Doom 3 Bfg Linux Install Git

For me, the two tracking points provided by the current hydra are not enough for full body control, even with IK for the arms. I think with a fully loaded STEM system or something like the perception neuron or prioVR it would be fantastic, and worth the effort to implement. With a DK2 and a hydra, that makes 3 tracking points.

Nov 21, 2016. This guide is bit out of date. Going to make a new one with the new mod here once I have time. Odd not really sure maybe try a reinstall of the game and mod. Make sure you don't have like a firewall prompt sitting on top of your monitor you need to. Oct 31, 2017. With the release of the source code to both Doom 3 and the later BFG Edition, there now exists three options for Linux users wanting to play the game. Game to run properly on my modern Arch Linux setup involved removing the bundled and libraries from the install directory.

I've seen the SIXENSE videos with three tracking points controlling an avatar, and they look really good. I ordered both the 5 controller STEM and the Perception Neuron. And even the Cyberith Virtualiser. So I'll have a go at adding support once you've done the hard part for me. But now I can't afford a computer fast enough to actually run the DK2. I get judder even in OculusRoomTiny.

But the important thing is that I can develop for VR even if I can't play it without being sick. Can people please quit stacking requests on top of requests and just let a version come out that actually works with just the DK2 and either a xbox 360 controller or Keyboard & mouse? I get my hopes up every time I see that this topic has an update to it, hoping that it is an actual working release, only to discover it is someone else stacking another request on top of all the other ones that came before it.

Doom 3 Bfg Linux Install Git

Can we please just get some kind of realistic window of time when this port will be available for the DK2? It's driving me insane! Well, I finally got it to build but it immediately crashes while trying to load a map. Is there any stable version with DK2 support I can try out? I am willing to throw money at you for this. Having DK2 and Hydra support makes the VR experience so much better! Isilo For Android Cracked Games there. Projects of similar interest include: Half-Life 2 VR: Vireio Perception 2.0 Skyrim DK2 Support with Positional Tracking: Skydra Mod: I am planning on looking at Skyrim Hydra support next and possibly picking up development.

If anyone knows of any similar projects to this please inform me! Also, you should add these build instructions so others don't have to suffer the same fate as I did. Windows Build Instructions: 1) Install Direct X SDK. If you already have Visual Studio 2010 you might have to uninstall it first or you will get an error: 2) Install Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express 3) Install Microsoft WDK 7.1.0 This needs to be installed to the default path. But you can change it in the projects linker options if you want.

4) Install git if you don't have it already. 5) Open git bash and clone git repo with dependencies 'git clone --recursive '. Right now it's at commit 811d94c3d7de55d264effab2e4a431699c5efd5b 6a) Download SixenseSDK_062612 6b) Extract SixenseSDK_062612 to the DOOM-3-BFG-VR/dependencies directory 7a) Download Oculus Rift SDK 0.4.1 from 7b) Extract the LibOVR and 3rdParty folders to the DOOM-3-BFG-VR/dependencies directory 8) Open up Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express. Click on File->Open->Project and open DOOM-3-BFG-VR/dependencies/quatlib.vcxproj. Click on Debug->Build Solution. 9) Open up Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express. Click on File->Open->Project and open DOOM-3-BFG-VR/dependencies/vrpn.vcxproj.Click on Debug->Build Solution.

10) Ok, now it's time to open up the project. Open up Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express. Click on File->Open->Project and open DOOM-3-BFG-VR/neo/doom3.sln 11) Click on Project->Doom3BFG Properties->Configuration Properties->Linker->General. 12) In the Additional Library Directories column change: C: WinDDK 7600.16385.1 lib ATL i386;$(DXSDK_DIR) Lib x86;$(SolutionDir). Build $(PlatformName) $(Configuration). Dependencies LibOVR Lib $(Platform) VS2010;C: projects DOOM-3-BFG-VR trunk dependencies SixenseSDK_062612 lib win32 release_dll. Dependencies ffmpeg32 lib;%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories) to: C: WinDDK 7600.16385.1 lib ATL i386;$(DXSDK_DIR) Lib x86;$(SolutionDir).

Doom 3 Bfg Linux Install Git

Build $(PlatformName) $(Configuration). Dependencies LibOVR Lib $(Platform) VS2010. Dependencies SixenseSDK_062612 lib win32 release_dll. Dependencies ffmpeg32 lib;%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories) 13a) Download msinttypes 13b) Copy inttypes.h from msinttypes to these two folders DOOM-3-BFG-VR/neo/renderer and DOOM-3-BFG-VR/dependencies/ffmpeg32/include/libavutil 13c) In DOOM-3-BFG-VR/neo/renderer/Cinematic.cpp and DOOM-3-BFG-VR/dependencies/ffmpeg32/include/libavutil/common.h change to 'inttypes.h' 13d) Note: I read that some versions of Visual Studio don't support 'inttype.h'. The readme specifically states to use Visual Studio 2010. Why is this an issue???

13e) Source: 14a) Change build type from Debug to Release. Click on Debug->Build Solution. Hi guys, sorry I'm so slow with updates. I'm definitely still working on this. Lack of free time has been the biggest hindrance - I really thought I would have had enough time to finish by now. I have made progress, in fact I was just able to use the engines threading system to implement something I wasn't originally sure I was going to be able to do.

The code on GitHub is a shambles - I'm really just using the repository to pass bits of code I'm testing between different workstations. It's definitely not stable or final (or even legible) - heck if you catch it at the wrong time it won't even compile - I've had to commit to the repo when in the middle of typing a line of code before. I should have posted some comments indicating that. To be honest, I didn't really expect anyone to find the code (not that I was hiding it). It's just ugly test code.

Globals everywhere, no real organization, little sanity checking, you name it. It's the programming equivalent of dirty underwear.

So now I'm embarrassed you've seen it. For those of you trying to compile the code, I would kindly ask that you wait just a little bit longer. If you get it to run, It certainly won't be the experience you want, or I would like you to have. I do believe that I have the pieces in place to make this a very playable game in VR. I've tried to address ( in some form ) as many of the things as possible that can make VR gaming awkward e.g.

Menus, in game UI, level transitions, the hud, screens stuck to your face, etc. The end goal is to be able to play through the campaign without the VR interface hindering the experience. ( Still only so much I can do about stick yaw though. ) I'm not going to try to guess when it'll be done. I've already been so far off with my estimates. Relys, sorry I didn't respond earlier.

The crash during map load would be expected with the current code on GitHub. That was me poking at the threading system. When you say it crashed immediately with the Rift+Hydra, did it hang at startup, or crash hard? (Blue screen, black screen, no screen, exceptions etc?) Did you have to kill the process or did it terminate? (I am developing on Nvidia cards, so at some point I'll need some ATI beta testers.) TL;DR Sorry its taking so long, sorry for the lack of updates, there has been good progress, don't hate me, no ETA because I'm bad at them.

( Still only so much I can do about stick yaw though. ) Are you referring to the looking up and down with the analog stick? If so, I believe this disables it in the config file for Doom 3 BFG: // Disable looking up and down with mouse or controller. Set joy_pitchSpeed 0 set m_pitch 0 bind 'JOY_STICK2_UP' ' bind 'JOY_STICK2_DOWN' ' This was found at, along with a few other tweaks. Disabling looking up and down with the analog stick, made it a much more enjoyable experience for me on the DK1 port. This allowed me to play through the entire 'Lost Missions' campaign, no problem.

I prefer to look up and down with me head using the motion sensors, and turn left and right with the analog stick. *edit, sorry I got pitch and yaw confused. Perhaps this could still help though so I'll leave it.

Yep, you can unmap controls via the command line or the in game menus if you like. I was really just referring to how jarring stick yaw ( turning the world with a joystick) can be for some people. Brother Maintenance Printer Driver. Can't wait for a 5 pt wireless motion tracking system - track the hands, feet and torso and never stick yaw again! I made a really quick and dirty video to show some of the progress so far. I just randomly picked a level and ran through a little of it. I this video, I'm using the left hydra as the flashlight, but you can have the light mounted to your weapon if you prefer. I have the hydras mapped differently on my home machine, so I was fumbling with the controls a little at the beginning, sorry.

I'll try to post a better vid later. Here's the link: (Holy cow, I just watched the vid, it's not that great. I'll definitely try to post a better one soon.) Not done yet, but getting closer. Hi Samson, Thank you for the response and video update. No need to apologize. I know how it can be hard to work on projects during free time, and let me say that I really appreciate what you're doing here. Please don't be embarrassed by messy code.

I am not looking to have a full user experience, but to get the code working and see if I can help in any way I can. Ah, I'm glad to hear that the crash at map load wasn't due to my setup. Is there a commit before you started messing around with the threading system that won't crash?

When I have my Rift plugged in it crashes hard to a black screen and throws an exception. I had to kill the process. I can look at the exception details later when I get home. I tried both extended and direct mode. I compiled with the 0.4.1 SDK and have 0.4.4 runtimes.

I do have an Nvidia card in my laptop that I can try as well. I would be more than happy to do ATI beta testing for you down the road. Do you have Skype? Thanks, Relys. A couple of days ago when there was a post about Doom 3 BFG + DK2 (on Reddit), I decided to take a look at the current state of the DOOM 3 BFG VR fork on GitHub (by 2EyeGuy / tmek / mmdanggg2, et al).

It had already been updated to target the Oculus SDK 0.4.x, so I decided to build binaries for it. I also added a few minor features (added a toggle key to make the screen smaller for the main menu / PDA; tweaked the positional tracking; added a DK2 specific config file with updated stereo warp settings.) Download link: (Edit: If you're using Chrome, it's blocking the download on Mega for some reason.

Here's a mirror on my site: ) You'll also need FFMPEG DLLs from here, so the cinematics work: This is built with Oculus SDK 0.4.4, so you'll need the latest Oculus Runtime version (0.4.4) also. Disclaimers: * Doom 3 BFG (not the regular Doom 3) is required. The Steam version is fine, but you should be aware that enabling the console causes Steam achievements to be disabled.

* This still uses the Doom 3 stereo warp code (not the Oculus shaders), so there's no chromatic aberration correction. (Probably the biggest issue) * This is not the same Doom 3 BFG mod as the one Samson is working on (it doesn't have head tracking in the menus, in-world PDA, decoupled aiming, etc.) * No Razer Hydra is required (or supported) in this build.

Supported Rift features: - DK1 and DK2 - Extended Desktop mode (only) - Low Persistence (DK2) - Positional Tracking (DK2) - Tracking Prediction (non-dynamic, defaults to 10ms for Oculus) Default VR specific key bindings: - 'H' will reset your orientation & position. You can press this time your position feels incorrect, or your body seems misaligned. (including in cutscenes, since headlook is enabled for those now. In cutscenes, you also may also need to occasionally turn, physically or via the mouse, so you can see what's happening) (If you want to rebind this, the command is 'vr_reset_origin') - 'G' will shrink down the screen to 60% of it's normal size. (Toggles between 60% and default / 100%) This is useful any time you want to look at text / UI that would otherwise be in the extreme corners of your view: at the main menu, in non-interactive cutscenes, or when looking at the PDA view.

(If you want to rebind this, this feature is mapped to '_impulse17') Known Issues: - Rift Display Mode must be 'Extend Desktop to HMD' - Direct Mode is not supported - Chromatic Aberration correction is not supported - Timewarp, Dynamic Prediction, and Pixel Luminance Overdrive are not supported - (DK2) If you switch to a 60Hz video mode (which doesn't have low persistence), then back to 75Hz, Low Persistence may not get re-enabled until you restart the game. Edit: If you ever played the DK1 version of Doom 3 BFG, you'll probably want to delete the old cfg file before running: C: Users[username] Saved Games id Software DOOM 3 BFG base oculus_config.cfg. I probably should have looked a little closer at the difference between the 'Retail' and 'Release' configurations in the source. It looks like the main difference is Retail (which I built with) disables the console by default, and will show you a dialog saying Steam achievements are disabled if you re-enable the console (or load a save game where the console was enabled). This probably matches the behavior of the existing / original Doom3BFG.exe. However, overall it'll work fine with the Steam version (I tested it with my own copy on Steam when I built it). I normally launched it manually by running Doom3BFGRetail.exe through Windows.

You can also back up your existing Doom3BFG.exe, and rename Doom3BFGRetail.exe ->Doom3BFG.exe, and it'll launch through Steam fine (just tried it). But, in that case, you should be aware that if you ever do 'Verify Integrity of Game Cache' through Steam, it'll probably delete the VR EXE and put back the regular one.