Get Fake Driving Licence Uk

Get Fake Driving Licence Uk

Welcome to Licence Exchange! There are many ways to get a driving licence! We specialise in exchanging your existing driving licence or any driving licence you have had in the past! We do not supply fake driving licence, we only obtain genuine driving licences from government issuers! If you want a fake driving licence please look elsewhere. We specialise in exchanging genuine driving licences.

Some of these danger drivers use forged licences, others pay crooks to take the test for them – a single fraudster put 84 unqualified drivers on the road.

Get Fake Driving Licence Uk

Driving licences can be exchanged worldwide without a test! We cannot get every driving licence worldwide, only a few countries offer driving licence exchange by post, or by using a power of attorney document. Other countries require the licence holder to be there in person, in these cases we are more than happy to provide specialised assistance only. What's this Website about?

Lots of our clients have passed a test in one country only to find themselves not being able to drive in another country because of bureaucracy. They may have a valid driving licence from outside the country they are residing in and still be expected to do the test all over again! We do not think that is fair and will help in any way we can to fix this.

They may have moved abroad and cannot renew a driving licence because they are no longer a resident in the country of issue or many of other reasons why they need a solution. Welcome to our website where you can obtain help with securing a new driving licence. No fake driving licence are available here - we only help with obtaining genuine driving licences from the relevant government department in any one of the countries we have agents in or knowledge of. Esys Software Psdzdata 54 here. The process can be simple with our help!

You must choose the entitlements that you wish to have and then complete our on-line application form. You then scan in a passport portrait type photo and email it to us. We will then apply on your behalf and forward the driving licence to your contact address once issued (minimum approximately 3 to 4 weeks). Don't bother with fake driving licences, you will get caught! This is a game where everything is possible if you have the knowledge! Of course, back-doors to various systems, are wide open, especially in eastern Europe, where rules and procedures are often decided by small village office clerks who are responsible for exchanging driving licences and entering your details into a government database to issue a new one!

If you are stuck without a driving licence one way would be to declare your existing driving licence lost or stolen, and in some countries they will issue an emergency driving licence for tourists and we are able to obtain and exchange emergency driving licences for regular driving licences in some foreign countries. Get a driving licence and then exchange to an Australian, Canadian, UK, US, EU, or any other! Are you going to lose your driving licence? Medical checks coming up? Have you failed your test because of nerves?

Have you been convicted of traffic offences where the Courts have unfairly taken your driving licence away? Do you have to resit your test? Do you want to have more categories on your driving licence? Do you need Unlimited Motorcycle category? Do you want to be a truck driver? Get a new driving licence from as little as 499 EURO, in 3 weeks the driving licence will be ready, but you can start driving in 7 days as soon as we email you copy of confirmations from the foreign government that the new driving licence is being prepared. This service is for anybody, worldwide, regardless of residence status of the UK or EU to obtain a full driving licence without sitting any tests.

It does not matter what country you are resident of or citizen of - we can help, even if you live outside the UK or EU! Once you have a driving licence through us, you can probably exchange it in your own country for a local driving licence or just use it without exchange. EU driving licences are accepted worldwide for driving and exchange.

It does not matter what citizenship you hold! Try Us There are many ways to obtain a driving licence without examination. Some of our clients exchange their current driving licence, they complete our application form and we print it out and translate some of the driving licence and translate the application form, put it all together and apply for a new driving licence in a foreign country. Some customers even obtain extra driving categories this way (editors note: naughty!) by selecting them on the application form as the foreign issuing authority will look at the translation and not the driving licence or because rules are different in other countries. We have explored most of the ways to get a driving licence so you don't have to! And without using fakes! Communication between countries is still very poor and sometimes there is no communication, some countries do not send the exchanged licence back to the issuer, so nobody bothers to check if the driving licence you present for exchange is even genuine or not, it could be a fake driving licence and no one knows.

There is a system called EUCARIS that allows member countries within the EU to exchange vehicle information and/or driver information but not all countries are connected, moreover this system is useless when it comes to driving licence exchange of driving licences from outside the EU. We do not deal in any kind of fake driving licence, there are many instances of people exchanging fake driving licences only to get caught years after.

This is an amateur practice and not even needed if you know what you are doing. Note: Driving records are lost once you exchange your driving licence with another country, giving you a clean driving licence, but only if you know which countries do not share information, so if you are going to lose your driving licence, we can help you exchange it abroad before it is too late. It is your legal right to hold any member country EU driving licence if you are an EU citizen, preferably you should be driving on a driving licence that was issued in a different country to the country you are resident and driving in for a number of reasons. The biggest reason is of course so that it becomes a lot more difficult for the authorities to make a permanent record on your driving licence should you be prosecuted for a driving offence.

Forget headaches of being disqualified from totting up points on your driving licence or increasing insurance premiums! 185 day rule - what is it? This is an EU directive not a law and only applies to the European Union member countries. It states that each member country should make rules stating that any person applying for a driving licence should be at least 'connected' with the country in question for at least 185 days. This directive has been implemented in different ways in each country.

The bottom line is that some countries are more flexible and apply their version of the directive in different ways. Some say you must have been staying there and some say that you intend on staying there, some countries say that you must exchange within a certain time period and others say after a certain time period. As is usual with EU directives, they are open to wide interpretation. Wherever you decide to apply, the procedures on residency can be canceled as soon as the driving licence has been issued. There is no law that you have to surrender the driving licence if you no longer have any connection with the country. There are many reasons why you may have a connection with a foreign country, work, study, family, friends, or even just your intention to go there.

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Fake driving licences are against the law and can result in, such as giving false information or identification. There are many websites that offer “genuine fakes” and can end up costing you money for a silly, novelty item that has no other use other than to be “used for entertainment purposes”. How Can You Get A Fake Driving Licence? There are numerous driving licence websites that claim to offer fake driving licences. It is best to avoid using these as they may offer an impressive looking product but you could find yourself out of pocket as they don’t send you anything after taking your money or send you something terribly fake. Of course, in either of these situations, there is no-one you can complain to about the quality of service you have received as what you are doing (or trying to do) is illegal.

The majority of websites that advertise themselves as selling fake driving licence tend to do one of two things. The first thing is they offer you a card that doesn’t exist such as a “Provisional Motorcycle Permit”, an “International Driving Permit”, a “European Driving Permit” or a “National Identification Card”. There are no legal versions of these card given to anyone of any age or status, so they are best to be avoided. The other thing that you can find is that even though a site appears to produce decent fake looking licences, somewhere in their small print or even on the back of the card, they will have a statement saying that the cards are produced for novelty purposes and have no other use. You tend to find this out from the FAQ section of their website and if you want to make sure this is not the case, you should contact the website directly. If they don’t have any contact details, that should be enough of a warning sign to just walk away from the site altogether.

Is It Illegal To Have A Fake Driving Licence? While it isn’t illegal to have a “novelty” driving licence, it is illegal to use it to lie about your background or status.

This includes things such as getting car insurance or going into a club, pub or bar. The majority of false ID’s sold on the internet are useless as forms of identification as they can only be used for novelty reasons. If you visit a website or someone tells you that the cards they are making are “perfectly legal” or other words to that affect, this is probably because they are not copies of official driving licences. They may also have a disclaimer on the reverse stating that they are novelty cards, something that a bouncer, bar staff or anyone else you may produce it for will be trained to spot. Another way to think of using a fake ID is that if you were to make an application for a driving licence from the DVLA and provided false information, you would be guilty of committing an offense.

However, the issuing authority, in this example,, would not be guilty as they took your details as genuine. What Can Be The Consequences Of Using A Fake Driving Licence? The consequences of using a fake driving licence can be very severe. At the most, you can face a £5,000 fine and up to 10 years in prison. It can also impact any establishments you use the licence at, as they can get a fine of up to £5,000 or may have to voluntarily close for up to 48 hours.

If a particular venue is found to have been serving children at least twice within a period of 3 months, they can get a fine of up to £10,000 and have their licence suspended for up to 3 months. As well as this, they may find that the licensing authority makes the decision to review their alcohol licence.