Ibm System P5 Serial Connection Com1

I would have to say that I have been using PuTTY 6.0 for both serial and network connection (usually the latter), and have never had any problems with it crashing or any keys not working. I did have problems with vt100 emulation on much older versions of PuTTY, but with the latest versions this is history. For those of you who require secure connections, but don't want to give up an old favourite, I would suggest you read up on the tunnelling in PuTTY.

Ibm System P5 Serial Connection Com1

This is handy when you need to use SWAT (the Samba Web Administrator) or other tools, which use clear text passwords. Hi All, I have used both PuTTY and Hyperterminal for serial connections, and have the following feedback:- Hyperterminal I found to be very reliable as a terminal, but severely lacked a working scroll buffer. Bubblegum Crisis Rpg Pdfs here.>wrote: >Posted by sedman(IBM Power systems engineer/admin/programmer) >on Feb 18 at 10:19 PM >There is a version of Putty (.60 build) which includes serial/rs232 >connections. I use it to connect to a local port on my laptop >and a standard null modem cable..

This was resolved (at home at least) by using Hilgrave's Hyperterminal PE which is for personal use only. PuTTY was great as a serial terminal emulator (at least because the scroll buffer works as do the keyboard maps), but I found it often crashed for no aparent reason, these crashes happened only when using the serial terminal functionality. So.the question to pose in terms of my experience and your goals is.

Do you want a fully featured terminal, or something which is quick and dirty? If you want anything more than quick and dirty then it would pay to do some research into the alternative (possibly non-free) terminal emulators such as SecureCRT or ZOC. If you want a quick and dirty serial access tool which is used infrequently then either PuTTy or Hyperterminal would suffice. Regards, Warwick.

Hi, it is possible to access the serial console using a cable plugged into the HMC1 port. If there is no HMC this port can also be used to access the ASMI (Advanced System Management Interface) using a web browser. Moreover, the serial console can also be accessed via the S1 port, located at the back of the server. Important: In many cases the S1 port at the front panel does not work!! You need a null modem (or null modem cable) to access the console.

Take care to set the terminal attributes to 19200,8,N,1 - meaning line speed 19.200, wordlength 8, no parity, 1 stopbit. After having set up all this, insert the installation DVD and power the machine on.

You will most probably be presented a menu like tis: Set Terminal Type The terminal is not properly initialized. Object Oriented Software Engineering Ivar Jacobson Ebook Free Download there. Please enter a terminal type and press Enter. Some terminal types are not supported in non-English languages. Ibm3101 tvi912 vt330 aixterm ibm3151 tvi920 vt340 dtterm ibm3161 tvi925 wyse30 xterm ibm3162 tvi950 wyse50 lft ibm3163 vs100 wyse60 sun ibm3164 vt100 wyse100 ibmpc vt320 wyse350 +-----------------------Me ssages---- ---------- ---------- If the next screen is unreadable, press Break (Ctrl-c) to return to this screen. >>>Choice []: Choose a model corresponding to your terminal emulation.

Ibm3101 or even vt100 will almost always work. Now the machine will boot into the SMS menu. Select your boot device and go!

I assume you're familiar with the further steps. If you aren't, please let me know, I'll assist you.