most of the automated features. Or just load a few tracks and enjoy. But when you just want to listen to a bunch of tracks, hassle free, use our new player. You even have an EQ for enhanced sound quality. DAK's Tune Library Upgraded.

Now your computer can be the world's greatest jukebox. Now you can listen to all the music you convert or record using DAK's all new Tune Library Jukebox. You are just a click away from every track you own.

It's like channel surfing on your TV, you can jump from any track to any other track with no CDs to load. I love jumping through my tracks randomly. No I don't mean using random play or shuffle. I mean I jump from a Limeliters track to a Kingston Trio to a Phantom track and then onto an Oliver Track and so on. It's kind of like flipping channels on the TV.:) I'll play Madam Librarian from The Music Man, Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat from Cats and then Circles from the Limeliters. I'll cue one while I'm listening to the others. This was never possible with analog.

I do it all the time with my iPod and my other MP3 players and now with DAK's new Tune Library jukebox, you'll want to keep all your tracks on your computer and jump through them like I do. You can have WAV, MP3 and WMA files all mixed. It's your music. Now you can really enjoy it like never before. AND LOOK HOW EASY IT IS TO DO. Oh yes, it's easy.

Hit the File Name or Title Column Header and sort it alphabetically. Then scroll down to the Ts to get The House of the Rising Sun. I love the song and have it being song by 4 different artists. Then sort by album and pick your favorite Oliver track.

Then go back to Title and grab Green Leaves Of Summer by the Brothers Four. (It's a haunting melody.) Wow, I do this all the time and I'm enjoying my music like never before. Digital is the way to go. And my new Tune Library Jukebox really enhances the enjoyment.

Just check it out below and you'll be enjoying your music just like I am. Load a folder, several folders or lots of folders and access all your music just the way you want to and join me in this all new musical enjoyment experience. Plus you can save playlists of the tracks the way you want. Send them to your MP3 players and much more.

OK, let's explore this great new toy, oops tool. Look How Easy It Is To Find Your Songs, NOW. Here's my favorite part of digital. You can do this in iTunes too, but if you're like me, this is the best part.

So, I like to listen to the song I want when I want. I don't want to listen to a whole album. I want just one song and while it's playing I like to cue up the next. So sometimes I'll play all songs with America in them. Other times love songs.

Other times marches. Other times I want to hear the same song, as song by 3 artists. All you do is click the sort buttons at the top of the lists to find just the song, just the album or just the artist you want. That way if you remember the name of the artist or album, but not the actual song title, it's still easy to find the song you want, when you want it. New V7 Editor Improvements Forget Skins - Choose Your Colors YOUR WAY. Oh How Wrong I Was.

You know when I designed the editor, I worked really hard to have a pleasing gray/silver color. I changed the blue wave background 3-4 times before we settled on the one that you've been seeing for the past few versions. I redid all the buttons and made them look sharp. But I never realized how ugly it was till we added this powerful all color changing capability to the editor. It's like a flash bulb when off in my head when I put together the little animation below. Suddenly I thought my great looking editor was ugly.

I'm really sorry I didn't figure out how to do this sooner. But sooner or now, now you can really personalize your editor like never before. And forget limited skins like some other programs have. I've been able to give you complete color control over the parts of your editor.

Here's what you can personalize. Skin background area. This is the big gray part of the editor.

Skin foreground area. This is the text and the slider areas of the editor Wave background. This is the area behind the waves Wave foreground. This is the sound waves you see in the editor Highlight area. This is what you get when you drag your mouse. You can change anything you like. It won't have any effect on the operation of the editor.

And at the top of the page I've shown you examples of both the Win 7/Vista version and the Windows XP version. They both look great.

So make your editor look as good as your music sounds. Change it for Holidays like I did for Halloween or make it red and green for Christmas, or just choose your favorite colors, or choose purple. See my examples below. Purple may end up the new black.

Anyway, make it any colors you like and it will look beyond great. And now I won't have an ugly duckling editor any more. Oh, and I did remember to add a default button, so if you end up with pink, green and yellow, you can click 1 button to return to the default colors.

Oh, one more thing. You can choose all the standard windows colors with a single click. Or open the color pallet.

Then you can slide the slider on the right up and down to keep the same color, but make it lighter or darker or move your mouse around to choose from millions of colors. Plus, if you find one you like, click to have it saved as a permanent custom color. It's all up to you and you'll find great combinations. What Colors Will You Choose? Millions Of Choices. Here I'm showing you just 25 color choices that I made in about 5 minutes.

What colors will you choose? It really does make a big difference. Try your own color schemes. You'll be oh, so glad you did.

I know I am, and I never thought it mattered. Please Read This. Instant Text Reading - Your Emails, Web Pages, Documents & Much More- To Take With You. It's really amazing how little time we have to read articles we see on the web, emails, reports and even DAK reviews. Now for the first time you can instantly convert them to MP3 files that you can listen to on your PC, load in your MP3 player or iPod and take with you so wasted time can be productive time. It's just so easy to do that if you're like me, this is one non-musical program that you'll be using all the time.

OK above is what's called a text file. You get a text file by opening text in your included free Widows Notepad. It's in the accessories section.

You can also get a text file by going to the file menu of most programs and when you go to save, choose text file as the file type. This works for web pages, emails, Word docs and so much more. That's all you need to do.

Save what you want to hear as a text file. Oh, and text files are the smallest easiest to use files of all.

Open Your Text File Easy & Fast. Wow is this cool or what? Just open the File Menu of the Editor. Choose Open Text File and click on it. You'll get the above interface.

Click the Convert button. You can choose a voice (any that are loaded on your PC) and you can save the file as mono or stereo and you can save it at voice quality or CD quality or anywhere in between. You're all set. See your Text file open as an Audio file in the picture below. Viola, Now It's A Voice File. And, this is it.

You're looking at the text file that I showed you above. There's nothing you need to do.

Just save it like any other audio file and play it on your PC or take it with you. It's just that easy. You really will use this capability. It's awesome. Effects & Filters Add Instant 1-Click Presets. Most recording programs with effects and filters use preset filters that apply what the developer thinks is the most used amount of any effect or filter. A about a year ago, we added sliders so you, not us, determine just how much of any effect you really want to use.

Now in V7, we've been able to add presets that you choose. So if you often use 47% or 12% or any given amount for any given effect, now just choose that amount. Choose a name and choose to save it as a preset for that effect.

You can have lots of presets for each effect and you can have different presets for each effect. In short, do what you want to make it easy for you. Very important. While presets really save you a ton of time, they also provide you with consistency you really can't get with just sliders. Now you can use effects on files today, tomorrow and a year from tomorrow that are totally repeatable. You'll save a ton of time. You'll get better results.

And best of all, you can make the fine changes that make your work PRO where it was simply too much trouble before. And there's more. In most editors, you choose the effect and apply it. Then, it does its thing in the editor and then you play it back to see if you got what you wanted.

Now, you can listen to the difference you are making by clicking the Preview Button, before applying the effect and having to go through all the hassle of undoing and reloading. In DAK's last editor we were able to bring you the Preview. Now you can preview just a part of the file or even the whole file without ever leaving the Effects Menu.

This new improved preview will give you the power to make minor changes that have a big impact with a lot less effort than ever before. The Effects Menu and Filters Menu are now dramatically easier to use and you'll get far better results. Give them a try. Is Drew Kidding? The About Screen? Well, Now It's About You.

Here's the new DAK About Screen. Don't you just love the DAK logo I designed back oh, in about 1970? Well OK, but that's not why we're here. Look just below my DAK logo and you'll see that you have instant 1-click access to your Windows Performance meter and your system Resource Info List. You will get these on most PCs, not all.

So give a try and see for yourself. See why you care below. Windows Task Manager/Performance. When you first land on this interface you'll find the Windows Task Manager. There you can see how many applications you have running, and if any of them aren't responding. But, go to the Performance Tab. Here at the very bottom you can see your current CPU Usage and the Commit charge is your memory.

But look just above and you'll see how much memory you have and how much is available. So if your PC is running slow, you can see if you're short of memory or if your CPU is running at a high percent.

Of course you can get this info by clicking Control/Alt/Delete, but this is much easier. Learn About Your PC. On Most PCs, you can get the System Info.

For some programs and tasks you need certain minimums or certain hardware. In most PCs, not all, you can click the system resources and get your info here.

Techie Alert Specials- Don't Want To Install The Editor On Your C: Drive? Most of you will never use this.

But if you want to install DAK's editor on a drive other than C:, now you can. Until recently everybody had a C: drive and it was the default main drive for everyone. Now people seem to be having their default drives as, well, who knows. That's why we've given you the option to install wherever you like. You'll see this option during the Install Process. Oh, and if you have a PC with a full C: drive, now you can install the editor on your USB Hard Drive or any drive you like. But note: I'd always install on my C: Drive if I can.

It's still far more standard. And, other drives may not be as fast. But, the Editor will function and act perfectly on any drive. Oh and the better thing to do if you're low on hard drive space is to install the Editor on C:, but save all your files to one of your other drives.

Which brings me to Techie Addition 2 Don't Want Temp Files On Your C: Drive? You've always been able to save your production files, the things you record, the tracks you make on any drive of your PC. But like most programs, the DAK Editor creates and uses Temp Files to do its tricks. These files can reach a Gigabyte or more. They don't last long. But they do take a lot of room.

So, if you don't have the room, go to the Configuration Menu, Choose Set Temp File Path and you'll be all set. Temp File Interface. The Temp File Interface is super easy to use.

Just be sure there's nothing loaded in the editor. Then open the pull down menu. DAK's editor will poll all your drives and all you need to do is open the pull down list and choose the drive you want to store your temp files on from now on. It's just that easy and you can do this or change it at any time you don't have anything loaded in the Editor.

We've put lots more improvements and refinements under-the-hood of DAK's new V7 Editor. Some you'll see. Some you'll feel.

But overall, you'll really enjoy using our new DAK V7 Editor for Win 7, Win Vista & Win XP. Oops Forgot 1 More Thing 1-Click Wonder. Trim Silence From BOTH The Front & End Of Files. There's just so much I've added. If you do a lot of copying or live recording as I do, you always end up with a ton of blank space at the beginning and end of your recordings.

If you're going to separate your recording into tracks, then the track tracker will eliminate the silence. But if you're not tracking it, here's a 1-click way to remove all the silence at both the beginning and end of your tracks, fast and easy. This is a super addition and it's just one of the under the hood things you'll read about in the tutorial. I don't want to overload you with more extras, but we've improved the volume controls, the track jumps, tool tips and on and on.

It's an awesome upgrade. Install New 7.1 & Keep Or Remove Your Old Editor. It's Up To You. People ask me if they can keep their old editor because they know it and are comfortable with it. I say, 'Sure, you can have both'.

But the new V7 works the same as your old editor so you don't have to relearn old tasks. Plus, it lets you do things faster and easier and lets you do things you could never do before. But, you just want to be extra sure, simply install the new one and keep the old one too.

Then try them side by side. You'll never go back again. And you can always remove the old one later after you've used some of the new tools and improvements. The new one really is 100 times better for you in all ways. Everything in electronics just gets better and better. Do we live in great times, or what? Your DAK Wave & MP3 Editor PRO v7.1 Upgrades (Choose ONLY 1) Grab Either Editor Version Here or Read The Whole Editor Story.

Editors are the Same. The Advanced Version Adds all the programs Marked in Red Plus Bonus Programs & More. Special $11.95 - Upgrade Total Items In Your Cart Now: 0 Qty.