Btcv Handbook Footpaths In England

References and Further Information Barlow, J. Mending Our Ways: the quality approach to managing upland paths. British Upland Footpath Trust, PO Box 96, Manchester, M20 2FU. BT Community Partnership and the Fieldfare Trust (undated). BT Countryside for All: Standards and Guidelines. A Good Practice. Guide to Disabled People's Access in the Countryside.

Btcv Handbook Footpaths In EnglandBtcv Handbook Footpaths In England

Further details and reference information can be found in Footpaths: A Practical Handbook (BTCV, 1996), Informal Countryside Recreation for Disabled People: A Practical Guide for Countryside Managers (Countryside Commission, 1994), BT Countryside for All: Standards and Guidelines - A Good Practice Guide (BT. Andy Carling. Mountain Path Repair International, UK. Peter Roberts. Department for International Development (DfID), London. David Seddon Professor School of Development Studies, Univ. The manual presents practical measures that can be taken to improve or upgrade paths and tracks in.

BT Countryside for All, The Fieldfare Trust, 67a The Wicker, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S3 8HT. British Horse Society (1997). Bridleway Gates: A Guide to Good Practice. British Horse Society. British Standards Institute (1999).

BS5709: Specification for Gaps, Gates and Stiles (Draft Revision of BS5709: 1979). Draft for Public Comment. British Standards Institute, Head Office, 389 Chiswick High Road, London, W4 4AL. Footpaths: A Practical Conservation Handbook.

Mary's Street, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 0EU. Countryside Agency (1999). Pennine Bridleway Design Guide.

Countryside Agency, John Dower House, Crescent Place, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 3RA. Countryside Commission (1994).

Informal Countryside Recreation for Disabled People. A Practical Guide for Countryside Managers (CCP 439). Hitachi J300 Igbt Inverter Manual. Countryside Agency, John Dower House, Crescent Place, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 3RA. Countryside Commission (1985).

Bridleway Management (CCP 189). Countryside Agency, John Dower House, Crescent Place, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 3RA.

Countryside Commission for Scotland (1988 - 1995). Battleby Display Centre.

Equipment and Materials for Countryside Recreation Sites. Scottish Natural Heritage, Battleby, Redgorton, Perth, PH1 3EW. Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland (1997). A Practical Guide to Forest Recreation. Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions/Office of Secretary of State for Wales (1999). Improving Rights of Way in England and Wales. Available from DETR, PO Box 236, Wetherby, LS23 7NB.

Repairing Upland Path Erosion: A Best Practice Guide. Published by the Lake District National Park Authority, The National Trust and English Nature. Footpath Trust: for the Paths Industries Skills Group (1999). Upland Pathwork: Construction Standards for Scotland. Available from Scottish Natural Heritage, Battleby, Redgorton, Perth, PH1 3EW.

Health and Safety Executive (1998). Five Steps to Risk Assessment (INDG163). Construction (Design and Management) Regulations. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1999 (SI 199/437). National Rivers Authority (c.

Recreation Facilities Design Manual. Environment Agency, Rio House, Waterside Drive, Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol, BS32 4UD. Paths for All Partnership (undated). Strategy: 1996 - 2000.

Paths for All Partnership, Inglewood House, Tullibody Road, Alloa, FK10 2HU. Scottish Natural Heritage (1998). Access to the Countryside for Open Air Recreation: Scottish Natural Heritage's Advice to Government. Scottish Natural Heritage, Battleby, Redgorton, Perth, PH1 3EW. Scottish Natural Heritage (1998). A note on the implications of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 for countryside service providers.

Information and Advisory Note No. Scottish Natural Heritage, Battleby, Redgorton, Perth, PH1 3EW.

Scottish Natural Heritage (2000). Car Parks in the Countryside: a practical guide to planning, design and construction. Scottish Natural Heritage, Battleby, Redgorton, Perth, PH1 3EW. Scottish Natural Heritage, Paths for All Partnership & Scottish Enterprise (2001). Lowland Path Construction - A Guide to Good Practice. Available from Paths for All Partnership, Inglewood House, Tullibody Road, Alloa, FK10 2HU. Sustrans & Ove Arup and Partners.

The National Cycle Network. Guidelines and Practical Details. Sustrans, 35 King Street, Bristol, BS1 4DZ.

Sustrans (1994). Making Ways for the Bicycle: A Guide to Traffic-Free Path Construction. Sustrans, 35 King Street, Bristol, BS1 4DZ.

Harlow Conservation Volunteers - Footpaths and Bridges Resources working for wildlife and the countryside in and around Harlow. Footpaths & bridges Footpath and Bridge Construction Listed below are links to useful technical information on the construction of footpaths, footbridges, and other countryside furniture. Most of the documents are free to download as PDFs. Natural England: • On the right track: surface requirements for shared use routes: free download: (1132kByte). • By all reasonable means: Inclusive access to the outdoors for disabled people - Appendix 1 has path accessibility standards: free download: (835kByte). Scottish Natural Heritage: • Country Access Design Guide (designs for barriers, gates, stiles, steps and ramps, fences, boardwalks, seats and picnic tables): free or download (2,451kByte).

Paths for All Partnership: • Lowland Path Construction, a Guide to Good Practice: free download: (11,854kByte). • Path Bridges - planning, design, construction, and maintenance guide (replaces old Countryside Commission for Scotland 'Footbridges in the Countryside' guide), £40 from PfAP. Forestry Commission: free downloads by search on: • Timber Bridges and Foundations by Forestry Civil Engineering (InTec), TRADA Technology Ltd, and Building Research Establishment - (7,883kbyte) • Scottish Forestry Grant Scheme Standard Costs and Specifications Booklet - (1,730kByte) Department for International Development (DfID) • Footbridges: A Manual for Construction at Community and District Level: free download from:. Highways Agency: Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DRMB) Vol 2: • BD 29/04 Design Criteria for Footbridges: free download from. Sustrans • Making Ways guide • Technical guide TRADA Technology for Timber Research and Development Association • Wood information sheets from on the • TRADA Timber design knowledge resource. River Restoration Centre • Manual of River Restoration Techniques The above documents unless otherwise stated are in Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). You can access the download area of the ® web site to download the latest version of the free Acrobat® Reader® software by clicking here. © Website design by Andrew Tomlins and Mike Neeve.

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