Jedit X Keygen Music

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Jedit X Keygen Music

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If your College, University or textbooks host interactive content without requiring payed login post a comment with the links. Though these courses will not give you college credit at any particular university you get to learn from some of the best teachers in the world.

Educational Search Engine. Free University Courses Wikibooks Directories Research Videos PDF Documents PDF Directories^ Top 10 Universities With Free Courses Online #1 UC Berkeley Ranked as the #1 public school in the United States, Berkeley offers podcasts and webcasts of amazing professors lecturing. Each course has an RSS feed so you can track each new lecture. For printable assignments and notes you can check the professors homepage, which is usually given in the first lecture or google his name.

Even though the notes, homework and tests are not directly printed in the berkeley website, as they are in MIT and other courseware sites, it's not a problem to find them. I personally tried to use it for John Wawrzynek's class and the nutrition courses. Visit: Visit: Visit: Getting The Most From Berkeley Webcasts Berkeley Videos are in.rm format and real player can be a pain. It asks you to register real player, spawns on startup. Instead, download a free program called media player classic with the real alternative plugin.

Media player classic is fully featured and much easier on the computers memory. The real alternative plugin download seems to come with an older version of media player classic, so updating media classic is optional. Download: Download: Download: #2 MIT Open Courseware The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is ranked 7th nationally in the United States. Many of the courses do not have video lectures. Instead, they have notes in PDF format along with tests and homework. Visit: Visit: Visit: Visit: Visit: Getting the Most Out of MIT OCW Since MIT OCW is heavily based on opening PDF files it's recommended you download FoxIt Reader, a freeware PDF reader that's many times faster than the bulky and slow adobe acrobat. Also in combination with is able to read pdfs, and post scripts files.

Download: #3 Carnegie Mellon's Open Learning Initiative Carnegie Mellon is a private research university ranked equal with Berkeley. Though registration is not required they have a registered user mode that allows you to keep track of your scores and progress. Currently 11 courses are offered. The courses are basically ebooks in a frame-based easy to use navigation system with an occasional powerful interactive Java Applet for practice and testing. Visit: #4 Utah State OpenCourseWare Utah State uses the same content management system as MIT OCW with large available course listing. Visit: #5 Tufts OpenCourseWare Tufts University in Massachusetts uses the same content management system as MIT OCW with large available course listing.

Visit: #6 Openlearn European site called Open University's OpenLearn supported by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Contains many online course and a different style content management system. I was unable to find anything interactive or any streaming media, though it does have forums for each course. Appears to function mostly as a large educational ebook library. Visit: #7 JHSPH OCW Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health offers health based lecture notes and assigments.

You'll find the JHSPH OCW website uses the same content management system as MIT OCW. The notes are formatted much more cleanly but I haven't seen exams, and their search bar seems to be broken. Visit: Visit: #8 Connexions is an open-content library of course materials developed by Rice University.

It has a huge database of content which is very useful for people who know what they're looking for. It does have ebook style higher level courses courses you can choose from. Visit: Visit: #9 Sophia Initiative is led by Foothill College which contains 8 free courses. Visit: #10 University of Washington Computer Science & Engineering Contains posted lectures and classnotes.

Some of the courses even contain. Wikiversity From the creators of wikipedia, Wikiversity describes itself as being a community seeking to create and use learning materials and activities. Wikibooks is also incredibly powerful already containing everything from a detailed guide to learning French to Organic Chemistry and Nanotechnology. Visit: Visit: Education Contains 1354 educational resources at the time of posting. Visit: Barnes and Nobles University Free online courses given as long as you buy the required reading material.

Unfortunately barnes and nobles university is now barnes and nobles book club.^ Top 10 University Podcasts #1 Stanford on iTunes Downloading iTunes is required to use this site. It contains lectures from professors, interviews and more. Visit: #2 Purdue University Podcasts Audio lectures available in windows media and real media format. Click the text and not the RSS icon to download the lectures directly. Visit: #3 Southwest Tech Podcasts Small list of audio lectures by Southwest. Visit: #4 UCLA Podcasts University of california Podcasts.

Visit: $5 WKU Podcasts Western Kentucky University Podcasts Visit: #6 DuPage Podcasts Small collection of podcasts from the College of DuPage. Visit: #7 NC State University Has a on the hindi along with a. #8 The City University of New York York College offers 4 podcast courses. #9 Los Rios Community College Podcast Small Podcast by Los Rios Community College with several courses. Visit: #10 University of California, San Diego Seems to only feature one podcast lecture free per semester with a flashy site.

Visit: Visit: ^ Research Sites All Students Should Know I'll keep this list relatively short. Wiki Power By now wiki needs no introduction but reminding people about some of its subsites can be useful. Ask Real People Questions It's sad that google answers no longer exists ='/. Health Education Higher Level Searchable Databases Other General Education Sites: This site helped a lot for high school english poetry and novel analysis. The Power of Forums Anytime you're looking for interactive help search for forums of the subject your looking for on google. There are millions of willing and helpful people that can help you. If you make the people feel you're coming off as just saying, 'TEACH ME EVERYTHING', or 'DO MY HOMEWORK, URRGENT ITS DUE TOMORROW', you won't be helped.

I know it seems obvious but too many people do this, especially in Yahoo answers. A Few Tips • Always show you made every effort and did your best in the essay or math problem you're asking for help with. • Be very specific and descriptive with what you do and don't understand and are loooking for as far as help. Learning Math Online? Not all sites use ugly notation and weird java applets to explain math problems. You can get help from friends and have fun at the same time using instant messengers that have 'whiteboard' features like yahoo messenger and msn messenger.

There's even which require only javascript. Search video sites like youtube and google video.

Also search for animations on google. For example: The same applies for higher level subjects like. In general I recommend the site.

Their helped me a lot for AP calc in high school. A Few Selected Forums Forums ^ Free Ebooks and Courseware Texts Finding The Textbook For OpenCourseWare Online You could always buy used books from amazon or your local half priced books but many times the books are out of copyright and can be obtained free. Even if they're not, there are many free online textbooks created by volunteers that are just as effective.

When the open courseware lectures tell you to do a homework from a textbook you don't have, search for the topic currently being discussed in the free textbook and work out all the practice problems you can. Visit: Visit: Visit: Visit: Visit: (free registration/login required) Peer 2 Peer Networks P2P networks such as / and torrent trackers such as and often host ebooks and online audio books. Some are out of copyright, but some are blatantly illegally redistributed, so beware.

Try using to confirm a copyright). Other Sites: Normally it's better to just search tutorials on google for the computer related subject you're interested in. ^ Drawing and Photography Support Groups Upload your photography, drawings and even poetry into support forums for feedback and experience. Photography Art Gimp Digital editing is extremely useful in both art and photography. Most people use photoshop but there's also a freeware program called Gimp that is equally as powerful as photoshop.

Download: GIMP Video Tutorials Tutorials on Using Gimp GIMP Forums ^ Free Education For Programmers If you want to learn to program, the internet is infinitely better than any university or any one text book you could find. There are insane amounts of tutorials and explanations in every way imaginable. Sites To Look At Source Code of Completed Programs Google Searches To Learn Any Programming Language (preg) Replace foo with the programming language you'd like to learn. Sorry this is so generic, but it holds true with any programming language you can imagine.

I highly recommend learning as a first language because it's flexible and closer to english than any other programming language I've seen. Many kids and teens often want to make their own games. I recommend Macromedia Flash for beginner game creators. For advanced tutorials try the. • List of foo Compilers • foo documentation • foo installation guide • foo (check external links at bottom) • foo • foo forums • foo installation guide • foo tutorials • foo step by step tutorials • foo beginner tutorials • foo getting started tutorials • foo FAQ • foo common problems • Foo ebook • foo ebooks • foo videos • learn foo • foo • foo video tutorial • foo beginners guide • foo source code examples • foo source code Search peer 2 peer networks, google video and youtube for tutorials and free media and tutorials.

Arrange by shared/rating/viewcount to find the best of the best. If You Get Stuck • Search the error you got on google • Check the Documenation • Ask in different programming forums, be sure to include the code as a text attachment or describe your problem VERY thouroughly. You can even try asking your questions in yahoo programmers chat, yahoo answers and wondir • Be persistent, programming is frustrating. • If you dont understand something in a tutorial search for another one that describes the same topic until you find one that explains things in a way you can understand • If you try to find a temporary code mentor for any given task in forums, express your ambitions of wanting to program without stating things to the effect of, 'I just wanna start makin' loads of money' or, 'TEACH ME EVERYTHING!!!' Be very specific about short term goals. Show them you use the documentation and have tried for a few hours. Show them what you've done, what you want to do, and what is stopping you from advancement.

Free Text Editors ^ Musicians: Free Ear Training Taking a music theory class is required to get a music major and most the focus is on interval identification. The real power is mastery in identification which can let you play songs by ear. Perfect pitch is NOT required for people to play songs completely by ear. Only relative pitch is needed. GNU Solfege Tons of features including interval training.

Runs on both windows and linux. Teoria 2.0.95 The Ear Training software is no longer being sold or distributed. It was a commercial product but the shareware version didn't have any restriction on how long you could use it. The only benefit of buying was added scores & statistics/user management. All the ear training parts of the program are completely functional.

From can be slow so please be patient. Ear Toner Tiny 100k open source java program. Identify intervals, chords, scales and tuning. Functional Ear Trainer Simple interface with powerful features. Its mainly for interval identification, but you can tweak to *try to train perfect pitch. This Ear Trainer 'Ere (Tete) Clean looking open source program made with java.

Identify intervals, chords, and scales. Note for Tete and Ear Toner The Java based programs may need a javasound bank.

I don't think they use your default midi software because java is OS independent. You may need to download to hear anything.

The normal install directory for windows is: C:/Program Files/Java/YourJavaVersion/lib/audio MultiTrack Recording and Editing Software Audacity I thought I should pop this in, since it's such a powerful software. Make your own songs with the freeware open source program, audacity. My Audacity Video Tutorial Online Ear Training Good Ear Very popular site, but not all that great compared to downloading the software. Original Online Eartrainer Java based site for practicing intervals. Ear Plane Flash based eartrainer Awesome site full of content. Prolobe Down for now. Commerical Ear Training Software Earmaster Pro (and Earmaster School) This program is awesomeness.

Even with all the amazing freeware programs this really is worth registering. It has a massive amount of features including a jazz ear trainer in a simple interface, despite only being 12mb. It is constantly updated, and multilingual. Auralia I hate auralia, but you can try it. And the Musition Sampler. It's hard to find Mac ear training software, so this may be the only option for some people.

They also have a similar to and. Personal Ear Trainer (PET) A tiny lil prog with a not so tiny $50 price tag.

Looks like it hadn't been updated since like 2000. Interval Loader $35 Interval Game for kids. Earope 57$ ear training program.

Has a bunch of nifty features, but I don't consider it better than the freewares mentioned above. Dolce Simple $20 ear trainer for Mac and Windows Ear Power Mmm.

Bad, but popular. Intervallogic $40 software for mac and windows. Pretty crummy interface and very few features. Review of David Burge Relative Pitch Super Course David Burge has a really gay voice that you have to listen to for 8 entire CDs.

I hate this guy. He can talk for hours, about nothing. He can spend a CD telling you how powerful you would be, if only you had relative pitch/perfect pitch.

He stops lessons for story telling time of boring anecdotes. David Burge just tells you to practice singing intervals over and over, and then gives you a little quiz on CD. Save $389, their 'list price', and just practice with a one of the freeware programs above. Sure throwing away $389 on a horrible program can get you motivated enough to send time practicing, but you won't improve anymore than just using the freeware.

If he took out all the fluff his course would be 1 cd long with a short booklet of exercises. The rest of the stuff is pure hype to make the bloated price seem reasonable. Jamey Aebersold Haven't tried it, but he has a jazz eartraining course. Small Ways to Help It may be annoying for awhile bet set your default windows sounds to intervals. For example Major 7th for minimizing a window or Major 6th to Maximize it.

If you constantly have your ipod on or are always playing music, find the intervals on your favorite songs. Slowly key out the melody on piano and count the half steps. It won't take long and it will be a permanent reference. Software Piracy Freaks Take Note Many of the above are available on p2p networks. Ear training software is annoying to pirate though because many of the companies release updates often, correcting all kinds of program problems from initial releases. What a pain it would feel like knowing the program you have has errors, and you're training with it!

Before you search your favorite serials, serialz, proggies, burned OEM, pirated direct downloads, crack, warez, demo cracks, torrents, keygen sites, or look for a 'patch' for the latest software version, instead use the full version freeware programs. Most the time, the freeware is just way better.

Perfect Pitch I have a lot to say, and a lot of resources collected on the subject. I'll devote another article about perfect pitch training. Embed Code: Direct Link: Download Video: [ ] This Program is Open Source Please retain all links and the name Jimmy Ruska in the program.

Translated Into Bulgarian by Must have flash You must to use this program. Download Speed Math Trainer You can download it to your desktop: Google Videos Forgive the lack of effect in my voice, the screen capture thing and video uploader was being annoying so I had to make/upload the video several times. More speed math tutorials?

If I see people are watching my videos through the statistics google offers I'll add more tutorials like 3 or 4 digit multiplication. I have a bug to report! Go to the bottom of this page and use the comment box. I have a comment or Suggestion Go to the bottom of this page and use the comment box.

Older Version Right click and save as to put on your desktop. Manual Getting Started Click on one of the addition or multiplication text title's. It'll make the intro disappear. From there it says 'Type 1 to Start'. Options Automiss Off/On: Will automatically count the question as missed once your time expires.

This is the only reason for having missed in the stats. Restart Level: Restarts the level. Hide Time: Hide the timer below the submit box. Hide Meter: Hide the moving blue bar under the submit box. Savestar On/Off: Your stars reflect your best time only. If off, your stars will be reevaluated per turn. The arrows near the slowest and best time are to move slowest, best, and record times down or up.

The Q is to organize by questions so you can check if you started slowing down or speeding up, and by how much. Quick Keys Clicking 'e' in the submit box will restart the level and start the timer.

Mental Math Tricks Links Arthur Benjamin Math Tricks on Youtube I got these links from which in an article. Embed Code: Speed Math Tricks The following tips are taken from the book 'Rapid Math Tricks and Tips' (c) 1992 by Edward H. The tips themselves are public domain and the author's direct explanation or examples are not used.

This is not the full list of tricks. Mistakes listed here do not reflect the author of the book. Multiply by.4, 4,40,400 etc Simply double the number twice and adjust the decimal, because 2x2=4 Multiply by.8, 8, 80, 800 etc Double it three times, because 8 is 2 x 2 x 2 Multiply by.5, 5, 50, 500 etc Divide by two and adjust decimals, because 5=10/2 Square two digit numbers ending in 5 Multiply the tens digit by a whole number, then attach 25 to the end. Multiply two digit numbers by.11, 11, 110, etc Add the two digits your multiplying by 11 together and put their sum in the middle of the same two digits.

12*11=?, 1+2=3,solution 132 Multiply by.25,25,250, etc Divide by four, and adjust the decimal. Because 2.5=10/4. Divide by.25,25,250, etc Multiply times 4 and adjust the decimal. Multiply a one or two digit number by.99,99,990 Substract the number by one and call it value 1, then substract the number from 100 and call it value 2. Put the two values together. Multiply a two digit number times.101,101,1010 Write the number twice and adjust the decimal. 64*101=6464 Rapidly Multiply.125,1.25 12.5 etc Divide by 8, adjust decimals.

Because 5/4 or (10/8) is 1.25. Rapidly Divide.125,1.25 12.5 etc Multiply 8, adjust decimals.

Because 5/4 or (10/8) is 1.25. Multiply by.9, 90, 900 etc Multiply the value your multiplying times nine, time 10 instead. Take that solution and substract the value your multiplying times nine from it. 9 x 21, we say 10 x 21 =210-21=answer. Rapidly Multiply by.12, 1.2, 12, 120 etc Multiply times 10 and call it value 1, multiply times 2 and call it value 2.

Add the solutions. Design Videos Free Download on this page. 12 * 60= (10x60)600+(60*2)120 Multiply by 15 Multiply by 10 and get value 1, divide by 2 then multiply by 10 and get value two. 15*34 = (10x34)340+((34/2)*10)170^ Top 10 Free Educational Software Note that this list is mainly targetted towards windows users. That's not because I think windows is better, but it's because I know linux users already know this type of information;). #1 OpenOffice Replace the bulky, unsecure bloatware called microsoft office with this freeware clone. Yes, if your computer crashes it makes save checkpoints every few seconds to recover data.

#2 7-zip Do you like to open rar, zip, and tar files without being prompted to register? Download 7-zip for a fast light weight compressor/decompressor of files. #3 Foxit Reader Do you value time, sanity and a fast computer? Download foxit reader so you can download pdf files and read them instantly. Adobe acrobat frequently crashes and makes my fast computer sound like its grinding away while lagging horribly trying to process the monster program.

#4 GraphCalc Replace your graphing calculator with your computer. #5 HotKeyBind Similar to winkey.

Allows you to quickly and efficiently configure quick keyboard shortcuts to a variety of tasks. #6 Media Player Classic Used with plugins this is a fast light weight tool to watch all kinds of video formats. In recent years many hackers have targetted windows media player because of many glitches in the way it processes streaming media. MPC uses much less memory making it way faster for students who like multitasking. #7 GAIM Are you a hardcore instant messenger? All at once, you can connect to AIM and ICQ (Oscar protocol), MSN Messenger, Yahoo!, IRC, Jabber, Gadu-Gadu, SILC, Novell GroupWise Messenger, Lotus Sametime, and Zephyr networks. Gaim supports plugins!

#8 Emule / Frostwire / Azureus The p2p trio can help get archived tutorials and instructional materials. P2P software CAN be educational. I found it very useful for learning french and finding sheet music (searching archives on emule). Be sure to check copyrigths before you download something =P. This combination of freeware is probably the most efficient. #9 AntiVirus This will help suppliment #8. Believe it or not there are now large and commercially competitive freeware antiviruses.

For individual files you want to scan for viruses try and. #10 Winkey Little known powerful file that allows you to configure the windows key in windows.

You can go to your favorite sites, open common files, and play your favorite music at the combination of two keys. Commercia Windows Programs Replacable With Open Source Windows Freeware 'Open CD' Opensource Educational Software Open Source Schedueling Freeware Todo lists, calendars and such. Flash Card Programs Many students learn material with flash cards. There's been thousands of flash card like programs made to help you memorize content quickly and easily.

In fact, I even made an myself in php, though it's not the most straight forward to learn >_. Embed Code: Direct Link: Download Video: [ ] Firefox Quick Keys The only useful button in firefox is the tools button, otherwise everything else can be accessed with common quick keys • CTRL+T: New Tab • CTRL+B: Show Bookmarks • CTRL+U: View Source • CTRL+P: Print Page • CTRL+S: Save Page As • CTRL+D: Bookmark Current Page • F5: Reload • Backspace: Back button • CTRL+C: Edit ->Copy • CTRL+V: Edit Paste • CTRL+A: Select ALL • CTRL+W: Close Tab The media manager, firefox forward button, stop button, and profile have no quick key, as far as I know. Useful Tricks To Prevent Data Loss While your writing in your favorite forum using firefox you can use several editing quick keys. CTRL+Z is undo, so if you accidently delete a paragraph, CTRL+Z becomes your best friend. Shift+CTRL+Z is a redo button, so if you write something and click ctrl+Z one too many times and it eats another paragraph, you can fix it all with Shift+CTRL+Z.

Before posting anything on a forum, add your post to the clipboard with an infinitely short but stress saving key combination. CTRL+A (select all) CTRL+C (copy). This way if your comp got unplugged or disconnected, or if the server just went down, you'll have a copy of your work that you can post again later (though rewriting almost always turns out a more elegant phrasing). UPDATE: Here's a bigger list of firefox quick keys.

Download Themes Head over to the firefox page. I personally like the best. Spend some time testing out themes you like. Remove Clutter Right click your toolbar and click customize. Remove and add objects to take up less room. The firefox toolbar doesn't have to be bulky. This is my ultra minimalist firefox setup with the navigations and bookmarks toolbar disabled (unchecked).

I'm not saying you should do the same, but showing people that firefox can look clean and doesn't have to look bulky with tons of extensions. I have google spellcheck and google pagerank, which are incredibly useful. The back button has been removed since I can just click backspace, and so has the refresh button (F5).

The rest of the buttons regular toolbar buttons have been removed, eg. File, edit, bookmarks, view with a that goes in C:/Documents and Settings/your name/Applicationdata/mozilla/profiles/somerandomfolder/chrome/. Renabling the default userChrome is easy though, just delete it. Firefox Extensions Many extensions cause memory leaks and make firefox more intolerable, but there really are some I can't live without like google toolbar for spellcheck and pagerank. Is great to protect new computer users from malware and. Is extremely useful for people who have fast connections and enjoy watching videos from youtube and google video. Adblocking Extensions Rather than adblock, adblock plus, filter.G and other ad blockers I heavily recommend.

Using a firefox extention makes firefox parse (scan) the code of each page you look at then remove the ads, this makes firefox more slow/unreliable especially with large pages and many tabs. TAB Mix Plus Another extension I can't live without is, here's why. • Enables Single Window Mode for Less Memory Use • Saves All Your Tabs on Closing • Saves all your tabs even if Firefox Freezes • Opens Windows Right Next to Each Other • Restore Accidently Closed Tabs • Restores Text in Forms of Accidently Closed Tabs • Prevents JavaScript About:blank pages • Prevents JavaScript Hiding the Page Address Many of these features you have to enable for them to become active once you've installed the extension by clicking tools ->Tab Mix Plus. Check out the.

List of Best Firefox Extensions I've made a list. Also be sure to see the.

Learn About RSS and Live Bookmarking To open your bookmarks click ctrl+B, you're halfway there. Now learn about. Click the little RSS button and now everytime you check your bookmarks you'll see if there's anything new or interesting that's been posted on your favorite sites. Disabling Some JavaScript Features JavaScript is great but certain aspects of it are simply annoying. Sometimes script kiddies or idiots create really bad code resizing a window to 0x0.

If the 0x0 window is closed last it saves that as your default window size and only lets you open firefox maximized unless you resize firefox with command line. Resizing, moving, and hiding stuff in anyway is very irritable. Editing the javascript settings and using the javascript features on tab mix plus can prevent frustrations. I don't want. • People to resize my screen. Ever • I don't want people to take away my toolbars • I like to see where I'm going in my status bar • I don't like blank or redirects. Learn about Firefox Quick Searches This is one of the most powerful tricks hardly anyone uses.

Are easy to add. For example, go to, right click their search engine, click add a keyword for this search, set the keyword as imdb. Now type 'imdb Drunken Master' in the address bar. Viola, instant search. What Quicksearches do you Have?

I have a lot actually, not that I ever use them often, but when I do I feel special. Firefox JavaScripts There's a lot of scriptlets available to do useful things. For example, on forms sites like Yahoo Main, and others add features to prevent you from being able to save your passwords onto your browser (form autocomplete=1).

To add it you have to drag it to bookmarks 0.o. That's where people get confused. • Setting FoxIt Reader to Replace Adobe Acrobat is much much faster at opening PDF documents. There's literally like that warns you 'this file is a pdf document and will take ages to load, are you sure you want to open it!?' Just download FoxIt, uninstall adobe reader, then go to tools ->Options ->View & Edit actions, then set Foxit as default pdf reader for the MIME type PDF. No more worrying, waiting, and lost hair from adobe crashing the browser as it disgustingly tries to embed adobe into firefox on an accidently pdf click. Prevent Firefox Crashes Most of the time firefox will crash or hang because of memory leaks, meaning the memory used by the program will continue to grow and grow.

There's no reason your firefox should be using 250mb of ram and 99% of the processor (check ctrl+alt+delete with windows or type 'top' on linux command line). Editing Firefox Configurations To lower your firefox memory usage type about:config in the address bar. Search for and edit these values, if they dont exist, create them: browser.cache.memory.capacity 4 to 8 mb config.trim_on_minimize Windows only, trim memory on minimize browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewers Amount of saved pages in the browser history set to 0 to clear download history after successful download Personally I like disabling java which I reenable if I find an applet really worth the time.

Java slows down the browser and eats a ton of memory. Closing the applet page does not release the memory. Run crescendo instead of quicktime as my default midi and mp3 player. For videos run media player classic with and. Download last from the sourceforge page, because quicktime and real alternative have older versions. Firefox Command Line Arguements There's a list of command line arguments and. Most people don't need to use this but it can be useful.

For example if you have some kind of key or voice macro program, you can add a command line reference to open a new tab when you click or say something. Its main benefit is for developers and webmasters who use it to access consols to debug and inspect sites or firefox itself.^ Amazing Free Documentaries And Videos University Collections of Educational Discussions Amazing Free Documentaries Tons of PBS Documentaries I *think* I've seen them all over the course of a year. I hadn't seen a single bad one. Feynman: Pleasure of Finding Things Out Documentary About North Korea Nuclear Program Urban Gymnastics BBC Documentary: Black Holes History Of Video Games Documentary About Linux Conspiracy of Silence Israeli Vs Palestinian Conflict Power of Nightmares Birth Of The Internet NOVA: PBS Science Episodes Online Videos By Milton Friedman Science Video Blog Stephen Wolfram Creator of Mathematica Speeches Hans Bethe: Quantum Physics Made Relatively Simple Videos On Google Video ^ Learning Any Language Online This list of steps can apply researching most all languages. I have some external links to specific languages below. • Wikipedia: search the language of your choice and check external links • Google: 'Learn X', 'learn X free', 'x grammer', ' x',' x' • Translate: serves as a multilingual translator. Google toolbar has an option that will translate words by hovering over them.

• Find the Most Popular Sites: Check the by country and find the most popular sites in your language • Culture: is a awesome tool that has newspapers from 35 languages. Go to and pick a country at the bottom to change language • Interact: Yahoo chat from yahoo instant messenger has chat rooms in other languages and even has voice chat. Includes a list of • Practice Reading: Project Gutenberg, Wikibooks, and wikipedia all have the option to change languages • Watch Videos: Check the list of corresponding to the country. Go to google video and replace with the domain extension. Consol Emulation Emulation basically makes playing consol games possible on your computer.

Read more about it on. Playing games can help me learn a languages? In respect to reading and grammar, absolutely. The old role playing games of the past are completely text dependent. Super nintendo games are mostly targetted because they are of small file size and there are many fan sites like and that offer translation patches in multiple languages for any game.

Corpse Party Blood Drive English Sub here. Awesome titles include Super Mario RPG, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana 3, Star Ocean, Tales of Phantasia, Breath of Fire 1 and 2, Romance of the Three Kindgoms, Final Fantasy 2 - 5. Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced (EU) for GBA and Zelda: Majora's Mask for N64 are among many exceptions of other consols that have multilingual games. Download: Visit: Visit: Peer 2 Peer Networks Beware of peer to peer networks. They can offer some great stuff but you have to check copyrights before you download anything because many of the programs may be illegally redistributed. For more about p2p networks check out my article.

Exernal Links ^ Weigh Loss: Free BMI Checker. Embed Code: BMI?

You can save the above BMI program by and click save target as. BMI is intended for people who dont workout, have an average build, and are over 20 years old. There's a calculator on

There's other calculators made more recently using other formulas to calculate. Body Fat Check your percent body fat with a doctor or trainer in a local university. Male: Low: 6-10% fat Optimal: 11-17% fat Moderate: 18-20% fat Obesity: Greater than 25% fat Female: Low: 14-18% fat Optimal:19-22% fat Moderate: 23-30% fat Obesity: Greater than 30% fat Lose weight? You need to lose 3500 calories per pound Links Diets Info Groups Directories Track Calories Support Groups Governments Misc.

^ Jimmy Ruska's Educational Tools Here are some educational sites/programs I've made. Flash Programs Programmed in php with its own content management system.Eliteskills And Writing Club Quiz Creator My attempt at an online quiz creator.

A quiz page programmed in php which generates a quiz page. Because no database is used I am very proud of this creation. Articles Old Site Blog Roleplay for Free Please join my site. Free, no email required. Free Video Tutorials I make on a variety of topics on youtube.

Please help me out by as a friend if you have a youtube account. It really helps. Add me on,, Share This Page.