Agricultural Statistical Software
Databases The databases within FAO cover a broad spectrum of topics related to food security and agriculture. These include: Free and easy access to data for 245 countries and 35 regional areas from 1961 through the most recent year available. Global information system of water and agriculture. AQUASTAT provides comprehensive information and data on water resources, water use, agricultural water management and non-conventional sources of water across the world.
A list of links to free statistics programs, including bioinformatics, psychometrics, econometrics, simulations, database, data mining and spreadsheets software; and. The WHO Statistical Information System (WHOSIS) has been incorporated into the Global Health Observatory (GHO) to provide you with more data, more tools, more.
Wind Loading Handbook For Australia more. CountrySTAT is a web-based information system for food and agriculture statistics at regional, national and subnational levels. Comprehensive fisheries and aquaculture statistics are structured within data collections on a global and regional basis. These collections are available through various formats, tools and information products, including and the software for data exploration and extraction. Disparities on land access are one of the major causes for social and gender inequalities in rural areas.
Kolor Panotour Pro 2 Serial. Gender differentiated rights to land have implications on rural food security and nutrition as well as on the wellbeing of rural families and individuals. Learn more about the different factors that relate to gender inequalities embedded in land rights. AMIS is a G20 initiative to enhance food market transparency and encourage coordination of policy action in response to market uncertainty. The initial focus of AMIS is on four grains that are particularly important in international food markets: wheat, maize, rice and soybeans. GIEWS provides for all countries. Disseminates up-to-date information on prices of agricultural commodities.
Includes weekly data, monthly and annual averages. GLiPHA is an extensive data warehouse containing global, sub-national information on the livestock sector. It shows livestock related information in the form of maps, graphs and exportable tables.