Castlevania Adventure Rebirth Download

Coffee Beans Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth released for Nintendo's WiiWare service on December 28, 2009 in the U.S., at 1,000 Wii Points (which is $10). The game was developed by and published by Konami, and received an of ' TEEN' with ' Animated Blood, Fantasy Violence' listed as content for parents and gamers to be aware of. A brief description for the game on its Nintendo Channel page reads, 'The classic Castlevania game is reborn for the Wii with all-new upgrades.' How many U.S. Wii owners have reported playing Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth, and how many hours have they reported playing it? Brew yourself some coffee, and let's take a look!

The Brew Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth has approximately 16,044 U.S. Wii owners with gameplay data that has been reported through the Nintendo Channel. The game has just over 60,000 hours of gameplay reported, as the image shows, with 1,169 days possibly reported.

Castlevania Adventure Rebirth Download

The average reported play-time is 3 hours 50 minutes 'Per person', which averages to be about 44 minutes played per day/session. The game has a 'professional' critic review score average of 81.40%,. It has a customer review score, or 'User Score', on of 9.3 out of 10,.

Based on the approximate number of players with reported data and the game's $10 price point, Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth's U.S. WiiWare release has made Konami about $160,440, since it released. Caffeinated Thoughts I played either the original Castlevania or Super Castlevania IV at a cousin's house when I was younger, but not since then. I don't remember which game it was, but I do remember using the whip in the game, and I thought it was really cool at the time. If you haven't seen footage for Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth, the short video below will give you an idea of the visual style for the game and some of the gameplay mechanics as well. While Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth has a lower reported average played 'Per person' than WiiWare games I have before, I think it's interesting that Konami allowed M2 to remake the game for the WiiWare service.

Castlevania is a video game series created and developed by Konami. The series debuted in Japan on September 26, 1986 with Akumajō Dracula (悪魔城ドラキュラ. DOWNLOAD Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth PLAY Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth Awakening the Zodiac full version movie.

Well, Konami had already released the original Castlevania through the Wii's Virtual Console service in 2007, and had a few other Castlevania games on the Virtual Console service as well. Apparently though, Nintendo fans are Castlevania fans, and Konami probably saw some early sales numbers from the Virtual Console Castlevania titles and thought a remake would do well on the WiiWare service.

If you own a Wii or Wii U, and are interested in Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth you can still purchase it through the Wii's Shop Channel under the WiiWare section. You can also find the original NES Castlevania and Castlevania II Simon's Quest games, and the SNES Super Castlevania IV, on the Virtual Console section of the Wii's Shop Channel. Questions First, if you're a fan of the Castlevania games, do you have a favorite? If you have played Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth, what did you think about the game? Was it a solid enough remake of the original, and worth its asking price?

Also, while I may not own a Nintendo 3DS, I am aware of the new Castlevania game that released for it earlier this month, Lords of Shadow Mirror of Fate. If you have played it, what do you think about it? You can see a few Castlevania games below.

I haven't played this one, but I have played several Castlevania games over the years. For whatever reason, Simon's Quest is a sentimental favorite.

Of course, I had an old Nintendo Power to get me through it, not really appreciating back then how difficult and unfriendly the game design really was back then, but that was my first Castlevania title. The most recent two I have played was the Lords of Shadow one on 360 about a year ago, and also the multiplayer online one, which was a neat idea but without the community behind it, made it almost unplayable. My son and I both tried the 3DS demo and liked it, though the critic reviews have been down on it for the most part. I have been buying a glut of games lately though, so this one is probably not a pickup for right now.

'For whatever reason, Simon's Quest is a sentimental favorite.' I looked at the data for all the games, and Simon's Quest had more Total Hours, but a lower average 'Per person' reported.

' also the multiplayer online one' Was that the Wii one, Judgment? Or, was there one also on the 360/PS3? As for the 3DS one, I haven't checked out many reviews on it, just some in passing. I read from either one comment or review, that it's a pretty long game compared to the older ones, but that's all I really know. I'm a big Nintendo player, and have always been a Castlevania fan.

ReBirth was on my radar from the minute it was announced, and I probably bought it the day it finally hit the U.S. I personally loved it, as it was the first classic style game in the series in almost a decade, and was just generally a great game, especially considering it was a Wiiware exclusive. As far as Mirror of Fate goes, I thoroughly enjoyed it, both as a step towards a more cohesive Castlevania experience from the new development team, and as a fitting modernization of the metroidvania formula everyone seemed to think was stagnating. Hope to see more on handhelds from Mercurysteam. Simon's Quest was one that I got one year for my birthday and it had more of an adventure feel with some RPG elements that really appealed to me back then. It also was one of the first games - if not the first - that I recall having different ending stories (though none of them were amazing, but it gave me a reason to replay back then) Hm.

That online one. One moment as I look it up (it was for 360). Here it was, Harmony of Despair: I loved the idea behind it at the time, but it was designed for multiplayer and I just couldn't find other players. If I could have even done local co-op, my son and I probably could have had some success with it, but it didn't allow for that even.

' It also was one of the first games - if not the first - that I recall having different ending stories.' That's very interesting. Makes me wonder which game was the first with multiple endings, there goes my next 5 hours googling/researching.just kidding. BUT I did just do a quick google search, and didn't find a quick 'list' of them. Could be interesting to see how many have multiple endings. I know you seem to enjoy fighter (Tekken, Dead of Alive) type games, so I thought maybe it was Castlevania Judgment. Kind of odd about Harmony of Despair not having local co-op, just online.

Wonder why they didn't patch it, or perhaps that would have been too much work after it released. How To Install Aprilaire Model 700 Humidifier Installation. Thanks for the feedback again! I'll be honest - I always meant to pick Judgment up, but just never got around to it. As you mentioned, I do enjoy my fighters (I've played a glut of them in the last three weeks actually) - but it just never quite made the purchased list. I suspect that the design just didn't initially account for it.

So basically in Harmony, there's no split screen. You can see the other players on a map, but you get the whole screen to yourself, so that's probably why local got left out since it would have sort of been a rebuild on how the visuals and display are handled, but that would have helped me out a ton personally since my son liked it, and I liked it, but it just doesn't make for a good single player experience. It's funny you looked that up, since I did the same thing yesterday! I read one forum post that mentioned Metroid as being the first game with multiple endings. I suppose that's technically true, and I didn't think of that when I posted, since depending on your performance in that title, you got to see Samus in differing amounts of armor - though there was no changing text of different 'storyline'.

Metroid was in 1986. Simon's quest didn't come out until 1987. Like Metroid, the ending was based on how long it took you to beat the game. I believe I found 3 different endings to Simon's Quest back then - I'm not sure if there were any others or not.

Sorry - this comment got a bit longer than expected!:). Being that you have a Wii U, do you still have your Wii as well, or did you get rid of that when you got the Wii U? I'm really hoping the Virtual Console Wii U update goes smoothly, and that perhaps Nintendo can figure out if they're bringing over the WiiWare titles as well.

Then games like Rebirth could be purchased and played on the GamePad (assuming they have standard controls). Thanks for the comment and feedback, and for stopping by again! Intel Nh82801gb Motherboard Drivers For Win7. Also, I don't know if your comment on the Alice story got eaten by the comment monster, but I checked last night the 'pending' and there weren't any comments there. 'It's funny you looked that up, since I did the same thing yesterday!

I read one forum post.' You got further than me, I was just looking at the links that appeared without clicking any. If the title/text doesn't catch me, I just keep on skimming. As for the comment length, it's interesting that Disqus did some update last week (I think) that automatically shortens longer comments and puts in a 'read more' or 'see more' button.

I was like, 'Just because I can write walls-o-text, doesn't mean they had to add a new feature!' Thanks for the comment/feedback again, also I did comment over on the link you posted up, yesterday. 'Yeah I still have my original Wii, however, the disc drive doesn't work.' Seems that was a problem for many Wii consoles. Just read a post the other day on it, about a person's going out and them debating on sending it off to Nintendo, or trying to fix it on their own. '.the AV cables stopped working the day I got my Wii U (eerie:P)' Wow, that is pretty crazy.

You can find a few 'off-brand' cable on Amazon for under $10: 1) 2) Thanks for the feedback, again!

Game objectives • Aims for fastest time • Plays on hard mode • Takes damage to save time • Abuses programming errors • Manipulates luck Emulater setting • use Dolphin 5.0 • dual core - off • idle skipping - off • JIT recompiler • DSP HLE emulation • configure your wiimote, find extension and choose nunchuck. I was careless for this Tricks I discovered like other castlevania game, it's possible to cancel crouch by attacking at a proper frame before land from a high fall. Use subweapon while walking: jump, whip, and throw something when just land on. Keep forward when walk off platform: whip when walk off. I almost didn't use this but I still write it here.

Invincible man glitch: when hero is near death, try going into a door with enemy's attack, if you succeed you go through with empty hp and it dies. Then he is invincible. Stage Comment stage 1: I got a key to unlock a door which is a nearer way to the end. Mid boss fight, I killed the big bat when it attack to avoid it disperse once. Stage 2: There are 3 ways to the end, my choice is the shortest. I played and danced with those skeletons in auto scrolling part to make it looks more interesting. Stage 3: Invincible glitch was uesd, all enemies and barriers were ignored.

Later I got meat to restore for the shortcut by damage taking on enemy. Stage 4: The second part of here like a maze, you need 2 keys to unlock a nearer way, my route should be the fastest. Later the glitch came again.

Stage 5: This stage is a bit troublesome, enemies are strong that you can't jump over and hero only can take damage 3 times. I can use glitch early but I'll miss a timesaver later, after some tests I kept full health until a long stair and took damage there. I walked a bit to get cross for boss in last part, even if you directly walk to pendulum you still miss its first turn, so I didn't waste time. Stage 6: Dracula battle. About weapon and damage: Subweapon is weaker than whip. You can't cause multiple hits on enemy, for example, an axe and whip hit enemy at same frame, it's only gotten one hurt of them.

Thanks a lot to fsvgm777 for his encode.: The jump management and use of enemy damage boost at times looks suboptimal. However, overall this was a good run and got good feedback. Accepting as first run for this game.: Processing. Similar submissions (by title and categories where applicable): • • • • • • • • • • •.