Does It Offend You Yeah Rar

Dec 25, 2008 - 5 min - Uploaded by Andre Zahni found it while searching the web DOWNLOAD LINK: download.php. Jul 26, 2013 This is a SexLab Framework voice slot mod that is pre-made solely for adding your own custom voice sets to the SexLab Framework.

I'll try to keep this updated as much as I can as I hear/see/read new things. If I miss anything please feel free to update me in this thread and/or offer better categorizing suggestions.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please Read These First Before Posting or Looking Through The SexLab Index If you have any questions regarding the framework itself or have problems first, please visit here. Frequently Asked Questions If you have a question regarding how to install the framework, FNIS, or skse, please visit here. Getting Started with SexLab - How to install SexLab and its requirements If you wish to check upon the progress or contribute towards the SexLab framework for future versions, please visit here. SexLab Framework Development Updates/Feedback/Discussion If you want to voice your own idea for a SexLab mod and discuss others, please visit here.

Mod Ideas & Plans - Discussion If you have any questions about or cannot find a certain mod that does ' insert whatever function,' please visit here Where Can I Find.? Skyrim Adult Requests --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Required Files For All Plugins. ~~Italian Translations~~ MiasLair traduzione in italiano Traduzione Italiana Estrus Chaurus+ ~~French Translations~~ ~~German Translations~~ Radiant Prostitution Tweaked SexLab TDF Agressive Prostitution SexLab Submit German Translations of several mods Animal Mansion - German Translation ~Castilian~ SexLabGuild Castellano SD+ (Sanguine Debauchery enhanced) Castellano SexLab - Defeat V5.0 Castellano SexLab Solutions v4.0.2 Castellano MF_RadiantProstitution Castellano Soulgem Oven II 209 Catellano Animation Packs (SLAL & 3rd Party). K4 Animations Pack (SLAL) Komotors' Animations (SLAL) (Toys and machine) Anub's Animations (SLAL) (wide variety, lots of animal/creature animations) FunnyBizness Animation Park (SLAL) (Lots of variety contains many Necro (dead) and sleeping anims) Nibbles' Animations (SLAL) Leito Animation pack (Lots of variety, creature (Reiklings), non-creature, 3-somes, improves defaults) Sailing Rebel pack (SLAL) (Horse animations) Feet Lovers pack (SLAL) (nuff said) ----------------------------- ZAZ Animation Pack (3rd Party) Audio and Sounds. I simply wanted to have a few sounds for SexLab which would suit the doggy style animations. As I mainly use these kind of animations I wasn't really happy with the standard fx because they were missing the 'pounding' sound I would like to hear.

Does It Offend You Yeah Rar

So I assembled a few sounds to give the animations some more power – soundwise. I just thought I may upload the sounds I'm using because there may be other people who would like to have sounds like that, too.

This is only a simple sound replacement, nothing more! Creampie and Pregnant Voicepack. The werewolf hybrid is an extremely rare type of humanoid. They are almost never spotted in the wild, and as such, are greatly feared by the superstitious inhabitants of Skyrim. They represent the greatest qualities of both their human and werewolf halves. While less savage than a werewolf, they retain full control over their thought patterns.

However, humans that are corrupted with this virus will find that their magical abilities are greatly diminished. Hybrids also have much greater sexual desires than a normal human, and will find themselves wanting to mate much more often than before. SexLab Animal Sex. PC can use '(AF) Reanimate Creature To Follower' lesser power to 'reanimate' killed creatures (or spell with the same name) which becomes her/his followers.

Nor essential nor protected, but with constant healing ability. Your new follower will be started at the same Level as killed. After creature(s) was reanimated (up to 4 at once with lesser power) it starts sex act with PC, becomes PC's teammate and increases Level by 1.

If you have no empty slots for new follower then your PC will be simply used by creature that afterwards disappears. Big Sexy Cats. ZAZ Animation Pack Aradia Devious Now Integrated into Devious Devices ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Devious Devices (Assets) ☼Devious Devices (Assets) 7B Conversions☼ Devious Devices (Assets) 7BO Conversion (Under Sunwalker conversions) Devious Devices Bodyslide CBBE CT77 Body TBBP(Integration+Expansion) Devious Devices + Devious Expansion for Bodyslide2 HDT + preg by RustyXXL Devious Device Assets and Expansion Meshes for HDT 7B body The Devious Corner - Bodyslide Conversions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Devious Devices - Intergration. This adds a shop where items from the Devious Devices and ZAZ Animation Pack can be purchased and they will also buy items from the Devious Devices mod as well. The Master handles the items from Devious Devices and ZAZ while the Assistants handle other merchandise. The store has 11 NPC's, most with custom dialogue (unvoiced).

The Master and Assistants have different dialogue depending on if the player is wearing any of the items from Devious Devices and may not sell to the player if they are. Slave dialogue changes depending on if they are gagged or not as well. All NPC's have schedules and places to sleep and wander the shop. The interior and exterior are fully navmeshed and follower friendly, wandering NPC's will enter as well. Devious Regulations. Angrim's Apprentice is a quest mod for SexLab.

As the name suggests, it is designed for early-game use (though there's nothing to prevent an Archmage from using it). This is not a dungeon quest, but rather an ongoing interaction with a new NPC (Angrim) that is meant to be played in parallel with regular questing. Angrim can be found holed up in an abandoned basement, beneath the ruined farmhouse between Whiterun's Western Watchtower and Fort Greymoor; there's a trapdoor just outside the ruined house. Devious Interactions. Normally a Devious Device gag will block dialog. Gags+ allows the player to open dialog with a NPC at their normal speech level of ability if they have in their possession a writing set that consists of at least one of each of the following items: Quill Inkwell Roll of paper Alternatively, the player may also use the following writing set with a debuff to their speech ability.

Charcoal Roll of paper In both cases one item from the set that is in use is consumed when dialog with the NPC is closed. If the player is in possession of both types of writing sets then the set without the debuff is used first. Devious Devices - Male Addon. Have you ever tried to talk to someone gagged? Well, now is your chance! This mod modifies the blocking-all-dialogues behaviour from Devious Devices Integration to a gag-talk mini-game.

Be smart, try to use all kind of gestures and body laguage, if you sucessed the original npc dialogue will be enabled! My main intetion creating this mod was to make possible the Gag long term use and change the game breaking feeling, so now you should be able to quest and enjoy the role play gag experience. Deviously Cursed Loot.

Beware when looting containers in Skyrim! You have been warned! There are rumours that some wicked individuals hid cursed restraining devices all over the province that can trick anyone touching them into tying up themselves.

It is quite likely that some of them are still out there, waiting inside wardrobes, chests, boxes, even barrels and other innocent looking containers for an unsuspecting adventuress to try and loot them. It is being said that these devices have it particularly easy to bend a mind when the person in question is already dreaming about sex, so keep those hormones in check when opening unknown containers! Even if you bring keys to unlock restraints you are far from safe: Reports have it that some unlucky adventurers managed to hide their own keys while under influence of the cursed devices and had to continue their journey in chains, deep inside a cave full of nasty creatures! Deviously Enchanged Chests. This mod is intended to make playing with DD more difficult and fun. This mod alters some devious devices as well as all vanilla armor to implicitly conflict.

The effect is that certain armor items cannot be worn while certain devious devices are equipped. Generally speaking, if you're wearing arm cuffs then you'll be unable to wear all gauntlets and many armors. If you're wearing leg cuffs then you'll be unable to wear all 'boots' and many armors. If you're wearing a chastity device of any kind (including harness), you'll be unable to wear any armor, but gauntlets and boots shouldn't be a problem. Wearing all three means that you're in a lot of trouble. Devious Devices - Expansion.

DDx is an add-on content pack for the Devious Devices family of mods, it's purpose, outside of adding more content for us all to play with, is largely as a framework. All items contained in the pack are useable as is, once you have obtained the 'Devious smithing' perk from reading the 'Forbidden Tome' at the college of Winterhold, they can all be crafted and used. But the real benifit to DDx is that it allows other DD-Plugins to freely make use of it's items, and incorporate them into gameplay without having to include versions of them in their own mods. Sexlab Devious Khajiit Gags. • A framework that: • Traps the wearer inside the catsuit when putting it on (cannot be unequipped) • Fuses the gasmask with the catsuit when putting it on (cannot be unequipped either) • Shows regular messages about what it feels like to be trapped in rubber • Messages progress in three stage, e.g. First there's no sweating, then a bit, and then a lot. • Chance for special messages when wearing a gag under the gasmask • Wearing rubber increases actor arousal over time • Framework currently only works for player character (but that's not a real problem, how would you know how someone else feels like anyway?) and works independantly from Devious Devices (except for the ballet boots, see above) • A questline/story woven around the catsuit/gasmask experience with focus on various fetishes, including rubber, of course.

There are roughly 1400 lines of dialog. I took the time of one of my test playthroughs and it took me about 2 hours to complete the mod (already knowing where everything is and what to do and using fast travel). Borderlands Free Dlc Xbox 360 Usb Cable. Angeli Devious Expansion. That will be a mostly dialog-driven story of deliberate submission of Dovahkin to a chosen companion.

Of course, I'll also integrate some stuff from DD and SexLab. Though this is not the primary goal because I want to move to Fallout 4 ASAP As I said, the mod is for people looking for some simple means just to spice up their gameplay. For heavy BDSM or non-con stuff look better for Maria Eden, SD+, Defeat, Submit, whatever. For extensive stories there is Captured Dreams shop, Trapped in Rubber etc. Devious Device - More Devious Quest.

This mod born as an expansion of the Devious Device (and related) quest, it contain adult -fantasy- situation and mature contents about sex, bondage, etc, ADAPTED to the Elder scrolls world (or his sex-deviate version if you prefer) All this work is inspired by the book 'Chastised' from Devious Device Integration quest 'Forbidden Tome', a journal of a mage stucked in the device, the goal of this mod is to recreate the issues described on this book, and eventually Add more content in future. The mod itself contain some generic quest (not a really mission to do) that modify the Npc reaction to a Dragonborn/follower that wear the DD and Zaz item. In this description I will describe the Quest in general and the major features/option not all. Devious Bashnag.

Are you always forgetting where you left your keys? Are you dropping your keys every time a chest goes * BANG *? Are you sick of bandits stealing your keys (and using them)? Your Spouse doesn't like you being away from home all the time? Do you lack self-control when you find a key? Well, there is a solution. There are lots of friendly persons around Skyrim who would very happily hold on to those keys for you.

Of course, they will hold those keys for exactly the time period you agreed upon. And not a second less. This mod introduces keyholders. Just approach any person and ask him/her/hir/shi to hold on to the keys to your favorite Devious gear for a specific period of time. Talk to a keyholder again after you have given the first key(s) to see additional options.

Devious Devices Assets Naming Tweak. I’m just starting to try and learn how to use the Creation Kit and Tes5Edit, and I thought that some of you guys might find this mod useful. It adds Devious Device restraints keys and piercing removal tools to certain levelled lists; this gives an alternate way of finding keys. More specifically, Silver Hands, Guards, Common Citizens, Bandits, and the Forsworn now have a 5% chance of holding restraints keys or piercing tools, at an 8 to 1 ratio. This mod contains no scripts or large changes, and has been cleaned (not that such a small-scale mod like this needs cleaning). I actually prefer this to using DD for the Masses or Deviously Cursed Loot, as the lack of scripts really helps with performance, especially on weaker computers.

Additionally, as it only edits levelled lists, it’s really easy to merge/bash with other mods, and is very easy to remove. I could also upload alternative.esps’, if anyone’s interested; I could change drop percentages and ratios, add chastity keys as a drop, add them into other lists/npcs, and so on. Any suggestions? Devious Armors. It's a ponygirl mod. You get locked into a yoke, hooked up to a cart and told to pull it to another city. For which you get paid.

Unless too many bandits have their way with you on the way. If that happens they'll pilfer from the cart as well, and you can end up owing money to the Company. But that's not a problem: They'll just send on another run until you can pay off all the arrears. Isn't that nice of them? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SexLab Defeat Addons Devious Captures - (SexLab Defeat & Devious Devices Addon).

Devious Captures is an addon to Sexlab Defeat and Devious Devices that builds an immersive bridge between the two by allowing enemies to capture the player after defeat and complicate her or his life with various Devious restraints even after escape. After being defeated and violated the player will be transported to the nearest safe location and equipped with a random number of Devious Devices. You can use the included MCM menu to set which factions are allowed to capture the player and how high are the chances they're going to leave a nasty surprise to deal with.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SexLab Submit Addons SexLab Submit+Devious Devices. Current versions of Submit + Devious Devices are not very friendly to players that have a follower along. I decided to do something about it. This mod shares no code with the original Submit + Devious Devices. It was rewritten from the beginning.

The main problem was that the game did not take the follower into account when armbinder. I have changed it, so that the follower now gets normal hardcore cuffs if the player is given an armbinder. Furthermore the player and the follower cannot help each other while wearing the armbinder/cuffs. While working on it I also changed a few minor things.

Cannibalism & Vore. Sometimes, you just want to say 'thank you' to your hirelings.

And sometimes you want to offer them a reward. Maybe your housecarl just defeated a dragon for you, or the friend you met in the pub just got out of back surgery because his poor spine suffered fractures from carrying all your gear around.

Perhaps you 'accidentally' Fus-Ro-Dah'd Lydia off a cliff or shot Benor in the back, and you want to apologize. But what can you get the hardworking guy or gal who has everything? You've already equipped her with the best armor available, and given him a Daedric greatsword to wield in battle, and you can't even feed poor Meeko any dog food! What can you do, what can you do.

This is LoversLab, isn't it? Just in case you were confused. You can give the greatest gift of all. With this mod, you can offer sex to your follower in thanks for their service.

Or, you know, just because you feel like it. SexLab Horny Follower. This mod gives Skooma some reasonable effects and adds a mechanic handling possible addiction.

Skooma gives you a movement speed bonus and increases stamina regeneration for a short time, after that the stamina regeneration is decreased for a few minutes. But if you take too much Skooma in a short time you will get addicted and then suffer withdrawal symptoms after a while not taking any Skooma.

The higher your addiction stage is, the weaker the effecs of Skooma get. Additionally you can pay the dealer occationally met on the streets with your body for Skooma and finally, if you carry your drug abuse too far, start working in a brothel for your Skooma. Skooma Whore - Addicted. For those of you haven't been able to guess what this mod does by it's name, it allow females to squirt during a Sexlab Orgasm.

Simple enough, right? This is a reboot of by Slayster, completely rewritten from the ground up. The reason I'm releasing this as a separate mod instead of contributing my changes to Slayster for him to add to his mod is that many of the changes I have made simply would not have fit into the existing script frame work and trying to add them in anyway would have created more problems then it salved. All of the changes are technical in nature, so for the time being if you wan a general idea of how the mod work or screen shots, you can check out Slayster mod. SexLab Cumshot. This mod will control the breast size based on how much Magica, Health, or Stamina the character has. It is incompatable with any other mod which controls breast size.

It won't crash, but they will fight and the breasts may constantly change sizes. Most of the pregnancy mods like allow you to disable breast scaling if you want this mod to do it instead. It is fully configurable via MCM. Maybe you aren't playing a mage, perhaps you're playing a shield basher. You can go into the options and tell it to use the Stamina bar instead, or even the Health bar. ~~~~~~~~~~~ReTextures~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SexLab Sperm Replacer SexLab Sperm Replacer 3dm forum version Sexlab ScocLB Replacer Only texture Fixes / Patches / Utilities. • Force only PC known animations (effects only 2 actor animations) • To learn new animation PC must see it • Read 'Lusty Argonian Maid' both volumes or Letter at Haelga bulkhouse desk • Learn Anal animations from Dibella priestess (must have ' perk) • Learn Dirty animations from Haelga (after completing ') • Randomly switch animation if PC is being raped.

• Randomly go back one stage if PC is being raped. • Adds Lover's Victim effect after PC has been raped. Note: Each single hook can be enabled/disabled separately through MCM menu, so you can choose only the ones you want. Lover's Victim.

This is a simple mod that make nearby NPCs notice sex scenes. The NPCs will gather around, cheer and speak some simple lines depending on the situation.

So far, they recognize the type of sex (oral, vaginal, anal, and consensual or rape) and have interjections for most types. My original intent was to have guard NPCs consider sex in public as a minor crime, but I couldn't get the sex interruption working reliably. Until I figure how to make it work, only the spectator crowds is enabled. Spectator Crowds Ultra Edition.

Description What if your body could evolve and change according to your activity in Skyrim? SexLab Hormones is a relatively simple mod that tracks how frequently sex acts are happening to the Player and affects the shape of the player character accordingly (in the same way of Estrus Chaurus pregnancies or Pumping Iron with combat). The idea being a character having sex all the time would have hormone shaping his/her body accordingly (ok. Not biologically correct but this is SexLab we are talking about ). Similarly, a lack of activity for a while returns the body to a less voluptuous stage. In short, the main idea of this mod is 'sex makes you sexier' (or amplifies your curves in sexual ways to make you more appealing and augment your teasing powers).

Based on forum thread: SexLab Beast Tamer, SexLab Enchantress. What do this mods do? This are two nearly identical mods. SexLab Beast Tamer will cause beasts and other creatures with low intelligence (Trolls, Falmer, etc) to ravish your character if you cast the Calm spell on them. SexLab Enchantress does exactly the same, only the Calm spell also affects playable races (Humans, Elves, etc).

Only install one of this mods, do not use them both. If you are using SexLab Enchantress you do not need Beast Tamer, it's functions are already included in Enchantress. This mods are intended for immersive playthroughs without breaking game balance, which means the target of your Calm spell will only ravish you if they meet the requirements of the calm spell.

It will only work on targets a certain level or lower, and only on creatures affected by Calm spells. Once your target is done ravishing you the calm effect will be applied to them again for 66 seconds (the duration of a dual-casting Calm spell.

Remember though that dual-casting is still useful to affect higher level creatures). Creatures that don't have sex animations included for them in the SexLab Framework will of course not ravish you. Spouses Enhanced is an intimacy and interaction mod made for use with the SexLab Framework by Ashal. It is meant to enhance married life in Skyrim. Your sex life with your spouse revolves around you, your spouse, the house you live in, and your bedroom. This is NOT a 'have sex anywhere' mod, or a 'do whatever you want' mod or an 'aggressive' mod.

There are other alternatives to that already available. This mod was built to give married life in Skyrim a sense of progress and growth over time (i.e. During normal play), and to give you an easy and straight-forward way to be intimate with your husband/wife and to try to, in general, take a mature view of sex with your spouse (your spouse is a person, not a sex doll, etc).

Spouses Enhanced: Vilja. Sexlab Describe will describe certain actions happening in Sexlab animations. It works from both the Male and Female point of view. It can also distinguish between victim and aggressor and give different information based on that.

For example if you are a male PC and you have anal sex with Ysolda a message will appear. 'You slide your cock inside Ysolda's ass' and once your PC orgasms it will display 'You cum inside Ysolda's ass'.

If you assault Ysolda you will get a message similar to 'You force you cock into Ysolda's ass' and you will also get an aggressive orgasm message. This is a utility program I wrote to add to the functionality of the awesome mod, Apropos, This utility started out as a autohotkey script, to allow for better readable text overlays for Apropos. So instead of the ingame notification messages, with it's sometimes unreadable speeds, you get a text which looks more like the subtitles during normal conversation.

It works by showing the texts in an always on top overlay window from a tray program which continually reads the apropos descriptions from the Apropos log file. SexLab Attraction. I was getting tired of having to capture, enslave, enchant, rape, be raped, hire or whore in order to get some nookie, only to end up in the wrong animation position. I am a Casanova, not a Genghis Khan or Marquis de Sade.

I am The Dragonborn, all men and women in Skyrim want me! I don't want to have to force them and I don't want to have to marry them either. So this one is for all the womanizers and man-eaters who don't want to marry one NPC, but who prefer to have a couple of sweethearts in every town.

Sexlab Life of Lust - Enhanced by Sex Perks. This mod is essentially a prostituion mod that aims to implement sex into the adventuring gameplay. It adds multiple perks to the renamed 'Speech' Tree that allow you charge customers for diffrent acts of sex.

At the same time these perks help you on your average dungeon crawl. For example the perk 'Dicksucker' reduces the 'stagger' by 20%, because beeing on your knees all the time has taught you a lesson. Your customers need to be aroused (25) enough to engage with you in certain acts. This mod has been inspired by the discontinued mod 'Perverted Perks'. Mindless Sex. Skyrim has been a stable place, monogomy the norm. All that is about to change.

Introducing Random sex mod. Are you tired of not having STD's spread amuck through the world of tamriel? This mod puts a end to all of that, introducing customize-able options allowing for you to make your own hetero homo or trisexual paradise of love.

Dibella herself would flip out over the extreme amounts of debauchery and bodily fluids that can be sprayed across the landscapes of Tamriel using this mod. But be warned! With the wrong settings it could take you up to 27 hours to walk down one street in whiterun as you could fornicate 947 times just to get there. Random sex mod, bringing a new meaning to 'Dohvakiin is the new cumdumpster' SexCrop.

It's a simple but fun little mod. Gives you the recipe under Wood to forge 2 riding crops at any forge for the low price of 1iron ingot/1 firewood/1 leather strap. Hit someone with one of them to start sex with that person.

Flagged as non-hostile and does no damage. So even in front of guards no trouble from this mod at-least. The Male Sex Crop places player in male role.

Female crop places player in female role. It supports 1 on 1 sex only! No clue about animal or monster functionality. SexLab Release. When playing Skyrim with some SexLab mods I usually play a weak-ish female character, but not as a whore or bitch. Rather as a weak but strong willed and idealistc person who then is eventually abused or taken advantage of (Submit, SD+, Dangerously Nude, DN. You know what I mean).

But this image was always troubled by the fact, that when doing any quests, you must slay your way through bandit camps and draugr crypts, which doesn't let my char seem weak anymore. Then I remembered a hentai I watched once.

It was a short clip and I don't know the name or the context around it. It was about a heroine who was bravely attacking some monsters. But she was completely helpless and only got disarmed and raped by everything right at the beginning.

Then, everone who cum on or in her turned to stone on broke into pieces. And the idea for this mod was born! After I realised how easily it could be done I just couldn't resist and sat down yesterday to make this mod Scent of Sex.

This is a (Race-)addon for BeeingFemale and adds Creature child actors (puppies) for most of the vanilla/Dawnguard/Dragonborn races. The child actors have the same functionality as the standard BeeingFemale children, while their appearance is that of a miniaturized version of the grown creature.

However most of them won't be able to use weapons/armor or use magic. Exceptions: Rieklings can use 2h-swords, Spriggans can use their health absorb spell. Etc The children / puppies / cubs / whelps will grow over time using the built-in BeeingFemale system. Fill Her Up - Cum Inflation. I kept the system simple so NPCs shouldn't have an issue with it, it doesn't run any kind of a simulation.

The script gets attached to a NPC only for the duration that they are pregnant. Pregnancy is implemeted as a constant effect ability for unnamed NPCs and as reference alias for everyone else. Features • Increases the breast and belly size of females • Works for player, followers and NPCs • Pregnancies for named NPCs up to 20 at the same time. • Cum inflation mode for unnamed NPCs • Produces a child if you want (I'd suggest you leave this disabled) • Configurable size, chances and duration in MCM • MCM page for current named pregnancies Hentai Pregnancy Childbirth Plugin.

The Inflation Framework is the first SexLab mod I ever created, even though I labeled it as beta, it's a fully functional mod and can be installed at any time into your game. The mod itself does nothing on it's own (except for the sliders in it's mcm menu) and needs some changes in scripts of mods, which want to use my framework. The mod idea sprung from the simple frustration, that the mods I installed were fighting all the time, who get's to inflate my character and sizes changing rapidly, while using mods like: Beeing Female, Fill Her Up, Milk Mod Economy, etc. Fill Her Up - Framework Compatibility Patch. A simple, hacked-togther plugin for Hentai Pregnancy that allows the player to lactate on command.

The Hearthfire version allows you to save milk in bottles (or Jugs, actually, which seems somewhat fitting. The other one doesn't, but also doesn't require you give Bethesda 5$ for the ability to build a house and have Jugs of Milk exist in the game. You only want one file; they'll probably clash if you have both, and I have no idea what will happen. Spells should add as soon as you load a save or start a new game with the mod attached. REQUIRES: SexLab & Hentai Pregnancy.

Hearthfire is required for the full effect. Milk Mod Economy. This mod allows you to become a proud owner of cows, milk them in the morning, in the evening, milk them all the time and have fresh milk!

You may ask 'cows'? Who cares all farms have cows! You are absolutely right, all farms have cows! But you will be the owner of not ordinary cows its your followers that you will milk and if you like experiments you can become one yourself! Just think about the possibilities! So, your are interested?

Let’s me continue then, when you join our ranks, you get exclusive access to milk machines spread across the Skyrim all equipment will be provided with a small fee. You will have exclusive contracts to sell your milk at finest prices, or you can leave it to yourself and enjoy its effects during dark cold evenings. The Dungeon: Milk Mod Economy Follower Home. GotMilk was designed for just one thing. I've been using Milk Mod Economy since way back before Ed86 took it and transformed it into something wonderful. So I had Milk Maids, and Dwemer Milking Machines, Milking Cuirass, Mobile Milker Armor, and even Aradia Living Armor. ALL able to milk a maid.

But, alas.and sadly. I was not able to drink straight from the tap. So with LOTS of help, I've come to this. It's a very simple mod providing a way to for PC-to-NPC milking, or NPC-to-PC milking. SHORT ANSWER: JUGs is about breasts. There is dialogue for Male players and female players.

They can talk to NPCs about. Dialogue leads to. Breast feeding.

And who doesn't like drinking milk straight from the jug? Female PC can suckle a female NPC or they can BE suckled by a female NPC or they can have a male NPC breastfeeding on them. Male PC can drink fresh milk from any female NPC. Females have far more options. Prostitution / Enslavement / Imprisonment. MOD DESCRIPTION: What is Radiant Prostitution? Most prostitution mod so far have added a dialogue tree to all NPC in the world, which one could then use to trigger the sex event.

Radiant Prostitution takes a different approach: NPC will solicit your character for sex if you register with a pimp/madame. The pimp/madame dialogue is added to all innkeepers NPC and is therefore much less intrusive during normal gameplay. Once you register, you take on the odd jobs in the inn itself, which acts as a brothel until you have made a sufficient name for yourself to take on more complicated prostitution quests (so far there is only one radiant quest that send you to visit a single/pair of NPCs in a location in the same city your are in) In addition, your are not the only character than can engage in prostitution. Say hello to the competition: any tavern wench in inns all around can take on clients which will become unavailable for a little while after the act.

The same applies the other way around (I think). So far there is only one such scene. No character has been added, anyone wearing a wench outfit in an inn may trigger the event.

The rewards are generous and adjusted after consideration of the fact that a bowl of soup cost 30g. One should be able to afford soup and bread in exchange for a blowjob. At the very least. Or maybe not, the NPC prostitutes work for nothing so they screw up the economy.

I may have to fix that. RadiantProstitution Tweaked. This is a rather simple mod that adds dialogue options to initiate prostitution of the player character or female followers. To suit my tastes, most of the animations that will occur with this mod are classified as aggressive. I designed this mod because I wanted a means to control the initiation of aggressive animations that was also fairly well-integrated.

Someone has also implied in a post that there aren't a lot of follower-pimping mods here, so that's a bonus, I suppose. TDF Aggressive Prostitute Dance Music. You run across the whole Skyrim, and probably the shore of Morrowind, you looted all the caves and strongholds, you leveled up beyond human limits. And you have a huge amount of gold and you don't know where to spend it. The answer is: go to the Cum Shot Brothel, where you can have a very good time and your gold will be transformed in an extreme satisfying experience. Go south of Riften, exit from the south gate, and follow the path, when you will see the CumShot Brothel sign just follow it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enslavement Sanguine's Debauchery. An Alternative to Death. Enslavement Your stuff may be lost.

It may happen that a master will sell a slave to another character. They will rob you of your items and when they leave you, most likely, you won't be able to follow. At that point, they may despawn destroying your stuff as well. Sanguine's Debauchery is an enslavement as an alternative to death mod for the player. Where enslavement provides for a continuous narrative rather than death.

SD+ (Patch for Sanguine Debauchery) (2013-12-27). Maria Eden turns your Skyrim in a different game - guaranteed not for minors! During the course of the game you'll get enslaved, sold, tortured, punished, raped (from humans and animals) and humiliated. That's some tough stuff.

I greatly recommend to use a Skyrim Mod Organizer and the mod should be loaded last - because there are a lot of modifications done to the world of Skyrim. I also recommend to turn off all other Player-Slave and Follower-Mods, my mod does not care if other mods work or not. Expect CTDs or Screen-Freezer, the mod is heavy with scripts. It is still possible to play the 'normal' Skyrim while using this, but the handicaps are definatly unfair. Slave Town is a player slavery mod for Skyrim inspired by mods such as Slave Town 1 & 2 for Fallout NV, and Bravil Underground for Oblivion.

In this mod you will be given many tasks for your masters that earn you more privileges, as you gain their trust. And Slave Leia. Yeah Slave Leia! Unlike most slavery mods, it's not just slap on a collar and start being submissive!

After all the Dragonborn isn't gunna just give up the goods. Well for the headstrong adventurer, your masters will want their new prize to be obedient and pliable.

Just sleep in the right bed to meet these wonderful people. And indulge your inner submissive.

Slaverun Reloaded. What is this? This is a mod heavily inspired by Crime and Punishment. What that mod did was adds to the prison system in Skyrim by having your character marched bound and gagged to the prison. This mod takes it a bit further than that. You are now locked in the cell, dragged to the pillories and punished there. Mix in some random whipping and punishment for your misdeeds both in the cell and in the pillories.

Depending on the crime, prisoners are treated differently. Crime is graded on three levels, petty, minor and major. Prisoners are kept in the stocks during the day, and move to the cell during the night. For crimes deserving worse punishment, you are typically stripped of clothing, punished in the pillories and similar. Regardless of your crimes, you are released at 8am the morning after, slightly depending on when you were caught. Expect to spend at least 24h in captivity. Just before your release the guards may decide to punish you again depending on how severe your crime was.

SexCrime is modder’s framework for adding an immersive sense of criminality to many SexLab based interactions. Different players expect different prejudices in Tamriel: some are happy to imagine that it is a place of supreme tolerance and open-mindedness, others feel like its citizens should be die-hard puritans, and many expect some sort of a middleground. With this framework, players will be able to decide for themselves what constitutes sexually criminal behaviour, allowing any dependent mods to effortlessly adjust their content to fit the user’s tastes, and enhancing the overall roleplaying experience.

SexLab Paycrime. This Mod changes the dialog of the generic thief encounter. The player has the new option to resolve the mugging with sex (i.e. Being raped). Additionally the former option to simply pay the thief 200 gold now also triggers an aggressive sex animation (if you submit, then completely). The other options (intimidate, persuade, fight or being recognized as Thief Guild Member/Nightingale) still exist untouched. Also if you are wrearing the Thief Guild/Nightingale armour the thieves still only help you.

College Days: Winterhold. A series of disappearances of women from Solitude and across Haafingar.

All the while there is a strange fog which never lifts surrounding Solitude. All this has the hold and its capital in a panic. To begin with it was just the peasant women who disappeared.

Now however a noble woman has disappeared her family has applied political pressure to the Jarl and her court. This pressure has resulted in the launch of an investigation into the disappearances. As part of the investigation the Dragonborn is called in. Will they be able to find the reason for the disappearances or become the next victim? Play the adventure to find out.

Things in the Dark. The original concept of this mod is to allow your character to engage in combat with an opponent (Random bandits, necromancers, etc), beat them down, and then have the option to initiate the 'aggressive sex' animations on them as opposed to just killing them. Since its conception, the mod has grown in scope to the point that the original description doesn't cover everything, so I will simply list the main features: • Force weakened NPCs to submit during combat, allowing the player to then rape and/or rob them. • Use stealth to ambush sleeping or unaware NPCs, allowing the player to then rape and/or rob them. • Bounty turn ins, allowing the player to turn in hostile NPCs to guards for a gold reward, as opposed to just leaving them standing around. • Make it possible for the player to surrender to hostile NPCs, either manually or automatically, which will cause them to be raped and robbed.

• Speechcraft options to Seduce, Bribe non-hostile NPCs, allowing the player to engage in a variety of consensual sex acts with them. • Speechcraft option to Coerce non-hostile NPCs, allowing the player to then rape and/or rob them. • Non-rape option to allow all of the overall functions to work (i.e.

No rape, just robbing). Any consensual sex will still be left in. Sexlab Submit- recruit follower.

This tweak modifies SexLab Defeat. When you tie-up an NPC, they will be made essential and invulnerable until they are untied. This is to stop followers from killing someone you've just tied-up. There is one potential problem with this mod: if you tie-up someone who shares a base ID with another NPC (such as bandit leaders, and other generic NPCs), those other NPCs will also be made essential and invulnerable.

I don't think there is any way to fix that, because the SetEssential() function only applies to an ActorBase, not an Actor. Let me know if I'm wrong. SexLab Brawling Rape. Gives ejaculation effects as well as; Transgender support: You can toggle transgender status in the MCM menu for the player and for the character under the crosshair. If flagged as transgender, females will use male animations and ejaculate, males will use female animations and won't ejaculate.

You only need to do it once per character, it gets remembered in your savegame. IMPORTANT: This is not a standalone feature, you still need appropriate meshes (and if you're using SOS, a female skeleton with genital bones) from another mod. If you're using the SOS Equipable Schlong as a strapon, it will be detected automatically, and females wearing it will ejaculate. Do NOT set them to transgender in this case.

Immersive Gender Change. This mod is an Add-on mod for Estrus Chaurus+ (you must have EC+ fully installed first as this is an add-onto function not a stand alone mod) This mod has all the exact same functions as EC+ if you use EC+ plus all ready then you will have no problem installing and using this mod all i have don't is gone in to the scripts and re-tweak them to work for spiders THIS MOD DOESN'T OVERWRITE ANY OF EC+ SCRIPTS.

I pulled only the necessary scripts and re-tweaked them with new names and change most chuarus references to spider i have includes source scripts in my file for any who would like to see or better understand what I'm talking about. Vampiric & Succubus. Beastiality Animations Beast Animations Shade's Animation Library For Modders Arrok's SSL TBBP Animations & Resource for Modders Realistic Genitalia for CBBE Creating an animated penis HDT Physics Extension (Unofficial Support Thread) Split the Modder's Resourcers and Relevant Development Threads into(internally) into diff. Added SexLab Z under Mindless Sex Added Marriage/Courtship Project to Modder's Resources and Relevant Development Threads Added new category Retextures to accommodate for future sperm re-textures Added SexLab Sperm Replacer to Rextextures and added Modder's Resources - SexLab Seduction to Modder's Resources and Relevant Development Threads Added Incest Mod! Under the Modder's Resources and Relevant Development Threads.

July 26, 2013~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Updated SexLab Consequences to new category and new description. And Removed Modder's Resource - SexLab Seduction Added UFO/AFT Compatible SexLabWorkingGirl v1.0 to Prostitution Added to Ejaculation Effect under the category of Modder's Resources and Relevant Development Threads July 27, 2013~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Added new category Alternate Languages for Core/Plugins and added Chinesever v1.14. July 29, 2013~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Updated SexLab Random Sex description July 30, 2013~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Added SIM Clothing Evaluation to Modder's Resources and Relevant Development Threads Removed all the current version for plugins as it's getting kinda of annoying to edit an entire thread each time one gets updated.

I'll leave it to the individual modder to keep track of their own plugins. August 1, 2013~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Removed the Retextures category and renamed Supported Strapon, Penis Addons to Supported Addons and added SexLab Squirt and moved SexLab Sperm Replacer to that category. Updated Description for SexLab Submit and changed the URL for the new download thread. August 2, 2013~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Updated the URL for SexLab Defeat. August 10, 2013~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Changed Category Prostitution to Prostitution and Slavery and added SexLab Skyrim Slavery System to the category.

September 4, 2013~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Restructureded the whole main post by alphabetizing the categories and updated a few things. Made it easier to understand where things are. Updated the URL for Sanguine's Debauchery Added link to How to install FNIS and SexLab properly at the top of the main post. September 5, 2013~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Changed Prosititution and Slavery to Prostitution / Enslavement / Imprisonment Moved Sanguine's Debauchery to Prostitution / Enslavement / Imprisonment Moved Prison Overhaul to Prostitution / Enslavement / Imprisonment September 10, 2013~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Created new category Necrophilia to compensate for SexLab Necrophilia and upcoming mods. Added SexLab Necrophilia to Necrophilia September 12, 2013~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Added SOS ~Equipable Schlong~ and more under Supported Addons Added Female Transgender masturbation animation switch to Animation Addons and Repositories September 13, 2013~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Added Spectator Crowds to Immersive Renamed Incest Mod! To Forbidden Fruit - The Incest Mod and updated it's URL.

September 15, 2013~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Added BeastialityRape under Other Notable Mods September 21, 2013~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Added SexLab Mind Control under Prostitution / Enslavement / Imprisonment subheading Enslavement Removed SexLab Mind Control from Modder's Resources and Relevent Development Threads September 28, 2013~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Added Devious Devices to Immersive October 2013. October 6, 2013~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Added Angrim's Apprentice under Quests and Adventures October 11, 2013~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Added SexLab RND under Immersive. November 1, 2013~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Changed name of Alive Relationships of Skyrim to Relationships Of Skyrim Enhanced [ROSE] Added category Bestiality Added Hentai Creatu s under Bestiality Added SexLab Beast Tamer, SexLab Enchantress under Immersive Plugins November 5, 2013~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Added SexLab Cumshot under Supported Addons subcategory Effects Added Devious Devices under Quests and Adventures for its now established quest line. November 7, 2013~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Moved Chinesever to Outdated Added SexLab Nude Creatures under Bestiality Added SexLab Sex With Thieves under Quests and Adventures November 24, 2013~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Added SexLab STDs under Immersive Plugins Added A prostitution and player slavery mod under Prostitution / Enslavement / Imprisonment November 27, 2013~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Added Puppet Master under Prostitution / Enslavement / Imprisonment December 2013. February 3, 2014~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Added Devious Devices - Males Addon under Immersive Plugins Added Devious Devices - Gags+ under Immersive Plugins Updated Link to Getting Started With SexLab since old thread was taken down. Added Category Transgender / Futa to accomodate the niche of reverse genders since it is already very popular here on loverslab and a few mods have been dedicated to it.

Added SexLab Gender Change, SexLab Cumshot, SOS schlongs for females - UNP, and SOS - Equipable Schlong - and more under Transgender / Futa February 18, 2014~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Added SexLab Compatible Noble Bed Double 02 under Fixes / Patches / Utilities Added German translations of several mods under Alternate Languages Added SexLab Sounds Unleashed under Audio and Sounds Added SexLab Mass MatchMaker under Mindless Sex Added Devious Devices - AddHq under Immersive PLugins Added SexLab Wear and Tear under Immersive PLugins March 2014. March 12, 2014~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Removed category Animation Addons and Repositories since it wasn't really needed. All links also removed within category. February 2, 2015~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Updated SexLab Solutions (new link) Removed Immersive Arousal Patch (Not Working Anymore) Created New Category Effects - this will have retextures, body and special effects, and others.

May 13, 2015~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Updated SexLab Submit (new link) Created new category Vampiric & Succubus and suggested to me and should have it's own category. Created new category Gambling Created new category Tentacles - it's really deserves it's own category since it's quite a niche fetish. July 22, 2015~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Created new category Cannibalism & Vore Updated link Spouses Enhanced Updated link Radiant Prostitution Updated link Bestial Essence Added SexLab Doggy Style Sounds under Audio & Sounds Added SexLab ExtraVoices - Orgasm Voicepack under Audio & Sounds Added Devious Armors under BDSM & Devious Devices Added Devious Surrender under BDSM & Devious Devices Added Play Submissive. My opinion is that you did a very goos job here.

This is as important and helpfull as the table of contents is to a book. I would hardly call a thirty thread epic, a BOOK!' My favourite dialogue ) But it would be nice if the mod authors would also help a bit and save some time. After all, it's their mods that are listed/advertised/explained here. Not that it is compalsory, It would just be.polite.

Thanks for you input. As for the mod descriptions I'll probably just steal some desciptions on the individual mod pages and post them here, or I'll just make one up after sifting through their description. Hmm I think Imma rename this thread to something else. Hehehe A Certain Sexual Index (If anyone knows what I'm refering to ). Poor alicia getting crapped on in the description!!! I'll help skyrimll out here Expands upon the base Alicia painslut companion to add new life and depth to her sexual deviancy and depravity. She will grow in strength as she is hit in combat but her lust will also become overwhelming and she may prove to be a hindrance to you in combat as she takes heed of her desires and overpowers you to sate her lust.

New home location and new ways to play with your S&M friend await you in this revamp of one of the best companions for Skyrim! Ya ya I toot my own horn at the end I know but comon add that to the description!! Hehehe SELL DAT SHIT SON!!! Poor alicia getting crapped on in the description!!! I'll help skyrimll out here Expands upon the base Alicia painslut companion to add new life and depth to her sexual deviancy and depravity. She will grow in strength as she is hit in combat but her lust will also become overwhelming and she may prove to be a hindrance to you in combat as she takes heed of her desires and overpowers you to sate her lust. New home location and new ways to play with your S&M friend await you in this revamp of one of the best companions for Skyrim!

Ya ya I toot my own horn at the end I know but comon add that to the description!! Hehehe SELL DAT SHIT SON!!! Poor alicia getting crapped on in the description!!! I'll help skyrimll out here Expands upon the base Alicia painslut companion to add new life and depth to her sexual deviancy and depravity. She will grow in strength as she is hit in combat but her lust will also become overwhelming and she may prove to be a hindrance to you in combat as she takes heed of her desires and overpowers you to sate her lust. New home location and new ways to play with your S&M friend await you in this revamp of one of the best companions for Skyrim!

Ya ya I toot my own horn at the end I know but comon add that to the description!! Hehehe SELL DAT SHIT SON!!! Stolen I would like to report a theft of my literary exploits BRING FORTH THE NEXUS BANHAMMER FOR PIDLY THINGS!!!!

Oh wait this is loverslab. Also as a note I can help with literary regurgitation, it helped get me laid through college. Simple mod adding a companion who pumps your gas Now spice it up 'A thrilling companion who dares to wield combustible liquids filling your every hole, need, and desire. Join him as he asks how full you want your tank to be, and he will fill it and keep on filling until you are completely satisfied beyond your wildest dreams. This epic masterpiece in companion modding will leave you breathless as you get pumped and topped off to excruciating realms of ecstasy. *This mod is not yet rated*'. You want that mod now dont you?

Added the Retextures category for any future sperm retextures that are being worked on. There is one SexLab Sperm Retexture posted in the downloads section but I have yet to try it; but it's been put into the category. Also I'll only post changes about the original posts that I deem fairly important. Like an overhaul or a new mod that is just amazing, or a new category, stuff like that. Andersen Piterbarg Interest Rate Modeling Pdf. Also I've picked up Vindictus again so don't expect minute-by-minute updates but I'll still get on fairly often.

Thought I'd make a few posts for those who actually follow the posts Also I made a change log on the second post of this thread for those who actually want to see the progress on this Index. Modder's Resources - SexLab Seduction Remove it or add 'Obsolete - only to be used for education purposes' SexLab Consequences Move it to 'Modder's Resources and Relevent Development Threads' and change the description to this: (I hope it's not too long) Planned: This mod adds various effects to SexLab animations, ranging from health damage over increased magicka regeneration to stealing items, and all of these effects are fully customizable by the player.

However the mod only shows its full capability when a modder decides to incorporate it into their own mod; they then can very easily define up to eight, possibly totally, different outcomes of SexLab animations. By default all of these outcomes can be later fully customized by the player however modders can restrict this as they see fit. Remove 'Planned:' once the mod hits version 030.

Moral Dilemma. Fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlOS5yYXlmaWxlLmNvbS96aC1jbi9kb3dubG9hZC9jNTFmMjI4NzViMzJkM2FkYTEyZTY0Y2U1MTc2NjZlNS9Nb3JhbCUyMERpbGVtbWEucmFyfDcyOTE0NTIx 4 skins - the return (2010) fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlOS5yYXlmaWxlLmNvbS96aC1jbi9kb3dubG9hZC9kOTA2NDRmMmNmYzczYTJjOTllZjBjYmNlMzc1MzFiMi80JTIwc2tpbnMlMjAtJTIwdGhlJTIwcmV0dXJuJTIwJTI4MjAxMCUyOS5yYXJ8NjgxNDA1Nzk= Against_Me-White_Crosses-2010 [1] fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMTcucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvM2EyOGNkYzRmZWZkNDRmMzczMjAyMWFjZWZiZjU0M2YvQWdhaW5zdF9NZS1XaGl0ZV9Dcm9zc2VzLTIwMTAucmFyfDkwMTQzNDYw. Fading Horizon - Name It Yourself 2009.rar fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMjEucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvZTZlN2E3ZGZkNzhjYTQ1YmIyOTk4YmE0ZWQwMDkzNDIvc3AuRmFkaW5nJTIwSG9yaXpvbiUyMC0lMjBOYW1lJTIwSXQlMjBZb3Vyc2VsZiUyMDIwMDkucmFyfDU3Mjk5ODk3 Outloud 2009 We'll Rock You to Hell and Back Again! VA - Singapore A-Go-Go Vol. Kill Your Darlings.rar fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMjYucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvODIzZjViYzczMGFiOTdlMDg4YTQ1YWM4OTA1MjM4MTMvS2lkX0xvY29fX0NfMjAwMV9fS2lsbF95b3VyX0RhcmxpbmdzXyU1Qm9rc2h1LmNuJTVELnJhcnw3MDU2NDU5Nw== The New Fellas.rar fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMTEucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvNmEyM2YyZDc1MDBiZmQ5OGJhNDM2NjY2NWY1YzgwZjIvVGhlJTIwTmV3JTIwRmVsbGFzLnJhcnwzMjE5ODQ3Ng== Joe Meek Shall Inherit the Earth, Vol. 1.rar fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMjMucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvMjRjZTk5ODNjY2M3MWNkMTZlMTZhOWIxMmMxZDkyZmIvSm9lJTIwTWVlayUyMFNoYWxsJTIwSW5oZXJpdCUyMHRoZSUyMEVhcnRoJTJDJTIwVm9sLiUyMDEucmFyfDEzMTg0NzI1Mg==.

Feelies_1980.rar fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMzUucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvNjRkM2I1YmYzY2JjMDI4YWYxMGY2OWY4MDA5YjM2YjYvRmVlbGllc18xOTgwLnJhcnw2MTcxMTc0MA== kick out the jams.rar fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMjIucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvN2Q0MTM5Nzc0NTQ1NjZlOTdiYWFkOTUyODU1M2VmMzgva2ljayUyMG91dCUyMHRoZSUyMGphbXMucmFyfDY4NTUzOTY5 The_Gun_Club_-_The_Fire_of_Love.rar fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMzUucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvMzU4Y2Q0NjE4NTViNWUwMDc4NzcwNGEyMjMwZjJlNDEvVGhlX0d1bl9DbHViXy1fVGhlX0ZpcmVfb2ZfTG92ZS5yYXJ8NTg4Mzg0MjM=. Talk talk talk.rar fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMjIucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvOWY1ZjFlZjAxOGQyMjk2ZWZmYWZhN2NlODU3Zjc0MWEvdGFsayUyMHRhbGslMjB0YWxrLnJhcnw1NTIxMzk4OQ== Radiohead..Pablo.Honey.rar fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMTEucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvNTY5OWExM2E5OTc2OWM3MGEyNWUxY2U1NDRlMzYxYmIvUmFkaW9oZWFkLi0uUGFibG8uSG9uZXkuJTI4d3d3LmhpaGljZC5jb20lMjkucmFyfDY3Mzk5MTcz Radiohead..Amnesiac fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMTEucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvYWQ5OGMxZjUwMzRhZmM1ZmZjNTEzNmRiZmEzMDQ3NjYvUmFkaW9oZWFkLi0uQW1uZXNpYWMuJTI4d3d3LmhpaGljZC5jb20lMjkucmFyfDYyNTkwMDE1. Jesu - Opiate Sun (2009).rar fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMzQucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvYmZiNWFiNTAwMDgxN2VlMTE5NTFkNjhmMjFkYzlmNTMvSmVzdSUyMC0lMjBPcGlhdGUlMjBTdW4lMjAlMjgyMDA5JTI5LnJhcnw0ODY1NDU2NA== Jesu - Silver.rar fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMzQucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvYWQ2YzcwODY1MDhlOGEwYzYwOTQ0MmVmN2EzZDM5NWUvSmVzdSUyMC0lMjBTaWx2ZXIucmFyfDQwNDIxMjM0 Jesu -Why Are We Not Perfect.rar fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMzQucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvYTA5ZDZmOTg5NjQyNmExMjhlODNjZDlhMGJiN2Y2MjMvSmVzdSUyMC1XaHklMjBBcmUlMjBXZSUyME5vdCUyMFBlcmZlY3QucmFyfDUyODUyOTEw.