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The outside world becomes your total gym—you roam free to get stronger using simply your own body and the environment at hand The great masters of Street Workout. I've read previous books from Al Kavadlo, and this one is not as good as Raising the Bar or Pushing the limits! Keep the good work Al! Luis Ignacio.

Human Body Pushing The Limits Rapidshare FreeHuman Body Pushing The Limits Rapidshare Free

April 2007 - Bondage Video Discussion Forum Archive April 2007 Name: mothbrad E-mail address: Bobjones - do you know what a post modern vegetarian is? He eats meat. But does it ironically. So I guess a post modern sadist still tortures girls in merciless peril. Sunday, April 1st 2007 - 01:36:12 AM Name: greyducttape E-mail address: Homepage URL: Happy, Happy 8th! Keep the party going! The site keeps on getting better and better each year!

Grey Sunday, April 1st 2007 - 02:35:22 AM Name: jhlipton E-mail address: Anyone else seen the previews for Grindhouse and know that Rodriguez and Tarintino got it VERY wrong. The girl getting her leg cut off is a good start, but then she turns into SuperCrip.

The grindhouse roughies weren't about the Empowerment of Women. They were about the Victimization of Women. Back to school, boys! Sunday, April 1st 2007 - 06:47:56 AM Name: A Canadian E-mail address: Thees van Kemp and Bobjones: Perhaps this just proves I'm a product of the public school system, but I'm not familiar with Foucault and the 'post-modern bondage' movement. I guess this means I'll have to pay special attention to Natasha's lecture at the inaugural GIMPers convention. I just hope that when Lisa addresses the crowd, she doesn't tell everyone (like William Shatner on Saturday Night Live) to 'Get a life.' Jhlipton: Sadly, I think you're right about Grindhouse.

I was initially pretty pumped about this movie, but my sense now is that the only good part might be the mock trailers. I would have to agree with VM that Hostel 2 looks much more promising. Sunday, April 1st 2007 - 07:16:37 AM Name: purpleviking E-mail address: I just want to say Happy Birthday to the Gimp board. Hope it's around for many many more. I love to read everything everyone has to say on here even though I don't add much myself. Thanks again for everything Ralphus.

Rich Sunday, April 1st 2007 - 08:52:06 AM Name: jhlipton E-mail address: Canadian: I just hope that when Lisa addresses the crowd, she doesn't tell everyone (like William Shatner on Saturday Night Live) to 'Get a life.' Thanks to sites like EWP, InShadow and Orgasmagoria, I've gotten several (some many times over!). If she wants to volunteer to be next, I won't stop her. (Now where did I leave my piano wire?) Sunday, April 1st 2007 - 10:49:52 AM Name: Ralphus E-mail address: Homepage URL: Larry at VM: Thanks for the tip on Hostel Part II. At first, I couldn't understand where you were getting your information about all three girls getting gagged, since before we had only seen Bijou Phillips ballgagged () and then Heather Matarazzo hung upside naked. Now it looks like the cutest one of the three, Smokin' Babe is going to get the treatment, too!

There's a brief shot of her bound and gagged in the trailer (linked above in my Homepage URL). I'll tell you, this movie looks like it's going to totally ROCK! 3 babes bound, gagged and possibly tortured?

I may not wait for the DVD this time; I'm seeing this one in the theater. This looks like real entertainment, what we all like to see, a film that celebrates the Victimization of Women! Ironically, looks like Tarantino is behind this one, too, so maybe he'll get this one right. I can't wait til June! Sunday, April 1st 2007 - 11:04:35 AM Name: chase E-mail address: Congratulations on your 8th Anniversary at Bring Out The GIMP.

Hope you are here for many years to come. Chase Sunday, April 1st 2007 - 01:35:14 PM Name: eisenkette Homepage URL: Best wishes for the site, Ralphus. Eight years already. May it live much-much longer. I'm sending a link, for those who like the topic superheroines. Older stuff is to be found again. Regards eisenkette Sunday, April 1st 2007 - 03:32:54 PM Name: Paulus I remember reading the synopsis for Hostel and thinking how it would be much better if the main victims were women.and now they go and make Hostel 2:) It sounds awesome and the clip I saw was very promising.

I just hope they don't cut too much out of the movie.can't wait for the DVD release. Sunday, April 1st 2007 - 11:01:28 PM Name: eeeteee Happy 8th b-day. Boy how time flies when you are having fun with this board.

Keep up the great work. There is no other place on earth like this.

Sunday, April 1st 2007 - 11:54:38 PM Name: Jake Homepage URL: Just adding my birthday congratulations to Ralphus and the board. Beyond Fidelity The Dialogics Of Adaptation Pdf To Word here. Take a bow everyone who contributes - take a risk everyone who doesn't. The above URL is a gallery that should provide a few happy memories for HOM fans. Monday, April 2nd 2007 - 05:56:48 AM Name: Bobjones The link that eisenkette sent contains an offer to buy, what is for me, one of the hottest little bits of bondage ever.

The 'justicegirl' clips there (I saw bits of them through the punished heroines site a while back) are fucking hot as hell, but I'm super biased toward superheroine smut (I think it's from watching too many episodes of 'She-Ra' as a kid), so take that recommendation with a grain of salt. I'd recommend buying one of the clips through the link, as the way the punishedheroines site works means you'll have to pay 75 bucks and wait two months to see them.

The clips are in the 'bonus dungeon,' a section you can see only after being a member for two months. I don't like the 'bonus dungeon' concept myself, but I did stick around for three payments, so I guess it works... I felt like a chump, but a chump with a tremendous boner. WARNING-- The following paragraph does not have any interesting notes about bondage, naked girls, or torture.

It's a little tidbit about twentieth century philosophy and how it might shed lights on the asshole prudes who are always crawling up the ass of the pervert community... Michel Foucault was a philosopher who talked a lot about how the way things are organized and the way things are defined creates power, and he talked about how a lot of our preconceptions are really products of these power structures. The reason he might be of interest here is that he wrote a series of books about the history of sexuality (called 'The History of Sexuality) that really give us a certain kind of philosophical framework to argue with folks about the validity of how they define 'deviance.' 'Deviance' are feelings and behaviors that people use to define what 'normal' is. A lot of what Foucault was talking about is harder to see, but when a group is campaigning to redefine deviance, it gets real obvious. Why is the Christian right so obsessed with sex? Not because they are really concerned with the social problem that stupid sexual behavior can cause, but because talking about sexual deviance helps their flocks to define themselves as being righteous.

Why are some (but not all) feminists such absurd prudes when it comes to aggressive sexual feelings directed at women? Because they are trying to define sexual normalcy as a feminine-positive, politically correct thing. The point is that Foucault is kinda useful to arguing about the way power influences the way people perceive normalcy. Since this is a discussion board filled with participants who fantasize about violent, antisocial sex, I thought some folks might find it interesting.

Sorry to get on a ramble there. Don't say I didn't warn you. I try to stay on-topic, but I couldn't resist, since not everybody knows Foucault.

Next post will be all about tits and hot irons, I promise. Monday, April 2nd 2007 - 07:28:59 AM Name: A Canadian E-mail address: Bobjones: In my view, there was no need for the 'warning' in your post.

Trust me, trying to understand why some people are so hellbent on dictating moral codes of conduct for everyone else in society is a regular discussion topic around here, and with good reason. I can't say that I completely follow the Foucault arguments you have described (maybe I should read the books myself), but I do find them interesting. These days, of course, the moral crusaders tend to fall back on the same argument over and over again to defend their actions -- they do it all to 'protect the children.' It's a pretty lame argument, and makes you think many of the so-called 'normal' people haven't taken the time that we 'deviants' have to stop and seriously think about morality issues. Monday, April 2nd 2007 - 05:33:31 PM Name: bondafan Thanks Ralphus for the great website, and congratulations on 8 years! Monday, April 2nd 2007 - 06:21:30 PM Name: Bobjones 'It's a pretty lame argument, and makes you think many of the so-called 'normal' people haven't taken the time that we 'deviants' have to stop and seriously think about morality issues.'

I couldn't agree more. The weird thing is that 'deviant' sexual desires seem to be almost universal, in American culture at least. Just go watch a horror movie...

It's nubile girls being subjected to sexualized violence. But if people label getting turned on by violence 'deviant,' it helps to draw a nice clear line around 'normal' sexuality. If that were not the case, then mainstream America wouldn't be nearly so interested in perverts. From watching TV, you'd think there were rapists and pedophiles hiding in every bush in America. This smutty-mindedness suggests first of all that people really are fascinated by sexual violence (no matter what they claim), but they can't just admit it. Instead they have to use this fascination to help them prove to themselves that they are 'normal'... Not like those PERVERTS who like to hurt people.

That's why true crime books, which are every bit as cruel and smutty as any porn, aren't controversial in the way that porn is... Because true crime books adopt a posture of 'look at how sick HE is, not like ME.' It's kinda fucked up how hypocritical people are when it comes to fessing up to what really gets them hot. At least I jerk off to fantasy violence... I guess those tits and hot irons will have to wait. I guess I don't really have anything original to say about that combination. I like it though.

Shake and Bake. Monday, April 2nd 2007 - 09:41:55 PM Name: Bobjones Shit, I forgot to praise the mighty Scribbler. I fucking love Superheroines in peril, and I like your work. Today's pic rocks. The phallic rocket is very cool. Maybe a smaller one sticking in her pussy next time?

Monday, April 2nd 2007 - 09:45:33 PM Name: Alex E-mail address: Homepage URL: Happy Wonderful 8th! Alway enough going on to give the gals hard nips and more of course. Nothing like nipple twisting fun! And the site has improved galore with new producers, links and more insight into bondage, rape and violence themes with a reasonable perspective and point of view from the many that show up here.

But it would not happen if it were not for the Gimp! Thanks Again! Here's to more twist and turns in '07! Alex Tuesday, April 3rd 2007 - 02:51:32 AM Name: Joe E-mail address: Congratulation on 8 years!! It is actually a major miracle that a public forum even exists like this today. Great work Ralphus and everyone who is connected to and participates on this site.THANK YOU Tuesday, April 3rd 2007 - 01:12:41 PM Name: Scribbler Homepage URL: Hey Bobjones, that's not a bad idea!

I'll have to do one (or more) like that.soon as I finish my taxes. Tuesday, April 3rd 2007 - 08:20:00 PM Name: Ralphus E-mail address: Homepage URL: I've been keeping up the theme of Superheroine bondage as our daily picture this week because while it doesn't appeal much to me, I know a lot of you seem to dig it. I know this was brought up before, but what exactly is the appeal of seeing women in costumes.presumably women with special powers.being put in dangerous situations? Now, I know when I was a kid, I was pretty excited whenever Batman came on, and it was a turn-on seeing the dynamic duo and especially Batgirl being placed some sort of deathtrap that they had to endure, like Batgirl being tied to the conveyor belt heading for the buzzsaw, for instance. That was fun when I was a kid, but now.I guess I just grew up.

Maybe I just outgrew the idea of fantasy films involving fantasy characters. Especially with my bondage fantasies; they are firmly grounded in reality. Realism works for me, and just about anything else that comes across as too fantastic or unbelievable.I just don't care much for. Now, I know I gave high grades to the ZFX 'Ballista' films.Part 2, for example, I consider one of the high marks of Rick Masters' career. Still, the parts in those films that I liked the best were when Lisa was already stripped of her costume and it became more of a typical ZFX bondage/torture scenario. And the weird sci-fi segments in some of Rick's films, as well as tentacle bondage anime.they just don't do it for me.

Wonder Woman? Lynda Carter was hot, but I'd rather see her tied up without the costume. Show me a beautiful girl next door realistically attacked, tied up and raped and I'm in Seventh Heaven. Show me that same scenario with a costumed superheroine and I'll watch, but probably not like it nearly as much. It's just not real to me. GIMP POLL: Superheroine Bondage: Do you like it, love it, or are you lukewarm about it? Let's try to get this place talking.

Tell us what you think, and why you think that way. I'm more curious to see what others think regarding this whole subgenre of bondage entertainment. Am I completely missing the boat?

Everybody vote. I appreciate the very warm compliments we've been getting about why this board is special, and now it's time to PROVE why it's special by giving us your opinions. We're only as good as the people who post here, so let's hear what you have to say!

Tuesday, April 3rd 2007 - 09:31:23 PM Name: rg Superheroine Bondage: Do you like it, love it, or are you lukewarm about it? Very lukewarm. I like my fantasies to be a little closer to reality, so I just can't relate to the superheroine stories. Tuesday, April 3rd 2007 - 10:10:17 PM Name: Paulus I like super heroine bondage.but I'd like it better in the form of Ballista 2 for example using live people, nor cartoons.unless you're talking photo realistic type art. I think it's the idea that these so called powerful women who are used to kicking ass, are humbled and taught that they're not so tough after all lol.maybe that's part of the appeal. Wednesday, April 4th 2007 - 12:07:31 AM Name: Grey E-mail address: Homepage URL: Hi gang -- Superheroine bondage serves no purpose for me. In effect -- it is not noteworthy.

For me, a woman has to be subservient and damsel to appeal to me. It fits in there somewhere between the female bodybuilder on steroids and the Russian powerlifter. Wednesday, April 4th 2007 - 02:24:38 AM Name: Max E-mail address: What's the appeal of superheroine bondage?

First, they usually have superbodies They wear tight, revealing supercostumes They superstruggle What's not to like? Wednesday, April 4th 2007 - 04:48:45 AM Name: jhlipton E-mail address: I'll have comments on previous entries later, but I had to share these YouTube clips with my fellow pervs.

These guys have 'Grindhouse' right! Wednesday, April 4th 2007 - 08:35:13 AM Name: Sloth E-mail address: Superheroine Bondage - seem to fall in with Grey and rg - lukewarm probably overstates it - simply indifferent to it as it does nothing for me - give me the girl next door as well - Stay Well All Wednesday, April 4th 2007 - 09:24:13 AM Name: Joe E-mail address: GIMP POLL: Superheroine Bondage: Do you like it, love it, or are you lukewarm about it? I am indifferent to Superheroine Bondage.

I like it only in the sense that it's just another good possibility for a bondage scene. Like others have mentioned I'd rather see the women out of their costumes and bound. My VERY first bondage visual that started the whole thing was in fact Yvonne Craig as Batgirl - BUT tied up and gagged as 'Barbara Gordon' Wednesday, April 4th 2007 - 09:44:32 AM Name: Thanagar Though I was a superhero fan as a kid (in fact, my screen name is a reference to Hawkman), I am only lukewarm about the superheroine in bondage, mainly due to the unrealistic aspects of it. Wednesday, April 4th 2007 - 09:53:17 AM Name: Brutus GIMP POLL: I like superheroines in bondage, preferably wth real people. Here you have a hot babe in a sexy outfit, with superhuman powers--and she's a pure do-gooder! She represents the ultimate female, with brains, brawn and looks. She's not supposed to lose.

So what happens? A villain with extra strong restraints and some GIMP tendencies subdues her, humiliates and tortures her, and then totally breaks her will, perhaps with a phallic rocket up her snatch:-) I guess for me, a superheroine in bondage symbolizes a victory for perverts over prudes. And that adds a nice element to my GIMP fantasies. Wednesday, April 4th 2007 - 10:53:17 AM Name: Buckeye Homepage URL: I'm with Brutus, there's just something oh so sexy about a woman running around in spandex getting her 'just deserts' from some evil villian. Superpowered or not.;-) Wednesday, April 4th 2007 - 12:23:27 PM Name: chase E-mail address: 'My VERY first bondage visual that started the whole thing was in fact Yvonne Craig as Batgirl - BUT tied up and gagged as 'Barbara Gordon' Oh yeah! I LUV glasses. And I would love to do many things to Barbara Gordon.

Forget that shit about 'Guys Don't Make Passes At Girls Who Wear Glasses.' We make passes at them, we take their clothes off, and we **** them, too! I like them to keep their glasses on, and they usually prefer it. Girls like to see what they are getting!

Until things start getting really messy, that is. Then they don't need to SEE much. When I say, 'Why don't you take those glasses off now,' they come right off, if they are not already. Her mind is on other things by that point. Wednesday, April 4th 2007 - 01:09:04 PM Name: mothbrad E-mail address: Superheroine bondage is like all other bondage to me - it's the scenario and the victim that determines whether I enjoy it or not. At the moment, I would do anything to get hold of the Ballista films to see Lisa in merciless peril, but having only seen the stills, I can say outright that they certainly work for me.

On the other hand, there is always the risk that the superhero is TOO strong and it's a setup for her to escape her fate. Usually, that's not where I want the story to go (*evil grin*). Wednesday, April 4th 2007 - 02:29:01 PM Name: Bobjones As I've said, I fucking love superheroine bondage. I like it enough actually that I can get turned on by somewhat mediocre superheroine bondage-- and honestly, quite a bit of what's out there is mediocre. Even the mighty superherione central tends to have quite a bit of kinda so-so live action stuff-- too many repetitive stories and a weird obsession with fake tits.

(The art there is often fabulous though...) The interesting question, though, is WHY do I love it... I think that there's something about a really pure, good girl getting put through the ringer that really does it for me, and superheroine fantasies really push those buttons. The idea is that those gals put themselves in danger to fight evil and to try to do good, and for their trouble they get tied up, raped, and tortured. It the same thing with some of those 'pretty white girls getting in trouble with evil local governments in South America or Africa' SM comics and stories.

The idea of a good-hearted peace corps cutie getting abducted into a life of sexual slavery really gets the trousers to tighten... It's just so cruel and awful. Superheroine fantasies, as silly as they are, push the same buttons, especially Barbara Gordon (I'm partial to the animated version from the '90's Batman cartoons), who exemplifies both a kinda 'Nancy Drew teenage detective do-gooder' and 'tough superheroine chick' at the same time. She's a good girl who doesn't deserve to be punished... She MUST, I SAY! I think there's some weird arrested development thing at play too. The first chicks in bondage I saw were in comic books and cartoons, so that kind of fantasy scenario really pulls the trigger.

It's Pavlov's theory at work. I guess if I grown up watching Zorro I'd have a thing for Mexican women being abducted by evil land barons. Wednesday, April 4th 2007 - 04:55:19 PM Name: zee-ef-ex Superhero bondage? I can't get past the unrealistic nature of it.

Every human who has ever lived has been simply that - just human, All Too Human, shitting, spitting, biological beasts, just like monkeys but with better tools:-) In fact, it's the opposite for me - it's the HUMAN in the supernatural that appeals to me. Cartoon bondage where the girl looks more realistic is more appealing - think of the Japanese girls in the tentacle bondage.

Their bodies usually look like great HUMAN bodies. Superheroes - think Wonder Woman, for example - look totally fake. But have you ever seen a real young woman with a gorgeous body in spandex?

I remember once at a concert a girl who was just about human perfection, dressed skin-tight this way. Real bodies are usually overdressed in real life when we see them, at work or on the street, or most of them they are 'flawed' in some way - I spend a lot of time at the gym, and there are many pretty, physically fit women there, but it is exceedingly rare to catch sight of a real, close-to-perfection girl. One girl might be pretty, yes.

But her hips are a little wider than your preference. Another girl might be nice and tight. But maybe her shoulders are a little too bony. You get the idea. But those rare times in your life when you actually run across a girl's body which meets your idea of perfection, it's just breathtaking.

No, it doesn't look all grossly out-of-proportioned Wonder Woman-like. It looks like Plato's ideal form, like once, just once, nature got it exactly right, with everything proportioned in balance. I loved Bat Girl, too - my favorite scene was when she was in her costume, hands tied behind her back, and dunked into a vat of chocolate pudding. But Bat Girl wasn't some gross charicature (spelling?) The actress who played her had a great body, a very human body, which her costume only accentuated.

It was like that pretty girl I saw at the concert wearing spandex. So in sum, most superhero bondage is just dumb. The victims appear to be distorted humans, instead of highlighted normal people. I'd much rather see a real girl with a good body wearing a spangly spandex costume any day of the week, than see some bizarre freakazoid Wonder Woman type character. Zee-ef-ex Wednesday, April 4th 2007 - 05:29:11 PM Name: A Canadian E-mail address: GIMP Poll: Mark down another vote for indifference, as I am also lukewarm to the whole superheroine thing. I often enjoy Japanese movies where the heroine is a spy or super cop, but that's because it usually means the woman will be dressed in a really sexy outfit, such as the one Jyuri Wakabayashi wore in Industrial Spy, as seen here: I did enjoy Lisa in Ballista 2 -- I thought she looked sexy in her purple costume -- but then again, it was Lisa. Generally, though, the superheroine concept usually doesn't do much for me.

Bobjones: I had the chance last night to watch two of the mainstream Japanese titles you recommended: Scorpion: Female Prisoner #701 and Zero Woman: Red Handcuffs. I was OK with the Scorpion movie (to be honest, I enjoyed the lesbo love scene in that one more than any of the GIMP scenes), but I was far more impressed with the Zero Woman movie. It had a level of brutality in it that was inspiring. And the lead actress, Miki Sugimoto, was gorgeous. I don't know if Zero Woman qualifies as a superheroine (she's kinda cut from the same cloth as Dirty Harry), but if so, then this is one superheroine I can fully support.

Wednesday, April 4th 2007 - 05:42:24 PM Name: Scribbler Homepage URL: Superheroines are usually drawn as especially hot women. Especially hot women in bondage works for me. Superheroines are probably among the first naked women many of us who are midway along in years, saw in our youths. Basically, they're naked girls with parts colored in to make it look like they're wearing costumes! Memories of having seen these 'naked' girls in bondage on occasion are happy ones! Superheroines in stories automatically suggests villains, conflict, battles, good vs evil, risk, things at stake.

Bondage is a natural fit for such stories. Of course, the mainstream of these stories never went, or go, far enough!

Also part of the superheroine's backstory is that they're winners, they're honorable, they're good girls who fight, and the average man (without trickery) could not take them; the average man would lose, get beaten by them. How emasculating! These are women where it takes a special something to take them down. So there's some aspect of the bigger (or more powerful) they are, the harder (and more humiliated they are when) they fall. The Supragrrl free comic on my site would be missing something if she were not a superheroine (or more importantly to some, a parody of a well-known character.) But first you have to be into superheroines, or fantasy fiction, or science fiction, and of course, into bondage, to get the appeal of the combo.

If not, I can see how bondage with a superheroine wouldn't have any added appeal. I'm not as big on superheroines peril as it may seem, but I like it, especially for the more fantasical ideas one can do. I especially like the living bondage Rubberband man (think Plastic man) I have on my site. I could write a lot more, but this is plenty. People know what they like. Wednesday, April 4th 2007 - 06:38:48 PM Name: Bobjones A Canadian...glad I could be of service. I agree about Zero Woman.

It just has such a nasty tone. The word 'hate-fuck' comes to mind.

Wednesday, April 4th 2007 - 10:17:00 PM Name: Scribbler Homepage URL: So I was looking through some Isabella Camille photos I shot a long time ago, and then applied Bobjones' idea to it. It's in my SDH yahoo group (files section).

Thursday, April 5th 2007 - 01:17:52 AM Name: A Canadian E-mail address: Homepage URL: Grindhouse: Our worst fears about the Tarantino/Rodriguez movie, Grindhouse, have been confirmed. Apparently, there's no nudity in the film except for some scenes in the mock trailers. I have attached in my URL a review from Toronto's NOW Magazine that asks the question many GIMPers would raise: how can a movie with no nudity truly claim to be a tribute to exploitation movies? It sounds like Grindhouse is stylish but falls flat in the exploitation department. I'm able to forgive Rodriguez a little bit, as the world is still indebted to him for the Jessica Alba whipping scene in Sin City. But I'm pissed with Tarantino. He should have known better, given that he reportedly watches exploitation movies on a regular basis in his home.

Thursday, April 5th 2007 - 04:23:41 PM Name: Vince I think for me what started me on to superheroines was when I was a little boy and my folks took me to see 'Barbarella' starring Jane Fonda. Although I was only 5 or 6 years old at the time, Fonda and the movie practically speeded up my puberty.

If you saw the film, Barbarella/Fonda is a scantilly clad superheroine who is always in sexual jeopardy. Among other things, a villain tries to kill her by making her orgasm to death. I think that's why superheroines are a personal fetish of mine.

Also, women can dress more easily as superheroines in real life. What Supergirl wears, I'll find lots of women wearing, a similar mini-skirted outfit with boots minus the cape. So I can imagine the everyday woman as a superheroine with me as their arch enemy- The Penetrator!

Thursday, April 5th 2007 - 08:58:18 PM Name: Ralphus E-mail address: Homepage URL: Scribbler: Probably like everyone else, I couldn't access your new pic. There seems to be a problem across all Yahoo groups; hopefully they'll resolve it soon. A Canadian: No nudity in the Grindhouse feature? Really, are you surprised?

I don't think Tarantino has EVER made a film with female nudity. And even worse, whenever he puts bondage in his films, it's almost always MALE bondage (the cop in Reservoir Dogs, Bruce and Ving in Pulp Fiction).

He did have a lame-o scene with Uma Thurman in Kill Bill Volume 2 (hands in front, no gag) and that's it. Plus that, his films usually feature strong leading ladies, certainly not the kind of victims we like to see. Uma's character in the Kill Bill films was a butt-kicking superheroine. Those were good films, but nothing in there for the pervert crowd that wants to see women brutalized and victimized. Maybe he'll make a sequel and do a remake of one of those women's prison films. At least that gives us a better chance.

If we're going to get any GIMP thrills from mainstream movies, our best bet is to stick with the horror films, which seem be getting more and more torture-iffic in recent years. How many people can't wait to see what horrible fates await our three lovely heroines in Hostel Part 2? Hey, we had a great response to the Superheroine poll, but is it possible it fizzled out after only one day? There are at least 600 of us here; let's hear some more viewpoints from our fellow pervs and sick fucks. I really enjoy reading what you all have to say. Thursday, April 5th 2007 - 10:28:39 PM Name: Scribbler Homepage URL: Ralphus: What happens when you try to access it? It loads fine when I try it.

Go to files section, click on Art of the Group 2007 folder, then on tsrocketgirl.jpg. Should bring up image then.

Thursday, April 5th 2007 - 11:59:54 PM Name: jhlipton E-mail address: Ralphus: Especially with my bondage fantasies; they are firmly grounded in reality My fantasies tend to be pretty extreme, so I like a 'fantastic' element (time traveling to the Jurassic, for example. If the girl winds up dead -- very likely in my scenarios -- her bones will confuse archeologists for centuries!). For me, the appeal of super heroines is that they have the ability to withstand some pretty severe torture. Imagine Supergirl with a kryptonite dildo up her pussy. Whipping her is going to feel so much better than the wimpy human next door. I don't like the gazongo tits that all super heroine artists seem to favor. Uma's character in the Kill Bill films was a butt-kicking superheroine.

Kill Bill had soooo much potential. Having Vivica A. Fox (wearing even less than Tarantino had her in) shot several times, once in the gut, then the clit, and finally just under a tit, as she slides down a wall, moaning as her life's blood ooozes out of her Or in the battle with Chiaki Kuriyama, Uma slices her blouse, skirt and panties to shreds, revealing all her wondrous goodies before backing her into a row of spikes which fatally pierce her tender flesh. I'm sure that we could work in a garroting, too, without too much trouble. Friday, April 6th 2007 - 03:11:21 AM Name: BlueDog Homepage URL: Time to catch up. First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIMP FORUM!

I'm amazed by the fact that this forum continues to live on. I'm also fascinated that of all the online communities that I inhabit, this one, by far, is the most civil. Next item, superheroines in trouble. I'm a big fan I still check to see if they are ever gonna return (any news Scribbler?).

For really great superheroines in peril, you really have to go here. If you look carefully at the movies they list they often shoot different versions of the same movie. The Tobatsu line (TBB-XX) focuses entirely on torture while most of the other lines focus on rape AND torture. Video Mayhem has a few but it really bothers me that there really isn't a way to get any others that I know of. In most cases, the price is 10,000 yen. Including shipping this comes to over $100.

Nevertheless, in the ones I have the makeup, effects, acting, sets, lighting - everything really are very well done. You're probably wondering about the link right? That is an online movie that can be purchased.

Look for a store called 'The Basement' (listed under 'T'). They have a really strange checkout system where you buy minutes. Ends up costing about $40 but I really liked the movie anyway. This may as well be a superheroine movie because there is no way any chick could survive any 5 minutes of the feature. She gets beat up, then hit over and over with a baseball bat, her fingers broken, some GREAT electrocution scenes, shot 10-15 times, then gives a forced blowjob AFTER being shot, then shot another bunch of times, and finally killed.

Gruesome stuff, but the girl is hot and sells it well. She looks a bit like Sarah Michelle Gellar but without the cute perky nose. Friday, April 6th 2007 - 01:15:45 PM Name: Ralphus E-mail address: Homepage URL: Scribbler: Here's the official statement from Yahoo regarding the problems they have been having: There have been several glitches this week with members and owners not being able to access certain group features. Yahoo has been making more changes so this could be the problem.

You might give it a few more days and have several of your members try to access the Files on your group, then let you know if they are able to do so. It's not just your site; I belong to several Yahoo groups and people have been posting saying they have been having problems viewing certain files. BlueDog: Your online movie actually looks quite intriguing, particularly the electric shock scenes.

Sounds.oh.maybe just a wee bit unrealistic if she gets shot 10-15 times and that still doesn't kill her, then they shoot her a bunch MORE times before she finally dies. Maybe she's made of steel like Superman, ya think? I don't especially get into bloody torture or the death fetish thing, but I would be interested in checking that out. Too bad so many places only offer these clips as online downloads, but I'm afraid that's your only option a lot of times nowadays. Friday, April 6th 2007 - 10:22:35 PM Name: Paulus I was checking out that nicheclips site and they do have a store with superheroine type clips.

The preview stills look very promising, the girls look hot and have pretty decent costumes. I may end up trying one and seeing how good it is.its a bit costly for a download clip though, $39.would prefer a DVD.but I guess it depends how good the divx is. Friday, April 6th 2007 - 10:56:42 PM Name: Vreeble 1) If you are into superheroines, the two obvious places to check out are a) and the ancillary sites (esp. The free Wizard, Smudge, Mr.X and NW316 sites, which have copious free material), but also Dangerbabe Central, Spacebabe Central, and Catfight Central b) HIP Comix (Heroines In Peril). -- also plenty of free heroine stuff 2) If you want Japanese-Attackers 'superheroine' stuff, then go to the attackers site and Check into the Lady Panther series -- it's often more a 'thief' sort of motif, but there are some (such as SHK180) which are def. Thief oriented ones include SHKs 83, 141, 255, and what, for my money, is one of the best JR films ever, SHK 160, with the delicious Oikawa Nao getting banged for about an hour or so by three different guys (2x1-on-1 and 1x3-on-1). Onao is an excellent actress.

There is also SSPD24 & 33, also both in the Lady Panther 'series', and HAVD060 'Super Knight Atliger, with Riko Tachibana 3) Additionally in the Japanese vein is the 'ninja' and 'lady samurai' motifs, such as HAVD217, 'Ninja Lady Azusa' (Azusa Ayano), SSPD020 and SSPD031, both 'Lady Samurais', SHK219, another Lady Samurai, HBAD023, 'Ravished Ninja',, HAVD169, Raped Ninjas 4) As for 'why'? Well, that seems sort of obvious. They are 'superheroines' -- they're 'better' than you or me -- so seeing them get taken down and broken fills quite a few GiMP bills. Further, they are usually much 'tougher' than a 'real' woman, so they can get abused a lot more and 'survive'. Saturday, April 7th 2007 - 04:30:23 AM Name: A Canadian E-mail address: Homepage URL: Vreeble: Another interesting list, which is always helpful and much appreciated. I think the one area I will skip, however, is the list of Ninja movies.

I don't know why, but I just can't get into the Ninjas. Slave Island: Has anyone seen any of the Attackers' Slave Island movies? The stills for some of the movies available at have caught my interest (some of the covers are linked in my URL), but I'm curious about whether the overall concept of the movies actually works. If anyone has seen one or more of these movies, I would appreciate any feedback.

Saturday, April 7th 2007 - 05:01:08 AM Name: A Canadian E-mail address: Homepage URL: Oops, the link didn't work. However, I have provided a link in my URL to one of the Slave Island movies from the Attackers site.

Another interesting Slave Island film is coded RBD-063, which can be searched on either of my attached links. Saturday, April 7th 2007 - 05:08:08 AM Name: VM E-mail address: Homepage URL: Slave Island series- Have seen and carry all of them. Attackers RB#47 PT#1+PT#2, RB#51 PT#1+#2, RB#55 PT#1+#2, RB#60 PT#1+2, RB#63, RB#67 and RB#72.

I can highly recommend this series! Women are abducted and end up in cells. They are bound and forced to perform oral sex.

Occasionally a new captive will need a little whipping to put her back in line. Unwilling woman bound and forced to please their captors! Whats not to like:) All in all a great series. Regarding superheroine films company called Giga puts out the Tobatsu and other interesting titles.

Good rule of thumb with Jap films with regards to yen is this: 5,000 yen= 50 US dollars, 8500 yen= 85.00 dollars etc. Saturday, April 7th 2007 - 06:09:50 AM Name: A Canadian E-mail address: Homepage URL: VM: Thank you for the information on the Slave Island movies -- your comments confirm my hunch about the films. And it is true that there is a healthy list of selections to choose from.

Personally, I am most interested in the later titles that are on just one disc, as it seems many of the other Attackers titles that feature more than one heroine tend to carry over onto two discs -- which is usually a bit too much for my short attention span. I generally prefer a movie that features more than one actress and can be shown in two hours or less.

Saturday, April 7th 2007 - 08:08:52 AM Name: VM E-mail address: Homepage URL: Slave Island- With regards to single discs couple of these are over 3 hours in length. There is non-stop action so there is very little need for the ff button. Saturday, April 7th 2007 - 08:20:27 AM Name: VM E-mail address: Homepage URL: Slave Island- RB#63 is 2 hr. RB#67 is 3 hr.

RB#72 is 3 hr. Saturday, April 7th 2007 - 08:27:13 AM Name: A Canadian E-mail address: Homepage URL: VM: Wow, that's a whole lotta slavery. It's OK for me, I guess, but I worry for my friend Ralphus -- because if I ever try to review one of these suckers, he's going to have to deal with another insufferably long review.

Saturday, April 7th 2007 - 09:10:58 AM Name: Paulus ZFX and the new VOD has anyone checked out the new site for ZFX video downloads? I had once tried out their older site and was really not happy with it at all. I bought 20 minutes, and used it up in 5 minute cause of the fast forwarding I was doing!! Kinda sucked heh? But anyway this new site has options for 'Renting' it online so you can stream the video repeatedly for a set number of days. Unfortunately not all of the ZFX titles are set up for that.for example Ballista 2 and Ballista 1 have different permissions for what you can do with them.

To tell you the truth, I kinda prefer the downloading video clips to DVD's in some cases, because its easier for me to hide my stash. I just read this news article though about this teenager who accidentally stumbled into a yahoo child porn group, and somehow he ended up with the Feds taking his computer away and finding some pictures on it. It took him 2 years to straighten it out and avoid jail time.

What a crazy bullshit world we live in. That stuff scares me.I mean what if some asshole sticks in some child porn on one of these sites.I guess it pays to check everything that's on your computer regularly and delete anything questionable or unintentional.

Saturday, April 7th 2007 - 09:59:48 AM Name: VM E-mail address: Homepage URL: Wanted to mention: Just finished adding 23 new producers and 369 new titles with boxcovers. Saturday, April 7th 2007 - 01:47:10 PM Name: Jeff E-mail address: Attackers RB#63 looks great. I like rape and whipping and it can be hard to find a movie with both. I think I see a purchase coming. Saturday, April 7th 2007 - 01:58:25 PM Name: Jeff E-mail address: Homepage URL: Everyone here knows about Il Pollaio, right?

Mostly snuff and necro, but some punishment and superheroines thrown in. And some truly amazing artists. Saturday, April 7th 2007 - 02:35:17 PM Name: Brutus Ralphus said: 'his films usually feature strong leading ladies, certainly not the kind of victims we like to see.' I do like seeing the sweet innocent girl next door getting the business, but I also totally enjoy watching strong women, like superheroines, getting it too.

Zee-ef-ex mentioned physically fit women in his gym. There's a couple of Amazon women who show up at my gym once in a while. They are as strong as many of the guys there, and only a maniac would mess with them. So here's what I would like to see in a movie: Two or three incredibly strong women (but not too bulked up) always show up a nerdy weakling guy at the gym by following him around and lifting twice as much as his max. They make a big show of it by taunting and embarrassing him without mercy. But the weakling is a GIMPer at heart. He drugs their sports drinks and whisks them off to his dungeon basement where he binds, gags, whips, rapes and performs all sorts of devious tortures on his gym tormentors.

The turn-on for me is that if any of these women escape, they can easily kick the shit out of the guy. That makes his bondage techniques so important. He's gotta make sure they can't escape. It also makes the women struggle all that more because escape means freedom and revenge. But they can't escape from their bonds, and he breaks them and makes them his personal sex slaves. Jhlipton Thanks for the link. I'm not into snuff but there's some interesting stuff at Il Pollaio.

VM: That's quite an impressive line-up you're building at Video Mayhem. Glad to see the Attackers films are still there. I saw one of the Slave Island movies some time back and was very impressed. Sunday, April 8th 2007 - 10:31:36 AM Name: HC Keys E-mail address: I'm not sure if this is the proper forum for this, so forgive me if I'm stepping over any boundaries. I recently started transferring a pretty big collection of b/d movies from videotape to DVD.and have no plan for the tapes.

My first thought is to dispose of them. I was wondering if there's a market for Jay Edwards, Dominique Wolfe, ZFX, Harmony, Bryan Davis, AES, Close-Up tapes? Send me an email if you want more info. As for this forum, I'm a longtime lurker who really enjoys visiting. Ralphus thanks for the hard work maintaining these pages. Sunday, April 8th 2007 - 11:23:39 AM Name: Ralphus E-mail address: Homepage URL: A Canadian: Regarding those 3-hour Slave Island movies, you wrote.I worry for my friend Ralphus -- because if I ever try to review one of these suckers, he's going to have to deal with another insufferably long review.

Yeah, your reviews are awfully long, aren't they? The next time you write one, I may have to interject a warning with flashing red letters at the top reminding people that it will take approximately the same amount of time to read the review as it takes to view the actual movie. But that's okay, I've ordered extra bandwidth for the site just in case you happen to write one.

Just warn me in advance, okay? 3 hour long bondage movies: You know, at first thought, the concept sounds great, but then I'm thinking.BOY, that's a long time to maintain an erection! Especially if the movie is really good.

Talk about torture:) I'm reminded of our late friend Damien, who in the early years of this forum's inception, wrote that he had watched a marathon of ZFX movies for 13 straight hours. I wonder if that's what killed him. For sure, he had to have suffered some degree of blindness, if what they told us in school was really correct. Or at the least, I'm sure it made him go through life with hairy palms.

It's gotta be a bitch having to shave the palms of your hands twice a day. VM: Man, you've really expanded your inventory lately. You're turning into one of those one-stop superstores where you can order just about anything that's bondage related. Just remember to keep carrying the Japanese titles, your bread and butter and the reason why people go to your site in the first place.

As long as you've got descriptions for your movies, that sets you apart from just about everybody else out there that carries Japanese and makes our ordering choices easier. HC Keys: Welcome to the forum. I have no problem with people advertising their old collections here as long as it doesn't get excessive. But now that you're out of the lurking closet, why not join us in the discussions?

Your opinions are important, and so is sharing them with others. Plus I shouldn't have to mention how much more COOLER it makes you whenever you post. A few weeks back, Jeff Gord from House of Gord visited here and I asked him for some stills from his site that I could post to help acquaint the readers here with the kind of work he puts out.

I've never seen any of his videos, and after viewing the pics he sent me, I have to say it looks.interesting, to say the least. So beginning tonight at midnight, we're going to showcase some of this unique vision.

Any feedback, pro or con, from my fellow GIMPers is always appreciated, of course. Especially from YOU, HC Keys!:) Sunday, April 8th 2007 - 05:53:46 PM Name: mothbrad E-mail address: Hey Ralphus, nobody says that just because the movie's three hours long that you actually have to sit there, 'at attention' for the whole of the duration:D Actually, that's one advantage bondage videos have over three hour chick flicks. Titanic was ninety minutes of running away from water, with only one tied up character in the film (and to show how much I think of the film, I can't even remember if it was the vacuous male lead or vacuous female lead!) Thanks for the reminder of Damien's video marathon story - that was one of the funniest things I had read on the internet at that point. Do you happen to know which archive it's in so I can relive it? Sunday, April 8th 2007 - 07:46:32 PM Name: Ralphus E-mail address: Homepage URL: Mothbrad wrote: Titanic was ninety minutes of running away from water, with only one tied up character in the film (and to show how much I think of the film, I can't even remember if it was the vacuous male lead or vacuous female lead!) Someone was tied up in Titanic?

Oh yeah, now I remember. Either that, or this might just be a cheesy manip. Our late Dutch friend Damien first appeared on this board back in December 1999 and announced he had just bought a bunch of ZFX tapes, which he proceeded to watch all in one 13-hour sitting. You'll be able to relive all the fun if you click on the link in my Homepage URL. I miss that guy.

He was definitely a big ZFX fan. Sunday, April 8th 2007 - 08:23:35 PM Name: Bobjones Paulus...sorry you had a bad experience with ZFX streaming, but here's a tip for next time... Don't drag the little cursor thing across when you want to skip ahead-- move the cursor to a new spot along the bar and click. When you do that, it will skip ahead without counting down on your minutes. This is true of any streaming site.

I have bought a lot of minutes from the ZFX site, and I never had any problems. If you did this and your minutes were being counted off, there's something wrong with your copy of realplayer. I agree that the downloadable movies are certainly cool though. Since there has been some discussion of Grindhouse, and since I just saw it, I thought I'd give a report. As expected, it doesn't deliver that much in the way of GIMP action, although it has more brutality toward sexy women than you might expect. More often though, it's a tease. There are several set ups for rape scenes, but no real payoffs.

Rose McGowan does get threatened and leered at in several effective scenes, and she gets the shit beat out of her (in 'Death Proof', where she plays a really small part, not in 'Planet Terror' where she stars as the former stripper who fights Zombies with the leg-gun thingie). 'Planet Terror' is a blast, but 'Death Proof' is a lot more interesting from a GIMP fans perspective. It's kind of a cross between an 'I Spit on Your Grave'/ 'Death Wish' rape-revenge movie and a Roger Corman car chase movie. Its got a creepy baddy who stalks and kills and who gets his comeuppance from some tough chicks, but since he uses his car as his weapon, the sexual charge of the whole thing is pretty low.

As an homage to the grindhouse/drive in experience, the movie is about as good as it could be, but think more Jack Hill, Roger Corman, George Romero and John Carpenter. Don't expect to see anything like Jess Franco or 'Ilsa,' although Rob Zombie's fake trailer for 'Werewolves of the S.S.' Shows that his heart is in a pervy place, even if the MPAA made him cut the thing all to pieces. As a 'movie' movie, it's an A+, but as a GIMP movie it's a C-, lots of teasin' (more than you'd think actually... One set up for a rape comes pretty much out of the blue), but not much pleasin'.

I can't wait for Hostel 2. That might actually deliver both.

Sunday, April 8th 2007 - 10:08:34 PM Name: HC Keys E-mail address: Since Ralphus was kind enough to ask for my input, here goes: I really like the work Gord puts out. Although I'm not a rubber fans per se, I love the idea of absolutely inescapable bondage. He's had some really hot women over the years try out his style. Jewell Marceau, Summer Cummings, Arianna (Seven), Claire Adams, just to name a few. I have a couple of his movies with 'Room 237' my favorite.

His website has an incredible amount of clips you can download after becoming a member and he puts out great fiction. I have just about every House of Gord illustrated novel there is. All in all and excellent producer. Again, not specifically for what I like but for how well he does what he does.

Sunday, April 8th 2007 - 11:55:47 PM Name: A Canadian E-mail address: Bobjones: Thanks for the review of Grindhouse. It sounds to me like this is a case of fuzzy marketing.

While the movie may be a tribute -- and a potentially good tribute -- to B movies, it isn't really a tribute to exploitation movies, per se. I mean, there's no nudity in the main features, so where's the exploitation? It would also appear the whole grindhouse thing is being lost on the young ones, as the flick apparently didn't deliver at the box office this weekend.

Monday, April 9th 2007 - 03:48:59 AM Name: sgtmajor Homepage URL: I have to say that I love the way Jeff's mind works, there is only one gord and he is the best. Monday, April 9th 2007 - 06:26:53 AM Name: Darkroom Keep ridin', Jeff. Right off into the sunset. Monday, April 9th 2007 - 06:56:16 AM Name: Jeff Gord E-mail address: Homepage URL: Whoa! Fame at last.

At least from some. Not sure about the Darkroom comment, could be taken either way??? Anyway; -Front page of the Gimp parade.

It just don't get any better. Thanks guys-n-gals.

Currently I'm super busy with our latest seasonal girl, Darling. This is an idea that came about when Claire Adams came to live and work here, followed by Petra, and then Fem-Car. Live-in ladies create a situation where extremely complex devices and machines can be developed.

This just isn't possible when one has to call up the gal from LA or Tampa for each fitting. That saddle fucking machine Anastasia is riding is a very good example. I developed that with the help of Petra. The reason it is so difficult to make is that contra to common comix fantasy, one cannot double fuck a gal simultaneously without grave risk of damage. The two orifices converge in the middle, and if one shoves two mega dildos in at the same time, they meet and pinch the tissue in between.

Strangely, these chicks get really pissed off when you do that. Go figure???? Must be a chick thing! So I had to develop a complex drive system that pulled one dildo out as it shoved the other in.

One may say 'easy'. That's what I thought until I gave it some serious consideration, and got various ladies to stand with both holes stuffed so that I could assess the angles etc. I figured that I not only needed to have them alternating, but also penetrating at different depths, and at different angles. In addition they also needed to be highly adjustable so as to accommodate lots of different ladies. It also had to work and be balanced with single entry, front or back, as in the case of Anastasia who is only getting pussy fucked in that pic'. Unfortunately, there isn't any such thing as a Mark I woman.

But many many trials with Petra made it possible to work it all out. I should add that no orifices were injured in the making of this device, but one pussy lips did get a workout. Unbeknown to any of us ( including Petra ) her extreme wriggling under severe libido loading caused her to move sideways, and the dildo took her one pussy lip down on each stroke and rubbed it on the side of the saddle aperture. Petra thought it was the tens zapping that was stinging. (Oh I should have mentioned, there are micro switches on the axle crank causing her to be zapped at each rotation) The onboard camera mounted under her hard worked crotch told another story. Her poor pussy lip was a blur rubbing of activity, (video of this is on the website) and she was getting off so powerfully, she didn't give a shit.

Ya just gotta love it when that happens and there is no real harm. The pussy lip was fine within 24 hours. So, long story short, the concept of the live in lady being available at a moments notice sort of turned into the Season Girl thing when we realised that the static cameras and onboard cameras we now use in order to evaluate development after the lady is freed would prove to be extremely interesting stuff for the loyalist kinky peiople out there. So then we went a bit further and John and I started to tie up the chicks when we finished using their bodies for tests, and just leave them bound or ticking over on a fucking machine somewhere. The net result will be the first such season movie and it will probably be called 'Petra's Summer 2005' That was one helluva summer when we developed some seriously extreme gear. I hasten to mention folks, and several people have asked me about this, (including the cops at the last raid) No, I don't fuck these gorgeous ladies.

And that's why I get to play and hang out with so many fab ladies. They can come here and have fun on machines without all the complications of screwing up other relationships.

I play with them on machines and in gear but they all have their own private partners and I respect that. But at the same time, the ladies can enjoy the rape/helplessness fantasy albeit by diabolical machines, without risks. As for the guys and gals who confess that my scene is not theirs, but appreciate my efforts and are intrigued by my personal kink.

Thanks good people, or as the Ozzies would say 'Good on ya!' Glad I gave you some smiles even if I didn't succeed in blowing ya balls off with mega stiffies. I wish more people were more tolerant of other peoples sex turn-ons. If they were, we wouldn't have all this shit with the current bunch of moralists. Remember people, true democracy is about toleration.

There are some kink scenes out there that curl my toenails up, so I just don't go there and I don't bother to spout negative comment either. It's their scene, and if it's legal and consensual, I don't give a shit what they do. Dammit, there I go philosphising again. So Ralphus, what file size, compression, screen size, format, whatever, would you want a vid clip in to give graphic impact to all I have said here about the saddle fucking machine???Cheers all Gord waffling on as I swill down the first cup of brain starter. Monday, April 9th 2007 - 09:20:44 AM Name: jhlipton E-mail address: Homepage URL: While I'm not a Gord fan, I'm glad there's folks like him, pushing the limits, because it makes it easier for producers I do like to push their limits. So, good on you, too, Jeff!

Monday, April 9th 2007 - 11:29:09 AM Name: Rick E-mail address: Homepage URL: Greetings Gimpers!, Happy 8th to one and all! Thanks to all the great (and in the case of Mad Dog, possibly insane, but still great) moderators over the years especially the Gimp who got it all started. I hope all is well with him wherever he might be.

Of course a big thank you to Ralphus whos been here since the get go and is still ably manning the helm when hes not careening into rocks=). Since people were discussing Superheroines and its is the 8th anniversary and all, I sent Ralphus a few shots from the Ballista series. Looks like I am a little late to the punch, but maybe he can get them on some time. This was one of the most fun series to shoot, and being that Im a huge Batgirl fan having a non super powered heroine in a purple cat suit was just meant to be.

I have heard from the Wonderwoman fans that they wanted a more powerful Super Chick, but I really am not a big fan of that type. Maybe someday Ill do it, but the super powers thing always seems hokey to me. I wanted more of a nosy girl next door/crime fighter like Batgirl.

Im a big fan of Tarantino. I know he is a guy that really appreciates movies like Caged Heat, which he talked about on Leno, and the sexploitation genre in general. I just wish he would tie up some girls in his movies for cryin out loud! I still really enjoy his movies, I will definitely see Grindhouse when it hits Pay TV. Also, I do have a new site on Hotmovies. You can follow the link above it will take you right to it. The prices are much more reasonable and the quality better and there is now download options.

This is good news for those that were frustrated by the old streaming site. The old streaming site is being phased out. If you have any leftover time, use it soon, the site is coming down at the end of this month.

I would like to thank all those who used the site over the years and invite you to come over to the new site and see what we have to offer. There are only 25 shows right now, but that should grow to the full catalog very soon. Happy 8th to All! Rick Monday, April 9th 2007 - 05:53:19 PM Name: HOWIE I know this is a little late, but I've sort of been out of commission for the last week, so Happy Anniversary GIMP Board!

This probably sounds weird, but to me it seems almost weird that it's 'only' been eight years. It's been such a regular part of my web habits for so long that I kind of just take it for granted at this point, and as Ralphus reminds us from time to time, I know I shouldn't. Hell, I barely remember a time when it wasn't my first stop for any pervy visit to the net.

It would most definitely be an adjustment if it ever went away. So here's to many more years of intelligent discourse on the insanely sexy topic of super hot chicks used and abused against their will!!!! On the superheroine topic, I've most certainly commented on this before in the past, but I just love to see a beautiful woman used against her will, and as many others in here have already mentioned, when that woman is a superheroine, she can take all kinds of fucked up punishment that a regular woman can't. I do prefer well drawn art to the women who dress up in spandex, but to me it's really all good. For instance, these superheroine Nicheclips look REALLY good to me, and if they were about 10-15 dollars less expensive, I might even consider buying one.

Thirty bucks for a 20 minute video is just to much in my opinion. I could spend that much on a full month long membership to another great site. HOWIE Monday, April 9th 2007 - 06:42:39 PM Name: mothbrad E-mail address: Jeff, I gotta admit that I find your stuff very interesting, from an aesthetic point of view, but not at all erotic. That's far more a comment on me and my own tastes rather than the quality of your work. I see what you do as art, and of far greater 'sexual benefit' (for want of a better term) for the people involved (in particular the woman), rather than the male observer, if that male observer happens to be me. Keep up the great work of expressing yourself and doing what you want to do, and helping fulfil the dreams of kinky women:) Monday, April 9th 2007 - 06:57:36 PM Name: Paulus I came across this random 'bondage' type picture.damn wouldn't that look good if it was colored in?

Tuesday, April 10th 2007 - 12:42:06 AM Name: Jeff E-mail address: Homepage URL: Yo mothbrad You nailed it but good, even if my actual depiction doesn't get you fired up. But you got the concept. For some it is just about as hot as you can get, and we 'Gordians, John Willie'ites, Bob Bishop'ites, Stanton'ites know it won't be erotic for many guys;- but you get what we are about. You saw the underlying theme and the most important facts about us. Just my humble opinion, but there are only a couple or three ways of actually controlling a woman;- if that is what you want to do. One is a fat wallet.

Another is control by physical superiority, although with some of the buff-ribbed, six pack chicks these days, and all the guys going the fast food route, that is getting to be an iffy pathway of success, and if you guess it wrong, you'll be sucking soup for a long time and spitting out female nail varnish. The other way I know of is to turn the immense power of the female libido and orgasm against them and use it as a weapon.

If you can get them to multiple orgasm, they will come-and-cum (if you'll excuse the pun) and come back for more. That is control by pleasure, and so far I can't see any federal bust teams going after dudes who made ladies super happy:-) Problem is, the average guy, despite all the bravado, hasn't got a chance of keeping up with even a remotely horny chick on a mission to take you down with a seriously horny pussy weapon. Even a bucket of Viagra is no match for a woman on a razz.

Take my word for it, I've seen chicks fuck super strong machines into smoking wrecks. Had one not so long back and after one extensive session, asked for a ribbed and larger dildo on the roto-fuck machine. She promptly fucked the thing to death, slowed down the garden tractor, and ripped the bearings out of the device with pussy contractions. That was sweet innocent Allison.

Her boy freind was there when it happened and I looked at him with pity and figured I was glad it was his dick going into that meat grinder pussy There is always the fantasy that one day they will climb off the machine and beg you to finish what you started:-) It has happened. Two I married. One I regularly play with these days. Which one you ask? Heh heh, no can tell:-) But if the gal doesn't wanna fuck, who gives a shit? It was a whole heap of fun sharing their mind boggling sensuality; - basically poetry in motion watching them display their enormous sexual appetite and mastery of the art of pleasure.

I guess this is pretty much a male site, but what the fuck. Some of you old farts will understand what I am going on about. The younger guys, who like me (some 40 years ago and still dreaming about past glories) are 19 year old walking stiffies looking for a place to happen. They'll will get it sooner or later: Once one gets over the natural impulse to fuck any female that moves, it gets real interesting. Okay so I'm a liar, I'm still looking to fuck any sexy female that moves, but at least I have options now:-) and I don't get my face slapped so often. And if they do say yes, I can drain down their sex battery with my machines and just leave enough power there for a few good fuck sessions without getting myself sucked inside out and brains turned to soup.

Although that has backfired badly a few times recently. The more my machines fucked her to a standstill, the more rabid she became. I let her loose and I got fucked half to death. This sex demon even leaped on me as I slept and what I thought was a great dream, turned out to be happening on several occasions.:-). Even the great Gord fucks up on plans when it comes to figuring women you know. And let that be a warning to you all.

Okay, so I am not actually complaining. My dick isn't sore any more and my nuts no longer resemble rather small prunes that were sucked dry. Heh heh, at least she admitted she was walking bow-legged through the airport on the way home as well. There's life in the old fart yet:- and after that, there's Viagra I'm told. So far, haven't needed it, but it is nice to know there is a back-up system. Jeff Gord Tuesday, April 10th 2007 - 09:14:49 AM Name: Darkroom Jeff, I meant the comment in a good way!

Suggesting that you go 'riding into the sunset' didn't meant 'why don't you go and disappear.' Rather, it meant, 'keep peddling with your cargo in tow,' or something to that effect. Rick, thanks for the update! I've been a fan of your material since the early 1990s. I'm looking forward to seeing more, and rewatching the old stuff on your new site.

Tuesday, April 10th 2007 - 09:16:11 AM Name: Jeff Gord E-mail address: Homepage URL: Yo Darkroom Thanks for that clarification:-) As one president said. 'Two great nations divided by the same language' As for riding into the Sunset, it nearly happened. Bloody Quacks not checking medical history damned near fucked me with a drug reaction recently. Good news is, I'm asking Lydia to let me have some of her naked Gord pics for you skin fantatics.

Tuesday, April 10th 2007 - 10:57:36 AM Name: Bobjones One of the cooler things about the GIMP board is that bondage producers drop in every now and again. Thanks to Jeff and Rick for sharing with us. We are real fans of autuers like yourselves. I dunno, I almost feel like a Geeky fan sometimes when brilliant smutmakers like you guys drop in. Rick, since you mentioned it, I just want to give a shout out to Ballista, for me the best ZFX series ever. I have mentioned my affection for part 3 several times on the board, but the whole series is really great.

Lisa is always a treat, but the Superheroine thing really put that one over the top for me. Plus that was, from a movie making point of view, one of your more ambitious series. If you are filming any new material, I'd love to see more spandex clad cuties who are in over their heads. Tuesday, April 10th 2007 - 10:01:03 PM Name: Darkroom Homepage URL: Best ZFX Series Ever?

I'd have to say South of the Border, though I am partial to the old 'Guinea Pig' series, and watching Victoria Vixen struggle on the floor in 'Future Shock,' her big wobblers flying around. By the way, anyone seen the new shoot on Hogtied? Great bondage as always, but the set-up is classic. Reminds me of the old HOM days, with a real story setting. Can't beat a good story, good bondage, and real peril all wrapped into one. Wednesday, April 11th 2007 - 07:29:21 AM Name: Ralphus E-mail address: Homepage URL: The best ZFX series, IMO (and I've seen them all) is the South of the Border series, which was 7 torture-riffic tales of lovely women used and abused in a Mexican jail. It started off with Monica Moore and Penelope Pace as the principle victims (some great highlights there, especially with Monica) and then changed locales and the cast beginning with Part 3, which was shot mostly during Rick's trip to Minnesota.

What that did was give us a greater variety of babes to watch suffer, including Christina Anderson, Kelly McKay, Lisa Kinkaid and the amazing Elaine Payton, who stole the show in the final two installments. I'm partial to torture anyway, and that series delivered big time. The runner-up for Best ZFX Series would be Video Pirates, an older series which a lot of you might not be familiar with (and which is sadly not yet on DVD).

The plot was great (Rick takes revenge on the ones who bootlegged his work by binding and torturing the loved ones of the people involved) and it featured an outstanding extended scene with Rick and Chandra Sweet (cute as ever) torturing the innocent niece of Rick's enemy. He and Chandra put her through hell and videotape the whole thing to show the guy they mean business.

My only problem was that they strung this footage out from volumes 2 through 5, which meant you had to buy the whole set to see the complete story, somewhat akin to those old Saturday matinee cliffhangers where you had to come back the next week to see what happened. Rick put out tapes a lot quicker back then than he does now, but still, the suspense of having to wait between volumes was a killer:) Anybody have an opinion on the best ZFX series?

The ones that were named so far are excellent choices; what do the rest of you think? Wednesday, April 11th 2007 - 08:40:55 AM Name: Darkroom So many choices!

My two favorite all-time scenes would be from (I think) Jennifer's Nightmare, when Victoria Vixen is bound backwards over a work bench. Rick puts dozens of rubber bands on her ample breasts, which swell nicely. He then goes to work on her with jumper cables.

Excellent scene. There's also a scene in 'X-Tractor,' where (I don't know her name) is suspended on the wall, her breasts tightly bound, and whipped. She struggles nicely and the position is a strenuous one to say the least. Wednesday, April 11th 2007 - 09:04:14 AM Name: Mike from Brooklyn Hey guys I saw this on the news today ORLANDO, Fla. (April 10) - A police search of former astronaut Lisa Nowak's car turned up bondage photos on a computer disk, British currency and pills, according to documents released Tuesday by prosecutors. Nearly all of the 16 images found on the disk depicted bondage scenes, according to a forensic examination report by the Orlando Police Department. Some of the images showed a nude woman while others were drawings.

So, Lisa Nowak is one of us She may even be reading this Wednesday, April 11th 2007 - 10:52:12 AM Name: Sloth E-mail address: Homepage URL: Mornin All Computer finally up and working again - allow me to give a belated congrats for the 8 years - hard to believe our host gnome has managed to keep such a dysfunctional band of perverts around and humming. Now, back to business with a movie review. Today, we will look at 'Slave Teacher Immoral Weekend'. This is a CineMagic production - I think their code number is VS580. I obtained my copy on VCD from The Candles Room, their stock number is O2 and is on their recommended list. The run time is 68 minutes and stars Yuki Tsukamoto. A school seems to be winding down for the weekend.

A lady teacher walks down a hall to the office - this chick is smokin' hot by any standard. One of her co-workers seems to have a thing for her. The co-worker is talking to the boss in his office. He goes back to the school office and begins snooping through the chick's stuff. He sees her coming back from outside through the rain.

She is soaked and he spies on her changing into something dry. He fantasizes with her bound in the hallway in her Sunday best, wrists behind and upper body with a noose around her neck to the ceiling. She comes back in, they chat then part company.

She has returned to the classroom and he has followed her. He seems down and tries to express his feelings for her. He grabs her wrist and brings out some rope, binding her wrists behind her head and puts more rope all over upper body as she sits on the floor - she whines and he caresses her. She has been retied on her back on a desk. Wrists behind and upper body roped, each thigh is tied to each calf. He pulls down her pantyhose and uses her lipstick to run over her pussy through her panties. He again sees her image bound in the hallway in several different positions.

Back to the classroom where she has been partially disrobed, still wearing top, panties and shoes. Wrists are behind and upper body bound, he fondles her as she stands. He pulls down her top and bra and plays with her nipples. He lowers her panties and fondles her ass and pussy. With a large pink dildo he does her from behind while she is bent over a desk with one foot resting on a chair.

She is now still bound and partially disrobed and corded to the ceiling standing straddling two desks about 3 feet off the floor. He places a manual on the floor beneath her and she urinates on it. He spanks her with the manual.

Suddenly, it appears she has been transported to his place. She has on only panties and wrists are bound in front with some slack. Made to crawl on the floor while he lashes her ass, she collapses from exhaustion and he caresses her.

She is now in bra and panties bound wrists behind, upper body roped, legs bound, corded to ceiling, standing on her toes. An OTM gag stifles her whining. Then down to her knees and bent backward, still corded to the ceiling. Now it's off to the bedroom where she is on her back in bed, each wrist tied to each ankle, each elbow tied to each knee. He bites her nipples and diddles her pussy with his hands and tongue. Still bound the same on her knees, she sucks his Johnson.

He puts her on her back and taps her. He puts her face down, ass in the air and does her again with the dildo and some more tapping. Wearing only panties with her wrists bound in front she is on hands and knees on the floor of the living room.

Overhead is a large grate with numerous candles attached. He rocks the grate and gives her a nice backside coating from head to toe. He taunts her during the torment. She falls over so he gives the frontside some wax as well. Guess the fun and games for the weekend are over since he is talking to the boss in his office.

He hears some whining from behind the desk - checking it out, he finds the chick laying on the floor, bound wrists behind and upper body, knees and ankles tied and cleave gagged. The boss and him have a good laugh. The End - now, wasn't that a tender love story? Movie Pluses - this is a well done flick - the chick is gorgeous, the co-worker is a dweeb who overcomes - all seemed to work well here.

Movie Minuses - not a lot of physical torture ala Randa but just enough to keep interest. The Verdict - I found this to be a very pleasant night's viewing and wished I had been this nerd - B+ Stay Well All Wednesday, April 11th 2007 - 11:26:21 AM Name: Steve Power E-mail address: Homepage URL: Just dropping by to see what's up and plug the new release.Sub Prime. Heard on a message board that the astronaut killer had nude bondage pics in the car with her. She'd make a good model.

Good shape, not bad looking, Phd. I'm waiting for Britney Spears to come in and pose to send out a fuck you to the world message. If you hear from her. Let her know I'm looking. Wednesday, April 11th 2007 - 11:43:14 AM Name: A Canadian E-mail address: Sloth: Another fine review. So far, it seems you and Ralphus have had better luck with Cinemagic than I have. I've purchased a few of their titles at a local store, and some others online, and was generally disappointed -- the ones I saw mostly set up the scenes of abuse as part of the female victim's fantasies.

Doesn't work for me -- if it's part of her fantasy, then it ain't part of mine. Cinemagic does find attractive women and seems to have a thing for women with big breasts, so I'm glad you found a title worth recommending. Best ZFX series: Haven't seen many of the titles that were carried over into a series, but of the ones I have seen, I think I would go with the Ballista movies in terms of overall consistency. My favorite ZFX movie is still South of the Border 4, but unlike Ralphus, I wasn't quite as impressed with the SOB series overall. I mean the movies I saw were good, but the Ballista flicks were generally a bit better. Of course, I still haven't seen South of the Border 6 (another GIMP anniversary goes by and yet.), because the DVD is so damn expensive in my area. Maybe I'll try the new ZFX streaming site for this one.

Wednesday, April 11th 2007 - 05:20:52 PM Name: s2000 The best ZFX series IMHO is the Video Pirates series with Candi Licks. When Travis Lee and the masked perv are 'working her over' is priceless. I love the heels she wore and her tits are perky as hell. Plus, the dialogue is second to none as they verbally torture Candi.

How come no one ever talks about Kimberly Nobel? OMG, her bod rocked in Underland and 666! Her reactions and struggle are top notch too. Sux is closing down. On the bright side Bush is almost outta here.

Wednesday, April 11th 2007 - 07:17:34 PM Name: Bobjones Darkroom... That is an amaaaaazing scene with Victoria Vixen, but it's in a movie called 'The Misadventures of Lois Payne.' She is a reporter being tortured by some gangsters.

Great whimpering, great sadism, great tits. I agree that the South of the Border series is incredible, but for me, the thing looses steam a little as it goes along, whereas the Ballista movies are better conceived and better paced. South of the Border is filled with good scenes, but the movies almost start to become compilation tapes after a while... Really good compilation tapes mind you!

Monica Moore's scenes are fucking HOT though. I loved her in the Reporter series also. One thing all those flicks have in common is electricity torture, which is kind of a personal fav. Using jumper cables and tasers really raises the ante from BDSM into real fucking TORTURE, which raises the front of my pants.

There's nothing safe, sane, or consensual about zapping somebody's clit with a cattle prod. Wednesday, April 11th 2007 - 09:45:09 PM Name: Ralphus E-mail address: Homepage URL: Sloth: Thanks a lot for the new review.

There are so many Japanese movies out there, and without reviews like yours, it would be very difficult to know which ones are worth getting. Added to the new Reviews section here:. I also added Bobjones' review on Grindhouse here: I'm a little late in saying thanks for that, but we all do appreciate it whenever someone takes the time to report on what they've seen.

And as always, anybody who writes a review will have their work included in our Reviews section for future generations of pervs to enjoy. Lisa Nowak: Bondage-loving Astronaut: The reports I read said it's not clear whether Nowak is the woman in the bondage photos she had with her. Either way, we need someone to go undercover and release those pics to the Internet. Or maybe she was using those photos to give her inspiration. She was arrested for attempted kidnapping, after all. Maybe she had some plans for the woman she was trying to kidnap. Steve Power: Am I the only one who lost interest in Britney Spears years ago?

Maybe it was the whole marriage/kids/rich white trash thing that turned me off. The shaved head was the final straw for me. The chick has gone off the deep end. Now if you've got a time capsule and can turn back the clock to where she was blonde and cute and sexy, feel free to tie her up and abuse her and I'll buy 100 copies. In keeping with the superheroine theme we had last week, click on my Homepage URL for a dandy little manip of Britney (back when she still had hair) as Wonder Woman. Wednesday, April 11th 2007 - 10:53:54 PM Name: Steve Power E-mail address: Homepage URL: Britney Spears is a hot milf. I'd ball gag that cute face of hers in about two seconds.

Personality wise.couldn't tell ya. All we see is the side they show us. Beyond quick shoot with Britney and I'd generate enough income to tie up ten celebrities and a CNBC news reporter.

Thursday, April 12th 2007 - 12:42:26 AM Name: Brutus Homepage URL: Thanks for the reviews guys. A NASA Gimper? C'mon Lisa Nowak. Best ZFX series: Yes, I'd also say SOB, Ballista and Video Pirates.

How about Cheerleaders of Perilous U? Do two movies count as a series? I also liked the Machine Head movies, probably because I have a thing for Amy Van Allen. I finally got the house to myself, and decided to watch Jeff Gord's SBI Trilogy again. I know many of you aren't into his stuff, but for those who haven't seen his work, I hope this (extremely long) review sheds some light on The House of Gord. I am a ZFX fan all the way, but I tried to keep an open and objective mind when I wrote this review. I had to because Gord's stuff is so different from almost everything that's out there.

Tequila helps as well:-) THE S.B.I. TRILOGY (HOUSE OF GORD) by Brutus The SBI (Special Bureau of Investigation) Trilogy is a three-chapter story with a simple plot and some rather complicated tortures devised by the devious mind of Jeff Gord. Although the movie represents just a fraction of all the equipment seen on his website, it gives an indication of what this man is all about, how far he will go, and perhaps most importantly, what he is capable of.

TROUBLE AT THE HOUSE OF GORD We learn that SBI agents have long been trying to smash the diabolical sex slave ring run by the evil Gord. At the House of Gord, the master and Lady Serena are on a couch watching the tube, just like any middle-aged couple. But this is no ordinary house. One damsel in black rubber is a lamp post, secured with red straps.

Another, also in rubber, is on her back, legs strapped pretty much behind her ears. Her purpose is to be a foot rest. Gord and Serena reminisce about how Serena became the part of Gord's sex slave ring. She used to be an SBI agent who was a mole for Gord's operation. In a flashback, Serena and two other agents think they're close to capturing Gord, and celebrate with wine that Serena has spiked. They pass out. Serena also ends up getting drugged herself by one of Gord's henchmen.

The three are hogtied and brought to a warehouse, One by one, the unconscious agents are stripped, put in tight corsets, collared, cuffed in leather-metal cuffs and ballgagged. (Why is it that women always come to just after the gag is put in?) The women are chained to the ceiling by their collars and 'mmmmphing' a lot through their gags while they receive a few spanks and a tiny bit of whipping. Again, one by one, they are led to their cages. The next scene, although a bit long, underscores why Gord's inescapable bondage techniques are second to none.

The women are bent over on their knees, and their handcuffs, collars and ankle-cuffs are secured to the bars in the cages. Now, the girls are trapped, and Gord could've stopped there, but he doesn't. A bar is placed on their backs and under their arms and locked into position to further restrict movement. Gord then he tops off the scene by lubricating two metal dildos for each girl, inserting them through strategically placed rings on the cages, and literally screwing them into the already helpless victims. The women are not drop-dead gorgeous, but they do a great job of fighting and struggling in vain. They are left overnight in that position.

The next day, the cages are fork lifted onto the back of a truck, and driven through the suburbs to Gord's place. Back to the present.

In the basement of Gord's house is the security guard Karl Kessler, a menacing bald guy who reminded me for some reason of a smaller version of that Baron Von Raschke wrestler. Karl has a babe in a leopard shirt, blindfolded, ballgagged and secured with yellow straps on an elevated chair. He uses a crank to hoist up her legs via her ankle-cuffs, cuts off her black panties with a knife and rapes her.

I really wished this scene was longer and, well, meaner. Karl is way too tender with her.

We see more of the goodies at Gord's house, including a slave in a mask who serves drinks and a woman in a mask trapped in his liquor cabinet. And two more lamp posts in the bedroom. Karl's rape is interrupted by an intruder seen on a video camera.

He catches and fondles the intruder, and Gord and Serena decide to make her a slave. Gord checks her ID and discovers she's secret agent Celia (Lydia McLane), who is cute as hell with a sort of girl-next-door look and has a fantastic, natural body. We get to see more of Gord's house, including two mummified chicks with their tits exposed who are later strapped on their backs to a giant wheel, and a female strapped up tight and used as a chair. Karl forces Celia to stick a vibrator and butt plug in herself, but the insertions are not shown. Then she must put on a black rubber outfit, mask and high heels. She's securely strapped to a gurney face down, collared and trapped in a leather arm binder.

Karl puts a ball in her mouth attached to a chain. The entire contraption is hooked up to a large bottle. I wasn't sure exactly what the device does, but it seems that if the chain attached to the ball moves too much, Celia gets a shock via the butt plug and vibrator. So she's forced to keep the ball in her mouth. The bottle slowly fills up with water and we learn that it is part of a timer. End of Part 1. This was the weakest of the chapters in my opinion.

It seems this was used to create the mood, introduce the characters, and tease us into what tortures await Celia and the other girls. ESCAPE FROM THE HOUSE OF GORD Celia is whimpering through the ballgag and drooling. Rolls around, the bottle is full, the weight is too much and the ball pops out of Celia's mouth. This activates the vibrator and butt plug. Celia screams and struggles mightily but to no avail.

In a bizarre scene, a rubber-clad woman who was trapped in the ceiling descends to the floor. She's in an arm-binder, corset, mask, hood and high-heel ballet boots. She was secured to a metal frame with a metal collar and leg cuffs. Gord says it's time to exercise, so he puts her on treadmill and chains her ankle cuffs to the arm-binder. Her upper body is in a harness-type thing attached to the ceiling with chains and wires, which prevents her from falling down. However, if she rests, she gets 'electrified.' Gord turns on the treadmill and she starts walking in those painful heels.

The treadmill speeds up, she trips, gets shocked while suspended, and moans in pain through the mask. She's up to a jog now. Seeing her running in those heels, unable to move any other part of her body, was rather comical. But her torment was clearly real.

The pace of the treadmill gets even faster and she's nearing sprint speed. She stumbles again and gets shocked. She has to continue running to avoid that pain.

Although not particularly erotic, this torture is deliciously sadistic. It later gets worse for her. Gord decides to deal with the mummified chicks who are still spinning on the wheel. He fondles their tits, moves the wheel around and lets them continue to spin and scream through the tape. Remember poor Celia?

She's still strapped to the gurney. Karl ballgags her, turns on the vibrators and tells her they will continue running for a few hours until she passes out from all the orgasms she'll experience. Celia struggles and moans convincingly, but she can barely move. Karl gives her a swat and some fondling on her rubber-encased butt for good measure, and then taunts her by urging her to resist her orgasms.

He turns her upside down on the rotating gurney and lets her writhe in pleasure. Gord turns off the treadmill, but tells the babe her exercise is not complete.

He removes a couple of links from the leg cuffs so she can only take baby steps on the treadmill, which is turned on again. In an outdoor scene, Gord has Sugar Wilson in black rubber, arm-binder, hood and a metal sheet gag. She's seated on a unicycle attached to a two-wheeler carrying Gord.

As Gord puts his foot on the gas pedal, Sugar screams through the gag and starts pedaling, moving the entire contraption down the driveway. It seems that the accelerator either operates or sends shocks to the metal dildo she's sitting on. They drive around through Gord's vast property with Sugar screaming through the metal gag. Celia is topless wearing a thong and metal cuffs attached to a waist belt, and has a collar filled with C-4 that Karl says will blow up if she leaves the perimeter. Annabelle, a heavy Asian, makes Celia her maid. Gord returns to the treadmill, uncuffs the exhausted damsel's legs, but then tapes them tightly together. The treadmill is turned on and she has to do two-footed hops in those heels to keep from getting shocked.

She is obviously tired and very uncomfortable. Finally, she's put back on that metal frame and stored in the ceiling. Gord and Karl have to leave, giving Celia the chance to break into Gord's safe, steal his gun and the keys to unlock herself from the collar bomb. Clad in black rubber, Celia pistol whips Annabelle, strips her to her panties and garter belt, hogties her with rope, rope gags her and puts her in the freezer.

Now it's Serena's turn. At gunpoint, Celia forces Serena to put on a pink rubber outfit, unzip the crotch and insert a butt plug and vibrator. She forces Serena to put panties in her mouth, which are kept in place with a hood/mask. Serena is secured to a different treadmill and forced to walk at a brisk pace. She continually receives shocks. Celia jumps in a car and escapes from the House of Gord. This was my favorite chapter of the three.

We get to see more of the devices that have made Gord famous. RETURN TO THE HOUSE OF GORD Gord and Karl return at night and find and release Serena and a frozen Annabelle.

The mummified babes on the wheel have also escaped. Gord is clearly pissed off. But later, Serena gets a phone call from someone in Gord's network saying he's caught Celia, who is shown suspended upside down, naked (yay!) except for her panties, and ballgagged. Her long hair is tied to big cement block.

Gord here uses some Japanese-style rope work. The next morning, Cody, another bald guy, mummifies Celia and applies a mask gag with breathing tube. A big butt plug is inserted (not shown) and more tape is applied until Celia is balancing on her knees. Celia is hoisted up, placed in a round container with her head above rim. Cody mixes some liquid and pours it into the container. Turns out this liquid morphs into packing foam.

This scene, unfortunately, took way too long. And besides, we could only see Celia's head, not her luscious body. She's returned to Gord in that container, and kept in it as she becomes a water tank for the house. I couldn't really figure this one out. Apparently, whenever the water, filter or garbage disposal are used, the pressure increases in the container.

Whatever the case, this was not one of Gord's better torture devices. Again we could only see Celia's head, and the actual torture was nowhere in sight. Two weeks later, Celia's male SBI partner is snooping around. Gord catches him at gunpoint and learns that Agent Ryan actually wants to take over Gord's business. After some negotiations, Ryan agrees to join Gord's organization, but on one condition: He gets to 'train' Celia for a life of sexual slavery. Jewell Marceau, clad head to toe in rubber, an arm-binder, and metal gag with a duster attached enters the room.

A box with an antenna is on her back and she is operated by remote control. She dusts dutifully in ballet boots. Jewell then gets put in auto-walk mode, which, IMHO, was a compete waste of her talents. Celia is ballgagged and strapped on her stomach to a sort of horse-gurney table thing, that has holes for her tits. She is stuck in an arm-binder and collar. Most importantly, she's naked! Agent Ryan comes in, fondles her and removes the gag.

She pleads, 'They said some guy is gonna come down here and fuck me! Get me outta here!' When Ryan informs Celia that the 'fucker' is him, she threatens to slit his throat, so he regags her, fastens her ponytail to a winch, tightens it and puts her in a hood. He mechanically adjusts her into position, and then rapes his helpless former partner from behind in another tame and too short scene. This scene was my favorite of the bunch, but it could have been so much better with a bit more roughness.

The trilogy ends with Jewell still walking around in circles. The final chapter was a bit of a letdown from No. Overall, I must say that Gord's stuff is definitely not for all tastes. I don't mind rubber and leather, but there was so much of it in the three chapters that the viewer was often denied a chance to see the victims' bodies and their full expressions of pain and pleasure. If you are looking for the brutality of ZFX, it's not here. Strict breast bondage? Crotch ropes?

Endless whipping? Ruthless violence? Not here either.

But if you are looking for inescapable bondage and women so sexually tortured that they become dehumanized sex toys, then Gord's stuff is definitely worth a look. The man's imagination and creativity seem to know no bounds, and his engineering background is certainly put into great use. What also impressed me was the professionalism in the production. It seemed he used three or four cameras for all the scenes and the editing was terrific.

Gord does a great job bridging the different scenes, usually by using brief shots of other babes left in their torture devices. I have no idea what the budget was, but a shitload of money must have gone into his machines.

F1 2011 Drs Trackpack 2 here. Celia was good looking, but the other models' faces could not be seen well through their hoods. On a negative note, Serena and Anabelle were much too heavy for my liking and should always play doms IMO. Some suggestions, I would have continued with the human furniture motif, which disappeared after the first chapter.

Just a few shots here and there would have shown that this house is the ultimate GIMP place. Also, when physical contact is used, such as in the rape scenes, more violence would have been nice, as would more skin, and maybe some of those robot dildo devices from the website. Each chapter was about an hour long. Might have been nice and less expensive if they were all on one disc for a marathon session:-) Bottom line: I am not a Gordy but I was impressed and pleased with this movie. He definitely enjoys what he is doing and puts in a 100% effort. Jeff Gord definitely gives the phrase 'cruel and unusual punishment' a good name.

B+ Thursday, April 12th 2007 - 10:38:24 AM Name: A Canadian E-mail address: Brutus: Wow, that was quite the assessment of the SBI Trilogy. I don't think the Gord movies would do much for me, but it probably doesn't matter as I don't believe the films are available in my area. Nonetheless, I'm sure everyone appreciates the time and effort you put into that review. I hope you will continue to write more reviews, as time (and the liquor cabinet) permits.

Thursday, April 12th 2007 - 05:15:24 PM Name: Abu Zalaam Mike from Brooklyn writes: >ORLANDO, Fla. (April 10) - A police search of former astronaut Lisa Nowak's car turned up bondage photos on a computer disk, British currency and pills, according to documents released Tuesday by prosecutors. >Nearly all of the 16 images found on the disk depicted bondage scenes, according to a forensic examination report by the Orlando Police Department. Some of the images showed a nude woman while others were drawings. >So, Lisa Nowak is one of us.