Remington Model 600 Serial Number

Frequently Asked Questions BASIC INFORMATION What is a Class Action? In a class action, one or more plaintiffs called “class representatives” sue one or more defendants on behalf of other people who allege similar claims. A court decides whether any lawsuit may proceed as a class action, and this Court has not finally decided that the lawsuit may be certified as a class action.

All of these people with claims, together, are the “Settlement Class” or “Settlement Class Members” if the Court approves this procedure. Then, that Court resolves the issues for all Settlement Class Members, except for those who exclude themselves from the Settlement Class. What is this class action about?

This class action lawsuit claims that trigger mechanisms with a component part known as a trigger connector are defectively designed and can result in accidental discharges without the trigger being pulled. Defendants deny Plaintiffs’ allegations that the design of the firearm is defective. The lawsuit further contends that the value and utility of these firearms have been diminished as a result of these alleged defects. Defendants deny Plaintiffs’ allegations that the value and utility of these firearms have been diminished.

The Parties agreed to resolve these matters before these issues were decided by the Court. The lawsuit further claims that from May 1, 2006 to April 9, 2014, the X-Mark Pro trigger mechanism assembly process created the potential for the application of an excess amount of bonding agent, which could cause Model 700 or Seven rifles containing such trigger mechanisms to discharge without a trigger pull under certain limited conditions.

Remington has undertaken a voluntary Product Safety Recall, which has been ongoing for more than two years, to address this issue. The lawsuit further contends that the value and utility of these firearms have been diminished as a result of these alleged defects. Defendants deny Plaintiffs’ allegations that the value and utility of these firearms have been diminished. The Parties agreed to resolve these matters before issues were decieded by he Court. This Settlement does not involve claims of personal injury or property damage. What Court is in charge of this Class Action Settlement? The Court in charge of the Settlement is the United States District Court for the Western District of Missouri, Kansas City Division.

Remington Model 600 Serial Number

What is the “XMP Product Safety Recall”? Remington has determined that some Model 700 and Model Seven rifles with X-Mark Pro triggers manufactured. John Browning designed landmark firearms, but one of his lesser known rifles, the Remington Model 8, stands as an endorsement for semi-automatic sporting rifles.

The name of the lawsuit is Pollard v. Remington Arms Co., LLC, et al., Case No. 4:13-cv-00086-ODS (W.D. Why is the class action being settled? Both sides in the lawsuit agreed to a settlement so that the Settlement Class Members can get benefits, to avoid the cost and risk of further litigation, including a potential trial, and in exchange for releasing Defendants from liability.

The settlement does not mean that Defendants broke any laws and/or did anything wrong, and the Court did not decide which side was right. The settlement here has been preliminarily approved by the Court but an appeal has been filed and is pending. The Class Representatives and the lawyers representing them (called 'Class Counsel') believe that the settlement is in the best interests of all Class Members. Why are these firearms being recalled?

Free Download Program Madeline Classroom Companion 1st Source on this page. Only Model 700 and Model Seven rifles with X-Mark Pro triggers manufactured from May 1, 2006, to April 9, 2014, have been recalled. Models 700, Seven, Sportsman 78, and 673 with a Remington Walker trigger mechanism that utilizes a trigger connector, and Models 710, 715, 770, 600, 660, XP-100, 721, 722, and 725 with a Remington trigger mechanism that utilizes a trigger connector have not been recalled. While Plaintiffs’ economic-loss claims related to those models are being settled through this class action settlement, those firearms are not being recalled. What is the “XMP Product Safety Recall”?

Remington has determined that some Model 700 and Model Seven rifles with X-Mark Pro triggers manufactured from May 1, 2006, to April 9, 2014, could, under certain circumstances, unintentionally discharge. A Remington investigation has determined that some X-Mark Pro triggers might have excess bonding agent used in the assembly process. While Remington has the utmost confidence in the design of the X-Mark Pro trigger, it is undertaking a Product Safety Recall in the interest of consumer safety to replace these triggers with new X-Mark Pro triggers. WARNING: IF YOU HAVE A REMINGTON RIFLE THAT FITS THIS DESCRIPTION, STOP USING YOUR FIREARM. Any unintended discharge has the potential to cause injury or death. Immediately cease use of your firearm. DO NOT attempt to diagnose or repair your firearm.

Please note that both this settlement and the Product Safety Recall entitle current owners of these firearms who have not already participated in the Product Safety Recall to have their old X-Mark Pro trigger retrofitted with a new X-Mark Pro trigger. However, the Product Safety Recall does not provide for any other benefit provided in the settlement. Current owners of rifles subject to the Product Safety Recall may still participate in this settlement. Visit for additional details about the Product Safety Recall. Is my firearm unsafe? Do I need to stop using my firearm?

Model 700 and Model Seven rifles with X-Mark Pro triggers manufactured from May 1, 2006, to April 9, 2014, could, under certain circumstances, unintentionally discharge. A Remington investigation has determined that some X-Mark Pro triggers might have excess bonding agent used in the assembly process. While Remington has the utmost confidence in the design of the X-Mark Pro trigger, it has undertaken a Product Safety Recall in the interest of consumer safety to replace these triggers with new X-Mark Pro triggers. WARNING: IF YOU HAVE A REMINGTON RIFLE THAT FITS THIS DESCRIPTION, STOP USING YOUR FIREARM.

Any unintended discharge has the potential to cause injury or death. Immediately cease use of your firearm. DO NOT attempt to diagnose or repair your firearm. For information related to the parties’ respective positions on the other models and trigger mechanisms at issue in this litigation, please refer to the documents located under the “Important Documents” section of the website. My firearm fired without a trigger pull. What should I do? STOP USING YOUR FIREARM.

You will need to file a claim if you have not filed one already. Please be sure to check 'yes' on the form indicationg that you allege the firearm fired withouth a trigger pull. Remington will shortly send you instructions regarding how to ship in your firearm for a retrofit. If my firearm fired without a trigger pull, do I have to wait until final approval to get my retrofit?

Remington will shortly send you instructions regarding how to ship in your firearm for a retrofit. Again, stop using your firearm. Who should I contact with questions about this settlement? You may visit for general information about the settlement. For additional information, please call Angeion Group at 1-800-876-5940 or email. Please send all written correspondence to Angeion Group, Attn: Remington Claims, Suite 660, 1801 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.

In addition, you may contact Class Counsel. The names, and contact information for Class Counsel is listed in the response to the next question. Do I need an attorney in order to participate? Claimants may, at any time, consult a lawyer in connection with this settlement agreement. However, representation by an attorney is not required in order to participate.

In fact the Court has designated the following lawyers to represent you and all Class Members. Together, these lawyers are called Class Counsel. The names and addresses of Class Counsel are as follows: Richard Arsenault 2220 Bonaventure Court Alexandria, LA 71301 Phone: 800-256-1050 Fax: 318-561-2592 Charles E. Schaffer LEVIN, FISHBEIN, SEDRAN & BERMAN 510 Walnut Street, Suite 500 Philadelphia, PA 19106 Phone: 215-592-1500 Fax: 215-592-4663 Eric D. Holland HOLLAND LAW FIRM 300 North Tucker Boulevard, Suite 801 St. Louis, MO 63101 Tel: (314) 241-8111 Fax: (314) 241-5554 W.

Mark Lanier LANIER LAW FIRM 6810 FM 1960 West Houston, TX 77069 How are lawyers for Class members paid? The lawyers who represent the Settlement Classes will ask the Court for reimbursement of their out-of-pocket expenses and an award of attorneys’ fees and costs based on their work in this litigation in an amount not to exceed $12.5 million. The amount of attorneys’ fees to be awarded will be determined solely by the Court. The amount of the award will in large part be based on the amount of time spent by the lawyers litigating this case since 2012. The Court must approve any request for fees, expenses and costs. These payments of legal fees and expenses will not reduce the value of the Settlement benefits made available to Settlement Class Members.

Defendants will also separately pay the costs to provide notice of and to administer the Settlement. Will the Class representatives who have worked with the lawyers receive any extra payment? To compensate them for the work in this litigation, Class Counsel will ask the Court for an incentive award in the amount of $2,500 for each class representative. These payments will not reduce the value of the Settlement benefits made available to Settlement Class Members.

What if I do not want to participate in the Settlement? The deadline to opt out of the settlement has passed. What if I do not like the Settlement, can I tell the Court I do not like the Settlement? The deadline to opt out of the settlement has passed.

When and where will the Court decide whether to approve or not approve the settlement? Download Corrosione E Protezione Dei Materiali Metallici Pedeferri Pdf Free Software more. The Court held a hearing on February 14, 2017, and issued an order finally approving the settlement on March 13, 2017. However, on April 13, 2017, an objector filed an appeal of the order. That appeal is ongoing. If the final approval order is upheld on appeal, the benefits provided under the Settlement Agreement will be distributed when the appeal is resolved.

It could take several months for the appeal to resolve. What if the final approval order is reversed on appeal and final approval is never achieved? Individuals with a Model 700 or Seven with an X-Mark Pro trigger mechanism manufactured from May 1, 2006 to April 9, 2014, are still entitled to a retrofit pursuant to the terms of the X-Mark Pro Product Safety Recall. All other relief (Model 770 connectorless retrofits, other X-Mark Pro retrofits, voucher relief, refunds for previous X-Mark Pro retrofits, safety DVDs) will not be provided. The website will be updated if the settlement is not approved.

If you have` submitted your claim before that time, you will be notified if final approval is not achieved. WHO IS A MEMBER OF THE SETTLEMENT CLASS? Who is included in the Settlement?