Customizer 11000 Embroidery Layout Software Download

Buy the Janome Customizer 10000 Or Digitizer DVD today and save big with our low prices and free shipping. With our rapid order processing you'll have your Janome Customizer 10000 Or Digitizer DVD in no time. This Janome Customizer 10000 Or Digitizer DVD's tutorials come with voice narration, covering topics for.

It never fails. When I sell a Janome embroidery machine, the customer always comes back and says they can’t get their designs to their machine with their USB stick or CF card. Is something wrong with the USB stick or CF card?

Is something wrong with the machine? No and no are always the answers to these questions. The real problem is that the customer is not placing the design files into the correct folder on the USB stick or CF card. I can’t blame them for not knowing this, because the owner’s manuals don’t make it very clear.

Customizer 11000 Embroidery Layout Software DownloadCustomizer 11000 Embroidery Layout Software Download

Unless the designs are placed into the right folder, the machine will not see that they are there, and you won’t be able to use them. Cheryl, I made some changes. Hopefully these changes will further clarify the basic process of getting a design to a Janome machine. You mentioned.jef files in your comment, and I assumed people would know what type of embroidery files they can use.

I guess I shouldn't assume anything, but for anyone that has read these comments for more information, it should be noted that all of the machines listed in this blog post accept.jef files. Other embroidery formats will not be recognized or usable by these machines. I have been downloading.jef files for my Memory Craft 350 Janome for some time, and I had them in small flash drives. Because I fell and had to sit in a wheelchair for some time, I reorganized my files into categories and got a bigger flash drive to hold them all.

I have them in about six folders on my computer. Now my question; how do I make more than 1 of my designs? I have one design working but cant get any more. Management Scientist Rapidshare: Full Version Free Software Download.

I am elderly and I have to be told. Thank you so much if you can help me. Hi, I'm having a major problem transferring data from DigitizerPro to my MC11000. The EMB folder and EMBf folders are in place however the MC11000 only sees an ORD and ORDf folder. Any ideas how to fix this?

I've formatted the USB on the computer prior to trying it. I've formatted on the 11000 prior to trying it. I've copied the *.jef files into every folder prior to trying it. I've made choice comments about the machines ancestry and still no success!

ANY suggestions would be a stress reliever! Thank you, Bryson.

Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. I can't believe it was that simple, when the process of putting the designs on my USB finally worked with your fantastic instructions, I could'nt believe my eyes when the designs were there on my machine ready to use on my MC11000. I wish that Janome would put your simple and easy to understand explanations on both their website and manuals. Also another thing I just realized and it was not obvious to a new Embroidery machine owner like me, is the designs are only visible when your machine is actually set up in Emboidery Mode, not Ordinary Sewing Mode. Thanks again for taking the iniative to write this blog. Are these instructions to be used on the MC 9500?

I am trying to get simple instructions in plain English (not too good with computer lingo). I have all this Janome equipment just sitting here. My local store closed their doors last fall, just when i was getting into machine embroidery. I need very basic, 1,2,3 instructions in order to move my patterns from computer to my machine. I had started with the re-writeable cards but that was expensive.

I would like to know what brand,size and card reader to purchase for my Janome MC 9500. Any first grader info is welcome.

I do not have a lap top, just a desktop computer. Sylvia, as far as I know, you would follow these instructions, because your 9500 should be the same as the 9700. Camera cards can be expensive, but you don't need large capacity cards, and if you buy smaller capacity cards, you can find some great deals. For instance, I bought a 10 pack of 32 MB cards on eBay for $60. They are probably cheaper now. The seller was in China, but what do I care?

They were a well known brand, and the machine can't use more than a 32 MB card anyway, so it was perfect for me. Just remember that you need CF type cards, and you will need an ATA card adapter. If you can't find these, or if you'd like to buy them from us, just come by or call during normal business hours. (951) 694-9576. I'm a newbie to embroidery machines.

Just purchased a Janome 350E yesterday, and it should be here in a week to 10 days. I'm sooo excited, can't wait. For the last 2 days, I've been reading posts on several forums.

Think I know how to get started with the USB flash drive. I know I have to put it in emb. Machine to format.

I just downloaded 2 free emb. Designs to pc.

When I'm ready to copy to USB, do I transfer the file as.jef zipped or unzipped file. I have unzipped it on my pc, and the file format changed to.pdf.

All suggestions are greatly appreciated. Hi Shirley, I have no experience with the Singer embroidery software, and would recommend you contact your local Singer dealer.

Since there is a software conflict, you could try installing the Singer software first, and then install the Janome software. If changing the order of installation does not help, then I'm afraid you will have to use two separate computers. Also, the best person to contact in a situation like this is a dealer who sells both Singer and Janome, since they may have experienced this issue before. Are these instructions to be used on the MC 9500?

I am trniyg to get simple instructions in plain English (not too good with computer lingo). I have all this Janome equipment just sitting here. My local store closed their doors last fall, just when i was getting into machine embroidery. I need very basic, 1,2,3 instructions in order to move my patterns from computer to my machine. I had started with the re-writeable cards but that was expensive. I would like to know what brand,size and card reader to purchase for my Janome MC 9500. Any first grader info is welcome.

I do not have a lap top, just a desktop computer. I have an 11000 and MBX version 4 and for some strange reason I cannot get my letter design 'Guelph, ON' that are digitized then transferred from my computer to the machine. Last week I had other letters 'Royal City Squares' using Olde English font, and it copied to the machine fine.

Each of these designs require three (3) hoopings and transfers from the computer to the 11000. What could be wrong? I have a laptop XP SP3 and the MBX manual says XP is fine. Thinking there was not enough memory in the 11000, I deleted some older files. This did not help.

It would copy a small portion then clang [a sound] and says 'failed to send a design'. I am using a new USB that is 8GB. My directory is set up correctly and I can see the designs on my MC350E screen. But, when I select the file, I get the 'Short of memory space. The file cannot be saved.'

This is not for all of the files on the USB. However, I did see one statement by a Janome 350E User that the machines did not like larger than 2GB. Could THis possibly be the cause of this problem? I am in Tucson away from my dealer in Houston, Texas. Very grateful for any help on this.

I have a Janome MC10000 and have been successfully dowloading and transferring designs. In the last couple of years the change fron windows XP to Vista and now Windows 7 means the PC connection lead no longer works. I have been using a card adapter with my Windows 7 machine but lately have had designs that will not function properly. The sequence order of thread colors does not follow in order, and if you try to select a section either nothing happens or it hops to another section.

Some of the icons go pale and will not let you select them. I have taken it for repair and when I rang today they say there is nothing wrong with it but I think they have only stitched out a built in design. I am unsure the sewing repair shop know what they are looking for. First of all, I would like to say thank you, thank you, thank you. I have talked to a local software store as well as the Janome tech support (I have a MC350E), and you are the first person that has walked me through it.

I, too, have a Mac, and thought it was the problem, but I just didn't know to look for the file name EMBF5 (I have several other things on my USB, and I also didn't know I was supposed to stick it in my machine first. I have not downloaded any software, but I did download a free trial of the stitch buddy AP last night. I can't say that there is much change other than being able to see the thumbnail pictures, but I haven't spent much time tying to figure it out. All that to say, I followed your directions with a MAC and I was able to find the folder. Thanks again. I couldn't agree with you more. The owners manual is missing many, many bits of information.

I have the Memory Craft 200E. I purchased a file from a seller on Etsy for a font in 6 different sizes, both upper and lower case. The files says it contains 312 items but when I put the memory stick into my machine it only recognizes 100 items in 25 pages with 4 items on ea. Is there a limit on file size? Does anyone know.

Got this machine for Christmas and am new to embroidery machines. Been sewing for over 40 years but this is all new to me. I'm overwhelmed by what I have been reading. Read the entire users manual, 5 different user groups of info and would be thrilled if someone who has a Janome 9500 sewing/embroidery machine could tell me what brand/size CF card they have and what brand of reader they use. I know I need one of each but which one? There are millions on the web.some as inexpensive as $20 (my idea of a good deal!) all the way up to over $100.

Not my idea of a good deal. I haven't even unwrapped the machine from the box yet. *sigh* I upgraded to this machine because I was so frustrated with the limited embroidery field of my Brother SE4000. Now I'm wondering if I shouldn't send the janome looks like you need hundreds of dollars in 'external components' and an entire Geek squad to get a design from a web seller to the machine!;) Help? I have the Memory Craft 350E and new to embroidery machines, after several hours of trying to transfer my designs to my usb stick i was getting very frustrated and could not figure out were i was going wrong!!! I managed to transfer them but when i put the usb in the machine there was nothing there, the manual that came with my machine does not give enough detail on how to transfer you designs so then did a search on the internet and found your site, I followed the instructions as you said and was over the moon that it worked, THANKS SO VERY MUCH you have saved me from despair and am now looking forward to stitching my designs. Like me do not make the same mistake, I opened the EMB file and inside it is the EMBF file so I copied my files in to this WRONG Open the EMB file then open the EMBF file you have a blank field then this is where you put the files and it worked yipee, but I never would have done without this post.

Correct me if I am wrong The janome only works well on a 2 gb card, any larger and it overloads, I do not remember where I read this, but my 8 gb is a definite no go, my 2 gb works fine after I formatted it. Hi, I am trying to transfer jef designs to my janome 300 E by way of my pc and using the Customizer 10E which I understand must fix in there somewhere.

Your site makes it all a little clearer, but I still can't get anything to show up on my janome 300E after I enter it. It shows up on the computer. I Can you please walk me through step by step with the Customizer 10 K. I am new at this. I wrdered some fonts and designs on line and they came to my email. They came in several formats and I pulled the jef out and put them in a folder on my desktop and cd.

Is that considered a sub folder that I am not suppose to use? Thanks so much for any help.

I've just purchased a used Janome 350E and wondered if you can rename designs from the numeric name to something that you'll recognize, or will the machine only recognize the original naming convention? I have downloaded a few free ones to try out, and renamed them the object they are - eg instead of design G807 I've renamed it Butterfly. I had already formatted a very small usb stick and the designs are in the correct folder but when I try to access them on the machine by clicking the mydesigns folder, it just locks up and sits there. Could that be the problem? Everything is working now, thanks. I reformatted the USB stick and started over, and you're right the name didn't matter. I've stitched a few out and they are fine!

I've been doing some reading on the internet about fonts for the 350E and I understand if you buy a font program, you can't stitch more than one letter out unless you have some sort of software to edit, am I correct? One response suggested you could open each 'file' which would be each letter, and move them around as though you were combining any design?

Seems like a bit of work, but might do it until I can afford a software program. I have a Janome MB4.

I have found your site to be invaluable. Like many, I was having issues transferring files from the computer to the machine. Thanks to you, that is no longer a problem. Once the files are on the pen-drive and the machine is reading them, I find it takes a long time to go through to the one I want to use since the machine reads about 8 files at a time. Let's say, for example, I have a few hundred designs! Is there a way to go directly to all the designs starting with the letter 'M' or 'J'? On the machine I see an option of creating a 'new' folder.

Is this what I should be using? How do I do that? I have tried. It is very kind of you to furnish this information. I have had a Janome 300e for almost 7 years, and it stitches beautifully. I do know to put the designs in the emb5 folder; however, some designs are read in the machine perfectly while others are rejected as damaged files for no apparent reason. They are seen on my computer and on my CF cards but not on the 300e.

I have struggled with this for perhaps the past 3 years and had had no help. It is extremely frustrating. Do you or anyone else have any suggestions?

I have a Memory Craft 9000 and would to know if there is a way to hook it up to my laptop which doesn't have a 9 pin plug. I need to know how to change the com.

Port to a usb drive so I can get rid of my old computer. I bought a 9 pin plug to 15 pin plug which my laptop has but don't see any way to change the com port. I also tried a nine pin plug to a usb port. Please tell me how to do this if there is any way to make it work. Also I would like to know if I can buy a card so I won't have to run everything thru the scan and sew pc to get it into the embroidery machine. My 82 yr old mom has the Memory Craft 9700 and I have a Singer Futura.

I am trying to help my mom buy designs on line, save the file to the computer and transfer to her memory card. OMG.this has been a difficult task. All my mother has is a flashcard which has several stored designs that she paid the Janome dealer to download at a hefty price. We purchased the 10000 card reader but am having no luck figuring out how to transfer a saved design from the computer to her memory card. Do we need the 10000 card reader or can we do the same thing with a universal card reader. We purchased the 10000 card reader at a cost of $300 and we are having no luck with transfering designs. I don't think Janome could make this any harder and the lack of instructions only further complicates things.

I'm thinking my Singer Futura is a god sent compared to the Janome my mom has and all the difficulty we have had trying to figure out how to simply transfer a design by. Omnisphere 1 5 8d Keygenguru. jef to her sewing machine. Patti, the Scansoft software pre-dates my experience with Janome sewing machines, as we have only been a dealer for about 8 years.

That said, I would suggest checking the Janome website for software updates, but I don't believe you will find one due to the age of the machine. I think you should investigate running a virtual machine, which allows you to run one operating system inside another. As long as you have an O/S disc for the operating system that the software was designed to run on, this is probably the only solution that will work for you. Sorry if this sounds a little too advanced, but it is. Consult your local computer geek, as this type of software installation is out of the scope of this blog. I'm just about ready to shoot myself for several weeks now my machine Janome 11000 with upgrade has been driving me to distraction.

I download embroidery files from several different companies 2. Unzip said files save them on to desktop 3. Transfer the files to card with embf 4. Pop the card in the Janome 11000 and then despair kicks in again as I see some of the files are showing and some aren't, so I start from scratch download, save, switch on and still some are not there.

I do however get a white box with the file name in red, and if I click on it I'm told the file is either missing or damaged. Ive contacted the embroidery download companies I have used and the files are all complete when downloaded. I really don't know what to do now. I was overjoyed to read your blog, and know that I have been transferring on to the card correctly. I thought I was but you begin to doubt yourself so wanted to check it out, and this is how I came across you.

Please if you have the smallest bit of information that could possibly help me with my problem, I would give anything to hear from you. I have a 9700 and I have downloaded some design files to a 64mb CF card. Some of the designs are from a CD and some downloaded from a website. I followed your instructions for formatting the card and transferring from my Mac. I thought I was successful because they showed up on the screen when I selected the PC Card icon on my machine's screen.

Alas, the machine won't actually sew them. I've gotten a message when I first call the files up that asks if I want to delete damaged or corrupted files. I click OK, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. Products we sell: • Janome Machines & Accessories • Sewing Machines • Embroidery Machines • Sergers • Cover Stitch Machines • Genuine Janome Accessories • Needle Punch / Needle Felting • Elna Machines & Accessories • Sewing Machines • Embroidery Machines • Sergers • Elna Press • Genuine Elna Accessories • Necchi Machines & Accessories • Sewing Machines • Embroidery Machines • Sergers • Genuine Necchi Accessories • Kenmore Parts & Accessories • Genuine Kenmore Parts • Genuine Kenmore Accessories • Embroidery Software • Janome Digitizer MBX • Janome Digitizer Jr.

• Dakota AlphaSizer • Embroidery Designs • Janome • Oklahoma Embroidery (OESD) • Embroidery Take-Out • Dakota Collectibles • Stitchitize • Notions / Supplies • Quilting • Sewing • Embroidery • Sewing Furniture • Horn • Regal by Horn • Quilting Fabric • Quilt Kits • Pre-Cut Fat Quarters • Pre-Cut Half Yards • Premium Quilting Cottons and Batiks.

Software Updates Janome Software Updates & Help Janome 11000 Machine update tp Version 1.2 This update improves the reading of MA hoop designs from the external CD-ROM drive for the MC11000 and resolves other issues on Version 1.00. Note: The update process will reformat your Memory Craft 11000. Before proceeding with the update, please save your designs and stitch combinations to external media (ATA PC Card, USB memory key, etc.) or to your computer's hard drive. Please review the following before downloading: Click on the link below to download the update file.

If your browser prompts you for a path, navigate to your desktop and click on OK. When the download is complete, minimize your browser and look for this icon on your desktop. Double click on the file you just downloaded in order to install the update to your computer. Follow the on-screen prompts to install the update. Customizer 10000 Plus (Version 3.0) Update your Customizer 10000 software to Customizer 10000 Plus (Version 3.0) for free to make it compatible with MC10001, MC10000 Version 3.0, MC9500, and MC300E. Note: You must own Customizer 10000 prior to downloading this update This updated version gives you the following features and improved performance: * Additional Fonts - 4 new fonts brings the total to 7 fantastic fonts * Choice of thread - Pre-installed thread brands: Janome, Robison-Anton, Madeira and Mettler * Monogram Re-scaling - Re-scale monogram fonts from 13-30 mm * Design Re-scaling - Customizer re-scales designs made in EasyImport to selected size while maintaining stitch density.

Note: Features on the Customizer 10000 Plus for MC10000 Ver. 2.21 or lower remain unchanged. Please review the following before downloading: * Click on the red link below to download the update file.

* If your browser prompts you for a path, navigate to your desktop and click on OK. * When the download is complete, minimize your browser and look for this icon on your desktop. C10KPLUS30.EXE (13.4MB) * Double click on the icon you have just downloaded. * Follow the on-screen prompts to install the update. EasyTransfer (Version 3.0) Update to EasyTransfer (Version 3.0) for free to make it compatible with MC10001 or MC10000 Version 3.0.

Note: You must own EasyTransfer prior to downloading this update. This updated version gives you the following features and improved performance: * Importing Bitmap & Clipart Designs - Clipart and Bitmap format designs can be directly imported. - Automatic optimizing of image size into selected hoop size * Auto Register - Convert Clipart and Bitmap color images to stitch data in an instant * 5 Fill Stitch Variations - Horizontal weave - Satin stitch - Vertical weave - Cross stitch - Variable angle weave * Choice of thread - Pre-installed thread brands: Janome, Robison-Anton, Madeira and Mettler * Full Dual Window - Allows original image and stitch image to be viewed simultaneously. Note: The EasyTransfer Version 3.0 is for the MC10001 and MC10000 Version 3.0 users only.

Please review the following before downloading: * Click on the red link below to download the update file. * If your browser prompts you for a path, navigate to your desktop and click on OK. * When the download is complete, minimize your browser and look for this icon on your desktop.

ETRANS30.EXE (3.0MB) * Double click on the icon you have just downloaded. * Follow the on-screen prompts to install the update.

How to Easily Transfer Embroidery Designs to ATA PC Card Using Easy Transfer 1. Obtain design files (download to c drive, CD, floppy, etc.) and note location in your computer 2. Insert ATA card into card reader 3. Double click on Easy Transfer icon on desktop to open program 4. Click on 'ATA Card' on pull down menu 5. Select 'Write Designs, Read and Erase.'

On the left side of the screen under 'PC', locate the design file in the 'Look In' dialog box 7. Click on a design to preview 8. Check the box of the design(s) that you want to save 9. On the right side of the screen under 'ATA Card', select a destination folder (i.e. Click on 'Write' 11. Safely remove ATA card from computer and insert into sewing machine 12.

Select PC Link on lower menu (3rd from left) 13. Select card icon 14. Select a design to sew HASP Driver for Digitizer 10000 (Certified for Windows XP) When Digitizer 10000 is installed on a system using Windows XP, you may receive a message indicating that no HASP driver could be found. This driver is used by Digitizer to access the red security key (dongle). There have also been problems with USB dongles in some of the updates to Digitizer, which this driver will correct.

Save it to your Desktop. When opened, this file will remove the current driver and install the latest driver, which is compatible with Windows XP and all prior versions.

IMPORTANT NOTES! If you have installed Windows XP Service Pack 2, the download will likely be blocked, and there will be a warning about possible virus or spyware. This is an automatic safety feature, installed with SP2, and does not mean that the download itself is dangerous. It does not contain a virus or spyware! Click the large bar at the top of the Internet Explorer window to complete the download. Save it to your desktop and double click it to install. If you have installed Microsoft's anti-spyware program, when you attempt to install the update, a window will pop up in the lower right corner warning of a possible malicious script that is trying to run.

This script is not dangerous, and this is simply a 'generic' warning that will appear with any script. Click the ALLOW button to proceed.

If you don't see a DOS window open at that time, you may need to double click the download a second time to get it installed. Howell's Vacuum & Sewing 2334 Grass Valley Highway Auburn CA 95603 Voice: (530)885-9624 Fax: (530)885-7939 E-mail.