Gta 4 Xbox 360 Torrent Iso Converter
Please enable JavaScript to watch this video. If you're on vacation in a different region, you can simply change your locale and rent some video games from that region. Also, there are some video games which can be played in several regions. You can check out, along with, which both specify which games work in what regions. There are several games that work in all three regions.
You will of course need the copy of Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City. Category: Xbox 360 Game Modding Tutorials. After you have extracted all 67 parts of the ISO into a folder, it should convert into two parts, one ISO file, and one.img/.image/.dvd file, after this you can modify the contents of.
Mod Xbox 360 So, what if your game doesn't work in that region and you don't feel like spending money to buy the same game again? There's only one solution— Mod your Xbox 360. You can also buy a or modded one from eBay or Amazon for several hundred dollars.
The easiest (but still pretty difficult) way to mod your Xbox 360 is by taking it apart, inserting hardware and downloading software from your computer onto it, like in the video below. This process is knows as. Please enable JavaScript to watch this video. This allows your Xbox 360 to play burned games. That way, you can change the region of a game on your computer, burn it and play it on your console.
This isn't for the faint of heart and should not be attempted by n00bs. Also, it voids the warranty and it's possible you can be banished from Xbox LIVE if not done properly.
If you do happen to get banned, you can try tricking the system and un-banning yourself with. Changing the Region of Xbox 360 Game Once the Xbox 360 is modified, you can either change the region of the game or turn your Xbox region free. The video below explains how to change the region of the game by uploading it your computer and burning it in the necessary region using the free.
Please enable JavaScript to watch this video. If you'd like to turn your Xbox into a region-free console, you can read this articulate and that details very closely what you need to do. The article is in French, so make sure to (easy with Google Chrome). These are the only ways to play other region games on an Xbox 360.
It's an arduous process and isn't easy at all. It takes much time, money and effort, but is also a great learning experience for anyone interested in computer engineering. If there's any other way you now to get around this problem (possibly an easier way) feel free to comment below! Photos by,, Related.
So I see that a lot of people are having trouble installing disc 1 via Injecting. So, I thought I'd make a quick thread on how to do so. It's rather simple.
If I forget anything, please let me know, if there are any issues with the instructions I post below, please let me know. Hope it works out. Quick notices/information • This tutorial was tested on a LT+ 3.0 console with the 16537 Dashboard.
• After installing Disc 1, if your Disc 2 is producing errors, please see the ABGX area at the bottom. • For those who may be confused, this tutorial just tells you how to get Disc 1 set up without needing to burn a copy/use the actual Disc 1 to install the data. • I do not know why some people are experiencing issues with the QUACK release when installing Disc 1. The QUACK release was used in this tutorial, and everything worked fine.
Requirements • 16GB USB configured for Xbox 360 Usage. • Or if you have a Transfer cable, you can connect your Hard Drive directly. • Horizon () • exiso ( ) Acquiring the 'Content' folder Now that you know what you need, let's get down to getting the Content folder out of the ISO.
There aren't really any screenshots for this part of the tutorial, as it's just a drag-drop operation at this stage. Probably the easiest part. Now, exiso will open and show some fancy command prompt stuff. Don't worry, it's just doing what it does, and copying the files out of the ISO into the same directory that your Disc 1 ISO is in. When it's completed, you'll have a folder with the same name that the ISO file has. Inside the folder, will be the Content folder that we need for the next step. Moving the files to the Configured USB This step is probably going to confuse some of you, so I'll try my very best to explain it as clearly as I can.
In the title it says 'Configured USB', this is rreferringto a USB Flash Drive that was plugged into the 360 console, and set up to be used a Memory Unit. It is required for this, that the USB is larger than or has MORE than 8GB's of free space. (So using a 16GB USB Drive would be the way to go). Inside of your Content folder, you'll see the following files: Everything we need will be inside of the Content folder. Go ahead and open the Content folder, and also, open Horizon. Once Horizon is open, connect your Configured USB device. Inside of the Content folder, you will see a folder named '000000', which is the folder for things downloaded/installed to your Hard Drive.
Onward, inside the folder open the '545408A7' and then the '00000002' folder. Now you're going to see the following files: Holy cow batman, what's all of this!? Simply put, these are the files that are holding all the pretty GTA files, maps, images, controls, etc. But, as you're here for install help, let's continue.
'Injecting' the files via Horizon With your USB connected and horizon open, drag-drop the files ONE AT A TIME, into horizon. A window like this will appear: You're going to want to click the 'Save to Device' button, then select your Device from the list. Do this for ALL FOUR files that were inside of '00000002'.
Now, I don't have any screenshots or videos for the following part (my HDPVR2 isn't hooked up atm, I'll try to take some ****** phone pictures later), but, let's continue. First, connect the USB back into the console.
If you're going to play the game via the USB, this would be the end of the tutorial for you. If you're going to copy the files into your consoles Hard Drive, please continue. If you used a Transfer Cable to copy the files directly into your Hard Drive, then you're done. Copying to the Hard Drive from the USB Now, this is probably easy for most of you by now, copying from a USB to the Hard drive. • Connect the USB. • Navigate to System Settings >Storage >Memory Unit / USB • Navigate to Games, and you should see the GTA 5 section.
• Press Y, click 'MOVE', then select your HDD. • When it's done copying, viola, you're done. Baumer Ch 8501 Manual Lawn. Now, when you boot up Disc 2 for GTA 5, it should be working fine. If there are any questions, feel free to ask below. Final results for Disc 1 (Horrible pictures, I know). Click 'Launch' at the bottom.ABGX will now perform checks on your DVD to ensure that it's readable, and all the data on it is valid and verified. If you truncated your disc, I do believe this will give you errors regardless if the burn is good or not.
What we are aiming for by doing this check after burning, is to ensure that your disc passes the Game CRC check. If your disc fails to pass the CRC check, then your console will be unable to read the disc at certain parts, and may not even recognize it to being with. Below are some errors that may appear: • Not a valid Xbox 360 Disc?
• You're disc is completely unreadable. Your console will most likely not show 'Play GTA 5' on the dashboard with this disc in the tray. If it does, it will most likely crash majority of the time. • Notice about the 'layer break' was in yellow? • This can occur for two reason: • Reason One: Your disc is truncated/over burnt. If that's the case, I can't really help you. I don't have any experience will truncated discs.
• Reason Two: If you DIDN'T truncate/overburn your disc, then you set the incorrect layer break inside of your imgburn settings. The layerbreak for this game should be 2133520 (2,133,520 - The layer break for XGD3 discs). If your layer break was NOT this, then your disc needs to be reburned with the correct LB.
• ABGX fails to read my disc between 46-49% on the CRC check? • This is probably the most common issue. Importing Altium Step Files Into Solidworks Download. This occurs because your burner isn't burning the second layer of the disc correctly once it makes the layer break.
It will pass imgburn fine, and finish burning, but your console and ABGX will be unable to read anything from the second layer of the disc. Sadly, there is nothing you can do to fix this on the current disc.
You will need to reburn the game with a BurnerMAX compatible drive. I HIGHLY recommend buying an iHas burner. My Imgburn settings I use these settings for ALL my XGD3 burns. They haven't failed me yet, they also burned GTA 5 perfectly.
I was using a iHas 524B DVD Burner Crossflashed with BurnerMAX Firmware. These settings are not for truncating the disc (i think the layer break needs to be different). These settings were also used with MKM-001 Verbatims (2.4x Write speed) discs.
Along with the below settings, my iHas burner (Lite-On for those who don't know), is set to Overspeed (I burn at 4x on the MKM-001, the produce better results), and Force hypertuning. Only enable OPC if you're using MKM-003 (8x discs) and burning at 4x. Below are the settings. Setting up Disc 2 for a Jtag/RGH You can use the few following steps below in order to play GTA 5 Disc 2 off your consoles hard drive on a Jtag/RGH. They should work without fail, I'm unable to test them, as I do not have a Jtag/RGH. • Download ISO2GOD.
• Open ISO2GOD and select your GTA 5 Disc 2 ISO. • Convert the game to the GoD Container. • Use Horizon to Inject the newly created GoD version of Disc 2. • Copy it to your hard drive via System Settings >Storage. • Launch Disc 2 via 'My Games'.
That's everything needed to ensure that GTA 5 will work for you. Again, this was only tested on Flashed consoles. Disc 1 is DRM free content, and can be installed to any console using the above method. Disc 2 can be burned for flashed consoles, but other measures must be taken for Jtag/RGH consoles. If necessary, I will add my imgburn settings for those who are having trouble burning the game correctly.
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